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Found 7 results

  1. Cheesegeezer

    AdminBuddy - Create new users easily

    Cheesey Productions brings you ADMIN-BUDDY for Emby Please note this is just an interim plugin until the core server implements this Version is available in the plugin catalogue under General Section Admin accounts are hightlighted Interface with info on which account is being copied After Hitting Save the status lets you know what has happened, but stays open, in case you want to create more users. Click close to exit New user is created and you can edit, delete and do what you need to in the standard User Interface Hope you enjoy
  2. johntankard

    New Emby User

    Hi guys, Just wanted to say I was a long time plex user, fed up of ongoing issues. Moved to Emby today and absolutely love it. Keep up the good work!
  3. When you add a new user to the server, the default option is granting permission to all libraries, and allow media deletion. I am asking the Emby community, would it be better if the default options were the library access boxes unchecked, and allow media deletion box unchecked?
  4. Around a week ago I installed Emby on my Kubuntu PC. I didn't understand Emby and thought that it would be an application. Instead it turned my machine into a Multimedia Server. So cool once it's set up it's always on and no maintenance. My needs are basic. All I want to do is to have a file linked to Emby and any movie in that file will stream to the devices on my home network. I do not want to stream remote for security purposes. I followed the install instructions on the internet where I downloaded the file and it was really easy. I did have trouble getting it connected to my Fire stick because the port was closed in my software firewall. I opened port I think it's 8095 in my software Firewall and then no problem hooking into the Amazon Fire stick. Not an Emby problem. Around a week later I bought a Roku Express for my daughter and installed in her TV. Emby wouldn't connect. I waited a few days and my router choked and I had to reboot it. A little later I went back to try to get Emby working and to my surprise, Wallah the Roku recognized and connected to the server with no prodding. Seemed my router needed to be reset. Lesson learned if I ever have trouble connecting a new device to Emby reset the router. I proceeded to install on my Android Phone and again it was brainless. It just recognized and entered Emby Server with no prodding. So fast it made my head spin. Emby is fantastic on Linux Kubuntu/Ubuntu. Basically I hooked a file up to synchronize and everything I copy to that file shows up on my devices to be streamed. It's running in the background no maintenance required. Also no glitches waking up from sleep either. On the Roku it's running fast. So anyway If you have Kubuntu or Ubuntu and want to simply use Emby to stream movies within your home network I recommend it highly. BTW the resolution of the movies look great.
  5. symphonichorizon

    options when creating a user via api?

    Hi, so I got the auto user creation script working, now I have much easier questions. 1) is there a list of what options we can use in the array call when creating a invite link via api? 2) if not is there a method to set options once the user accepts the invite?
  6. Yes I'm the admin but the issue is that I can create users but I can't create the password in the Admin dashboard on local machine/server. So rather than trying to explain is easier for both of us just to view a screenshare. So here' the link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=11Rk9o4u_CMAw06ZKv00cRBHD3xVJepzz
  7. Hi, niteone here i just got this app and thanks but i never got the email confirmation to allow me to cont to install and use it...plz help
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