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  1. I've just re-organised my music library from this structure: -Music --%Artist% - Album name ------%discnumber%%tracknumber% - %atrist% - %title% ------%discnumber%%tracknumber% - %atrist% - %title% --%Artist% - Album name2 ------%discnumber%%tracknumber% - %atrist% - %title% ------%discnumber%%tracknumber% - %atrist% - %title% To this structure: Music --artist1 ----album1 ------%discnumber%%tracknumber% - %atrist% - %title% ------%discnumber%%tracknumber% - %atrist% - %title% ------%discnumber%%tracknumber% - %atrist% - %title% ----album2 ------%discnumber%%tracknumber% - %atrist% - %title% ------%discnumber%%tracknumber% - %atrist% - %title% ------%discnumber%%tracknumber% - %atrist% - %title% --artist2 ----album1 ------%discnumber%%tracknumber% - %atrist% - %title% ------%discnumber%%tracknumber% - %atrist% - %title% ------%discnumber%%tracknumber% - %atrist% - %title% --Various artists ----album ------%discnumber%%tracknumber% - %atrist% - %title% ------%discnumber%%tracknumber% - %atrist% - %title% ------%discnumber%%tracknumber% - %atrist% - %title% ----album2 ------%discnumber%%tracknumber% - %atrist% - %title% ------%discnumber%%tracknumber% - %atrist% - %title% ------%discnumber%%tracknumber% - %atrist% - %title% etc. in the process i've also renamed, and retagged the mp3's and made sure they are all consistent, however emby seems to be having an issue with some of the artists, lets start with various artists for example, I'f i remove the id3tag albumartist, then emby shows the album as being made by a random artist with a song on that album. If the album artist tag is set to "Various Artists" emby shows it as various, and i end up with two artists, "various", and "various artists" All id3tags are present and correct, with, as far as i can see, nothing giving this information. The artist "various" has been removed from the metadata folder, and all metadata is stored with the files. I've also cleaned the database using this guide. I've attached a few screenshots to try and explain the issue a little better.
  2. Rakim

    Artists tab and Artwork

    Where do i start with this... 1 - The "Artists" tab. I been using several media stream servers and they dont have this tab, why? Because under this tab is usual very very messy business to deal with. The album artists tab contains the main artists therefore is simple to manage the artwork. Under the artists tab, instead of just one main artist, for example Michael, youll have some like: Michael ft Nina, Micheal + mango, michael & romeo, michael with chicken nugget, michael, steve and the list goes on. So youll find that the main artist has artwork but the rest need some serious manual editing. So with this in mind, just for the sake of organisation and make the library look good, please add the option to perhaps hide this tab if its that useful to others. 2 - Artwork Someone pls tell me how Emby reads artworks from tags. I did not set Emby to look for artworks on the net because this usually does not end well as quite often i would find incorrect picture put on wrong album artist. All my music are organised but i figured some artwork are embeded to mp3 files and some are just in the folders. With other media stream servers all my mp3 have artwork, with emby, only about 60% have artwork.
  3. Emby Server Version: Adding an artist to a collection, creates an entry in the collection.xml (that's ok), but within emby (at the frontend), only the other items are shown. (see attachment) Artists never seem to be shown in the collection. <CollectionItems> <CollectionItem> <Path>/share/Multimedia/Music/U/_Elektronik/_aab $ 5.1 Testfiles_#</Path> </CollectionItem> <CollectionItem> <Path>/share/Multimedia/x_config/_Emby Metadata/metadata/artists/Pearl Jam</Path> </CollectionItem> <CollectionItem> <ItemId>eca45125962e4582929d237ba5df03fb</ItemId> </CollectionItem> <CollectionItem> <Path>/share/Multimedia/Music/E/Crossover/_Max Richter ~GBR DEU~_#/2008 - Waltz With Bashir [OST]_#</Path> </CollectionItem> </CollectionItems> And: if there is only one artist-item in the colllection and no others, the whole collection is not shown. Artist entries are completely ignored. But the primary preview image automatically generated by emby shows the correct entries with the artist. This should be a bug. I somehow remeber this from previous versions. is the bug showing up again now? Please check.
  4. I have an album with two different format (flac vs dsf) have the same tagging by mp3tag. Both tag with multi artists separate by \\. Emby is able to show the multi artists of flac format but re dsf format, it only show one artists. Would you pls take a look on that? Besides, if the album tagged with multi albumartists, Emby is able to show the multi albumartists at the details page but in the album selection page, it just show one artists name under the cover photo. Is that possible to add this feature to show multi albumartists at any page. Pls help. The above situation only applied to flac format, re dsf format, both details page and album selection page show none of the multi albumartists, only one artists name is showing.
  5. I have several Paul McCartney albums in my music collection. Each track is tagged with the correct name (via musicbrainz, but visually checked as well), and nfo file lists the artist as Paul McCartney. Under metatdata manager, the artist is just listed as paul. Editing it in the manager and even locking it, after scan it displays the artist as paul again. This is more of a cosmetic thing to me, because when I search for mccartney, it finds the albums/tracks, so it's just the way it's displayed
  6. Hi there, is it possible to add/implement trees for parts of the metadata fields like persons/artists/people, genres, studios and so on. The only way to edit them is to find a video … and another click on the field to edit it. THX bkh
  7. Hello, i have3 WD NAS My Cloud PR4100 Pro. In my music library there are no pictures of the artists and bands. In (most of it) the metadatas are the musicbrainz-ID's included. Is there an easy way to refresh the metadata with the pictures in all of the 10015 artists. There is no way to do it manually. THX bkh
  8. blue-wizard

    Can't delete Artists from Music Library?

    I'm trying to get rid of some Artists who only made appearances on songs by other artists. I removed them from the metadata for the songs they appeared on, and I re-scanned my library after doing that, but these artists still appear in my Artist section. I found them in /var/lib/emby/metadata/artists and I tried deleting them from there too, but that didn't work either. How do I delete these artists?
  9. In Plex if you have artists show up as (for example) Adam Ant; Adam & The Ants; Adam and the Ants; and Ant, Adam--you can go into the web interface and change the artist names on the fly so all of the associated albums get grouped together. In Emby if you try anything like that the album associated with the artist you changed completely disappears. There's also no easy way to change the artist info once Emby has it. Changing the metadata tags and doing a new scan doesn't result in the item being picked up correctly. I don't understand why the information can't simply be changed in the web interface. I might also want to group solo albums by Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham with my Fleetwood Mac albums. In Plex it takes 10 seconds. In Emby, as far as I can tell, it's virtually impossible to do. I never use Emby for music because of this. It's a very basic element of functionality that Emby has lacked going back to its Media Browser days. I don't understand why the music library can't be made more user user-friendly when it comes to making changes to artist and album names.
  10. I have used musicbrainz picard to tag my music, which works fairly well, but I am noticing that the tracks of albums are not displaying the artists name, instead it is displaying 'rtists'. Can someone tell me how to fix this?
  11. Hi, I opened an issue on GitHub but maybe I should have posted in the forum first. I'm using the latest version of Emby Server (3.0.5782.0) on CentOS 7.1503, but my problem is probably platform agnostic. Short description When Emby scans FLAC files for metadata and finds several **ARTISTS** tags in a single file, it concatenates the values of the **ARTISTS** tags into the **Artist** field of the track metadata with a semicolon delimiter. However, Emby treats the final string as a single artist, ignoring the semicolon delimiter. The same string would generate several artist records if edited manually. Long description I have a FLAC-only audio library configured in Emby Server. The files are tagged using MusicBrainz Picard. Recently, support was added for the ARTISTS tags (note the plural) in FLAC files. As a consequence, when a FLAC file contains several of those tags, the scanner concatenates all the values in the Artist field of the track metadata, and adds semicolons as delimiters. For instance, one of my files have the following metadata: $ metaflac --export-tags-to=- File.flac BARCODE=0035627460227 PRODUCER=Dave Stewart TITLE=There Must Be an Angel (Playing With My Heart) (feat. Stevie Wonder) RELEASECOUNTRY=XE TOTALDISCS=1 LABEL=BMG LABEL=RCA TOTALTRACKS=9 MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID=b4d32cff-f19e-455f-86c4-f347d824ca61 DATE=1990 DISCNUMBER=1 TRACKTOTAL=9 ENGINEER=Jay Willis ENGINEER=Adam Williams ENGINEER=Don Smith ALBUMARTISTSORT=Eurythmics ORIGINALDATE=1985 LANGUAGE=eng SCRIPT=Latn WORK=There Must Be an Angel (Playing With My Heart) MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID=b79941ef-9d54-4aca-8c79-4eeb164f05d3 RELEASESTATUS=official ALBUMARTIST=Eurythmics CATALOGNUMBER=ND 74602 MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID=e0821bfb-e6b9-3825-9db6-ac7916eafdad ALBUM=Be Yourself Tonight MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID=b4d32cff-f19e-455f-86c4-f347d824ca61 MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID=1ee18fb3-18a6-4c7f-8ba0-bc41cdd0462e MEDIA=CD RELEASETYPE=album MIXER=Dave Stewart MIXER=Adam Williams ORIGINALYEAR=1985 PERFORMER=Dean Garcia (bass guitar) PERFORMER=Michael Kamen (strings) PERFORMER=Olle Romo (drums) PERFORMER=Angel Cross (background vocals) PERFORMER=Dave Stewart (keyboard) PERFORMER=Annie Lennox (keyboard) PERFORMER=Annie Lennox (lead vocals) PERFORMER=Stevie Wonder (guest harmonica) ARTIST=Eurythmics MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID=c40266f2-4f32-3dde-a639-6672ed7a4e6c DISCTOTAL=1 WRITER=Dave Stewart WRITER=Annie Lennox MUSICBRAINZ_WORKID=792f5861-8d6d-3c8a-93a9-e17b06150295 MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID=d2328fb6-b5e0-40e3-bd4b-605a481fb451 ARTISTSORT=Eurythmics feat. Wonder, Stevie ARTISTS=Eurythmics ARTISTS=Stevie Wonder TRACKNUMBER=2 This file has two ARTISTS tags: $ metaflac --export-tags-to=- File.flac | grep ARTISTS= ARTISTS=Eurythmics ARTISTS=Stevie Wonder In Emby Server, those tags are converted to a single Artist value with both artists and a semicolon delimiter. Everything is fine so far, as this seems to be an expected behavior: However, if I make a search, the whole string is considered as a single artist instead of two (the single "Eurythmics" artist comes from the Album artist field): If I click the item, I can see the actual song: However, if I manually edit the track's metadata with the same values (removing the semicolon in the Artist field, saving, restoring the semicolon, saving again), Emby behaves as expected and generates two distinct artists. The track now appears under the main Eurythmics artist (note that Emby now automatically replaces the semicolon by a comma to show that the track has several artists): This is a very annoying issue as it cripples the whole music library. Does anyone else see the same thing ? Thanks! Marin.
  12. https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Wiki/wiki/Music%20naming
  13. Happy2Play

    Music-Artists Webpage error

    All Artists website links return this error. (Music-Artist-Links:Website) MBS Version 3.0.5387.37160 example Response Status Error Code ArgumentException Message Argument not supported: www.mirandalambert.com Stack Trace [GetDashboardResource: 10/2/2014 9:42:15 AM]: [REQUEST: {ResourceName:www.mirandalambert.com}] System.ArgumentException: Argument not supported: www.mirandalambert.com at MediaBrowser.Common.Net.MimeTypes.GetMimeType(String path) at MediaBrowser.WebDashboard.Api.DashboardService.Get(GetDashboardResource request) at lambda_method(Closure , Object , Object ) at ServiceStack.Host.ServiceRunner`1.Execute(IRequest request, Object instance, TRequest requestDto) Errors
  14. ginjaninja

    Problem Loading Artists

    @@gcw07 When browsing to the artist section of music I get a 'well handled error' "Problem Loading Artists" and then a crash. (100% of time) Tried official release and beta release of official roku client, latest as of 12/04/2014 21:52 GMT (same issue been apparent for c. 1 month+, possibly always been there) All other clients seem fine browsing music. i have c. 7000 artists and 700 album artists. i dont get an error when i 'jump in' to a letter. is there a capacity limit i am hitting? Is there a way to turn on client logging to see what might be the issue? any other ideas please? thank you.
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