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  1. Cheesegeezer

    AdminBuddy - Create new users easily

    Cheesey Productions brings you ADMIN-BUDDY for Emby Please note this is just an interim plugin until the core server implements this Version is available in the plugin catalogue under General Section Admin accounts are hightlighted Interface with info on which account is being copied After Hitting Save the status lets you know what has happened, but stays open, in case you want to create more users. Click close to exit New user is created and you can edit, delete and do what you need to in the standard User Interface Hope you enjoy
  2. Gungelalex

    Stubs Creation Wizard

    I have a niche problem that I created a [not-perfect] solution for. I want to create stub files for my media that I don't have converted from physical media yet. When I do have those movies converted, there are already folders to put them in, but creating the folders and the files by hand is tedious. In response to this dilemma, I created a script (having never really using PowerShell and through about 3 hours of research, trial and error) that would help me make these properly formatted stub files faster. do { #Have user type in the Movie name and year using Emby Format; $proc = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input Movie Name and Year as `"NameOfFilm (YYYY)`". Otherwise, type `"done`"'; #If user types "done", the script will exit the loop and exit the terminal; If($proc -eq 'done') {break}; #Ask user for the movies' media type; $form = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input Movie Format (bluray, dvd, vhs)'; #Sets "$file" variable using user prompted variables "$proc" and "$form"; $file = "$proc\$proc.$form.disc"; #Creates movie folder first, and then creates the file; New-Item $proc -type Directory | Out-Null; New-Item $file -type File -Value $proc | Out-Null; #shows that script has recorded file in the terminal; Write-Host "Recorded $file"; #tests "$proc" variable: continues loop if not equal to "done"; }while ($proc -ne 'done') At the moment, it is a user prompted script, so there is still some tedium, but it isn't as bad as it used to be. I have the script stored in the library location for my Movies, and run it when I want to add a new stub. Once done, you can simply type "done" during the movie name prompt to close the script. With finessing, it could be reworked to use a spreadsheet as the source of the info, and I eventually want to do that (I'll need to learn more PowerShell scripting). Posting this for anyone else who might have this problem and need a solution, or for anyone who wants to contribute. V2: New-Item Output is silenced through Out-Null, to cleanup the terminal during use. stubMaker_v2.ps1 stubMaker_v1.ps1
  3. server: v4.6.0.37 along with the for a year now or so, still not working "auto" detection i f the to sort file is a movie or series, one of the latest server updates broke the creation of new things again, no error entry in the log file
  4. server: trying to create new series always throws this error 2019-07-15 22:28:28.283 Error HttpServer: Error processing request *** Error Report *** Version: Command line: C:\Users\***USERID***\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\system\EmbyServer.dll -noautorunwebapp Operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 64-Bit OS: True 64-Bit Process: True User Interactive: True Runtime: file:///C:/Users/***USERID***/AppData/Roaming/Emby-Server/system/System.Private.CoreLib.dll Processor count: 8 Program data path: C:\Users\***USERID***\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\programdata Application directory: C:\Users\***USERID***\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\system System.Exception: System.Exception: Method not found: 'MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.BaseItem[] MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Folder.get_Children()'. at Emby.AutoOrganize.Core.FileOrganizationService.PerformOrganization(EpisodeFileOrganizationRequest request) Source: Emby.AutoOrganize TargetSite: Void MoveNext()
  5. levander

    Bug (?) creating libraries

    Hi, It happened to me several times while creating a new library in emby server : if I click OK button (confirming creation of library) more then once there will be duplicate libraries created with exactly the same name with numbers 1,2,3... (depends how many times I clicked OK) at the end. I just delete the duplicates and there doesn't seem to be any further problems but it is a little bit confusing/annoying. (OK doesn't respond promptly when clicked the first time, that is why I was clicking it more than once)
  6. Hello, is it possible to create a collection and add movies by something besides title? Say, I wanted to collect all movies by Paramount, or all movies with Clive Owen. Right now, the only option I see is "name" Thanks!
  7. Smaky

    DLNA Profile edition

    While eiditing DLNA profiles from the dashboard I noticed there is no way to actually edit Codec Profiles conditions... the dialog box shown only allows for Codec name capture and type selection but no options for actual conditions are shown. Is this still under development? Edit: Using Dev Version 3.0.5244.3878
  8. Request that an additional function be built into the Auto Organize feature of the server so that when a tv series is not recognized you can specify a new series to be added (at the moment you can just search current series in the library) USE CASE would be: File added to 'watch directory' Show not recognized ****do nothing automatically just notify**** User logs into server and checks the auto-organise logs User identifies the series using a tvdb search User selects the folder where the tv series folder should be created Series Folder gets created in format 'SeriesName (ReleaseYear)' Season folder gets created within Series folder File gets moved into the newly created folder The last step could change to scan that directory for files (to add it to the library) Then run the organise media files scheduled task again for cases where the user has multiple files for the same series not recognised. This would mean that only one 'identify' wouod be needed per series
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