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  1. Hi, Any of you that have read some of my posts (or maybe rants ) may have realized I'm not real happy with the Asustor updates coming from App. Central. But thanks to a fellow Asustor user lllrinzlerlll , he has let me know a way to keep your Asustor version up-to-date and not have to put up with the atrocious versions we are subjected to. Have heard that Admin Luke is trying to get Asustor to change the way they write the updates or maybe make them ourselves but til then this is the way a few of us are doing it. We are copying the Mono Linux version over what is installed on the NAS. - just go to - https://github.com/M...releases/latest , select Emby.Mono.zip release. When you unzip the Mono version, you will notice in step 5/6 that it's the same files and structure as what you already have. (Would strongly suggest you make a backup copy of this whole section from your NAS - FIRST - just in case it doesn't work or it goofs in some way. That way you can just copy it all back over the top of the original files/folders. Once you've done it once and worked, keep a copy of the last update, just in case the new one isn't liked, you can always just copy it back over the new files and keep using the previous version.) If you haven't already enabled SSH, then open Services, goto Terminal and enable the SSH service. Usually uses port 22. How to install - 1. On the NAS log into Emby and click shutdown, then in Asustor App Central disable Emby 2. Download Emby.Mono.zip to a PC and unpack the zip file to a folder 3. Download and install WinSCP to a PC 4. In WinSCP create an FTP connection with your NAS, you will need to know the IP address, a user and password and have FTP or SFTP enabled in the NAS under settings, FTP is normally port 21 and SFTP is normally port 22 (you will see port number in WinSCP when creating a connection, sometimes its autofilled) 5. In the WinSCP remote window navigate to volume1/@.plugins/AppCentral/mediabrowser/bin (if you cant see @.plugins then you need to enable view hidden files in WinSCP) 6. In the WinSCP local window navigate to where you have the Emby Server unpacked 7. You can highlight all local files and drag them across to the remote path 8. Once complete (for me it took around 10 seconds), you can disconnect your WinSCP session 9. Go back to Asustor App Central and re-enable Emby 10. Give it a minute and then log into Emby, you should be running the latest Linux version you downloaded from the Emby site The benefit of this is Asustor has no idea you have upgraded the system and thinks its running the latest version from the Asustor servers. As long as you don't upgrade Emby from App Central and do it this way every time you will be fine. You can update Emby whenever a new Linux version is available on the Emby site Doing it this way only upgrades the Emby version and doesn't touch the rest of your files (where your metadata is etc). However make sure your not overriding any folders etc where your settings are saved. ------------------------- If any of this is beyond your understanding or you are not comfortable with zip files, copying files via an FTP style program or getting your "hands dirty" in the files section of your NAS, then please don't do it, get someone who is comfortable doing it, and knows what they are doing. ------------------------ The instructions are a direct copy from an email lllrinzlerlll sent me and yes it does work, so thank you very much lllrinzlerlll for all your help.
  2. ISSUES Genres are messed up. I now have a "Science Fiction" genre and a "Science-Fiction" genre. I have zero movies or tv shows using "Science-Fiction" with the hyphen in the metadata. I specifically have to change this for every single science fiction tv show I add to my library because TVDB uses the name with a hyphen whereas TMDB does not and I want everything to match. When I click on "Science-Fiction" genre under Genres, it brings up all my science fiction movies/shows before the update. I double checked the metadata and nfos and I have it listed as just "Science Fiction" for all those movies/shows. But I also have a "Science Fiction" genre under Genres. If I click on that, it brings up the two science fiction movies I added to the library today post-update. So unless you have a fix, I'm going to have to go through almost 1000 movies and shows and delete the current science fiction genre in the metadata and then re-add it so they all are grouped into the same genre. No filter or sorting in Favorites depending on how you reach Favorites. 1. Click on Movies or TV Shows under My Media on the home screen and then click on Favorites from the top bar, it gives you no sorting or filtering. 2. If you click on Favorites from the home screen at the very top (Home / Favorites) then click on Favorite Movies or Favorite TV Shows, it will give you the filter and sorting options. This happens when using a browser on my desktop and also in the Android app. When you access Collections from the Home Screen under My Media, there's a single random year listed under every title of each collection. I can't make any sense what the date corresponds to. It's not the year of the earliest or latest movie in the collection. The date doesn't show up under the name of the collection if you go to Movies or TV Shows under My Media first and then select Collections from the top bar. All my chapter image extractions just disappeared. Not a big deal. But I'm wondering if all those GBs of images were deleted or do I need to go in and manually do so? I'm running the scan again right now. OPINIONS Totals are no longer listed. No idea how many movies or tv shows/episodes I have unless I go into statistics which I do not like at all. I think totals should be listed on just about everything. Movies, TV Shows, Collections, Favorites, Genres, etc. The big white bars with arrows to horizontal scroll in various places needs a redesign imo. The look seems out of place with the rest of it. I read in one of your comments to another user about the fact that there were so many fundamental changes to the database that its impossible to go back to a previous version. I think in the future it would be wise to give a pop up warning for automatic update users saying that it won't be possible to roll back to a previous version, remind users to do a backup and give the user a chance to defer the update until they are 100% ready. Only on the big updates that really change things like 4.0 did.
  3. Since the update yesterday I can no longer access my server through any device. A majority of my movies/TV shows metadata was wiped out and even when I try and reset them every time I do a search, either with the name of the file or the IMDB code it finds NOTHING. Everything was working perfectly prior to this update yesterday. I am so beyond frustrated. If anyone can offer any advice it would be greatly appreciated. I am a beginner with all of this and I do not know what to do!!
  4. Kimballslice1890

    Convert Media Failed

    After updating to the latest emby server, I have an alert saying convert media failed. Here is the content of that error: Exception of type 'SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException' was thrown. at SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException.CheckOk(sqlite3 db, Int32 rc) at SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteDatabaseConnection.PrepareStatement(String sql, String& tail) at SQLitePCL.pretty.DatabaseConnection.PrepareStatement(IDatabaseConnection This, String sql) at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetFirst[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Boolean& found) at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at Emby.Sqlite.BaseSqliteRepository.CreateConnection(Boolean isReadOnly) at Emby.Server.Sync.SyncRepository.GetJobs(SyncJobQuery query) at Emby.Server.Sync.SyncJobProcessor.EnsureSyncJobItems(String targetId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Emby.Server.Sync.SyncJobProcessor.Sync(IProgress`1 progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Emby.Server.Sync.SyncConvertScheduledTask.Execute(CancellationToken cancellationToken, IProgress`1 progress) at Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.ScheduledTaskWorker.ExecuteInternal(TaskOptions options) is this an issue that will impact my experience or server?
  5. SilverPeak

    Emby hide playlist

    Hi, I just updated to the latest version of Emby ( and everything seems to work fine but one problem arises in the My Media overview there is now a section called Playlists and i want it gone. it wasn't there before and should be gone really. Already i've tried to hide/remove it by right-clicking on it but no such option is available. Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/2FZx2sm.png Am i overlooking something? Thanks!
  6. Hello I'm running an Synology DS211 NAS and last night I updated the synology software to DSM 6.2.1-23824 Update 4. Since this update my Emby service has failed to start. Every time I try to run the service I get an error message stating "Failed to run the package service". Before this update Emby was running perfectly without any issues. As an experiment I've run some other synology packages which I had installed but were stopped just to make sure they could still run, and they do. I'm not sure what to do next. I guess I could uninstall and re-install the Emby package again but I'm reluctant at the moment as I would have to configure it again. As anybody else had the same issue? Any suggestions welcome. thanks Paul
  7. I've been holding off on upgrading Emby, hoping that some day the repo will be fixed. Everything was working fine until a few days ago when I began to get an error when accessing app.emby.media. I can't access my Emby server from app.media.emby until I upgrade according to the message. Is there a workaround for this? I've ran a whole lot of Linux servers over the years and the current method Emby is using, unzipping a file you download every update, is a really poor practice. It can lead to a total package mess. Is there any way to get this update through a managed repository (the proper way of doing things!) or do I just have to suck it up, go against best Linux practices and try to do a totally messy upgrade and hope my Emby server comes out intact on the other side? Thanks.
  8. Emby on Synology DS216play with DSM 6.2.1 I have been using emby server on Synology has for a few months now. After a recent reset of NAS ( reinstall) and install of emby server, It fails to connect with external services. At present I am unable to add emby connect ID, search for meta data, check for updates to emby etc. It's like emby wouldn't connect to internet. I checked and internet is working fine on nas. I don't recall any extra settings to enable emby to access internet. Is there any? Could it be that these are related to problem may be at emby's end.? This is what error message I get when emby tries to check for updates. Check for application updates failed Error: TrustFailure (A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception.) at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpClientManager.HttpClientManager+d__18.MoveNext () [0x006b6] in <8252e50122f84f82af882c36d707f6ce>:0 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpClientManager.HttpClientManager+d__15.MoveNext () [0x001f4] in <8252e50122f84f82af882c36d707f6ce>:0 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at MediaBrowser.Common.Updates.GithubUpdater+d__3.MoveNext () [0x000f6] in <8096af2ef9e24d15a1a7abee7f8324c0>:0 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at Emby.Server.Implementations.ApplicationHost+d__382.MoveNext () [0x00136] in <8252e50122f84f82af882c36d707f6ce>:0 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.SystemUpdateTask+d__11.MoveNext () [0x00086] in <8252e50122f84f82af882c36d707f6ce>:0 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.ScheduledTaskWorker+d__68.MoveNext () [0x00156] in <8252e50122f84f82af882c36d707f6ce>:0
  9. I need help updating Emby. it stopped updating at version it's been months I am really stuck. I can't identify what's causing this. If anyone can help, I appreciate it. Regards
  10. Guest

    last.fm addon gone?

    I just did a reset of my whole system and reinstalled emby 3.0.5786 and recognized that the last.fm scrobbler plugin was completely gone from the catalog. I know that they pretty much messed up their API, but are there chances that scrobbling music from emby will come back anytime?
  11. Soki

    Repository install for Emby 3.4

    Good morning friends, since a couple of days i want to update emby server from 3.3x to 3.4 but it seems like 3.4 is not available in the repository. Is it intentionaly not beeing provided in the repo? If possible I would like to not use the .deb pakage and update/install via apt-get. Can you give a litle update on future plans here? Is the repo going to be updated or not? Thanks Soki
  12. ddluzelle

    Emby Server Windows

    Hi Emby, I'd like to ask for your help. We're not able to update Emby Server hosted to our Windows Server. We're not able to update emby server which is hosted in our Windows Server. Even if we have downloaded the latest version and was advised to restart after, still the update failed. What are the other steps we can do to update our Emby Server? Thanks.
  13. Good morning, after updating from 3.3x to 3.4 via dpkg I am missing several pictures. There are some folder pictures missing and a lot of pictures from media inside of all folders. Never had this problem before after an update. How to proceed from here? EDIT: Testet via different browsers and accounts, cleared cache of all testet browsers. EDIT2: Found several "Error ImageProcessor: Error encoding image" in server log. See attached. included server log.txt (changed url, private and public ips). Thanks in advance Soki Log.txt
  14. This new update has wrecked my Emby Apple TV experience. One simple question....WHY OH WHY did the developers remove the backdrops when I view a movie? There is now a blank backdrop with a lonesome logo and I feel as bored as Helen Keller in an art gallery when viewing my movies. The way Emby USED to utilise backdrops on the Apple TV was glorious. Backdrops for Apple TV was the defining feature for Emby, and is what what made me move to the green side from Plex. Looking at the picture I attached, who in their right mind thinks the new update makes it look better... Is this a simple mistake made by the Emby devs who accidentally removed backdrops? Or is this actually a decision made by the team? Because it is an absolute shocker of a decision if that's the case, and I am on the verge on cancelling my premiere subscription and moving back to Plex if its here to stay. So where did it go? Are you bringing it back? Am I wasting my time if its permanent? Couldn't the devs make an option to turn it on and off? Hopefully I am not the only one who is irate. The new update has surely taken the Apple TV project two steps back. Thanks.
  15. tclonspeed

    Erro na atualização novamente

    BOM DIA , BOA TARDE , BOA NOITE. ---------------------------------------- Eu não sei se alguém se lembra , mais já discuti essa "erro" aqui no fórum . Mas ele aconteceu novamente , acontece assim : -Quando aparece uma nova atualização eu "clicko" em atualizar , ai ele baixa , e aparece isso: -Ai como pede para eu reiniciar , lembrando que esse é o emby server(e eu estou utilizando o windows 10) , ai eu vou lá e clicko em reniciar: -Depois que eu clicko aparece isso: -Quando apareceu isso na primeira vez , passou 1 minuto ele voltou automaticamente , na segunda(atualização) a mesma coisa , na terceira(atualização) a mesma coisa , quarta(atualização) a mesma coisa , tudo funcionando certinho , mas na quinta atualização , deu esse bug , que ele fica nessa tela pra sempre , e fica só Reiniciando o Servidor Emby , um dia eu deixei a noite inteira e ficou só assim , ai eu tentei várias vezes e não consegui , aí eu tive a "brilhante" ideia de formatar o computador , eu formatei tudo normal , e depois deu esse bug novamente nessa atualização recente , aí não sei resolver , -Preciso de ajuda , por favor que poder me ajudar eu aceito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. mporcas

    Server Update Issue

    Hi Trying to update server from 3.2.50 to 3.2.70 and I get the following error message when the installer tries to download the new version. I tried the old installer I had from the last update and I tried downloading the latest installer but nothing seems to work. Any ideas? Thanks, Martin
  17. sarutobi

    Erro update

    Good Morning, I can not finish the update from version to, when I reboot the emby it does not automatically retune and when the restart manually the update is not installed. Please, I really need some help. Thanks in advance.
  18. The remote name could not be resolved api.github.com This is the error im getting from my alerts for the past month?
  19. libmono-system-security4.0-cil fails update - unauthenticated packages after apt-get update I get the following error. Any ideas ? user@ubuntu-server:~$ sudo apt-get update Get:1 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security InRelease [102 kB] Hit:2 http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease Get:3 http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates InRelease [102 kB] Ign:4 http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/emby/xUbuntu_16.04 InRelease Get:5 http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-backports InRelease [102 kB] Get:6 http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/emby/xUbuntu_16.04 Release [1,009 B] Get:7 http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/emby/xUbuntu_16.04 Release.gpg [481 B] Ign:8 http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/emby/xUbuntu_16.04 Release.gpg Hit:9 http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/emby/xUbuntu_16.04 Packages Fetched 308 kB in 0s (391 kB/s) Reading package lists... Done W: GPG error: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/emby/xUbuntu_16.04 Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 0A506F712A7D8A28 W: The repository 'http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/emby/xUbuntu_16.04 Release' is not signed. N: Data from such a repository can't be authenticated and is therefore potentially dangerous to use. N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details. user@ubuntu-server:~$
  20. [root@@Localhost yum.repos.d]# yum update emby-server Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: linux.mirrors.es.net * epel: linux.mirrors.es.net * extras: pubmirrors.dal.corespace.com * updates: centos.eecs.wsu.edu * zmrepo: No packages marked for update Any ideas on why I cannot update?
  21. Opera_of_Death

    Where is the update for Synology?

    Hi! I just wounder why my Synology NAS can't see the update in the Package Center? Hasn't it been released yet for that platform? I wounder because when I'm in the Control-panel for the Emby server it says that the update is ready to download. But when I go to my NAS and open the package center it says that is the latest. I have tried with refreshing the package center and restarting the server and even shut it down but there are no update. So if the update for Synology NAS is out please tell me what to do. If not please fix so that it only show that there is an update when there really is one out for the platform. Thanks anyway for a great media service!!!
  22. vladromas

    Missing Update Emby 3.1.2

    My emby Server tells me there is a new Version - 3.1.2. when it appears in App Central? there is only 3.0.85 version. Thank you very much for your answer
  23. geoff511

    Asustor updates wipes data

    Hi, Can somebody please tell me why -- Every Time EMBY does an update IT WIPES EVERYTHING BACK TO A BRAND NEW INSTALLATION ?? The last update (a couple of months ago) also wiped Emby back to a new installation, and since then I have been painstakingly setting it back up AGAIN -- the TV shows, movies and for the last 3 weeks my CD library. And today App Central informs me there is an update to vers. 3.0.6020.r1 .... and I (as I have now found out) foolishly allowed the update to occur ... Emby restarts and it is BLANK !!!! JUST AS IF I JUST INSTALLED IT FOR THE FIRST TIME !!!!! I use the Plugin "Server Configuration Backup" .. So I re-installed it, restarted Emby and ran the last backup which was saved last night --- and it did ... wait for it .... Nothing ! So I restarted Emby again, re-ran the Backup and restored from the last save and waited, around 10 minutes later, noticed some things starting to appear (looks like you can't rush it). So have I got to completely re-setup EMBY EVERY TIME THERE IS AN UPDATE ? And if so - WHY ?? PLEASE HELP !!!!! (Added this morning) So the restore started last night about 8pm .. it is now 6am and the restore is still running - the scan is up to 69.2% Not sure if it is still the 1st scan from the restore last night, or the scheduled scan due 4.30am every day, but the scheduled scan usually takes about 20min ... so this is taking a lot longer. But still I do want to ask the programmers - Does Emby have to wipe itself every time there is an update on the Asustor version ??
  24. please refer to --- https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/46629-how-to-update-to-the-latest-version-on-an-asustor/
  25. I call myself searching through the guides and the General/Windows forum section but I wasn't seeing a guide/tutorial for updating Emby when you're running it as a Windows service. Updating Emby when you're running it as a program or from the tray/dock seems straightforward Updating Emby as a Windows Service doesn't appear as straightforward. So is there a guide or makeshift instructions at all for updating Emby when running it as a Windows Service?
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