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  1. CSS custom style sheet for Emby by James - Visproduction on Emby Forum Theme: State Street Theater (ver 1) for Desktop / Notebook and some mobile Changeable Home Page background image Adjustable home page menus thumbnail sizes Backdrop changeable multi-color blended themes Colorful styling Clear background images with no shaded masks Interactive mouse hover effects for desktops and notebooks Hover slightly enlarge header icons Back button Delete button removed – Still available in Metadata pop-up menu Media Page file location removed Color coded buttons Soft focus behind media names and director Admin settings – Form positions and overlaps fixed TV shows and episodes boxes adjusted for desktop with alternating dark blue / green Adjusted for some mobile views Search area suggested links styled Buttons styled and fit for desktop, browser window sizes and some mobile. Metadata Save button moved up to stay in view (sometimes overlaps and made partially transparent) Home page background demo picture is from https://imgur.com/ . Please find your own background image. imgur.com site has extended image features and services. Notes: Getting all mobile types to work is complex and I am unable to test all screen sizes. Users can easily make use of the standard Emby mobile app, instead. The clear background without dark masks can make some texts more difficult to read. Desktops and notebooks have mouse over hover areas that change to a solid background color. Mobile users have some color changes to also help. Using less complex background can also make it easier to view the text. I like a lot of color and full, bright background images. The theme also includes extra space at the bottom of pages to view the entire background, without thumbnails in the way. Just scroll all the way down if you want to see the background. The custom.css file has a guide at the top with options to change: Home Page Background, from either online or a local image on your server. Adjust Home page menu thumbnail sizes. Change background blended colors for all pages without images; Libraries, Admin and user settings with various color blended themes. Examples are listed inside custom.css as comments. Be aware that this type of theme can possibly break with future emby updates. Enjoy and comments are welcome. Emby Web custom CSS theme - State Street Theater ver 1.0 - visproduction - emby forum.css
  2. We are getting ready to take a trip out of the country in about 2 weeks, and the GF would like to have something to watch on the trip. Does Emby have a client that is supported on the Amazon Fire tablet? And does it support syncing content to it from the Emby server? Are there any catches to doing this? Any major issues?? Thanks!
  3. Bonjour, j'ai un soucis pour me connecter à mon serveur MAIS uniquement en données mobile via l'app Android. Pour être synthétique je vais décrire le comportement que je rencontre. Le serveur est accessible depuis une url en https valide derrière un reverse Ngnix (connexion avec https://mon-url.truc et pas de port) Cette url fonctionne depuis mon PC, ma TV en wifi et le navigateur de mon smartphone en wifi/mobile Je peux me connecter au serveur via l'app smartphone avec mon url publique quand je suis connecté en wifi (chez moi au ailleurs) MAIS ça plante systématiquement depuis l'app Android en données mobile. Je peux toujours passer par mon navigateur mobile mais à quoi bon avoir une app ? Je ne retrouve pas de comportement similaire dans mes recherches du forum et j'ai vraiment pas de piste à explorer Merci d'avance à celleux qui auront pris le temps de lire, et encore plus si vous pouvez m'aider !
  4. Could we get swipe gesture functionally in the mobile apps that would enable adjustments of audio volume, screen brightness and playback position? I use VLC on android and they've implemented this well, it's simple, intuitive and a joy use. It's explained here, https://www.vlchelp.com/volume-brightness-seek-gestures-android/
  5. iOS 2.1.5 Has Been Released This is a follow up release to the recent Emby For iOS 2.1.3. Released, Featuring: Timeline Seeking & Thumbnails release. We wanted to get this out to you as quickly as possible. This release features a resolution to: An Intermittent Loss of Audio Issue that Manifests When Audio is Transcoded. This release also contains a minor fix for: Problem with Scrolling on Certain Server Management Screens. You can now scroll fluently from top to bottom of management screens found on the Emby Server Tab. Please install this maintenance release at your earliest convenience. You can follow Emby iOS development as well as report any issues on our community forum site: https://emby.media/community/index.php?/forum/94-ios/
  6. Hi. i have seen this issue mentioned in other threads as well but i couldnt find a plausible solution. trying my luck again: i have an emby server setup via a synology NAS (everything is on the NAS) and using on the local network only (for now) . The video files work properly over the laptop, desktop and tv. no lags, no issues at all. However, when i try to play the videos on the phone, they start to buffer after every other minute (sometimes 1, sometimes after 2 or 3) everything is set to default/auto so i am hoping the system picks up the correct configurations that the network should work with. internet speed shouldnt be an issue as well (again, works on other devices properly) and we dont have any "power" users at home except for myself. log is attached. thanks Naveed ffmpeg-transcode-d945841b-d3b2-4fdc-b798-cd97c0caff2c_1.txt
  7. mediacrypt

    Emby admin password forgot

    Hi team, I setup password for my admin user login. but when try i login, it didn't accept my passwrord. Hence tried to reset password i got a promt to check for the following location "/var/packages/EmbyServer/target/var/passwordreset.txt". I got the below detail I can see the below detail in the txt file ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://localhost:8096/web/forgotpasswordpin.html Enter the following pin code: 7960 The pin code will expire at 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But i remember my Pin, need to reset only password. If i remember correctly i can use the pin to login when i'm inside network but required password if i'm trying to access emby out of the network.Please advise. Thank you.
  8. My cheap phone has a 4.7-inch display with 540 x 960 pixels. On the Android player I can read the text like artist, album and song title fine from a foot or so away, but when the device is mounted on the dash about 2.5 feet or so, I have more difficulty reading the text. Would it be possible to include a font or text size setting? I just need it for artist, album, and song, but more customization is better. I'm fine with more space between objects, cut-off text, or wonky screen effects due to this, but it would mostly improve usability for me and I'm sure those people who want to use it as a car player. Android TV app is not an option as I can't mount the phone horizontally, plus that interface is not optimized for touch. Thanks as usual for the impressive and ongoing development.
  9. This only happens on my mobile device in shows that have a high number of seasons (20+). When I try to direct play (or direct stream idk the difference), this is how it looks like: https://i.imgur.com/EAkg2Qu.png . I'm using the latest emby server and emby app updates. This happens for all the episodes in the show. If I set the quality low enough (1 mbps) it forces transcoding instead of direct play and everything works as normal. I'd like to see this fixed so I can play it at full quality instead of having to set it low. I'm on a Pixel XL, Android 9.
  10. Lukkkkas

    NAS should play/Control with mobiles

    Hi, I try now for some days already to reach my (in my eyes: simple) goal and I would like to have some advice: I have my music on a QNAP TS-453Be and would like to plug my sound system to the analog audio output jack of the NAS and then control via a desktoppc/laptop or mobile what is played on the NAS to the sound system. After some other tools tried out I am now friend of emby. I installed it on the NAS and I can log in from various PCs and play locally music and can even play music on other PCs if I allow the user to do so ("Allow remote control of other users"). Now, this is nice and the UI is how I imagined, but it is not fullfilling my wish above to have the NAS play the music and in fact I do not want to allow every user I want to allow to play sound on my sound system to also remote control my mobile musicwise. So I see three options: A) I find some way to play to the QNAP Audio output jacket and I can configure users that they can do that but not remote control the other users. I install Linux Station (as it can send sound to the audio output jacket) on the QNAP and open within there a browser to connect to emby and then I can remotecontrol it from everybody else. I then would like to limit other users to only be able to remote control this Linux-Station-User and not everybody else. C) I install Linux Station and install some kind of daemon that emby can stream to. This daeomn then plays the music over the audio output jacket and I can configure users that they can do that but not remote control the other users. I do not know if any of these options do work at all and whether it has something to do with DLNA. My understanding of DLNA is that you can provide music files to other devices, but these devices need the active player part that starts music etc. Of course I would prefer A) as I do not need to have a linux station running only because of that setup. Plan sounds hacky and I do not have the feeling that I can limit which user can be remote controlled only none or all. Plan C) sound ok, but I have no idea at all what I need to install on my linux station ubuntu 18. Do I need some kind of DLNA receiver/player? What software do I need and how do I configure it in the emby server? I am very confused why this whole setup is so difficult as I thought this would be something everybody wants, but it seems that most people wnat to decide on their DLNA TV what should be played and use the NAS only as a storage but not for generating analog sound. I'd be very glad if somebody could bring some light into my situation and could just point me into the right direction. I am very capable of digging into manuals how to do something if I know what I want, but I seem not to have a good enough understandings of the standard DNLA and the QNAP NAS to know what to goole for ... Or maybe I am totally wrong expecting to solve some wish like this with such a setup? Thankx for your time in advance Lukas
  11. jason.atwood

    Android Mobile: endless paging

    I noticed this on music (artist, albums, songs, genres, etc.) that the app loads the first 100 items. I then I have to scroll to the bottom, and click the right arrow to load the next 100 items. It would be much easier if the app would just load items as scrolled to. This might even save some bandwidth since the app would stop loading once I reached the item I wanted.
  12. heimer

    Version 3.0.91 looks amazing!

    Hi, Just wanted to thank the devs for the update I've long been waiting for and finally, I got it. Thank you! One small issue with the light (red accent) theme. The bottom menu is completely white. I don't use it but someone would probably want to.
  13. I have a bunch of videos downloaded onto my phone and these have been working fine. Today however when I click on one I get the circle going around for some time and then it simply returns to the selection menu. I seem unable to play the media at all. I also cannot hold down on them to delete or change in any way, just nothing happens. I wondered if the video was somewhere accessible and searched for them using VLC . It found nothing on the phone. (any hint as to where they could be stored?) Checking my phones update log the App has not recently updated and I have not updated the back end for a couple of months so I don't think this is another change. I'm away from home right now so am seeking a route to access the video if at all possible. When I'm back at home I will try and reset the videos and re sync. Any hints or suggestions would be appreciated Trev PS is there anyway to set the App so that it does not search for the server before offering my downloads? It can't connect as I don't make the server available outside of my home right now and I have to wait for a couple of mins of circle before accessing the downloaded content. Would be good if there was a default to offline option or something I haven't yet found.
  14. I searched but I couldn't seem to find an existing topic on this. I feel like this has got to be my stupidity because I can't see how no one has mentioned this before. So my apologies if this is a duplicate topic and can you please point me to the old one? In case this is the first time this has been reported, I use offline sync to my mobile on Emby a lot now that I fully switched over from Plex. If I watch something offline and then close it, then come back later to it, it does not resume and I cannot find my left off point anywhere. However, as soon as I connect to my Emby server, my left off point is there and I can resume it on my phone, Android TV client, or HTPCs. Interestingly, if I watch something offline and exit, then go online for like a minute and then go offline again, I can then resume from my left off point on my offline mobile client. So clearly the Android mobile client is storing my left off point offline somewhere. So why can't it resume or at least, why can't I get the time code of my left off point if I stay offline? Its quite irritating. Thanks!
  15. Hello! I'm trying to watch some movie on an old smart TV which already has browser integrated. (Unfortunately no native Emby is on that) All the movies are playing nice and smooth, very good! However if I play a movie with subtitles, the browser asks for webvtt. Emby then converts my subtitle on-the-fly to vtt and pass it back to the browser. Texts are displayed under the movie, but they are delayed by more seconds, so it is not usable. I have compared the vtt file and the original srt, and they are identical (by time-perspective). Here are some of the log: 2019-05-13 19:54:55.746 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET http://a.b.c.d:8096/emby/Videos/6178/87afeaa895842dec18af539e0f45efd0/Subtitles/3/0/Stream.vtt. Host=a.b.c.d:8096, Connection=keep-alive, User-Agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U) AppleWebKit/537.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/22.0.1229.79 Safari/537.4, Accept=*/*, Referer=http://a.b.c.d:8096/emby/web/index.html, Accept-Encoding=gzip,deflate,sdch, Accept-Language=hu-HU,hu;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4, Accept-Charset=ISO-8859-2,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3 2019-05-13 19:54:55.767 Info SubtitleEncoder: ProcessRun 'ffmpeg-subtitle_convert' Execute: /opt/emby-server/bin/ffmpeg -sub_charenc windows-1252 -i "/mediaroot/Ray Donovan (2013)/Season 6/Ray Donovan - 6x08 - Who Once Was Dead.hun.srt" "/embyroot/emby-server/cache/subtitles/b/b451c02c2f0950dff2cd29d05aa4b8af_636925107649591091_3_0_0_False.vtt" 2019-05-13 19:54:55.785 Info SubtitleEncoder: ProcessRun 'ffmpeg-subtitle_convert' Started. 2019-05-13 19:54:56.008 Info SubtitleEncoder: ProcessRun 'ffmpeg-subtitle_convert' Process exited with code 0 2019-05-13 19:54:56.013 Info SubtitleEncoder: ffmpeg subtitle conversion succeeded for /mediaroot/Ray Donovan (2013)/Season 6/Ray Donovan - 6x08 - Who Once Was Dead.hun.srt 2019-05-13 19:54:56.014 Info HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to w.x.y.z. Time: 268ms. http://a.b.c.d:8096/emby/Videos/6178/87afeaa895842dec18af539e0f45efd0/Subtitles/3/0/Stream.vtt Do you think there is something that I can try? (On-the-fly subtitle extraction was enabled, if I disable it is still not working - there was no subtitle then) Thank you!
  16. PristDean

    Android Mobile - No Live TV

    Well just bought a life time pass after becoming very tired with Plex's very poor EPG for live TV. 12 Hours later Emby seems better on my NVidia box than Plex, but with this app, the Live TV does not play at all on my mobile. My films play no problem, but no live TV channels will play. You can also scroll channel numbers up and down in the listing within the app without the actual programmes moving, not good. If I 'double tap' a programme, it opens with basic info, but option to play. This is true wether on cellular or my wireless network with my mobile device. Anyone else experienced these issues ?
  17. Tout d'abord bravo pour la communauté francophone d'Emby et pour Luc qui est su présent. Je suis nouveau avec Emby et Synology. J'ai fait un mini test d'EMBY et je suis antousiasmé par les résultats. J'ai transmis un fichier video MKV à mon chromecast à partir d'un fichier video avec son Eac3 et en prime les sous-titres ont suivis. Voici la démarche de ce qui ne fonctionne pas bien: * J'ai installé "Emby pour android" sur mon cellulaire * J'ai bloqué spécifiquement l'application Emby pour qu'il n'utilise pas les données Internet mobile * J'ai activé les journeaux sur Synology pour obtenir la trace de ce qui accède les fichiers * J'ai bloqué la connexion WIFI et j'ai fait un test de EMBY client. Voici les résultats: * Même s'il n'a pas de droit d'accès aux données mobile Emby client continue de fournir l'accès aux films. J'ai vérifié et localement il ne semble y avoir aucun film de stoké sur le mobile. De plus, la consommation Internet mobile associé à l'application augmente et ce, même si l' accès est bloqués à Internet mobile. * Lorsque je suis en Wifi ou avec les données Internet mobile débloquées je vois soit mon ip local ou soit mon ip du mobile dans les journeaux de Synology. * Lorsque le Wifi et les données Internet mobile sont bloqués aucun accès n'est enregistré dans les journeaux du Synology. Questions: * Emby utilise t-il un cloud pour obtenir une copie des films? Si oui, comment le désactiver ? Sinon, comment les obtient-ils sans accéder au Synology (rien dans les journaux de Synology quand tout accès Internet est bloqué sur le mobile) ? * Comment bloquer totalement l'accès aux données Internet mobile pour Emby client. * Comment Emby respecte-t-il la vie privée de ses utilisateurs ? Où se retrouvent les données ? Informations complémentaires: Mobile : Samsung S8 avec systême d'exploitation à jour Emby android mobile : Obtenu par Google Play hier Synology : DS218+ avec système d'exploitation DSM 6.2.1-23824 Update 4 Paquet Emby serveur : https://synology.emby.media/ (obtenu hier) FFMPeg : aucun. Et cela fonctionne quand même. Merci de vos réponses
  18. The text in English will follow. Je suis nouveau avec Emby et Synology. J'ai fait un mini test d'EMBY et je suis antousiasmé par les résultats. J'ai transmis un fichier video MKV à mon chromecast à partir d'un fichier video avec son Eac3 et en prime les sous-titres ont suivis. Voici la démarche de ce qui ne fonctionne pas bien: * J'ai installé "Emby pour android" sur mon cellulaire * J'ai bloqué spécifiquement l'application Emby pour qu'il n'utilise pas les données Internet mobile * J'ai activé les journeaux sur Synology pour obtenir la trace de ce qui accède les fichiers * J'ai bloqué la connexion WIFI et j'ai fait un test de EMBY client. Voici les résultats: * Même s'il n'a pas de droit d'accès aux données mobile Emby client continue de fournir l'accès aux films. J'ai vérifié et localement il ne semble y avoir aucun film de stoké sur le poste. De plus, la consommation Internet mobile associé à l'application augmente et ce, même accès bloqués à Internet mobile. * Lorsque je suis en Wifi ou avec les données Internet mobile débloquées je vois soit mon ip local ou soit mon ip du mobile dans les journeaux de Synology. * Lorsque le Wifi et les données Internet mobile sont bloqués aucun accès n'est enregistré dans les journeaux du Synology. Questions: * Emby utilise t-il un cloud pour obtenir une copie des films? Si oui, comment le désactiver ? Sinon, comment les obtient-ils sans accéder au Synology (rien dans les journaux de Synology quand tout acès Internet est bloqué sur le Synology) ? * Comment bloquer totalement l'accès aux données Internet mobile pour Emby client. * Comment Emby respecte-t-il la vie privée de ses utilisateurs ? Où se retrouvent les données ? Informations complémentaires: Mobile : Samsung S8 avec systême d'exploitation à jour Emby android mobile : Obtenu par Google Play hier Synology : DS218+ avec système d'exploitation DSM 6.2.1-23824 Update 4 Paquet Emby serveur : https://synology.emby.media/ (obtenu hier) FFMPeg : aucun. Et cela fonctionne quand même. Merci de vos réponses =============================================== I am new to Emby and Synology. I did a mini test of EMBY and I am excited by the results. I transmitted a MKV video file to my chromecast from a video file with his Eac3 and as a bonus the subtitles followed. Here is the approach of what does not work well: * I installed "Emby for android" on my cell * I specifically blocked the Emby application so that it does not use mobile Internet data * I enabled the logs on Synology to get a record of what accesses the files * I blocked the WIFI connection and did a client EMBY test. Here are the results: * Even though he does not have access rights to mobile data Emby client continues to provide access to movies. I checked and locally there seems to be no stock movie on the mobil. In addition, the mobile Internet consumption associated with the application Emby increases and this same access blocked mobile Internet. * When I am on Wifi or with unlocked mobile internet data I see either my local ip or my mobile ip in the Synology logs. * When Wi-Fi and mobile Internet data are blocked, no access is recorded in Synology's logs. Questions: * Does Emby use a cloud to get a copy of the movies? If so, how to disable it? If not, how do they get them without accessing Synology (nothing in Synology's logs when all Internet access is blocked on Synology)? * How to completely block access to mobile Internet data for Emby client. * How does Emby respect the privacy of its users? Where are the data? Further information: Mobile: Samsung S8 with up-to-date operating system Emby android mobile: Obtained by Google Play yesterday Synology: DS218 + with DSM 6.2.1-23824 Update 4 operating system Emby server package: https://synology.emby.media/ (obtained yesterday) FFMPeg: none. And it works anyway. Thank you for your answers
  19. tinskip

    Album play button plays first song

    I didn't see this reported anywhere, so here it goes: When I click on an album, and then on the (big) play button/triangle, only the first song plays. To play the whole album, I have to play the first song instead. Seems kinda backwards to me.
  20. When listening to music while also having Google Maps speak turn-by-turn directions the music is played over the directions. Instead Emby should duck the audio so that I can clearly hear the GPS.
  21. When playing music, the app shows a notification (presumably because the app is using a ForegroundService). The only way to stop the Service is to click the notification (or nav back to the app manually), then click the play list button, then click stop. It would be much easier if there was a stop button right in the notification.
  22. LouisMylle

    iPhone X support

    Hello, I’ve tested the emby app on the iPhone X but it is apparently not optimized for this device. Is there any iPhone X support planned in the feature? Regards, Louis Mylle
  23. LouisMylle

    How soon is "soon"?

    Hello! I've purchased Emby recently and I am wondering how soon "soon" is (explained below). Regards, Louis Mylle.
  24. When I go to play an album on my phone, it gets pretty jittering since it's streaming it, without much of a buffer. It also doesn't buffer/sync ahead, so this makes it very internet-sensitive. I would really love it, if that when I play an album it syncs the whole album, or whole "scope" of what I told it to play. Syncs it to the phone. This way as my internet fluctuates, it buffers a-head. If there is some way we can set (on the client/phone) how far a-head it syncs based on Wifi/Cellular I think that would be rad too. Say X number of songs if you're on Cellular, Y if you're on wifi (with the option for unlimited for either). As for other forms of multimedia, this may be helpful, but I'm not 100% sure how that would translate to video content... Thoughts?
  25. adam1010

    How to refresh stale data

    Is there a way to manually refresh the Emby app home screen? Currently I have to close the app and re-open it (or open up a random movie and back out of it) If I decide to switch from my TV => phone while watching something I often find that the Emby home screen hasn't updated the progress. Many apps allow you to scroll up when you're already at the top of the page to force a refresh. I think it may be called Pull-to-Refresh (like in the Gmail app). Or if it's easier, just a simple "Refresh" button in the menu would be sufficient.
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