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  1. AngelSing

    Sharing Links in Emby

    In the context of Emby, sharing content with other users can be a very useful tool for enjoying movies, series, or music together. With that in mind, could you explain how to share a link in Emby using this user feature?
  2. slybreiz

    mediatheque distante [SMB]

    Bonjour je viens d'installe un serveur emby sur une debian . je voudrais y connecter mes 2 médiathèques; qui sont sur 2 nas ( un synology et un Qnap) je n'arrive pas a me connecter j'essaye smb//user:mdp@monip cela ne fonctionne pas . es la bonne syntaxe pour connecter un répertoire distant . merci
  3. Hi I am planning to get a VPS or dedicated on hetzner or contabo to install emby and share with my friends about 25 or more people. Will VPS be enough or should i get a dedicated? Which specs should i look for? Ram, CPU or what should be the minimum specs? For ex for now, i have a 30GB interstellar movie with H265 HEVC codec, on Apple TV Emby player with 100mbit connection it is not playing flawlessly. What is the reason do you think? Thanks
  4. All of my media is stored on a Synology NAS. In fact, I currently have Emby running on my Synology NAS, but the Shield has stronger hardware so I predict running Emby server on the Shield should result in smoother playback of 4k content and transcoded content. But I don't want to spend hours setting up Emby server on a Shield and troubleshooting share connectivity problems if there are already known issues with the Shield reading/writing to NAS shares. Does Android Server running on the Shield have any problem reading from or writing to NAS shares, or are there any workarounds that are necessary for it to work? I really want to avoid using SMBv1 if at all possible.
  5. EduardoSantos

    Share a media item

    Running Emby app version 3.8.34 I am not aware if Emby's "share" feature works properly and, therefore, if this is a bug or my problem is a configuration issue. I do not use Emby connect. Sharing a media item through the android app to one WhatsApp contact results in: O futuro é distante e o mundo está sob o comando dos poderosos, que isolaram os mais pobres no subsolo como se fossem seus escravos, para que trabalhassem em prol dos mesmos. Comandados por Freder Fredersen (Gustav Fröhlich), os operários são obrigados a trabalharem sem parar para que a cidade não pare. Obra-prima de Fritz Lang, reconhecido como um dos filmes-mudos mais importantes já lançados no cinema, continuando atual ainda hoje. http://[MYDOMAIN].ddns.net:8096/emby Which corresponds to the movie overview/sinopse. Problems are: - There is no mention to media item title - Link leads only to the login screen - There message does not include the cover art. Is this a configuration problem?
  6. Fonseca.Shawn@gmail.com

    Shares with passwords

    I am new to Emby and I have been using plex for a year now. Why can't Emby see my mapped network drive on my server? When will Emby let you add a network drive with a password? I have looked around and it seams this question has been asked a lot over time.
  7. Hi, Before anything else I simply must thank you for your otherwise excellent product: I really like Emby and have been using it for over a year now. It's pretty, easy to use and the cross-platform apps are superb. Thank you very much. So, I'm having a problem playing back media. Whether TV shows, movies etc. doesn't matter. They play fine: in the browser, using my Apple TV (4th gen) or the iOS app (iPhone). The catch though is the scrubber doesn't display relative to the length of the media itself, only relative to the amount it has buffered. For example, if 'Dick Spanner: The Case of the Human Cannonball' is 50-ish minutes long then the scrubber will initially show 30-40 seconds total length. Then more will buffer and the total length will go up. In order to skip 20 minutes into the media file, I need to wait for 20 minutes worth of media to buffer before the scrubber will let me go that far. Here's a screenshot of an episode of Father Ted to illustrate: It's only about 5 seconds in, but the scrubber makes it look like we're 2/3 of the way through the episode. It also seems that the media files don't buffer beyond a certain amount- about 5 minutes or so ahead (which makes good sense, saves on bandwidth) but that means I can only skip ahead 5 minutes or so each time. I'd like to be able to start a movie, stop watching it halfway through and then restart it later and scrub to where I left off. I often access the Emby server remotely and, due to remote access problems, it's not uncommon for movies to cut-off or have to be restarted. In those cases Emby isn't necessarily aware of where they left off (so no 'Resume' option) and I must scrub to the correct point manually. Now Emby didn't do this until recently, ie in the last week or so, so I can only imagine its either something I've done to our network (quite possible!) or some setting that I've flipped accidentally. Has anyone seen this? If so, do you know how I might correct it? It's trivial... but surprisingly frustrating! I've attached my Emby server logs (there's only one user in the system). -- Set up details: * Emby is running on a Windows Server 2016 box accessing media from an NFS share over a 10/100 CAT7 ethernet connection. * NFS share is CentOS 7 with a 7 disk (1 spare) RAID6 array. I changed to this from SAMBA a little while ago due to poor performance. * Client devices access either over WiFi or remotely through reverse-proxy. * Emby runs as a standard non-privileged user using the Emby Portable image. * All was going fine until about 10 days ago * Scrubber issue happens on all clients, remote and local. * I've tested (over WiFi) mounting the NFS share as a drive and dragging-n-dropping a file into VLC, which seems to stream it happily with the scrubber adjusted correctly. * NFS share has a network throughput of about 10 meg a second, so can download 1GB in about 1-2 mins The biggest change I've made was 2 weeks ago which involved changing from installing as a service to installing the portable edition- running as a service was difficult when trying to mount network shares, it involves granting the service 'logon as user' rights and all sorts. -- My apologies for the complexity and I hope you might be able to recommend what I'm doing wrong any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again for your superb product. logs.zip
  8. Hello experts, I'm a KODI user, with Emby for KODI addon installed (LibreELEC / KODI 17). I have an external usb disk, which isn't always plugged, plus it's on a remote computer (another room). If this usb disk is plugged on the remote computer, a script mounts it in LibreELEC as a network cifs share (if unplugged, it's unmounted). But, it seems Emby doesn't detect the changes : - it doesn't appear automatically in library sources if i try to add a new folder (seems normal). - if i try to restart Emby (i did a "systemctl restart service.emby.service"), I notice Emby restarts itself, then i see the mountpoint's path created, but without any subfolders from the share. Folders are accessible in LibreELEC after the mount. How can Emby detect changes in mount points ? Thanks for your assistance. Regards,
  9. Hello, I installed Emby server on my Raspberry PI 3 recently (Docker official method). It was a little difficult (linux noob inside ) but now all seems to be OK. But, i'm now trying to add a library, but there's a problem as i can't find any folder or share hosted / mounted on the RPi : (as you can see there's nothing but default paths) (network choice empty too) : How Emby detects disks and network shares ? Here is what i have and would want to choose : 1 usb hdd (ext4) + 1 network share (cifs) : If it must be set in Docker, how can i do it (and would it be kept if Emby image is updated ?) Thanks a lot for your assistance. Best regards,
  10. MyServer

    Problem in share option

    There are two problem 1. My server is running on the domain gu.webhop.me . But when I tried to share any content on facebook port 8096 added by itself. So the link becomes http://gu.webhop.me:8096/emby/web/shared.html?id=??????? , which is not a valid working link . Can you please fix the share link without port number when i am not using port number over my main domain ? 2. For the above case the working link is http://gu.webhop.me/emby/web/shared.html?id=???????. But when i share this link on facebook it shows image like below But instead of this picture, i want to show the picture and description of my content. Can you please fix this issue? Thank you.
  11. I would love to be able to transcode and play videos via Emby on my android phone that I come across in other apps. This would be helpful when finding videos or streams online that my phone cannot natively play, and incredibly helpful when casting to my chromecast, which can play very few file formats. Everything in my emby library plays perfectly on my Chromecast, and Emby can play darn near any file format I ever throw at it, so I'd really appreciate it as an option which would enable me to pretty much be able to play any file on my chromecast or phone, without having to actually add sources to my PC. The idea would simply be that Emby is an intent for web links like *.mp4, *.m3u8, *.mkv, *.strm, etc. Sharing the 'file' with emby would share the web link and emby would play and transcode that on the server before serving it up to the phone or chromecast. Seems like something very possible, but it depends on how Emby's server application is developed on how it handles transcoding videos that are not currently part of a library. Any chance?
  12. I have issues with sharing of playlists and files on the webserver via webclient. Sharing files or playlists via FB or other soc. networks doesn´t work for me. I don´t have troubles with sharing on madsonic and ampache, but in emby - no luck. In older versions of emby I got the link as a website, but without working navigation buttons. Now in the latest 3.0.7100 it says following message : Error (FileNotFoundException): Could not find file "/usr/lib/emby-server/bin/dashboard-ui/dlg1473857573378". 404 Right link does work : Generated link doesnt work :
  13. parsaria

    Connect Emby Servers

    It would be awesome that there was a option to connect servers together. Something like a server side sharing. So this way your server stays central and your server connect to an other server to get the content from, or even better the server share a token to directly link the content. That is what I am missing. Other then that it works splendid.
  14. I've seen in other threads a few different scenarios for handling library and permission setup, but I wanted to get a clear recommendation for best practices, since I'm just starting out. Is there a recommended, standard, or common way to handle permissions of shared media libraries for emby? My media library is relatively small at the moment, but I intend on growing once I have emby up and running properly. I can see advantages of putting my media library in /home/emby, or putting it in my personal home directory and simply modifying the emby user's permission to that portion of my home directory. I could also see merit in putting it somewhere impartial like /media, /share, or /var/share. I could change ownership of the folder, or I could add the emby user to the group that has permission. I am on a shared computer, but I don't necessarily want access to the media limited to one user. The idea is that eventually it will be one media library directory where we will dump the whole family's photos, music, and videos together, and emby serves it to other devices on our network. I'm new at this, so I likely haven't thought through all the implications of each option. What do most of you guys do?
  15. hi all, in emby as admin user i can add directories to my server to shared via emby, e.g. Folder-Picture /home/user/Pictures/ and every user can access this folder if I set the user to have access to it in emby of course, however let's say in pictures i have 2 subfolders: /home/user/Pictures/Family /home/user/Pictures/Friends so let's say I added another user to emby called "family" now I want "family" to have access to /home/user/Pictures/Family but not to /home/user/Pictures/Friends so i thought let's add /home/user/Pictures/Friends as another share in emby and restrict the access of user "family" to it. However when you do it this way you get the message that there is a duplicate folder and the share /home/user/Pictures/Friends remains empty for any user. The only way to still have this work is to remove the folder /home/user/Pictures/ from the shares and add each sub-directory as a share in emby and then i could restrict its any subfolder accordingly. This is very cumbersome if you have a lot of subdirectories, so why not make it possible to add subdirectories in the emby shares as well?
  16. fc7

    Network library permissions

    I'm not sure if I found a bug, or is just by design. I'm running Mediabrowser server 3.0.5518.4 on CentOS 7 and my media library is hosted on a Windows SMB fileshare that MB access through the network. This share has read-only permissions. I mounted this SMB share on my CentOS server so it looks local to any application that runs on this machine. Then I configured MB library to point to this local folder. The library was successfully scanned, all the metadata was retrieved correctly from the internet and I was able to watch content from a web browser and also from my iPad. So far so good. All my movies and tv shows have subtitles, they were scanned and detected correctly by MB. The problem is that when I try to enable the subs for any movie or tv show, they don't work. On any device (web or tablet). Video and audio is ok but the subs just don't work. I went through MB logs and I found that every time I enabled subs this error is logged (partial extract below, full trace attached): Access to the path "/storage/Movies/WhatEverMovie/WhatEverMovie.spa.srt" is denied. This is not true, since subs and video files are in the same folder on the share. I also try to open the subs file from the MB machine with vi, cat, more, etc. and there is no problem at all. I can read the file perfectly. Of course since the share is read-only I can only read the file, not modify it, delete it, etc. I tried to change the permissions on the share to allow write access, just for the sake of testing and voila, subs started to work from MB. Now my questions are, why MB will fail to display the subtitles if it doesn't have write access to the file? Is this a bug? By design? Any other application/media player I tried had no problem at all to display the video and the subs from this read-only network share. Thanks in advance for your replies. Cheers. Full_trace.txt
  17. dotnetzero

    'Share' link in web client

    Not a ground-breaking feature, but one that I think would come in handy, is some sort of 'share' link. A few times now I've wanted to show someone a photo or a home video, but I don't want to give out my username/pw for the web client. It would be very convenient to be able to click on a video or photo and have a link generated that would send the user to a page with only that piece of media, without having to log in. Just a thought.
  18. Dear members of the forum, First of all I would like to know how the MB team is thinking about sharing ideas, tips and tricks on the forum and is it encouraged by the team? Since there are users like me who don't have the time to join the development team or don't want the hazzle of setting up github or just want to work in their own pace and with their own server applications but do have knowlegde about html5 css3 and javascript I was thinking sharing ideas, tips and tricks about customisation of the webclient in this community forum could benefit us all. There are a lot of examples where you could change the code to your taste and benefit, for example: the loginpage has a white background. I don't like this so i have made a change to the html code to have a dark background. I know customising this way has the disadvantage that changes will be overwritten with a upgrade but if you keep track of the changes you make it can be easily implemented in a new upgrade. Let me know what you think of it.
  19. Hi All; I've been using MB3 for quite some time now, and really like how it's been maturing. When I first started using it though, I was able to share music between the various users defined on my server simply by creating a shortcut that points to an artist's folder that's defined as a subfolder of another user's library. This doesn't seem to be working any longer. Did I miss the changelog for one of the updates that explained why this should no longer be working? If so, can you please point me to the details of it. Is this a bug that's been introduced in one of the updates? If so, then I'm more than happy to help test resolutions for this. Please advise
  20. Here's my setup: MBS is running as a service on my HTPC. I recently built a NAS and added it to my network. I want to store some TV shows on the NAS and have them play in MediaBrowser Theater. The NAS is running OpenMediaVault 1.0 kralizec. On one hard drive on the NAS, I created a folder called "TV." When I open up the MediaBrowser configuration tool, and start to create a new library, it finds my NAS on the network, but when I try to go to my TV directory, there fields do not populate. The only option is the "go up one level" dots (..). Is there something I need to do on my NAS to make MediaBrowser Server see the shared folder?
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