"Parents Guide: View Content Advisory"
Every time I get a new movie, I take a look at IMDB in order to check for sex or nudity scenes across the content; only then I can decide to share that with my Family to watch; definitely it's not only me who cares about contents being watched by the kids; but I thought if a feature can be implemented in server; helping parents to:
List restricted scenes in a content within metadata, with scene duration (start time/end time)
control the playback so it skips these scenes automatically, it can be optional.
Add a direct access to Parents Guide page in web client; it would be perfect if this information can be fetched from IMDB; but a direct link should work; I noticed that parents guide link shows in this format http://www.imdb.com/title/<IMDbId>/parentalguide?ref_=tt_stry_pg so it might be a way to implement a direct link.