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  1. JoeAverage92

    Filter by Directors

    I would really appreciate to have a Director filter in the movie filters. Thanks.
  2. jimleipold2

    Sorting Film director or Actor

    Actually, we can select a film with different kinds of sorting choice (suggestions, films, trailers, collections, genres, studios) but it would be really nice if you could do it also with the film director's name and actor's name. The only possibility to do that is to go to the search section (but you don't always know the right names) or to choose a specific film, then look into the cast and crew section and select the one you want. Which is not the easiest way ! The sorting by director's name would be most welcomed also because, for the moment (in the web version), surprisingly, even in the details page, the director's name doesn't appear clearly close to the title (it's only located in the cast and crew section but when you have a dozen of actors, it's lost at the end of the list). Thanks ! Jimmy
  3. Hi, long time user - first time poster... With the recent update I found myself enjoying the "Chocolate" gui for the first time. Overall I really like it, and I want to say great job to everyone behind its development (and thanks!) Just a little background on how I use MBC. I have an HTPC in the living room as a settop box replacement (as well as a couple Xbox360's as extenders throughout the house). Although I have a mouse/keyboard available at the main HTPC, I don't like to have to use them if I can use the remote instead (WAF is an issue). Now a couple questions. In the new Chocolate gui, is there any way to "click" on a Director and/or Genre (as you're able to with Cast - and how you are able to in the Classic theme) to show all titles in the entire library with those tags? *I know you can sort by Director/Genre by indexing a folder that way - however, this only searches the folder/section you're in, and not the entire library. And further, I find it quite a bit more combersome to change the index of an entire folder when all I want to do is quickly see other films by a certain director (this is also true with the genre sort, to a lesser extent). I do like the feature, and the idea, that you can index an entire library by these different criteria; however I would still really like the option of the "Classic" way where you could just click the Director or Genre links from within the description page of a title. In practice, I find it far more quick and useful to be able to just scroll down to a movie with the director/genre I want - IE LOTR, and click "Peter Jackson" and/or "Fantasy" (for genre) - and with one click on the director have it show me all of the PJ films I have - or all of the media titles with "Fantasy" as a genre. Any chance I'm just overlooking this functionality in Chocolate? If not, any chance it will be making a comeback? If these "clickable" links can't be added to the description area any more, any chance of adding extra pages/sections to the "Cast" item for other sortable tags like: Director/Producer/Studio/Genre/etc? I see the x/5 Star rankings in the upper left of the description page. Is there any way to make this a numerical TMDB, IMDB, and/or Rotten Tomatoes score instead? In the Classic theme there used to be media detail information - ie, video and audio bitrates, containers, formats, etc. Any option somewhere to re-enable this? I know some of it was redundent, but I enjoyed having it - it was sometimes useful in deciding whether or not to play a title on an extender, plus just fun to see. If using vertical scroll, it's difficult to get to the "control panel" in the upper right. Is there any hotkey and/or WMC remote button that will take you to the control panel? Besides these couple of questions I think the new Chocolate interface is fantastic. Keep up the good work.
  4. Hiya I really like the understated style of subdued theme and find it more WAG friendly than other themes. I now use it on all 4 of the HTPCs in the house. I do have one feature I miss compared to the theme I used to use back in the days of MB2 - having the director listed (and linked) in the overview - in the same way genre's are (and actors are in the cast view). Is there any way this could be added, either to the overview page (ideally) or under it's own heading at the top of the cast page? Cheers
  5. I'm a big fan of Chocolate Theme since Media Browser 2. However, a feature that I've always felt was missing was to be able to link a movie's director and see all of his movies, like it happens with actors. Vanilla theme used to do this in Media Browser 2. I think this would be a great functionality to add to Chocolate Theme as well.
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