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Found 13 results

  1. CBers

    Emby: Latest Versions

    Here is the latest list of versions for Emby software across the server and clients. Emby Server Stable: v4.8.10.0 (2024/10/04) Release Notes Beta: v4.9.0.37 (2025/01/21) Release Notes For other platforms, please refer to the download page. Emby for Android TV Google Devices Stable: v2.1.23 (2024/12/27) Beta: v2.1.25 (2025/02/05) Amazon Devices Stable: v2.1.23 (2024/12/27) Beta: v2.1.25 (2025/02/05) Stable Release Notes Beta Release Notes Universal Emby for Android Stable: v3.4.20 (2024/10/12) Release Notes Beta: v3.4.36 (2025/01/30) Expanded Emby for Android Release Beta Notes Download the latest Beta here. Emby for Kodi See here for the latest information. Emby for Roku Stable: v4.1.33 (2025/01/13) Release Notes Beta: 4.1.36 (2025/02/05) Release Notes Emby for Windows (Windows Store for PC & Xbox One) Stable: v2.211.2.0 (2025/01/13) Stable Release Notes Beta: v2.211.0.0 (2025/01/17) Beta release notes Emby for Samsung Smart TV (Orsay) E-series - H-series TVs only Stable: v2.2.3 (2017/10/28) Beta: v2.2.3 Release Notes Emby Theatre for Samsung Smart TV (Tizen & Orsay) Release Notes Emby Theatre for LG Smart TV Stable: 1.0.45 (2025/01/02) Emby for iOS Stable: v2.2.34 (2025/01/09) Stable Release Notes Beta: v2.2.34 (2025/01/10) Beta Release Notes Emby for Apple TV Stable: v1.8.8 (2) Beta: v1.9.4 (2025/01/31) Release Notes Emby for tvOS (Apple TV) Stable: 2.1.6 (2022/12/23) Release Notes - TBA Beta: 1.5.1 (10) (2021/03/02) Beta Release Notes Emby For MacOS Stable: 2.1.6 (2022/05/09) Details here. I will keep this post up-to-date as much as possible, but please send me a PM about anything I haven't updated, or is missing. Special thanks to @Borskfor supplying a lot of the updated information. Thanks.
  2. Can we add a sort-order for TV Series such that those series which have recently aired a new episode are at the top? Sorting by 'Release Date' is good for finding completely new series, seeing which have been released this year, say. But it'd be nice to see the series listed with new episodes, even when the series started many years ago. That way you can see what you need to catch up with, even if you didn't know there was a newly aired episode, etc. This could honour the 'Display Missing Episodes' option, such that the season would appear at the top even if the episode hadn't been added to emby yet, was missing. This would be handy for identifying missing episodes too.
  3. When I open Emby, The first folder is a tv series that did map and has hundreds of episodes. I don't want it in the latest list, but the latest list shows episodes. Is there a way to change the Latest to only show a single card for the TV series OR to bulk edit the tv episodes to change the added date. (I could probably remove and re-add the material) but I would rather do this fine tuning over the GUI because I am not near the box.
  4. dimmthewitted

    Any tweaking to Latest?

    I want to make Emby present a bit more like other streaming services. I want to tailor the home page to provide recommendations. Has anyone had any success tweaking the latest card scroller carousels? (note: putting date added into the future pins them to the front) I can change date added Metatags to tweak latest a bit, but I would love TV shows to only show the first episode or to be able to add additional recommendations. (pinning the first episode with future dates seems to do ok) Anyone have any suggestions? Perhaps plugins or an XML file for me to try manually editing?
  5. I have a user configured with PG/TV-PG Parental Controls, including all “Block items with no or unrecognized rating information”. Most parental controls appear to be working properly. However, some movies with custom parental ratings (e.g. Ghostbusters has an original rating of PG and I’ve set a custom rating of PG-13) are visible and playable. I’ve rescanned the media library several times and double checked the ratings. I’m not sure what’s different about these titles than other ones (e.g. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was also originally PG, and I’ve set a custom rating of PG-13) which are working as expected. Any help figuring out what’s different between these custom ratings is appreciated. I’m running Emby server version I’ve noticed this on both the Roku and iOS app.
  6. Since the last update the "Latest" list on my Android TV Emby client is not showing new media added to the library. I can still see some old files grouped in a folder - in this case the folder does show on the screen, opening it will play the content one after another. I can access these files by browsing the library - they are in the "Folders" tab. By the way, on the server I can see the new files just fine in "Latest" (Windows 10). Any idea how can I get these new media files to show up on my Android TV app under "Latest"? Thank YOU!
  7. This is not a huge deal, but I'm curious if there is any way to remove or exclude a particular movie from showing up in the Recent/Latest lists (including removing it from showing up in these lists via the API)? Thanks in advance for any advice!
  8. Johan Potgieter

    DLNA display of latest

    Is there any way to change the default behavior via DLNA to show the episode image and name in the Latest section. This is very confusing as you have no idea what show it is. Is there any plugin I can use to change the image to the show image or to have the show name appear anywhere for easy identification. Thank in advance.
  9. dansblackcat


    Hi Is there a way to stop 'Latest' movies from disappearing from the list after watching them?
  10. Hi, because of some problems with the "Windows 8" MediaBrowser on "Windows Technical Preview", I'm using the direct browser-based connection instead. So far, playback is great, but it seems there's no easy way to go from the "Latest" page to directly play the latest recording from any series. When I click on the "latest", it takes me to the full series listing, and I then seem to need to scroll down and click on the season, then scroll down to find the episode. I am probably missing something but shouldn't the 'latest' view let me play the 'latest' episode directly? Hopefully this is an easy thing that I'm just not seeing. This is IE 11 on the Technical Preview of Windows 10. Thanks!
  11. Version 3.0.5410.32765 for as long as i can remember, I use a script to name (and rename) episodes filenames identical to TVDB. an example would be S01E01 - Old episode name.mp4 S01E01 - New Episode Name.mp4 Ive recently noticed that existing episodes whos filenames change have started to be identified as new content. Perhaps its related to the setting. 'Date Added Behaviour For New Content' for me it makes sense that it is 'the date scanned into library'... but should existing content (an episode for example), which was already scanned in and has just had its file name changed, be marked 'new'..? movies are not marked new when their name changes...
  12. So I'm using the Unraid plugin and everything is working good... for the most part. I was able to import my watched states from XBMC and all that good stuff. Very nice program, and I'm very happy with it. One problem I'm having is that the "Latest" tab under TV and Movies is not updating itself. New content is being added to the library but it is not being displayed under that tab. It only shows the content added there after the initial library scan was performed. Any ideas how to resolve this issue? Thanks
  13. Server Version 3.0.5309.26857 Server logs are too big to upload and don't date back to when it started anyway. Problem: Episodes have been added daily all month BUT Media Browser Classic stopped showing new episodes under "Latest" on the EHS past the 2nd July. Many episodes still appear on the latest screen but only leading up to the 2nd (20x or however many it is up to this date and not past it). New episodes have definitely been added in the past weeks - I've been watching them! I can find them in Media Browser under Series > Season but it's obviously shit trying to work out what's new without the Latest view working. It's the same story in Classic, Theatre, Win8, Android and Web - the same "Latest" episodes leading up to but not past 2/07/14. I have tried restarting the server and removing and re-adding the TV Shows collection to no avail. Same set of episodes dating up to the 2nd displayed - I'm at a loss.
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