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Hey guys, When you have your images set to default size, dose anyone know what that display dimensions really are? I've screen shot page and cropped down to one cover and close as I can tell it's somewhere around 176x263. Is there any way to tell for sure what it is? Thanks!
Music Album/Track/Artist - Local Image Importer (not embeded images)
mickle026 posted a topic in Plugins
This is currently for testing purposes only - use at your own risk Use on a test library before even attempting to use on your main server. Plugin For Albums in their own folders ! Emby doesnt seem to be able to do this correctly , every track gets the first ones scanned embedded image. Unless i am doing it wrong. ?? But doing it this way it makes absolutely no difference what the embeded images are or what emby does or doesnt do, you are in control. Use it with realtime scanning then you dont have to mess with embys metadata editor, only to loose all the settings if i have to redo anything. You can drop an artist image in the folder or a track Image (I use singles cover images for the tracks- i like them that way) and it just adds it when RTM picks up a change, or a refresh metadata happens. So the EXAMPLE album cover is the 1977 one but the track covers are all different Its a local Metadata Reader , so it scans the local directory when any metadata refresh happens or library scan happens. Set settings in Library Edit screen. It doesnt use embeded images, it looks for an image with the same name as the track name I dont think I ever publically posted it before??? - probably because I never officially finished it! I cannot remember but I think they can be in subfolders too. Anyway it scans the local directories for song track covers, album covers and artist images. - nothing embeded! (supports jpg/gif/png/bmp/webp/tiff) Album covers will be Poster.jpg Cover.jpg Front.jpg folder.jpg 1.jpg 0.jpg f.jpg filename-front.jpg filename-poster.jpg R-xxxxxxxxxxxx.jpg // this one is for directly downloaded discogs R- filename images Artists are the same but name can be hyponated, underscored etc, probably can be in a sub folder. Rod Stewart.jpg Rod-Stewart.jpg Rod_Stewart.jpg Song Tracks Must be the same as the mp3 filename, but with a different extension Album cover backdrops are also supported by the plugin *-backdrop*.jpg *-background*.jpg *-landscape*.jpg *-fanart*.jpg backdrop*.jpg background*.jpg landscape*.jpg fanart*.jpg As it assigns the local image, beware that if you remove the image in emby it will probably remove the image from the drive (I cannot exactly remember if it does or not). I know it just returns a result to emby, so it probably depends on your settings within emby. if you are on windows and want to extract your embeded album art you can create a batch file and use ffmpeg (copy them both to the album directory and run it) Batch file contents - for jpg extract from mp3s for %%f in (*.mp3) do ffmpeg.exe -i "%%f" -an -vcodec copy "%%~nf.jpg" Anyway you are welcome to try it (as always with my plugins - try at your own risk) If you do try it, create a test library first becuase I have not tested the Album backdrops work correctly! - they should... Still to do... whenever I can be bothered. Make a config screen so you can dissable the logging - sorry its just on for now! Fixed Artist Import Throwing Errors into Emby Main log, and now only scans the current directory (test code was looking in all directories that the artist existed on tracks) -
I hope this is the correct place to post this. I cant seem to get these images to resize to the correct size. Can anyone help with the correct size? I want it to scale or I can just resize them to fit better.
Ability to crop artist image to desired aspect ratio during upload.
SheepYY039 posted a topic in Feature Requests
Hi, I was hoping to upload artist images but the images seem to be squished if the aspect ratio of it is not 1:1. Additionally, I have tried to drag and drop my images into the drag and drop area but it doesn't seem to upload my image, instead, it either brings me to the website of the image or it just shows it full screen. I have tired to upload from chrome and firefox, and to the web interface and the mac application, but none of them are working. Did I do anything wrong? -
Hi, emby isn't showing or even finding images for a few movies/series, i use MovieDB, Proxer, TVDB... Well, everithing that's possible to use. The serie has images, Link > I really don't know why this is happening, is the API blocking me? I think that "" blocked-me (i'm adding a lot of series/movies at once), so maybe the others API had me blocked too... Emby log bellow. embyserver (5).txt
Featured Actors in two diffreent anime/movie only show the same image.
acer1204 posted a topic in General/Windows
In tvdb information. the "A movie" Featured Actors is show up image. the "B anime" Featured Actors is show down image. but if i use emby server with tvdb to auto get "A movie" and "B Anime" Featured Actors. the two video with the same Featured Actors will show only one image, not show different. It any solution to split the two anime with Featured Actors? sometimes the movie Featured Actors show anime version is too strangeness or the anime Featured Actors show real persion that i can't mapping who role. -
Hi, I just uploaded a poster image to TMDB movie but Emby still can't find it when I go to edit images. How long does it take for me to find the image so I don't have to manually add it to Emby? Could it be cached somewhere? I have tried replacing all metadata and replacing existing images but still cannot find it.
Good morning, Emby Server has been updated automatically and now the images contained in the monitored folders are no longer visible regardless of the type of library chosen (personal photos and videos - mixed content, etc.). I have already tried to shut down the server and delete the contents of the programdata\cache folder. Do you have solutions?
Utiliser Emby avec Windows Media Center pour Windows 10 Pro - 2004 -
Randdrick posted a topic in French
Bonjour, Pour celles et ceux qui veulent utiliser Emby avec Windows Media Center pour Windows 10 Professionnel - 2004 - vous trouverez en téléchargement une image ISO bootable que vous pouvez installer sur n'importe quel PC 64 bits Le lien : Ce qu'il faut savoir : - Cette image a été créée à partir du disque de création d'image de Microsoft, dans une machine virtuelle, donc pas de risque de virus. - Vous devez vous procurez les drivers Windows 10 pour votre PC. - Il ne s'agit pas d'une version de Windows craquée, ce qui implique qu'il vous faudra activer Windows 10 ( donc avoir une clef de licence appropriée ) - Windows Media Center peut être lancé avec une télécommande compatible ( qui comprend donc le fameux Green Bouton ) - Seule la partie client (donc Emby - Media browser ) est installée. Il vous donc configurer le serveur et bien sûr le client Emby. Voir les tutos à cet effet sur le site. Sources d'installation Vous trouverez les sources d'installation dans le répertoire Sources à la racine de c:\ ainsi que quelques notes dans des fichiers Lisez-moi.txt - Les codecs audio et vidéo sont installés. il s'agit des codecs : Shark 007 ( voir le site en question pour la liste des codecs et l'aide) LAV est utilisé pour lire les fichiers MDK et décoder les fichier de type HEVC (ou H.265) ffdshow x64 est utilisé pour décoder les fichiers H.264 et lire les sous-titres de vos films grâce au plugin Media Control pour WMC. Les codecs ont été installés et configuré, mais suite au sysprep vous allez devoir pour : Shark 007 : faire une restauration de la configuration ( deuxième onglet ) ffdshow x64 : relancer l'installation sans toucher aux options ( sauf si vous savez ce que vous faites ). Vous pourrez sélectionner à ce moment-là, votre configuration audio. En cas de problèmes avec les sous-titres par exemple, j'ai mis à disposition une version des Codec Shark 007 plus ancienne. Si vous souhaitez l'installer, il vous faut OBLIGATOIREMENT désinstaller les codes présents avant son installation. - Media Control Après avoir réinstaller / reconfigurer les codecs vous allez devoir configurer Media Control. Pour cela : Dans l'avant-dernier onglet, Cliquez sur le bouton Apply Configuration for WMC puis sur le bouton commit Dans le dernier onglet, choisissez la résolution qui correspond à celle de votre écran puis cliquez sur le bouton commit. - Windows Media Center Après avoir configuré Media Control, vous pouvez lancer Windows Media Center. Je vous conseille d'aller dans les paramètres et de relancer la configuration générale option personnalisée. Vous pourrez ainsi configurer WMC en fonction de votre équipement. Bon à savoir : si votre télévision est un écran plat, alors dans la partie de la configuration de l'écran, choisissez Ecran plat et non Télévision. Important Je n'apporterai pas de support sur la configuration d'Emby ou des codecs, pour les raisons suivantes : Emby : Vous trouverez tous les tutos sur le forum. Les codecs : leur configuration dépend des fichiers vidéos que vous allez lire ainsi que de votre matériel informatique et multimédia. Autant dire autant de problèmes et de solutions que d'utilisateurs d'Emby En fonction de l'intérêt qui sera porté, je mettrai à jour l'image pour qu'elle reste compatible avec les évolutions de Windows 10. Notez bien cependant, qu'il se peut que Windows Media Center puisse ne plus fonctionner du tout suite à une mise à jour future de Windows 10. Enfin, si une bonne âme maîtrise l'anglais courant, je la remercie par avance pour la traduction de ce post, dans la partie du forum réservée à Windows Media Center. -
Ciao! Dovrei vedere la cover dell'album come negli altri "Best Of" ma non accade. Che potrebbe essere? Ho controllato mille volte i metadati delle canzoni e aggiornato su Emby la libreria e i metadati ma nulla. E' l'unico album che mi da questo problema. Grazie in anticipo per l'aiuto.
I have all my photos from my dSLR visible on my Emby install and it appears that something is creating PNG files that are the same size as the source content. The issue here is that the source files are typically 5472 x 3648 (Landscape) or 3648 x 5472 (Portrait). Is there a specific reason why it's creating these files for my images? There's absolutely no better to creating in JPG format -- they're already compressed as JPG. I'd expect to see it generate downsized versions at lower resolutions, not convert 1:1 to PNG and waste disk space. Here's some output from windirstat on my Emby server. The PNG images are eating up a solid 1/3 of my disk space right now. It's completely wasteful and the images end up taking a lot longer to transfer and decode on any end clients. You can see in the second image that they're all named "folder.png" or "landscape.png". Server info: - Windows Server 2012 R2 - Emby - Plugins: Auto Box Sets, Channel Downloader, CovertArt, Email Notifications, Genre Cleaner, IPTV, Revision3, Roku Thumbnails, Rotten Tomatoes Reviews, Server Configuration Backup, Server Restart, Trailers
Hi guys, first off to the team; great work with the Halloween theme! That was a very pleasant surprise! Now to my point . One of the first things I noticed with the halloween theme was the background image on the overview page. I would like to implement my own image, but can not seem to find where to edit so it would show my image. Could you guys maybe help me with this? I don't mean when you've opened a movie or serie or w/e to see the info. But while looking through the movies and such. While we're at it. I'd prefer not to see the colored banners under the pictures. I'd prefer to have them in one color. What would the css selector be for that particular part? Thanks in advance!
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- image
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hey, sorry if someone else has already asked this but couldnt find it anywhere on forum. on all applications i am using i have found that the home screen image is being cut off on every image and would like to ask if this can be fixed? its only a little thing but it bugs the hell out of me and dont want to changed my custom photos again just to fit the thumbnail. Thanks guys and sorry if its been posted already
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- homescreen
- horizontal
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Hi! First of all, congratulations to develop this magnificent app. I have a request, but I don't think that it's possible (hopefully yes). Is there any way I can edit the content of the ChromeCast main window (screensaver)? Like logo, message "Ready to cast" and the background. It would be great if it could be edited, especially to translate that message into Spanish in the Emby Server options. Thank you so much for your attention. Kindly regards.
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- chromecast
- image
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I have a primary image for all of the more than one thousand artists in my collection. However, less than one-half have a backdrop image. Is that anyway to cause Emby to use the primary image as the backdrop in the event there is no backdrop? Thanks!
Hello, I'm brand new to Emby. My use case is to provide a way for my parents to view family photos and videos on their TV that exist on their home network. I'm planning on going down the Roku path. I've looked at Plex, Emby and Roku's own Media Player app. Nothing I have found will allow the photos to play as a screensaver (unless on a USB drive plugged right into the Roku), which would be ideal, to turn the TV into a digital picture frame. For now, it seems I'll need to settle for slideshow capability, where the users need to go into an app and actively start displaying images. From my brief testing, Emby seems to be the best option for this, but I have some questions. I started by creating a photo and video library in Emby. The library consists of a parent folder that has subfolders with YYYYMM naming format and photos from each year and month directly in the subfolder. I also added a simple "videos" folder at the same level as the YYYYMM folders for testing purposes and put a handful of videos in there. The first thing I noticed was that I couldn't play all on the library. I got an error. I could pick play all on a folder, but that would obviously only play a slideshow of the photos in that folder. There was no shuffle option either. I see in the basic web client that there is no shuffle option showing when I am inside the library view either. There is a play all and that does play all the photos in the library. In the basic web client, I just found that the ... for a given library object in the library screen does allow a shuffle slideshow of all photos, but I either can't find that in the Roku app or it doesn't exist. As an aside, I just now created a "Mixed content" type library and gave it the same parent folder as the photo and video library. When I navigate inside that library in the web client, it does show a shuffle option. I am not at the Roku right now, so I can't test that library type to see if the Roku app will display the shuffle option. As another aside, the "Play All" function for a "Home videos & photos" type library honors the sort order set for the library. The "Play All" function for a "Mixed content" type library does not. It always starts from the same photo and I'm not sure how it picks that photo to start from. Another side... The "Play All" function when within a folder in a "Home videos & photos" type library subfolder does not honor the sort order set for the folder like it does if you are back at the first level in the library. I set it to sort on Name (assuming this is the filename or title, both of which are the filename for my test cases) and even though the display shows them sorted by name ascending or descending, the Play all starts with the same file every time. Without shuffle being available for the library on the Roku, I figured my next option would be playlists. I thought I could create various playlists of subsets of photos and see if there was a shuffle option for the playlists. If there was no shuffle option for the playlists, I thought I could automate something on the server that would shuffle the order of the files in the playlist file periodically as a work-around. I've hit a dead end with photo playlists, hence this post. I have tried to create playlists through the library browser in the web client and the metadata manger. In both screens, I am able to pick "add to playlist" from the ... menu if I select a photo folder. There is no "add to playlist" option when a photo file is selected, only if the folder it is in is selected. However, the resulting playlist isn't created properly. Here is what it looks like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <Item> <Added>1/23/2019 12:00:00 AM</Added> <LockData>false</LockData> <LocalTitle>Photos from 2000</LocalTitle> <RunningTime>0</RunningTime> <Shares> <Share> <UserId>1</UserId> <CanEdit>true</CanEdit> </Share> </Shares> <PlaylistMediaType>Audio</PlaylistMediaType> </Item> It is creating an Audio playlist and none of the folders/photos are included. Questions: 1) Does Emby support creating playlists for photos (or videos)? 2) If it doesn't, if I bring in an outside playlist file with the photos listed in it, will that work properly? 3) Where is the metadata stored for the files in a library and is it possible to modify it externally (a script on the server)? This isn't critical, but I do see it has the option to include People information and other tags. I'm not even sure if the UI uses those for anything, but I am just curious. If photo playlist aren't supported either by creating in Emby or by importing external playlists, it seems my only other option is to create multiple folders instead of playlists and: a ) Either hope that the Roku app shows the shuffle option if the library type is "Mixed content" like the web client does or b ) Somehow shuffle the files inside the folders through a scheduled script that runs in the background on the server, and then use the Play all function in the UI, as a work-around. I'm not sure how Emby decides which file to play first with the "Play All", but if I can determine that, I can modify that attribute (filename, etc.). By using folders instead of playlists, I'll have duplicate files various folders are meant to show some of the same files. I can get around the storage implications by creating symlinks to the files in the various folders. I'd need to automate this for it to be practical. I guess I'd end up with my own "playlist" files that my script would use to create the folders and symlinks to the real files. Thanks for any help you can provide. David
As you can see in the picture below, the actor thumbnails are recorded in 2 different ways, local position and tmdb link. But what I really want is that all the actor thumbnail are recorded as a tmdb link, yes I would rather load the images every time I explore the series in the library because I don't see necessity having those on my local disk permanently. Is there any way to achieve my need?
I've been (unsuccessfully) trying to get my library set up properly and there's been a seemingly random issue I have that, being new I have no idea how to solve. One of the four libraries in my media has an issue with it's cover image, basically it's the same cover repeated 4 times while the other libraries have 4 different images. I've tried deleting/reinstalling, refreshing metadata, different metadata settings etc., but it really is a random thing. I restarted the server once and the problem was solved but when I decided to split my movie library into 2 parts, 4K and HD, I can't seem to fix the issue no matter what I try. Just so you know my metadata settings are exactly the same for both of my movie libraries I don't have a big fancy setup, just 4 sections of media which I've been working with for about 48 hours mostly by trial and error. Compared to Plex there's a LOT to learn here and I I have to say I'm pretty intimidated right about now. I hope somebody can help.
Missing or Misplaces Series folder artwork for Series with Season Sub-Folders
JulsPlus posted a topic in General/Windows
Hello, I’ve searched the Emby forums and have found very similar postings but without the clear answer I am searching for. My TV library stores each episode into a separate season sub-folder. So my library folder structure is similar to what is shown below. The parent series folder (Star Trek) has no actual episode files directly in it. Instead, the season sub-folders (Season 1) contains the individual episodes. When Emby goes to work on scanning the library: nfo files (i.e. tvshow.nfo) and image files are populated within the season sub-folders (Season 1). There are no nfo or image files in the parent series folder (Star Trek). As a result, Emby does not display the series folder art work for the series (Star Trek). ☹ As an experiment and to prove my theory: I manually copied a single episode from one of the season folders into the parent series folder and rescanned. Bingo, I got folder art work. So either I’m missing an important setting/configuration or Emby doesn’t support folder artwork for series and season sub-folders. I’m hoping someone can point out the missing configuration or tell me “No, your out of luck” so that I can stop spinning my wheels. TV Library ....Star Trek The Next Generation .......Season 1 .......Season 2 ......etc.. ....Star Trek .......Season 1 .......Season 2 ......etc.. As Always Thank you in advance, Julie -
On an Android device I can view & stream anything + the possibility to "download" and selected image (= opening the original photo from the server). But on an IOS client (ipad, iphone,...) I can view & stream but I can't download anything? The download button is visible (the arrow button) but It does nothing... Any ideas or a workaround for this? On IOS it is also not possible to Chromecast...
Hi, I just installed Emby and it works perfectly. Except the images. I cannot access them and that's what I saw in the log: 2018-12-10 17:06:50.191 Error App: Image Provider - Error reading image tag for /mnt/media/test.jpg *** Error Report *** Version: Command line: /opt/emby-server/system/EmbyServer.dll -programdata /var/lib/emby -ffmpeg /opt/emby-server/bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /opt/emby-server/bin/ffprobe -restartexitcode 3 -updatepackage emby-server-deb_{version}_amd64.deb Operating system: Unix 64-Bit OS: True 64-Bit Process: True User Interactive: True Processor count: 1 Program data path: /var/lib/emby Application directory: /opt/emby-server/system TagLib.CorruptFileException: Expected SOI marker at the start of the file. at TagLib.Jpeg.File.ValidateHeader() at TagLib.Jpeg.File.Read(ReadStyle propertiesStyle) at TagLib.File.Create(IFileAbstraction abstraction, String mimetype, ReadStyle propertiesStyle) at Emby.Photos.PhotoProvider.FetchAsync(Photo item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken) TagLib.CorruptFileException at TagLib.Jpeg.File.ValidateHeader() at TagLib.Jpeg.File.Read(ReadStyle propertiesStyle) at TagLib.File.Create(IFileAbstraction abstraction, String mimetype, ReadStyle propertiesStyle) at Emby.Photos.PhotoProvider.FetchAsync(Photo item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken) The file is not corrupted, I can open it with any other file manager. Edit: Solved. Just had to rescan everything.
Greetings, I have had Emby for a long time now, and for a while it has had an issue where the primary images aren't being downloaded automatically for movies I add to the database. If I manually go in and edit images, I can do a search and grab the primary image. But for some reason, Emby isn't doing this automatically. I do notice that if I try to manually grab the primary image, in the selector, the first thumbnail is always blank. I'm guessing that's some website that Emby can no longer reach? And perhaps this is what it is set to as the default image to search for? Is there a way to troubleshoot and fix this? Thank you!
Music: Use image from the file if present instead of default CD image
Dibbes posted a topic in Feature Requests
Gents, is there a possibility to display the album image from the music file if this is present, instead of defaulting directly to the folder image? I have a lot of music that are from compilation albums and have thrown these in one large music folder without any further structure nor do I want Emby to index that properly. In other words, it's a mix tape but a very long one. Since Emby does try to scrape metadata for albums anyway, the tracks are displayed with surprisingly different covers. This afternoon when playing music, a Type-O-Negative track came up as an ABBA image, as that is what the folder.jpg is. The track has its own image/cover incorporated and I'd like to see Emby to display this instead of the default jpg in the folder. Cheers, -
Hello, Sorry to dig this one up from the grave, as another thread indicated this issue was solved, but I'm afraid the answer given doesn't address the underlying issue. Essentially, it seems that the Roku app defaults to the primary image when browsing unset (mixed content), but uses the proportions for a thumb image. Unfortunately, as this thread below indicates, I don't think this is simply a matter of unset (mixed content) view vs. content type view. This actually seems like a bug and here's why: When using the Emby app on my TCL Roku TV, when viewing a mixed content library, the application defaults to the thumb view and there's no way to change it. This isn't ideal, as I think most folks would prefer a choice like in other libraries, but let's put that aside for a moment. I think most folks that can swallow the fact that you cannot discern the content type and thus automatic metadata population is limited or nonexistent in this view. Frankly, the only time I would use the a mixed content view is if I was providing the metadata myself (i.e. Home Videos). If I want it to automatic metadata population from some online source, I'll set the content type as appropriate. In short, it's not an issue of knowing what type of content is there. The Roku app appears to be programmatically looking for image set as the primary image. I can live with that. The issue lies in the fact that when it uses the primary image, it then constrains it to the dimensions of the thumb image, distorting the final product. It just seems to be a simple mismatch. I can prove this simply by "fixing" a few items by setting the primary image to an image with the dimensions/proportions of a thumb, such as 1280px x 720px. Though an obvious band-aid, this indeed resolves the issue on the Roku. But now, that same image is FUBAR everywhere else because it get's stretched to the dimensions of a primary image in apps such as Emby Theater or LG WebOS, which are using the proper dimensions. The fact that the LG WebOS app works properly but the Roku app does not indicates to me that this is likely just a bug. Long term it's definitely desirable to have the option in the individual apps to choose the image style (primary vs. thumb vs. banner, etc.), as has been previously hashed. Until then, it would seem the straightforward fix is to just have the Roku app either use thumb image and use the correct dimensions/proportions for a thumb OR use the primary and use the proper dimensions/proportions for a primary image. Hope this makes sense, I can follow up with images to demonstrate the issue if necessary. Server: Version Roku TV: TCL P605, Roku Version 3.0.74 Thanks! Bill
It seems that the Favorites tile pulls images from all items in that library, not just the actual Favorited items. That's a bit confusing, as you can have an image displayed that is not actually a Favorite. Is this perhaps a bug? I'm using Emby Theater for Windows desktop, on Windows 10 x64. Let me know if you need any further details, or if I'm just missing something obvious. Thanks!
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- emby theater
- favorites
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