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  1. Scenario: I have an external disk full of movies and lend it to my brother. The film folder is full of nicely named or scene named movies, but it's hard for my brother to see/know what some of the films are. It'd be nice to have a "Contents.html" page on the disk that he could open to see the poster view page we get to see in emby! The poster view alone would allow them to work out what most movies were kind of about and whether they want them... but perhaps the posters could be clickable to go to the metadata page for that movie. The page would be generated for a Media Location, so it'd just show what movies that are in that folder, that has been included in an emby library. the html file would be created in the root of that folder. The external drive would be currently holding folders added to emby's libraries... (could it export the moves and data to an external disk?) This 'contents' page would be generated/updated on demand, so if i was lending the disk to my brother tonight, i'd ask emby to create the contents page for this specific media location or to update/recreate it if it had previously been created... The contents.html's images/data would be stored in a folder (just like a saved webpage does), perhaps hidden, say '_embydata'... This would include all the posters, metadata, etc. if they're not already set in emby to be saved in the media folders. All links relative so the whole folder could be moved/copied. The contents page would be paginated, i'm guessing only statically, set at creation time, so 200, 500, whatever... Just a simple poster page would be awesome for what i'm needing, but one with clickable metadate, other bells & whistles would be good later.
  2. ​Current setup is on the 8TB drive but would like to add a ssd drive for Emby and all those small files. My current setup doesn't have to many TB's yet so it will be a quick change over. What settings should I pay attention too?
  3. Hi. I have an HDD (1Tb USB powered) attached to my WiFi Media Server (Archer_C3200) via a USB 3 port. I also have a Telstra TV with Roku Media Player. The Roku, using the "All" option, finds the Wifi Media Server. It further allows me to Browse Folders. However, at the top level, Roku only shows 1 folder. By selecting the one found folder, it shows the next level of sub-directories, but still only 1 folder. This is the pattern for every level. There are definitely playable files in most, if not all folders. My laptop, accessing the same HDD through the same wifi, shows all folders at all levels. Roku also finds and shows all folders at all levels when the same HDD is plugged via USB directly into the Telstra TV. I tried * as per another topic here, but did not help. Could someone please expose my folly and guide me into all my paths of remoteness? Thank you.
  4. Why: Wanted to do a quick folder defrag for my Windows based server and clients, given that I update media fairly frequently. You may wish to edit the script to defrag less frequently, as I have it setup to defrag every day at 5am. References: Microsoft Stackoverflow Requirements: AutoIt Auslogics Disk Defrag (silent) or Piriform Defraggler (console pops up briefly) How: This one hit wonder of a script, simply finds one of the above mentioned free defragger's, and sets a task in Windows Scheduler to trigger a folder defrag with that defragger. Instructions: Install AutoIt and set it to execute scripts when double clicked. Install one of the Drive Defragmentation app's listed above. Now Right Click on desktop and select "New\AutoIt v3 Script" from the context menu, and Rename it "Defrag Emby.au3" Now Right Click "Defrag Emby.au3" & select "Edit Script" from the context menu. Now paste the following code into: ; Auslogics Disk Defrag ; http://www.auslogics.com/en/software/disk-defrag/ ; Defraggler ; https://www.piriform.com/defraggler/download ; To Remove Task Via The CMD Console ; schtasks /delete /tn "Defrag Emby" /f ; 24 Hour Clock Time $sTime = '05:00' $sAuslogics = _Auslogics_FileFind() $sDefraggler = _Defraggler_RegRead() $sString = '' Select Case FileExists( @SystemDir & '\schtasks.exe' ) = 0 MsgBox( 0 , 'Error:', 'schtasks.exe Not Present.' ) Exit Case $sAuslogics <> '' $sString &= _Auslogics_String( $sAuslogics , $sString , @AppDataCommonDir & '\MediaBrowser' ) $sString &= _Auslogics_String( $sAuslogics , $sString , @AppDataCommonDir & '\MediaBrowser-Classic' ) $sString &= _Auslogics_String( $sAuslogics , $sString , @AppDataDir & '\MediaBrowser-Classic' ) $sString &= _Auslogics_String( $sAuslogics , $sString , @AppDataDir & '\MediaBrowser-Server' ) $sString &= _Auslogics_String( $sAuslogics , $sString , @AppDataDir & '\MediaBrowser-Theater' ) Case $sDefraggler <> '' $sString &= _Defraggler_String( $sDefraggler , $sString , @AppDataCommonDir & '\MediaBrowser' ) $sString &= _Defraggler_String( $sDefraggler , $sString , @AppDataCommonDir & '\MediaBrowser-Classic' ) $sString &= _Defraggler_String( $sDefraggler , $sString , @AppDataDir & '\MediaBrowser-Classic' ) $sString &= _Defraggler_String( $sDefraggler , $sString , @AppDataDir & '\MediaBrowser-Server' ) $sString &= _Defraggler_String( $sDefraggler , $sString , @AppDataDir & '\MediaBrowser-Theater' ) If $sString <> '' Then $sString &= ' /S' Case Else MsgBox( 0 , 'Error:', 'Required Files Not Present.' ) Exit EndSelect If $sString = '' Then MsgBox( 0 , 'Error:', 'Required Paths Not Present.' ) Exit Else ; Remove Old Task If Exists Run( @ComSpec & ' /c SchTasks /DELETE /TN "Defrag Emby" /F ' , '' , @SW_HIDE ) ; Create New Task Run( @ComSpec & ' /c SchTasks /Create /SC DAILY /TN "Defrag Emby" /TR "' & $sString & '" /ST ' & $sTime , '' , @SW_HIDE ) EndIf MsgBox( 0 , 'Complete:' , 'Operation has Completed.' ) Func _Auslogics_FileFind() $String = _ProgramFilesDir() & '\Auslogics\DiskDefrag\cdefrag.exe' If FileExists( $String ) Then Return $String Else Return '' EndIf EndFunc Func _Defraggler_RegRead() $String = RegRead( 'HKCU\SOFTWARE\Piriform\Defraggler' , 'InstallPath' ) If $String = '' Then $String = RegRead( 'HKCU64\SOFTWARE\Piriform\Defraggler' , 'InstallPath' ) If $String <> '' Then $String &= '\df.exe' If FileExists( $String ) Then Return $String Else Return '' EndIf EndFunc Func _ProgramFilesDir() Local $ProgramFileDir Switch @OSArch Case "X86" $ProgramFileDir = "Program Files" Case "X64" $ProgramFileDir = "Program Files (x86)" EndSwitch Return @HomeDrive & '\' & $ProgramFileDir EndFunc Func _Auslogics_String( $sAppPath , $sExcuteString , $sFolderPath ) If FileExists( $sFolderPath ) Then If StringInStr( $sFolderPath , @AppDataCommonDir ) <> 0 Then $sFolderPath = StringReplace( $sFolderPath , @AppDataCommonDir , '%ProgramData%' ) If StringInStr( $sFolderPath , @AppDataDir ) <> 0 Then $sFolderPath = StringReplace( $sFolderPath , @AppDataDir , '%APPDATA%' ) If $sExcuteString = '' Then Return '\"' & $sAppPath & '\" -path:' & $sFolderPath & ' -quiet' Else Return ' && \"' & $sAppPath & '\" -path:' & $sFolderPath & ' -quiet' EndIf Else Return '' EndIf EndFunc Func _Defraggler_String( $sAppPath , $sExcuteString , $sFolderPath ) If FileExists( $sFolderPath ) Then If StringInStr( $sFolderPath , @AppDataCommonDir ) <> 0 Then $sFolderPath = StringReplace( $sFolderPath , @AppDataCommonDir , '%ProgramData%' ) If StringInStr( $sFolderPath , @AppDataDir ) <> 0 Then $sFolderPath = StringReplace( $sFolderPath , @AppDataDir , '%APPDATA%' ) If $sExcuteString = '' Then Return '\"' & $sAppPath & '\" ' & $sFolderPath Else Return ' ' & $sFolderPath EndIf Else Return '' EndIf EndFunc Now save the script & execute it by double clicking it and if all went well...then delete the script and go do something else. Note: If you have working command lines for other defragger's I'm more than willing to add support for them. They don't need to be freeware ether. ** Update 1 ** Refactored code to be less Clumsy & Cleaner Added a few more paths to test for. Fixed fat fingering of Emby name...which resulted in "Defrag Elby" as the task name...and well this thread name...my copy & paste fetish causes a lot of problems some times.
  5. Thanks for reading my post.... My recent 120GB kingstion v200 ssd failed last night which runs MB3 ;( I was in the process of backing up the ssd when it failed.....ran toolbox for the discontinued drive but nothing see's it? I am stuck on deciding if I should go with another SSD? or a cheaper 1TB WD blue drive for $50? What is the best RAID setup? I currently have a 4TB samsung external drive with most media on it aswell... I was thinking of running whole new configuration and / or VM's? What is the best setup to go with? Brainstorming.....
  6. Hi, I'm new to using Drive Bender, but really liking it so far. One thing that seems handy on it is the fact it's combined with HD Sentinel now, so I've got HDD monitoring. I've just noticed today that the smart monitoring is saying that the drive status of one of my HDD's is "Bad" but I don't really see anything else on there that lets me know why it's "bad". I haven't had any problems with it or anything, I'd just like to know why it would get this reading. It's the oldest drive that I own, so I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I lose it, but I was just wondering if based on the information provided, if anyone else could tell me why I would get this message in Drive Bender: Thanks, Patrick
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