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Found 7 results

  1. Is there any way to enable favourites on the channels/guide in the Android layout? It's somewhat troublesome to scroll through hundreds of channels spread over several pages to find the couple I'm interested in. Tested on an H96+ Android box and a Samsung Galaxy Note 8.
  2. geotux

    TuneIn adding to favourites

    Hi, is there a way to add radio stations from the Tunein plugin to the "Favourites"? I've provided the plugin my tunein userid but its not making a difference. Everytime i set the "favourite" (i click the heart) bit on for a radio station, it never shows up in my favourites list. I'm asking because i find it tedious to have to navigate several folders before I find the radio station i'm looking for. Thanks Antonio
  3. Can we get Favourites into the next release please - yes I'm banging on about this again but I just keep on getting workarounds despite the supposed unified experience of MB3 across all platforms
  4. v0.572 on H6400. If there is nothing present in favourites, when entering it from the tools menu, it shows the no content message, but there is no way to back out of it from there. Back button doesn't work, tools button doesn't bring up the menu either. If there are items listed in favourites, menus work as normal.
  5. Hey guys, I was showing off the notification feature to my wife (I use pushalot), and she was interested in also having notifications, but only from particular series (so this FR is coming from her ). Since she is home during the day, as she is now a stay-at-home Mum, the notification feature would actually be quite handy. Would it be possible to add the option in the 'New content added' notification, to only receive the message from shows that are marked as favourites? This way I could make her an account (we currently just share one) and she can mark her favourite shows that she wants to be notified for. Thanks.
  6. I am a little unclear on this so seeking some clarification regarding the new view in MBC. Should we always see the favourites and resume items in the view even if there are no items in them? In my case I have no favourites or resume items but I see them. If I go into them it says there are no items. Would be better not be be there until something is in them. One final question is backdrops. Is there any way to enable backdrops for each of these items using the IBN or indeed would it not be better to display random backdrops of the content of each folder? Currently the black screen is rather unimpressive. Edit: Just read the hide empty folders topic. I thought I had this checked but cannot confirm. Either way I am now using .254 so it is gone.
  7. I've edited the strings-en.xml file to change the spelling of favorite to favourite - this word appears in a few different places, these are the ones I've altered: <ShowFavoritesCollectionConfigDesc>Show a top level collection with all your items marked as Favourite in it. Restart MBC to see changes.</ShowFavoritesCollectionConfigDesc> <ShowFavoritesCollectionConfig>Show Favourites Collection</ShowFavoritesCollectionConfig> <AddFavoriteCMenu>Add Favourite</AddFavoriteCMenu> <RemoveFavoriteCMenu>Remove Favourite</RemoveFavoriteCMenu> <Favorite>Favourite</Favorite> But I don't see an element to enable changing the word "Favorites" which appears as a virtual collection name on the EHS. So when I run MBC, all occurrences of the word have the UK spelling except for the most obvious one.
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