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  1. Per this thread: https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/81042-tv-mode-home-screen-vertical-scroll-of-libraries/ Please consider adding the ability to be in TV mode with vertical scrolling of the list of libraries. Why: Other than preferred esthetics, I use a Logitech K400 keyboard/mouse combo to control the system, displaying on a TV. The mouse portion of the keyboard is a trackpad. It works great for moving around the screen, but I cannot use it in any fashion to scroll right on the screen. I have to use the keyboard arrows to manipulate the interface. Not terrible by any means, but not intuitive particularly for users who don't know that they have to arrow down to the library row first, or they're instead moving left and right on the top row (Home, favorites, user icon, etc) and get confused as to why the library list isn't scrolling. Basically, I would like the icon size of the first picture because of distance from the TV screen, but the layout of the second (desktop mode) picture for the home screen for ease of use and being able to see a larger set of libraries all at once instead of having to scroll. I don't think this is a duplicate as I'm specifically concerned about the home screen, but it's possible I didn't quite understand some of the other feature request posts. Thanks for considering!
  2. All of a sudden all my movies files are stretched full screen when I play back on my Samsung TV app. However TV shows aren't. I can change the picture size in the TV settings as they are locked out when in the app. I don't see any options to change it in the app. Any suggestions?
  3. Hi I installed the LG app on my LG TV and customized the home screen from horizontal to vertical (or the other way around, I do not recall the name itself). I just know that I changed it from default. Now in the new layout I do not see customize Home screen button anymore. How do I customize the home screen now? I just want it all back to default layout. Uninstall and reinstall did not help/ thanks
  4. I have just discovered that since the scrolling was changed from horizontal to vertical, selecting a letter on the direct jump bar will not work properly if there is a title containing non-alphanumeric characters in it. For example, I have Æon Flux in my movie library. If I select any letter to jump to other than # or A, it only scrolls as far as that movie. This didn't happen in the previous version when the scrolling was horizontal. The folder and file name for this movie is Aeon Flux (2005), but the metadata was automatically set to Æon Flux (the title according to TheMovieDB and IMDB). I fixed this issue for myself by manually renaming Æon to Aeon in the metadata manager. Renaming titles obviously won't be the ideal solution long term...
  5. arrbee99

    Theater - Two basic themes

    Easy enough for me to say, obviously, but I think Theater should have a fully horizontal and fully vertical theme available - its a bit of a combo at the moment. Obviously some (like me) like horizontal and others vertical. I also believe (in my unknowledgeable way) that having both of these available would make it easier for them to be modified so that additional themes could be made from these standard versions.
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