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  1. dguilmore

    Unable to connect to server

    I have both Media Browser channels in the Roku Channel Store and another older one I got 2 years ago from private channels. My server always connected to all of them before the server updates last week. Channels are version 1.78, 1.84 & the official ch. I cant get Media Browser to connect to my server since last update. I became a supporter and it links my account, but says unable to connect to server on my Roku. Wont play in Netgear anymore either. That one says Media Browser (Offline). Still plays in my browser. Please help. Would it still play in browser if I pasted the activation key wrong? Also my Roku doesn't show up in the selected play to devise area.
  2. When I try to update from Version 3.0.5781.1 to Version 3.0.5781.2 it gives me the error installation failed. Attached is the log if anyone has any ideas. 11-16-15 Log.txt
  3. The trouble I am having is with MB Server, currently on Version 3.0.5070.20258 (but this has happened on at least the last 5 updates of the server and It just happened this morning while updating from 3.0.4936.24198) When I "restart the server to apply the update" from the web interface it hangs the webpage and when I reload it throws the "cannot find page error" I am doing this from my laptop via firefox, but the same thing occurs when going to the configuration page and restarting from the configure mediabrowser server link... I then go into the actual profile that runs the server and I see the following errors: -These Happen before I get to the server to manually restart and clear popups- "Unhandled Exception: Only One Usage of Socket Address (protocal/network address/port) is normally permitted" -This comes up in 4 separate boxes at each update and restart "Error Attempting to Update Application FileNotFoundException could not find file: 'C:\Users\MediaCenter\AppData\Roaming\Mediabrowser-Server\system\ionic.zip.dll' Then I clear those boxes, the splash creen comes up then disappears, and throws the following popup box "There was an error launching Media Browser:Could not load type 'MediaBrowser.Controller.Drawing.IImageProcessor' from assembly 'MediaBrowser.Controller, Version=3.0.4936.24198, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'." at the same time it throws the popup: "Unhandled exception:The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it." -After this I hit ok, then it appears as though MB3 Server closes as the process is gone and the try icon disappears, -I start the server from the start menu and it loads without an issue... Link to related server logs : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3k1jhuukh71yd0f/A2SwwFDqer Images of error popups attached. Other info that might be relevant: 4th Gen i7 4770k AsRock z87Fatal1ty Professional Mobo 32GB Ram (Corsair VLP) EVGA GeForce GTX 760-Ti SSC Edition Samsung SSD (OS Drive) 4 WD Red 3TB Storage Drives) I also Run Plex (to serve Roku Media until the Roku Channel is a bit more stable) Serviio as well to hit a couple blu-ray players... I use Media Center Master to parse my metadata
  4. muffassa

    asustor nas update question

    hi i am using emby sever on my asustor nas 302t model currently running Version 3.0.5724.4. the latest version being Version 3.0.5724.6 is now available for download. i check on the asustor app store cannot find the update. the instruction to update on emby website is very limited can you please advice how can get the latest release. if you can upload the files to manually update like plex does that way i can get the latest version for my nas. ps. the work that emby is doing looks promising keep it up (bug fixes which are too many needs to be solved sooner or else you will loose subscribers)
  5. stavroz

    server update not working

    This has been happenning for a few months now. i update to the latest version of Emby for windows server, but after rebooting, the server seems to revert back to the old version again. Im stuck on Version 3.0.5490.2 Has anyone got any ideas to why thi is happening?
  6. tired dad

    No update for plugin?

    Hello, I was away for a few weeks and haven't had time to look at Kodi, but now that I have, I see my version is 1.1.13 while I see forum posts for at least up to 1.1.38. I have auto-update on, and I see Kodi checking, but nothing is downloaded, or installed, or changed. Has anyone else had this issue?
  7. @@ebr @@Luke Today when I updated the Server to the above version, all my Collections started to look like the attached Screenshot on all of my HTML based Clients (Android, WebClient on Chrome, Firefox). Before, the Covers were fitting in the designated field. On Samsung TV, everything looks as it needs to be. Curiously, this occured just on the first collection page (1-100), when I switched to page 2 (101-X), the covers are normal... Now to the funny thing: When I change the order from ascending to descending, the different covers on Page 2 are also not cropped even they were cropped on Page 1 before changing the order. When changing to sorting by added Date, suddenly all Covers are well sized on Page 1 and cropped on Page 2, so the behaviour is the other way around than described above. The oversizing occurs on all types of Coverart Options (Stacked, SideCase, ClearCase etc...), even they look fine in Metadata Manager. Refreshing does not help. Activate of keeping original aspect ratio does totally screw up the sizes. It seems that Covers from Fanart.tv (1000x1426) are treated right after changing it to the preferred Picture Downloader. But themoviedb Posters (1000x1500) or greater resolutions are sized to big. When manually upload 1000x1426 resized pic to Metadata Manager, it's also not working. Something is really wrong (at least just on my machine?) with the first page of collections in realtions to the different calls for sorting.
  8. Hi, I'm not sure if this is possible but I think it worth bringing up the idea. Every time that we made a change on the Emby addon settings (server address, use of local paths) that involves a path change for media in Kodi internal DBs, a DB reset/resync is required. How complex or even possible is to instead of doing that, the addon will just change the paths on Kodi DB by executing a SQL query against them as is documented on Kodi wiki site for a library path change? This will require sqlite3 binary on Kodi, that I'm not sure is always there (like in OpenELEC or other Kodi distros). I did this in the path and to be honest it worked like a charm everytime. The advantage I see is that we will save the time it takes for a full resync on huge libraries with low end devices like RPi. Another benefit is that it will reduce the load on the server since it would not be needed at all. Just my two cents. Thanks.
  9. After updating from Media Browser to Emby, Live TV playback on chromecast no longer works. When clicking the play button (from either the browser or the android app), nothing happens. Note: Chromcast playback of every other media item work fine and Live TV works fine on both web and android clients. I'm currently using the tvheadend plugin but have also tested this with the embytv plugin. Both plugins do not allow playing on the chromecast. Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this?
  10. Virus

    Download vom Server

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe heute versucht vom Emby-Server Musik zuladen aber komischerweise finde ich den Download Knopf nicht mehr ? Jetzt frage ich mich gab es überhaupt einen XD ! Mir war auf jeden fall so. Auch ist mir seit heute aufgefallen das einen neuen Bereich gibt wo man die Cores einstellen kann... Gab es ein Update worüber der Server mich nicht Informiert hat ?
  11. tired dad

    Library does not update

    Hello, I am experiencing the issue of no updates happening between Kodi and Emby. The server works fine and I can see the updates in the web and WMC clients, but not Kodi. Is anyone else experiencing this? I don't want to have to do a full sync each time in order to see what's new. Am I supposed to turn on the Kodi "update library" option? I thought Emby took care of that.
  12. yardameus

    Emby bands won't update or reinstall

    @@hamstercat Just noticed yesterday after updating the server to Version 3.0.5666.8 that emby bands was trying to update to and it keeps saying to update to that version. After restart I'm still on 1.0 and it says it needs to update and restart. server-63572295707.txt
  13. gillmacca

    Dev server not updating

    With the last couple of dev updates, my server software isn't updating, it just loads the last version installed. The only way I can get it to update to the latest version, is by installing the beta over the top
  14. manf0001

    Updating Emby in CentOS

    Hello I'm running CentOS 7.1.1503 and Emby Server 3.0.5588.1 I'm trying to update to the latest of 3.0.56072 but when I run the commands indicated on the downloads section.. Like I have for previous updates.. it tells me. "Package MediaBrowserServer-3.0.5588.1-Stable.66.1.noarch already installed and latest version Nothing to do" Also when I do run the command yum update MediaBrowserServer-repositories I get an output saying No Packages marked for update. So how can I update my server? Thanks
  15. Hi, I'm currently using Emby 3.0.5582.4 running on Windows 8.1. I guess there is a problem with reading information from nfo file in metadata manager. - plot is read from nfo and stored in metadata Manager - that's fine - tag <type> ("Treat Image as:") is ignored, but written when I save it via metadata manager. After scann of library all cover arts are showing h264 instead of DVD / BD. This worked in a version before 3.0.5571. Below you find an example of nfo file. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <movie> <plot>Amerikas stärkste Geheimwaffe gegen das Verbrechen ist wieder im Einsatz: Sensationelle Actionszenen und unschlagbarer Humor – Vollgas mit Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu und dem “gefallenen Engel” Demi Moore – wieder unter der Regie von McG! Ob als Bullen reitende Cowgirls, Motocross-Rennfahrerinnen oder ultra-sexy Showtänzerinnen – die Martial Arts-erprobten Verwandlungskünstlerinnen begeben sich auf Charlies Anweisung hin in höchst brenzlige Situationen. Diesmal macht sich das Team auf die Suche nach zwei gestohlenen Titan-Ringen, die verschlüsselte Informationen über die Identitäten sämtlicher Personen des Zeugenschutzprogramms der U.S.- Regierung tragen. Als die ersten Zeugen tot aufgefunden werden, kann nur das todesmutige Power-Trio den Täter aufhalten. Doch dann holt sie ein Stück dunkelster Vergangenheit ein.</plot> <outline/> <customrating/> <lockdata>false</lockdata> <type>DVD</type> <dateadded>2011-09-22 13:02:07</dateadded> <title>3 Engel für Charlie - Volle Power</title> <originaltitle>Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle</originaltitle> <director>McG</director> <trailer>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDbguY8lE-0</trailer> <rating>4.8</rating> <year>2003</year> <sorttitle>3 engel für charlie - volle power</sorttitle> <mpaa>DE-16</mpaa> <aspectratio>2.355:1</aspectratio> <website></website> <rottentomatoesid/> <collectionnumber>86029</collectionnumber> <imdbid>tt0305357</imdbid> <tmdbid>9471</tmdbid> <premiered>2003-06-27</premiered> <releasedate>2003-06-27</releasedate> <criticrating/> <criticratingsummary>Eye candy for those who don't require a movie to have a plot or for it to make sense.</criticratingsummary> <votes>93201</votes> <budget>120000000</budget> <revenue>259175788</revenue> <metascore>48</metascore> <runtime>94</runtime> <country>US</country> <genre>Action</genre> <genre>Abenteuer</genre> <genre>Komödie</genre> <genre>Krimi</genre> <studio>Columbia Pictures Corporation</studio> <studio>Flower Films (II)</studio> <studio>Tall Trees Productions</studio> <studio>Wonderland Sound and Vision</studio> <tag>secret identity</tag> <tag>raub</tag> <tag>secret agent</tag> <plotkeyword>secret identity</plotkeyword> <plotkeyword>raub</plotkeyword> <plotkeyword>secret agent</plotkeyword> <awardsummary>8 wins & 14 nominations.</awardsummary> <art> <poster>\\kino\filme\#-9\3 Engel für Charlie Reihe [boxset]\3 Engel für Charlie\folder.jpg</poster> <fanart>\\kino\filme\#-9\3 Engel für Charlie Reihe [boxset]\3 Engel für Charlie\backdrop.jpg</fanart> <fanart>\\kino\filme\#-9\3 Engel für Charlie Reihe [boxset]\3 Engel für Charlie\backdrop1.jpg</fanart> <fanart>\\kino\filme\#-9\3 Engel für Charlie Reihe [boxset]\3 Engel für Charlie\backdrop2.jpg</fanart> <fanart>\\kino\filme\#-9\3 Engel für Charlie Reihe [boxset]\3 Engel für Charlie\backdrop3.jpg</fanart> <fanart>\\kino\filme\#-9\3 Engel für Charlie Reihe [boxset]\3 Engel für Charlie\backdrop4.jpg</fanart> <fanart>\\kino\filme\#-9\3 Engel für Charlie Reihe [boxset]\3 Engel für Charlie\backdrop5.jpg</fanart> <fanart>\\kino\filme\#-9\3 Engel für Charlie Reihe [boxset]\3 Engel für Charlie\backdrop6.jpg</fanart> <fanart>\\kino\filme\#-9\3 Engel für Charlie Reihe [boxset]\3 Engel für Charlie\backdrop7.jpg</fanart> <fanart>\\kino\filme\#-9\3 Engel für Charlie Reihe [boxset]\3 Engel für Charlie\backdrop8.jpg</fanart> <fanart>\\kino\filme\#-9\3 Engel für Charlie Reihe [boxset]\3 Engel für Charlie\backdrop9.jpg</fanart> <fanart>\\kino\filme\#-9\3 Engel für Charlie Reihe [boxset]\3 Engel für Charlie\backdrop10.jpg</fanart> <fanart>\\kino\filme\#-9\3 Engel für Charlie Reihe [boxset]\3 Engel für Charlie\fanart.jpg</fanart> </art> <isuserfavorite>false</isuserfavorite> <userrating/> <playcount>1</playcount> <watched>true</watched> <lastplayed/> <resume> <position>0</position> <total>5665.003</total> </resume> <tagline/> <actor> <name>Cameron Diaz</name> <role>Natalie Cook</role> <type>Actor</type> <thumb>http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185/ahFkUN9Sm8oF1txUHE5JcJ95Ere.jpg</thumb> </actor> <actor> <name>Drew Barrymore</name> <role>Dylan Sanders</role> <type>Actor</type> <thumb>http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185/y8GKPHsBXVGIGBdDzdNxjm0IbKF.jpg</thumb> </actor> <actor> <name>Lucy Liu</name> <role>Alex Munday</role> <type>Actor</type> <thumb>http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185/cOSycUPBNi49YcPHo4Rf7ROHqCC.jpg</thumb> </actor> <actor> <name>Bernie Mac</name> <role>Jimmy Bosley</role> <type>Actor</type> <thumb>http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185/3qIk1hVV82kcZSEffbuUHpMQBCq.jpg</thumb> </actor> <actor> <name>Robert Patrick</name> <role>Ray Carter</role> <type>Actor</type> <thumb>http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185/dpUIbzLpExv69faSRyww8A4ydxf.jpg</thumb> </actor> <actor> <name>Demi Moore</name> <role>Madison Lee</role> <type>Actor</type> <thumb>http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185/eLNoOYnxvhpV0BMSkNNnyyo5In7.jpg</thumb> </actor> <actor> <name>John Cleese</name> <role>Mr. Munday</role> <type>Actor</type> <thumb>http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185/iGFWzoHz4ruCSfeEY54CRdMnFJ8.jpg</thumb> </actor> <actor> <name>Matt LeBlanc</name> <role>Jason</role> <type>Actor</type> <thumb>http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185/35sPf8IBVl54vdmc9Tyv17otMnk.jpg</thumb> </actor> <actor> <name>Luke Wilson</name> <role>Pete</role> <type>Actor</type> <thumb>http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185/n7CRA7h1z3FVOzBJ5EjfSrPQbvl.jpg</thumb> </actor> <actor> <name>Shia LaBeouf</name> <role>Max</role> <type>Actor</type> <thumb>http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185/anP0tygzniIok6L3OxcSZ9TYCF3.jpg</thumb> </actor> <actor> <name>Bruce Willis</name> <role>William Rose Bailey</role> <type>Actor</type> <thumb>http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185/kI1OluWhLJk3pnR19VjOfABpnTY.jpg</thumb> </actor> <actor> <name>Ashley Olsen</name> <role>Future Ange</role> <type>Actor</type> <thumb>http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185/gIZBBtO7IGV1wxgFNCzuo7ZakwO.jpg</thumb> </actor> <actor> <name>Mary-Kate Olsen</name> <role>Future Ange</role> <type>Actor</type> <thumb>http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185/fxTJRxHrNyZVrWZWQZOTXJnGwDY.jpg</thumb> </actor> <actor> <name>Pink</name> <role>Coal Bowl Starter</role> <type>Actor</type> <thumb>http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185/A4tOzacgaBltm522XYxLodG3ImX.jpg</thumb> </actor> <actor> <name>Crispin Glover</name> <role>Thin Man</role> <type>Actor</type> <thumb>http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185/thA5rOv5XE1oFpxD9DSp0tDrIIR.jpg</thumb> </actor> <actor> <name>Justin Theroux</name> <role>Seamus O'Grady</role> <type>Actor</type> <thumb>http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185/3Ed13zSHQlJW1sMGugtOZW1My74.jpg</thumb> </actor> <id>tt0305357</id> <set>3 Engel für Charlie Filmreihe</set> <fileinfo> <streamdetails> <video> <codec>h264</codec> <micodec>h264</micodec> <bitrate>2261005</bitrate> <width>720</width> <height>432</height> <aspect>2.35:1</aspect> <aspectratio>2.35:1</aspectratio> <framerate>25</framerate> <language>und</language> <scantype>progressive</scantype> <default>true</default> <forced>false</forced> <duration>94</duration> <durationinseconds>5665</durationinseconds> <format3d/> </video> <audio> <codec>ac3</codec> <micodec>ac3</micodec> <bitrate>448000</bitrate> <language>deu</language> <scantype>progressive</scantype> <channels>6</channels> <samplingrate>48000</samplingrate> <default>true</default> <forced>False</forced> </audio> <audio> <codec>aac</codec> <micodec>aac</micodec> <bitrate>159990</bitrate> <language>deu</language> <scantype>progressive</scantype> <channels>2</channels> <samplingrate>48000</samplingrate> <default>false</default> <forced>False</forced> </audio> <subtitle> <codec>mov_text</codec> <micodec>mov_text</micodec> <bitrate/> <language>und</language> <scantype>progressive</scantype> <default>false</default> <forced>false</forced> </subtitle> </streamdetails> </fileinfo> <thumb/> </movie>
  16. jordandparker

    Latest Update Ruined my setup

    Hi guys just wondering if it's just me but the latest MB Classic update is horrible. I used to have Movies, Tv Shows, Kids Movies, Kids Tv Shows, Games and trailers on my home screen but after the update its all in movies tv shows and collection. Why would the update do this and is it just me but this seems silly?
  17. Hi everyone I tried to update my Media Browser Server to the newest Version v3.0.5518.7 from the previous stable version. But everytime it shows me the 404 error and tries to connect to my local inetpub directory (see the picture attached). Obviously in this path is no Media Browser installation so it fails to load the dashboard and all the other stuff. I tried a complete new installation and everything else, running as a service or direct as an application (the application is loading everytime normal, showing the splash Screen and so on), everytime the same error. I am running Windows Server 2012 R2 with the essentials role and of course i have Websites running on port 80/443 through IIS. I tried to stop these websites as well as IIS but it did not work. I can not imagine where the mistake could be, also every version of Media Browser since 2014 runs perfectly also with my configuration on this server. I hope you can give me a tip where my problem could be.
  18. Theodore

    Metadata Locks Being Reset

    Server version: 3.0.5490.2 I am going through my media collection to make sure everything has artwork and all available metadata. I have locks set at the top level "Movies" to lock Name, Overview, Genres, and People. I also set the same metadata locks set on the individual titles when I initially add them. However this morning I was going through older titles that I had when upgrading from MB2 and getting them fully populated when I noticed something potentially pretty bad (for my anal-retentive filing at least). I would select a title and set my locks under Metadata Settings for Name, Overview, Genres, and People then click "Save". When the "Item Saved." dialog went away I would go back up and click "Identify" and select the movie. All available information now populated, I click "Save" again. Now scroll down to Metadata Settings and all of the locks set have been reverted to "On". Is this as bad as it looks? When autotasks run for People and Library run, is it going to potentially mess up the data I set manually? If I set those locks at the top level, shouldn't that automatically pass down to the subfiles like it does if I were to click the check box for "Lock this item to prevent future changes"? Thanks!
  19. Something strange happened to my library and the only thing I can associate it to is the update to 3.0.5464.40000 because I have not made any other changes to my library or MB3. I've been using MB3 (MBS and MBC) for quite a while now with no issues. All of my movies had the movie cover for the 'Primary' image. However, yesterday I noticed the covers (cover art) for most of my movies was gone! So I went into the MBS Metadata Manager and sure enough for about 80% of my movies the 'Primary' image has been changed to a clip instead of the cover! However, when I go in Windows Explorer the correct cover image is in the associated movie folder either as a folder.jpg or folder.png. I have not made any changes to MBS. Here is my setup for metadata: I saw this similar post, but the OP seems to not had his images working right since he migrated from MB2 to MB3. Mine had been fine until yesterday. http://mediabrowser.tv/community/index.php?/topic/15452-clear-down-and-start-again/ Any ideas why MBS changed all my 'Primary' images?
  20. Hi All, Since the update on 30th November, we are having major issues with the library, for example, in a folder called history, we have several folders, some of the folders had audio pods in and now they dont show up, but the files are there when manually viewing in windows explorer, also some videos when placed into folders makes the folder think its a file, the previous version before this update never did this and worked perfectly, is there a fix or is there a way to revert back to the previous version of Media Browser as this is causing issues and many hours of headaches, being this is a school. Many thanks Nathaniel
  21. Hello all I've a little problem since update 3.0.5445.5 In the dashboard it shows me a failed library scan, caused by an illegal sign in a path. I was searching manually in the directories and had a look into the log files, but did'nt found anything. I can also watch all my videos .. so i don't know what to do. Can someone help me please to resolve this problem? Maybe i've to say, that i've modified some other files to create 3 server with 1 configuration .. Well, all my servers have the same problem and are running now update 3.0.5445.6 - which also don't resolve the problem. In the attachement are the latest 3 logfiles from my mainserver. Thanks for help! Best regards, Yoshi server-63553247999.txt server-63553161599.txt server-63553075199.txt
  22. Concept211

    Automatic Update?

    Would it be possible to schedule automatic nightly updates to Media Browser Classic? We only run it on-demand but it's annoying to get prompted nearly every time we launch it to update. It would be great if it just updated itself overnight so that we're always running the latest and greatest. thanks!
  23. Updated the embedded disc image in the track files (.mp3, .flac) of several albums with higher quality images. Refreshing the track, album, album artist, music library and rescanning the library failed to update the MediaBrowser displayed image @ track level. I was able to update the displayed image by uploading the new image to each track individually. Is there the capability to update the embedded disc images on a 1) album, 2) album artist, 3) library element or 4) the entire library basis as opposed to the rather tedious track by track image upload? A "Refresh Disc" and/or "Refresh All Embedded Artwork" option in Scheduled Tasks would be nice. Thanks
  24. I originally posted this on 10 May 2014 - 05:45 PM. I haven't received any response from admin/developers (maybe due to upgrade over weeekend). In any case I am reposting this in the hopes that It will get a response from admin/developers. I apologize if I am just being to impatient. Using old IBN person structure. Updated person .jpg does update in movie display. The scenario is as follows: 1) IBN\People\{Actor Name}\folder.jpg exists. 2) folder.jpg is replaced. 3) Corresponding image under "Cast & Crew" is old .jpg 4) Click on relevant image to go to the person/actor page->image is new .jpg > Click on "Edit" > Click on "Refresh" > Return to "Cast & Crew" on main movie page->image is still old .jpg 5) On main movie page click on "Edit" > Click on "Refresh"->image is still old .jpg 6) On "Scheduled Tasks" page click on "Refresh People" > Return to "Cast & Crew" on main movie page->image is still old .jpg 7) On "Scheduled Tasks" page click on "Scan media library" > Return to "Cast & Crew" on main movie page->image is still old .jpg The only way I have been able to get the image on the movie page to update is to "Upload" the new .jpg. Is there a way to perform a bulk update for the person/actor images on the main movie pages?
  25. Using old IBN person structure. Updated person .jpg does update in movie display. The scenario is as follows: 1) IBN\People\{Actor Name}\folder.jpg exists. 2) folder.jpg is replaced. 3) Corresponding image under "Cast & Crew" is old .jpg 4) Click on relevant image to go to the person/actor page->image is new .jpg > Click on "Edit" > Click on "Refresh" > Return to "Cast & Crew" on main movie page->image is still old .jpg 5) On main movie page click on "Edit" > Click on "Refresh"->image is still old .jpg 6) On "Scheduled Tasks" page click on "Refresh People" > Return to "Cast & Crew" on main movie page->image is still old .jpg 7) On "Scheduled Tasks" page click on "Scan media library" > Return to "Cast & Crew" on main movie page->image is still old .jpg The only way I have been able to get the image on the movie page to update is to "Upload" the new .jpg. Is there a way to perform a bulk update for the person/actor images on the main movie pages? In addition, I have noticed that after uploading an image (I always upload from the media folder), the image is usually deleted (but not always). Is this functioning as expected? If so, why and when is it necessary to delete the image after uploading it?
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