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  1. Not quoting anyone from the first page regarding the discussion about beta and possible final/release delivery -- I understand why you want to use Store delivery of the beta and sounds great to me -- but I do have one observation regarding MS Store delivered apps in general. That is I have not found a way to easily a) create a shortcut of it (preferred), and b) rename it. So when I wanted to rename this beta from 'Emby' to 'Emby (beta)' I could not. And Microsoft doesn't provide a way via the pop-up menu to make a shortcut, which could be renamed.
  2. Moats

    Why are there no how to stickies

    Why is there no "How to connect" stickies using Emby Connect for each product? Emby Android, Emby Ruku, Emby Theater, etc. from the end users perspective. Am I missing something? Stay healthy,
  3. Hello I have started adding home photos into my Emby library (videos home videos and photos), I am using Adobe bridge to add the IPTC metadata. I know Keywords get mapped to Tags I was wondering how Emby map other fields? I want to be able to mass tag photos and have Emby auto fill the following feilds: Studio People Genre I can't really find any guide around photos and metadata management for Emby and have been trying a few different fields but nothing but keyword seem to populate.
  4. To install Emby Theater skins... like Ultra Pure Skin,, their installation guide tells me I have to go to settings > installed plugins option but i do see any in emby theater app. why??!
  5. gator99


    So I was looking for a detailed instructions on the Auto-Organize feature and not sure how to use it. Currently I am recording TV from WMC and then using MCEBuddy to rename the files to their proper naming convention for MB. I record TV on my SSD then after an hour after recording I am using "Recorded TV Manager" to move them to a standard Harddrive folder that is then scanned by MCE buddy and it renames the file and moves it to a "processed" folder in my RecordedTV folder. What I was hoping was that Auto-Organize would scan this "processed" folder and then move them out of that folder to my series folders but I am not sure that is what Auto-Organize does. I tried to set it up with my "processed" folder as the watched folder, but all it did was "copy" the shows into a subfolder that they were already in. Sorry for the confusion, just can seem to get this correct.
  6. UPDATED: 2-13-14 I updated the configuration I am using...again. I was getting random missed events with the original configuration and now its working much better. Not perfect, but much better. You should be able to use this for any media player you use. You just need to point the entries which say "EDIT" to the program of your choosing. I found out the reason for not being able to capture the focus of the program. There is a plugin called "Task Create/Switch Events". This will help determine when an application has been brought to front, closed or minimized. The catch is that you need explorer to be running in order to capture "Task" events. So I am stuck capturing process events which has been a bit more tricky to get to work right. -- If anyone knows about creating python scripts and would like to create a script to make EventGhost better at this whole convoluted process, then be my guest and let us know what you come up with -- Changes 2-13-14 1. Pre-Starts 'media program' (PowerDVD, JRiver, Total Media Theater, etc..) at initial boot then after 20 seconds, the 'media program' is minimized, sent to the back and Media Browser is brought into focus. Reason I changed it to 20 seconds is during a cold boot, it takes time for the media program to be loaded, and the process I capture is created before the program shows up so adding the extra time makes EventGhost wait till the next step in the process. 2. Added a "Left Mouse Click" to certain areas. I had issues with PowerDVD loosing focus after it loaded, even though it was on top and maximized. Probably due to more processes being created. So this left click was the only way I found so far to get it back into focus. Maybe I should have EG wait 30 seconds or so to pre-load the media program to keep it in focus. 3. Cleaned up Event Tree Notice - This IS NOT meant to be a plug and play setup but with a few tweaks you should be able to get it to work. This is meant to put you on the right path for a working Work-Around. - You will need to capture the proper events specific to the program you are using. Example, Process.Destroyed.PDVDLP is actually telling me that PDVD has been sent to the rear or closed. The PDVDLP portion is PDVDLP.EXE so you will need to start up your media program, then minimize it and watch for the specific events on the left hand side column in Event Ghost which will give you realtime list of all events its monitoring. I can try and help you out if needed. ---------------------------------------------------- Updated Original Post: Soon to be a completed HOW TO. In my quest to make this work "for now" untill MBT becomes beta or further and plugins are offered, I continued to find a way to get automatic disc playback when MBT is used as windows shell (not explorer). When Explorer.exe is closed or not used, Windows looses all the AutoPlay functions we use. Instant Sheller is what I used to make MBT Windows Shell MBT Program Path (C:\Users\*UserAccount*\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Theater\System\MediaBrowser.UI.exe) Download Event Ghost Download EventGhost Tree XML (As a template) (Updated 2-13-14) When loading Event Ghost, go to "FILE" and "OPEN" then browse to EventGhost Tree.xml. I ended up capturing the system event...."System.DriveMounted.E" and "System.DriveRemoved.E" to auto start PowerDVD13 and play the disc and close PowerDVD13 when ejecting the disc. The. ".E" is the drive letter. Though I have yet to capture the correct even to get PowerDVD to close when I press the STOP button. I need to conversate with the folks at EG some more to see if someone can write a script with that. A picture of the event tree. This is setup for PowerDVD13 but can easily be adjusted for another program Picture Updated 2-13-14
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