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Why do some of my M3U playlists work, but others do not populate with songs?
RLanger7228 posted a topic in Synology
I have my iTunes music folder duplicated/synced on my Synology NAS under the Shared Folder /Music, so the folder & sub-folder structure is identical to what is on my computer (except for the ROOT part, of course). I exported some playlists from Apple Music using the procedure I outlined in my recent post below: The first playlist I did this for worked perfectly (Bistro Mediterranean). The playlist was recognized in Emby, all the songs appeared when I opened the list, and they play & shuffle as expected (that's why I made the post, to share my success). However, when I tried the exact same procedure on 3 other playlists from the same library, the playlists themselves get recognized by Emby automatically (appear in the PlayList listing), but they are empty when I open them & Playing tells me there are no songs to play. This remains true even after I re-Scan Library Files & waiting hours to re-check if anything changed with time (as has happened to me on occasion with other new content issues). I have uploaded 2 examples in case inspection might reveal the issue: Bistro works & Nostalgic doesn't. A quick visual inspection reveals them to be basically identical (except for the content). I can't imagine why one works & the others don't. I find inconsistent computer problems to be exquisitely frustrating, though they usually turn out to be some sort of non-obvious "user error". If I performed the exact same find & replace function for the file path ROOT on both files, generated by the same Apple Music program in the same way, why should they behave differently? Bistro Mediterranean.m3u Nostalgic.m3u -
Would be nice to be able import playlists "directly" from iTunes, etc.
RLanger7228 posted a topic in MacOS
I have only just started to explore the music potential of Emby. I imagine that Emby playlists are usually created the same as they are for videos: by adding to/creating playlists when browsing individual items. I have been using iTunes/Apple Music for decades & have amassed over 100GB of MP3 files, and curated over 50 playlists out of the music that I own. Since I now keep a copy of the music files on my Synology NAS & made the folders accessible to Emby, a "direct" import function for Playlists would be particularly useful for me. Apple Music allows me to export a list of songs in the playlist to a separate file. It would be great if Emby programmers could look at the structure of one of those files and create an IMPORT function that would read the file & assign the songs in my library to an Emby playlist. I will upload an example of an Apple Music playlist file. The text file I uploaded is what Apple Music exports, but it can easily be imported into a spreadsheet (just open the file in Excel, etc), which divides up the information neatly into rows & columns, making it easy to import elsewhere - Each song has its own row, and data columns could be selected or ignored as desired. I also imagine that other streaming music users (e.g. Spotify, Pandora, etc) might also appreciate being able to import their playlists. I haven't used those services, so I don't know if they allow exporting a playlist or what format those files might be in. However, it may not be much use if they don't have the corresponding MP3 files in their Emby Library. Bistro European.txt- 10 replies
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- apple music
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How to export Apple Music.M3U playlists, then import them into in Emby
RLanger7228 posted a topic in Synology
I was struggling to get my playlists from Apple Music to play in Emby. After some forum suggestions & a bit of experimentation I finally got them to work. I wanted to share the benefit of my experience. Apple Music allows PlayLists to be exported in M3U format (which is recognized by Emby). However, Apple Music will, of course, refer to the file path on the computer where they are originally stored. Since I use the Apple Music organization (Artist/Album/Songs), and I sync the entire music folder on my laptop with a sub-folder under the Shared Folder "/Music" on my Synology NAS, it was a simple matter to edit the ROOT part of the file path(s) in the M3U file to match the proper path on my NAS, which I obtained from EMBY>SETTINGS>LIBRARY>MUSIC (see SS 1). To export the playlist from Apple Music, I first selected the playlist I wanted to export, so all the songs are showing. I went to FILE>LIBRARY>EXPORT PLAYLIST (SS 2). On the next window, I selected M3U format & the destination where I wanted the file to go on my computer (SS 3). I opened the PlayList.M3U file using TextEdit, went to EDIT>FIND>FIND & REPLACE (SS 4), then did a search & replace, exchanging my laptop version of the root directory (/Users/Shared/) for the NAS version (/Volume1/Music/), then clicked ALL (SS 5), then FILE>SAVE. I used File Station on my NAS to create a new sub-folder: /Music/Playlists, then uploaded the newly edited playlist there. I seem to have issues getting newly added content automatically recognized by Emby (discussed a separate forum thread), but re-scanning the music files got the playlist recognized - EMBY>SETTINGS>LIBRARY, lower right corner ellipsis on the MUSIC section>SCAN LIBRARY FILES (SS 6). I apologize to the more technically minded out there if my instructions seem too pedantic. I sometimes find it helpful to have steps clearly laid out & wanted to be helpful to those less experienced (like myself). Everyone has to start somewhere... I imagine that since the steps are repeatable, there might even be a way to use Apple Automation to create a "script" to do all this automatically. However, that is beyond my skill set. Final note: Naturally, this will only work for music you actually have on your computer & not songs in playlists from the Apple Music streaming library because there needs to be a "physical" file path to a stored music file. I am not sure what will happen to the streaming songs in a mixed playlist. I assume they would be ignored, but you know what happens when you assume... I will let you know what happens when I get to a playlist that has a few songs from the streaming service in it.- 2 replies
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- apple music
- playlists
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Hallo zusammen, ich habe mich für Emby inkl. Emby Premiere entschieden und bin gerade am Aufbauen meiner Medienbibliothek. Der Emby-Server läuft auf einer Synology-NAS. Der Aufbau der Musik-Bibliothek verlief super. Mein Archiv ist vollständig getaggt und alles (inkl. des Ordners "Playlisten" mit m3u) wurden ordentlich importiert. Passt soweit alles!!! Nun verzweifle ich beim Aufbau meiner Musikvideo-Bibliothek: Das sind sehr viele mp4-Dateien, verteilt auf eine saubere Ordnerstruktur. Diese Dateien sind auch importiert und abspielbar. ABER: meinen Ordner mit den Playlisten (auch m3u-Dateien mit den mp4 Pfadangaben) bekomme ich in Emby nicht importiert !!! Nichts wird gefunden, alles immer leer. Natürlich habe ich immer aktualisiert und neu scannen lassen. Geht dieser Import überhaupt? Was kann ich da falsch machen, bzw. übersehen? Gibt es hierfür einen Tip bzgl. dem Vorgehen? Welcher Bibliotheks-Typ ist erforderlich? Kodi und der VLC-Player spielen genau diese Playlisten in meinem Heimnetz anstandslos ab!!! Somit sollten die Playlisten in Ordnung sein. Meine Bitte: wie bekomme ich diese Playlisten in den Emby-Server importiert!?!?! vielen Dank die entscheidende Hilfe viele Grüße Marc
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- m3u playlist
- mp4
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Dear forum! I installed emby for the first time today and found the configuration quite easy. There is one problem I couldn’t figure out though. I have two folders I added to the libraries. Tv shows and movies. Both are imported, the tv shows are displayed as expected. The movies folder seems empty though. Only if I go into the movies folder and within again into „folders“ I see the movies. Any idea why this may be the case and how to change that?
Hi, In order to find easily an item in our large librairies, it could be great to have the possibility to import a playlist from imdb/trakt. This way we could easily create playlists like 10001 movies to see before you die or Academy Award for Best Picture for our current movies in our libraries. Bonus : List all missing movies for a specific playlist I found a script doing this for Plex but can't find how to adapt it for Emby or a way to import Plex playlists to Emby I hope someone will find this useful and want to help implementing this.
Usually emby takes a couple of minutes to import them but idk why I has been taking so long now to import them now. It's been like 2 hours now. How can I fix this?
Hello Team Emby @@TeamB, I installed the "Playback Reporting Plugin" today. Is it possible to import my 2 years old activity log? Would be nice to have all the informations of the last two years in Playback Report. Thanks Dual-O
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- ActivityLog
- Playback Reporting
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Hey, is hit somehow possible to also use the import feature of playlists for non-music libraries, e. g. for Movies? Thanks!
Is some level of integration with Plex on the Road map? At least just to transfer the data the first time. I'm a paid Plex subscriber (and now also Emby), but they are slowly moving away from the original feature set - target audience. And I don't like the way their mobile sync works. So I am here. And expect many folks like me, old plex pass users, to come here. But, we need to over the hurdle of all that meta data within our libraries. Any hope in this direction? Thanks, nat
Using TinyMediaManager to Automatically Build Collection.xml
decrapinated posted a topic in General/Windows
Hi everyone. I use TinyMediaManager to do all of my metadata. I happen to move my files around a lot based on my own organizational madness, lol. This would KILL Emby's collections method. I switched over from Plex a few days ago and this was maddening because I was used to using tags. So I wrote an export template for TinyMediaManager that exports a list of movies in xml form. I wrote my template to conform to Emby's collection.xml scheme and placed the xml in a "CollectionName [boxset]" folder in the Collections folder. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it worked. So, I can rearrange my files at will, use whatever folder and naming scheme that I wish, replace files with better quality rips, re-tag or rename, or pretty much do whatever i want. I just thought that I'd share my methods for people in the same situation. I have several MoviesFolders though, including a folder containing all the movies that I haven't watched yet. There's also a folder of movies that I consider temporary residents on my hard drive. TinyMediaManager keeps it's export templates in a folder named "templates" in the main program folder. In this folder, I had to create a folder named "EmbyCollectionXML". In that folder, I need 2 files. I need a "template.conf" file and a "list.jmte" file. TinyMediaManagerFolder\templates\EmbyCollectionXML\ In the conf file I needed the following: name =EXCEL list type=movie list=list.jmte extension=xml description=This template exports a valid Emby collections.xml file In the list.jmte I needed the following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Item> <LockData> true </LockData> <LocalTitle>Collection Title</LocalTitle> <DisplayOrder>PremiereDate</DisplayOrder> <CollectionItems> ${foreach movies movie} <CollectionItem> ${foreach movie.mediaFiles mediaFile} ${if first_mediaFile}<Path>${mediaFile.path}\\${mediaFile.filename}</Path>${end} ${end} </CollectionItem> ${end} </CollectionItems> </Item> This template exports an xml that writes the path for every one of your movies inside a CollectionItem. In TinyMediaManager, I simply filter the list by tags or by "datasource" or by whatever I want, then I export the list using my template. Open that xml and change "Collection Title" to whatever the name of my Collection will be. Rename the xml to "Collection Title.xml" Create a folder inside your Emby Collections folder: \Emby-Server\programdata\data\collections\Collection Title [boxset]\ Place your xml in that folder. I put a folder.jpg in there too for my collection. I refreshed my Collections in Emby and BOOM: There it was. I don't know if this will be helpful for anyone else, but that's how I do it for my custom collections that plugins might not pick up and to deal with me moving stuff around occasionally. It's best for big collections or random custom collections. Oh, and the reason I can't just filter by tags on the movies screen is because I'm using the Tizen version of Emby client on a Samsung Smart TV. That means if I filter and there aren't enough movies, I can't get back to that "Filters" button. It's been discussed in another thread.- 1 reply
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Hallo, ich sehe erst jetzt, dass es auch ne deutsche Sektion hier gibt :-). Ich habe mich für den Liftime Support entschieden und gestern auch aktiviert. Jetzt meine Frage, gibt es einen eleganten weg automatisiert die Kodi db in EMby einlesen zu lassen? Das alle gesehenen Filme/Serien usw. übernommen werden? Grüße
Ciao, oggi ho installato tantissimi media manager e Emby mi sembra quello più completo. Spero che possa soddisfare anche una mia necessità specifica: la mia collezione video è distribuita su più hard disk esterni (che non sono collegati al PC) e ogni volta che voglio guardare un video non ricordo mai su quale hard disk si trova. Mi piacerebbe che Emby, al momento di importare i file video dall'hard disk esterno, tenesse in memoria la label dell'hard disk o almeno che mi permettesse di assegnare un tag o un campo custom a tutti i file importati da uno stesso hard disk. Ovviamente non posso basarmi sulla drive letter perchè è possibile che sia la stessa per due hard disk differenti. È possibile fare qualcosa del genere con Emby? Grazie mille.
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- external HDD
- collection
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Takt Plugin - Sync Trakt Last Resume Point when starting Import playstates from
Eisa posted a topic in Plugins
Hello everyone, I'm new to the forums so I hope I'm posting in the correct section (^ ^) -------- I've tried everything to import last resume point to Emby from Trakt. Clarification: Emby has the ability to sync the last resume point to Trakt and I can continue where I left off in Kodi. However, the opposite doesn't work. If I open a show in Kodi and it syncs my last resume point to trakt, then Emby doesn't import changes (even if I run the Scheduled Task Import playstates from Trakt). ------- Is this an issue I'm running into that Emby doesn't import last resume point from Trakt? If it isn't supported, will it be considered? And Thanks! -
Hi, Emby is really fantastic (and that’s why I decided 2 weeks ago to buy a Premiere license to support the team), but in my opinion, Audio Playlist management could/should be greatly improved. But maybe that as a newbie, I missed something or my audio management strategy is inadequate : to avoid file duplication, I save only one copy of a song in my mp3 folder and use Playlists to “virtually” define Albums and Compilations (~500 Playlists currently). Thus, to manage my music collection within Emby, I needed first a tool to import my m3u playlists. A java app has been proposed by another forum member, but it only imports one m3u at a time. Thus, I decided to write a small software in Access 2016 VBA (Sorry, I'm don’t manage other programming languages and some databases functionality were required to deal with multiple users). The Access software and a short guide are attached. Please be understanding and not too critical, I’m not an expert ! The software was tested on 2 different computers running windows 8 or 10. It’s provided as is and I can’t ensure that it will run on all configurations… Hope this could help others... Regards. m3u Playlist4Emby
MediaPortal Migration (MovingPictures, MP-TVSeries & MyFilms DBs)
Dewey80 posted a topic in General/Windows
Hi, I've been a user of MediaPortal for many many years now but looking to upgrade over to emby with Kodi for a few reasons but mainly because I like the idea of the centralised server and multi-platform viewing. I have extensive databases, with some personally enriched content, that I would much prefer to migrate over to emby rather than attempt to re-scrape it all and amend/enhance the content. Also, getting across my watched status would be very advantageous (sorry, I don't have trakt). I have searched the wiki/forums but surprisingly cannot find any information on importing/migrating a media database from other sources. Has anyone had any luck doing this? My DBs; MovingPictures: I use for movies MP-TVSeries : I use for TV shows MyFilms: I use for Doco's, Music Vids, Stand-Up, and other stuff that's uncategorizeable Also, from the research I have done it appears that the best architecture for storing the metadata information is with .nfo but can this along with the artwork be stored in a central location away from the media - I don't like the idea of this info sitting with the movie/series. Cheers, Dewey -
I don't know if it has been requested, but at this stage of the game, I think it would be quite important to be able to backup and restore a good portion of the server. My thought is the following should be able to be exported and then imported in the case where a server "restore" is necessary: Users Library Server configuration Watched status/Playstates (you knew it was coming) Installed plugins with configuration for each I would think those would be the most basic and necessary areas that would be the most difficult to get back in the case of disaster. Metadata and images would be nice, but can be re-scraped. I just know that at some point, my server will need to be replaced and while I do keep a full backup of all necessary MB3 directories, an integrated recovery solution would probably be much easier for the majority of users. I know of the backup and restore post here, but I just think it's time for an integrated solution - or even a plugin. I run a daily Windows Server backup job on mine and am confident in restoring it, but I've been in IT for 20 years. General Joe isn't doing that.
Hey guys! So I wanted to use Emby to import movies from an old hard drive. Being an old hard drive, and with a bunch of backups in it, it's got movie files in a lot of folders. So I used the drive itself as the media folder to import and selected content type as Movies. However, it's showing me all kinds of non video files (like .bin now in my library. Any way to smartly pull only the video files into the movie library? Thanks!