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  1. Hi All, I'm trying to setup a Raspberry pi with a touch screen (HDMI & USB, Waveshare 15,6") for kid entertainment in my car. I'm all good on emby server and Emby Theater app, but I can't figure out why my touchscreen events stop while playing videos... I get events (and the touchscreen works) while browsing the menus etc. but as soon as I play a video, the touchscreen stops responding. As soon as i press esc to exit the video, the touchscreen is working again. This is true when running the emby theater linux app, and also when watching through a browser (chromium). I know this is not directly an Emby issue, as the same issue exists on youtube.com I verify the input events from the touchscreen using this command (I'm remote accessing though ssh) DISPLAY=:0 libinput debug-events & here's the event log: event5 TOUCH_FRAME +128.019s event5 TOUCH_MOTION +128.032s 0 (0) 84.77/67.79 (262.08/118.16mm) event5 TOUCH_MOTION +1803.834s 0 (0) 84.77/67.79 (262.08/118.16mm) event5 TOUCH_FRAME +128.032s event5 TOUCH_FRAME +1803.834s event5 TOUCH_UP +128.048s 0 (0) event5 TOUCH_UP +1803.850s 0 (0) event5 TOUCH_FRAME +128.048s event5 TOUCH_FRAME +1803.850s event5 TOUCH_DOWN +1805.482s 0 (0) 13.42/58.62 (41.49/102.18mm) event5 TOUCH_DOWN +129.680s 0 (0) 13.42/58.62 (41.49/102.18mm) event5 TOUCH_FRAME +1805.482s event5 TOUCH_FRAME +129.680s event5 TOUCH_MOTION +129.759s 0 (0) 13.40/58.69 (41.43/102.30mm) event5 TOUCH_MOTION +1805.561s 0 (0) 13.40/58.69 (41.43/102.30mm) event5 TOUCH_FRAME +129.759s event5 TOUCH_FRAME +1805.561s event5 TOUCH_UP +1805.571s 0 (0) event5 TOUCH_FRAME +1805.571s event5 TOUCH_UP +129.769s 0 (0) event5 TOUCH_FRAME +129.769s -event2 KEYBOARD_KEY +152.493s *** (-1) pressed -event2 KEYBOARD_KEY +1828.295s *** (-1) pressed event2 KEYBOARD_KEY +1828.415s *** (-1) released event2 KEYBOARD_KEY +152.613s *** (-1) released -event5 TOUCH_DOWN +1833.327s 0 (0) 75.52/59.96 (233.47/104.52mm) -event5 TOUCH_DOWN +157.525s 0 (0) 75.52/59.96 (233.47/104.52mm) event5 TOUCH_FRAME +1833.327s event5 TOUCH_FRAME +157.525s event5 TOUCH_UP +157.526s 0 (0) event5 TOUCH_FRAME +157.526s event5 TOUCH_UP +1833.328s 0 (0) event5 TOUCH_FRAME +1833.328s event5 TOUCH_DOWN +157.527s 0 (0) 76.42/48.73 (236.26/84.94mm) Here, I'm tabing a movie and starting it, but haivng to press the ESC key on a keyboard to exit the movie and gain control with the touchscreen again... I hope some of you can help with solutions or maybe suggestions on where to look / how to proceed? Thanks!
  2. Przemek

    Emby server migration Rpi4 to PC

    Hello, I buy mini pc and want to move my Emby server from Rpi4 (32bit) to Mini PC with intel I5 cpu(64 bit). Os is the same [Dietpi]. I install on new PC Emby server but don't know how to start. I have SSL configured on that device. It's better to move everything manually or it will be easier with emby backup and restore? Anyone have experience with that kind of migration, devices with different architectures? Regards, Przemek
  3. Hello everyone! I'm thinking in build a media server using emby, I wan't to have the lowest energy cost so I could leave it on all the time. MVP Idea My idea is to use a RPi 4 with 8GB of ram but I have seen in the forum that it has some decoding and encoding problems but I really don't know what that means in this context, I know the file should be encoded to be playable but my videos are already playable so I don't know why emby needs to encode them again. Also I have found this thread that says the raspberry pi could use hardware encoding and this reddit post that says the same but with a lot more steps. Future of the idea (could ignore) Also I'm thinking of use this server as a personal cloud using owncloud so I could have my media and another files on demand. I want to "stream" comics (cbr/cbz) from my server to an android app. Software Installation Install Open Media Vault or Raspibian Install Emby server on it using the Debian package The hardware I'm planing to buy Raspberry Py 4 8GB HDD Dock station The RPi could be changed for a mini PC but I'll really love to use a PI over a PC because of the cost it's less than half and the energy consumption. AWOW Mini PC Celeron 1.2 - 2.2 GHz 4 core 6GB ram 128 ssd Intel HD Graphics 500 Beelink U57 Core i5 2.7 - 3.1 GHz 2 core 8 ram 128 ssd Intel Iris Graphics 6100 My personal context: I have used Kodi for a long time and know how to manage my library. - all my video files are MKV (720p and 1080p) and most with included subtitles and dual audio, the rest have STR files. - near 3TB of multimedia + 100GB of comics files. I have an emby server running in a Linux Machine with the files previous mentioned. - Use kodi in the same machine - Use roku stick on the bedroom I'm a linux used so I'm not scared of some commands or use the terminal if needed I don't care about 4K or +60 FPS because I don't have a TV with that capabilities and don't think in buy one in a couple of years.
  4. Hello, I made a fresh install of Emby (cf. https://emby.media/linux-server.html version Debian Armv7 armhf). I didn't install other package? To note that, my Pi4 is up to date (Raspbian Buster). Everything looks like good. I can connect to Website and manage users. All videos are H264/ACC/mp4 to avoid transcode and improve streaming. But, when I lauch a video H264/ACC/mp4/no subtitle with Web page or Emby App (iOS/Android) it's completely froozen many minutes... I don't understand why ? Where I can see if Emby transcode ? I changed transcode parameters (no hardware acceleration, CRF H264 = 25 and enable caption extraction on the fly) to improve speed. But no change For information, with my Pi3 (same version of Emby but Raspbian Stretch) that's worked good. How I can investigate this issue ? I must install something to improve speed ? Have a nice day.
  5. Hello, I have a Raspberry Pi 3, with raspbian pi@raspberrypi:~ $ uname -a Linux raspberrypi 4.19.66-v7+ #1253 SMP Thu Aug 15 11:49:46 BST 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux I've installed emby-server wget https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Emby.Releases/releases/download/ sudo dpkg -i emby-server-deb_4.4.2.0_armhf.deb sudo service emby-server start Until here, all works fine. I can use the config web http://localhost:8096 But if I restart the service or reboot the raspberry, the service don't start. pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo systemctl status emby-server ● emby-server.service - Emby Server is a personal media server with apps on just about every device. Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/emby-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: signal) since Thu 2020-04-23 15:45:01 CEST; 5s ago Process: 916 ExecStart=/opt/emby-server/bin/emby-server (code=killed, signal=ABRT) Main PID: 916 (code=killed, signal=ABRT) abr 23 15:45:00 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Emby Server is a personal media server with apps on just about every device.. abr 23 15:45:01 raspberrypi systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT abr 23 15:45:01 raspberrypi systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Unit entered failed state. abr 23 15:45:01 raspberrypi systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Failed with result 'signal'. If I try to run emby with the command: pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo /opt/emby-server/system/EmbyServer -programdata /var/lib/emby -ffdetect /opt/emby-server/bin/ffdetect -ffmpeg /opt/emby-server/bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /opt/emby-server/bin/ffprobe -restartexitcode 3 -updatepackage emby-server-deb_{version}_armhf.deb sudo: unable to execute /opt/emby-server/system/EmbyServer: No such file or directory But the file exist pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls -ltrh /opt/emby-server/system/EmbyServer -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 76K ago 22 2017 /opt/emby-server/system/EmbyServer If i reinstall emby-server, the first time that I run it, it works, but the second and above, don't work. Thanks
  6. Asaki

    WAN inaccessible

    Bonjour, je rencontre un problème suite à l'installation de emby server sur mon Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB). Emby est inaccessible en dehors du réseau local (inaccessible en WAN, je ne peu donc pas y accéder depuis un appareil non connecter sur le réseaux local). J'ai installé cette version de emby server : Ubuntu Armv7 (armhf) - BETA Download emby-server-deb_4.5.0.6_armhf.deb dpkg -i emby-server-deb_4.5.0.6_armhf.deb Open a web browser to http://localhost:8096 Puis cette version pensant que c'était surement dû à la beta : Ubuntu Armv7 (armhf) Download emby-server-deb_4.4.2.0_armhf.deb dpkg -i emby-server-deb_4.4.2.0_armhf.deb Open a web browser to http://localhost:8096 Ça n'a rien changé, j'ai donc pensé que c'était un problème de port. J'ai ouvert les ports en allant sur le site http://livebox/. J'ai mit : - Web Server (HTTP) dans la colonne application/service. - 80 dans les colonnes port interne et externe (j'ai aussi essayé 8096). - TCP/UDP dans la colonne protocole. - L'ip de mon raspberry dans la colonne appareil. A noter aussi que j'ai mit une ip statique (dans la partie DHCP) pour le raspberry. Je vois vraiment pas quoi faire d'autre, si il y en a qui ont des solutions je suis preneur. Cordialement.
  7. Hi Guys, actually I'm running my Emby on a Windows-Server 2012 R2 with a Core-i7 which is from the 3 or 4-Series. But since this costs a ton of electricity, I'd like to change this to a more energy-efficient alternative. While the new Raspberry Pi 4 seems to be very powerful, could I use this as an alternative for transcoding? (If I'm abroad, I sometimes transcode FHD-content to my mobile devices, but I often use FHD to FHD) Can anyone tell me if the RPi4 has enough power? If not, what energy-efficient alternative do you recommend? Regards, Matthias
  8. restalic12

    Installare Emby su OSMC

    Salve a tutti, ho installato Emby (repository.emby.kodi-1.0.4) su RPi 3 in cui è presente OSMC, ho avviato il plugin video e mi richiede di configurare il server inserendo l'IP fisso della RPi 192.168.1.xxx e la relativa porta standard 8096, non viene accettato. Come posso configurarlo correttamente? Vi ringrazio per il supporto.
  9. Baumingo

    Newest emby on Raspberry 3

    Hi guys! Just installed the newest emby on my RSPB 3 B+, find the server through the App in my local network, cant connect on pc though. Is there any documentation about how to add directories(nas, hdd etc)? Or can somebody help me out? Greatly appreciate any guidance!
  10. buddyweiser

    Raspberry Pi 3B+ as Server

    What I want: I am looking for a very small form factor solution to serve up media to 1 possibly 2 devices(direct stream, NOT transcode), and also act as a router. This will be for travel. I also want to keep cost down as much as possible (less than 100 is good, under 60 is better) Why these specifics: For vacation, most times the rental does not have wi-fi, and more often than not, only has a TV with a blu-ray player. I have a fire stick I bring for travel, and use my laptop to act as a temp-travel server(my home upload speed is terrible, and also I want a solution that does not require internet connection just in case there is no cell coverage or wi-fi). I also store my "travel media" on a 2 tb external hdd. I am looking for a solution with considerably smaller footprint, that I can plug in when we get here, and its ready whenever I want to use it. I thought of the raspberry pi because I have seen people building wi-fi routers with them. I thought, wouldn't it be great if I could build a small enclosure for a headless raspberry pi, make it a wifi router, and also have Emby Server run on it when it boots up? I could even have a small 3" lcd on the outside of the enclosure to display bits of information like connected devices, status of internet connection if any, and even status of Emby Server. But this entire idea would depend on how well emby server runs on Raspberry pi. Does anyone have any experience here? Any feedback would be welcome!
  11. wickedlemon

    Slow - almost non-existent - scan

    Hi New user and first post so hopefully I'm posting in the right place and it's not full of (too) stupid questions! I recently installed Emby Server on Windows 10, just to see what it actually did and get a feel of how it actually worked. I've now decided to set up Emby on a Raspberry Pi 2. I don't need it for streaming/transcoding, purely for pulling metadata, so I'm not concerned about any of the Pi's power limitations. I installed on a fresh install of Raspbian and started to set it up, adding libraries, plugins as I had done under Windows. Then I noticed that the scanning wasn't going as fast. Nowhere near as fast. Back to a fresh Raspbian/Emby install and this time no plugins and a minimal library - just 12 TV episodes to test. First run and I gave up before it had even completed. The episodes already had all the nfo and thumb images before the scan started but it was still taking ages. Log entries showed ffprobe entries for each file spaced anywhere between 5 and 20 minutes apart. Removed the library, nfos and images and tried again and it's still not working. Dashboard still says its scanning, but there doesn't appear to have been a log entry related to scanning for over half an hour. in both instances there just seems to be huge time periods of Emby not doing anything, or at least not logging anything. Any suggestions? There doesn't seem to be an errors in the log and I had no issues scanning under Windows. Two logs attached. 1 when folder had nfo/thumbs already and 2 with no existing local metadata. embyserver1.txt embyserver2.txt
  12. I've been having a problem lately with emby crashing on a Raspberry Pi on DietPi. It ran almost without fault for the last year or so. After an upgrade from 3.3x to 3.5.2, it began crashing within minutes of starting it. So, I wiped the system and started over completely with a new install of DietPi and Emby as well. I'm not totally sure what's causing it, but I've been trying to run the Roku "create thumbnails" scheduled task, and it invariably crashes, even if I don't access the system in any other way. I've attached a copy of the log file, and the linux error status is also posted below. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ● emby-server.service - Emby Server is a personal media server with apps on just about every device. Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/emby-server.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: signal) since Tue 2018-12-18 20:07:35 EST; 1h 47min ago Process: 6526 ExecStart=/opt/emby-server/bin/emby-server (code=killed, signal=ABRT) Main PID: 6526 (code=killed, signal=ABRT) Dec 18 19:14:28 DietPi emby-server[6526]: Info App: Sqlite compiler options: COMPILER=gcc-6.4.1 20170707,ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA,ENABLE_DBSTAT_VTAB,ENA BLE_FTS3,ENABLE_FTS3_PARENTHESIS,ENABLE_FTS3_TOKENIZER,ENABLE_FTS5,ENABLE_JSON1,ENABLE_PREUPDATE_HOOK,ENABLE_RTREE,ENABLE_SESSION,ENABLE_UNLOCK_NOTIFY ,ENABLE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT,LIKE_DOESNT_MATCH_BLOBS,MAX_SCHEMA_RETRY=25,MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER=250000,OMIT_LOOKASIDE,SECURE_DELETE,THREADSAFE=1 Dec 18 19:14:28 DietPi emby-server[6526]: Info App: Default journal_mode for /var/lib/emby/data/sync14.db is wal Dec 18 19:14:28 DietPi emby-server[6526]: Info App: PRAGMA synchronous=1 Dec 18 19:14:28 DietPi emby-server[6526]: Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Sync.SyncManagerEntryPoint. Duration: 0.082916 seconds Dec 18 19:14:28 DietPi emby-server[6526]: Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.Sync.SyncNotificationEntryPoint Dec 18 19:14:28 DietPi emby-server[6526]: Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Sync.SyncNotificationEntryPoint. Duration: 0.0145443 seconds Dec 18 19:14:28 DietPi emby-server[6526]: Info App: All entry points have started Dec 18 20:07:34 DietPi systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT Dec 18 20:07:35 DietPi systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Unit entered failed state. Dec 18 20:07:35 DietPi systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Failed with result 'signal'. log.zip
  13. Migrating from RasPlex and like what I have experienced so far with Emby but have one problem that I cannot resolve. using emby-theater-rpi_3.0.4.zip I cannot get audio other than Stereo from any source , the Pi is connected to my a/v amp over hdmi and with Rasplex I can get audio to work as expected by choosing my speaker setup (5.1) and ticking all the passthru selections for ac3, dts etc. Making the same selections within emby-theater does not yield the same results. is there something perhaps in config.txt that I need to enable ? I see there are differences in config.txt from the rasplex install to the emby install but am ignorant as to what changes (if any) should or could be made. given that the hardware setup is identical in either case and the only change is the media player software it has to be a configuration issue. after each change I have restarted the Pi and re-checked to make sure the settings have 'stuck' and they have so no matter what I have changed so far has not made any difference to the result. any clues as to where I may have missed something ?
  14. Hi, I'm having some problems to maintain sync between Kodi and Emby in my RPI3 (OSMC distribution) with Emby for Kodi plugin. I'm using Samba, so I could use "localhost" or "osmc" as a host, as both Emby and Kodi are running in the same machine, but for some reason it resets the host to an 192.168.1.x IP (not necessarily the current one) everytime I restart the server. That's happening with both "emby connect" and "manual" options. I've found something similar in these posts: https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/57270-emby-for-kodi-doesnt-find-my-server-after-kodi-restart/ https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/57243-kodi-keep-lan-address/ But I don't know where should I configure the host that Emby is sending to the plugin. In the dashboard is showing the internal IP address, but it has been always the same when using Raspbian or Retropie, and host settings were never lost. My environment: Hardware: Rapsberry PI 3, model B (UK Version) OS: OSMC 2018.08-2 Kodi: 17.6 Emby: Emby for Kodi: 3.0.34 I don't know if I'm missing any configuration option in OSMC. I've read about option "cleanonupdate" that should be turned off in the advancedsettings.xml, but in fact this option doesn't exist in the (quite brief) advancedsettings.xml from OSMC. My last try was: Searching files with the IP address shown in the configuration. Found "data.txt" and "settings.xml" in /home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.emby. Edited those files, replacing the IP by localhost, and save the changes. Set readonly permissions for these files (sudo chmod 0444) so they could be read, but couldn't be modified anymore. After restarting the server it's showing the host http://localhost:8096 in the configuration (what should really be) but a pop-up message appears with an emby error.
  15. i would love to use emby server, if it working properly... I cant use Emby, because it crashing all the time. When i start a movie-after stop, then start other, the server is crashing. I tried playing this movies whit Plex and worked, but i dont like Plex. PLZ help me to use this awsome server!! My system: DietPi distribution on Raspberry pi 3, Distributor ID: Raspbian Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.4 (stretch) Release: 9.4 Codename: stretch Emby Version: Version ffmpeg version: ffmpeg version 3.2.10-1~deb9u1+rpt1 Mono runtime version: Mono JIT compiler version I see this on ssh session terminal, when crash is coming: Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.036759] Internal error: Oops: 17 [#10] SMP ARM Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.107391] Process Threadpool work (pid: 7323, stack limit = 0xb5f72210) Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.111531] Stack: (0xb5f73d98 to 0xb5f74000) Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.115609] 3d80: 00007f38 806d1600 Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.119741] 3da0: 00082dcf b5f73ec0 b25757c0 00082dcf b5f73e54 b5f73dc0 806d1620 806ce01c Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.123787] 3dc0: 00007f38 801ed940 b3f06a6c b6fc814c 80c069c4 80d0a08c 80c049c0 b5f72000 Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.127845] 3de0: 00000000 90a5e05c 00000001 00000000 00000001 00000000 00010000 00000000 Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.131922] 3e00: 00000001 b2575910 0000054d 00000000 00000121 00007f38 7fffffff b5f73e28 Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.135949] 3e20: 801235c4 801e0000 b25757c0 b25757c0 00202436 b5f73ec0 00000121 80108224 Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.139882] 3e40: b5f72000 00000000 b5f73e74 b5f73e58 806d214c 806d1324 806d2114 b25757c0 Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.143890] 3e60: 00000000 931c4fc0 b5f73e94 b5f73e78 806fe240 806d2120 802aa224 802aa178 Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.147846] 3e80: 00000000 00000000 b5f73ea4 b5f73e98 80657950 806fe204 b5f73f8c b5f73ea8 Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.151730] 3ea0: 80658aa0 80657938 b5f73ec8 80c82021 fffffff7 00000001 6de206f2 00202436 Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.155590] 3ec0: 00000000 00000000 00000001 00082dcf 0017f667 b5f73eb8 00000001 801ee188 Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.159462] 3ee0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 b5f73ef8 80101850 80123188 b5f73f00 b6802e00 Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.163284] 3f00: 00000001 00400040 80c02d00 0002f04e 0000000a 80c918c0 80c823f0 80c03d68 Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.167115] 3f20: 80b84378 80c02080 b5f73ef8 00000000 8017a470 80b8c92c 00000000 00000000 Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.170902] 3f40: 00000001 b6804180 00202436 8012377c b5f73f6c b5f73f60 8012377c 80184560 Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.174608] 3f60: b5f73f94 b5f73f70 801754d8 801236e0 b5f73fb0 76412d80 00000000 6de206f2 Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.178380] 3f80: b5f73fa4 b5f73f90 80658af0 806589e4 00000000 00000000 00000000 b5f73fa8 Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.182084] 3fa0: 80108080 80658ad4 76412d80 00000000 00000021 6de206f2 00202436 00000000 Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.185758] 3fc0: 76412d80 00000000 6de206f2 00000121 00000000 01feac80 00380ee0 6f12a820 Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.189398] 3fe0: 00000000 6f12a7a8 00000000 76e2b984 80000010 00000021 00000000 00000000 Message from syslogd@DietPi-Kodi at Apr 17 11:31:28 ... kernel:[ 2226.218091] Code: e155000c 03a05000 e2117902 1a000039 (e5d50028) AND when i check emby status, after crash: ● emby-server.service - Emby Media Server Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/emby-server.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2018-04-17 11:29:23 CEST; 7s ago Process: 6922 ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/emby-server clear (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 6673 ExecStart=/usr/bin/emby-server start (code=exited, status=134) Main PID: 6673 (code=exited, status=134) Apr 17 11:29:23 DietPi-Kodi emby-server[6673]: Native stacktrace: Apr 17 11:29:23 DietPi-Kodi emby-server[6673]: Debug info from gdb: Apr 17 11:29:23 DietPi-Kodi emby-server[6673]: mono_gdb_render_native_backtraces not supported on this platform, unable to find gdb or lldb Apr 17 11:29:23 DietPi-Kodi emby-server[6673]: ================================================================= Apr 17 11:29:23 DietPi-Kodi emby-server[6673]: Got a SIGABRT while executing native code. This usually indicates Apr 17 11:29:23 DietPi-Kodi emby-server[6673]: a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries Apr 17 11:29:23 DietPi-Kodi emby-server[6673]: used by your application. Apr 17 11:29:23 DietPi-Kodi emby-server[6673]: ================================================================= Apr 17 11:29:23 DietPi-Kodi systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Unit entered failed state. Apr 17 11:29:23 DietPi-Kodi systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. THX! ServerLog.txt FFmpegLog.txt reinstalled_ffmpegLog.txt reinstalled_serverLog.txt MorningServerLog_2018_04_18.txt
  16. Traram

    Verschiedene Probleme mit DLNA

    Hallo, seit dem Release ist DLNA Playback bei mir unbenutzbar geworden. Ich spiele sehr gerne meine Musik nach dem Genre ab. Seit der neuen Version klappt das allerdings nur sehr beschränkt. Oft startet der Stream nicht, wenn er doch startet dann werden meist nur 1-6 Lieder gespielt. Die Probleme treten aber generell bei Musik auf und nicht nur bei den Genres. Auch bei anderen Bibliotheken z.B. Hörbücher. Bei den Filmen konnte ich noch keine Probleme bei der Wiedergabe über DLNA feststellen. Der Sony TV zeigt zwar keine Dateien an, doch das ist für mich nicht relevant. Wie gesagt ich habe erst seit dem oben genannten Release die Probleme. Davor lief alles ohne Probleme. Als Clients nutze ich einen Raspberry PI mit gmediarender und einen Yamaha WX-010 Lautsprecher. In den angehängten Logdateien finde ich zwar manche Fehler kann mir aber kein Bild von der Ursache machen. Danke für eure Unterstützung musik_stoppt_einfach_server-63659032121.txt abspielen_startet_nicht_server-63659031785.txt
  17. Hello Experts :-) I'm a beginner trying to install Emby server on my Raspberry PI 3 (OSMC 18b based on Debian). I followed the official method that use Docker : (Recommend install method for armhf/armv7 (Tested rpi2/3 running rasbian)) https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/43166-arm-devices-official-instructions/ I don't know Docker very well. It seems correctly installed and started : Ports 1900/udp, 8096/tcp, 7359/udp, 8920/tcp and opened in router for the IP address of the Raspberry PI 3 ( I use other web interfaces / tools like Transmission, PhotoShow Albums, or Pyload (no Docker), that work perfectly fine. Since Docker installation, I have now 2 new network interfaces docker0 + veth***** : Plus, 2 new FS linked to docker (overlay + shm) : >> In the end : If i try to open Emby server URL on port 8096, it's not OK (i already tried to docker restart emby-server, or RPi reboot). Do i have to do something to link real RPi IP to docker0 or veth***** interface ? Did i miss something ? I'm lost :-\ Other details that may help (?) : . ps -ef . iptables -L . netstat -plnt (no Emby port displayed !) . find "emby" files : root@osmcpi:~# find / -name emby* /var/lib/docker/overlay2/fe66be4f15b80ea1068493a56e64dad2b81c58dee2811f3324d56c88286d4735/diff/etc/emby-server.conf /var/lib/docker/overlay2/fe66be4f15b80ea1068493a56e64dad2b81c58dee2811f3324d56c88286d4735/diff/etc/services.d/emby-server /var/lib/docker/overlay2/fe66be4f15b80ea1068493a56e64dad2b81c58dee2811f3324d56c88286d4735/diff/run/emby-server.pid /var/lib/docker/overlay2/fe66be4f15b80ea1068493a56e64dad2b81c58dee2811f3324d56c88286d4735/diff/run/s6/services/emby-server /var/lib/docker/overlay2/fe66be4f15b80ea1068493a56e64dad2b81c58dee2811f3324d56c88286d4735/diff/usr/lib/emby-server /var/lib/docker/overlay2/fe66be4f15b80ea1068493a56e64dad2b81c58dee2811f3324d56c88286d4735/merged/etc/emby-server.conf /var/lib/docker/overlay2/fe66be4f15b80ea1068493a56e64dad2b81c58dee2811f3324d56c88286d4735/merged/etc/sudoers.d/emby 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/var/lib/docker/overlay2/a06d947e1331a237faf3db00dd0401457e0526c26172494507d46df61735ed0b/diff/usr/lib/emby-server/bin/dashboard-ui/bower_components/emby-webcomponents/emby-checkbox/emby-checkbox.css /var/lib/docker/overlay2/a06d947e1331a237faf3db00dd0401457e0526c26172494507d46df61735ed0b/diff/usr/lib/emby-server/bin/dashboard-ui/bower_components/emby-webcomponents/emby-checkbox/emby-checkbox.js /var/lib/docker/overlay2/a06d947e1331a237faf3db00dd0401457e0526c26172494507d46df61735ed0b/diff/usr/lib/systemd/system/emby-server.service /var/lib/docker/overlay2/089b42346baa4131c4073b6abcb30bfd1f434e7420964d84b2a013ff67b8ca12/diff/usr/lib/emby-server /usr/local/bin/emby-server . ps -ef | grep docker . ps -ef | grep emby Thanks a lot for your assistance. Best regards,
  18. Hi there Every night my emby-server service on my Pi 3 stops running and needs to be restarted. It seems to be during the library scan. Can anyone provide some insight as to what's happening here. I haven't enabled the debug logging option. I have also disabled real time monitoring, as I saw that mentioned in a similar older thread. I am also running openvpn on the device. Could that be causing some form of conflict, or maybe overloading the capabilities of the Pi 3? When it's running, it has no issues at all. Only that I need to restart it ever day as at some point it just disappears. These are all the logs I have since I started running the server on the Pi a few days ago. Happy to provide any other information, or do whatever troubleshooting to help. server-63627284127.txt server-63627292800.txt server-63627360805.txt server-63627379200.txt server-63627443467.txt server-63627465600.txt server-63627497816.txt server-63627546658.txt server-63627552000.txt server-63627592630.txt
  19. Bonjour Je vien de réussir a installer embu server sur mon raspberry pi 3, non sans mal. Cependant, je ne peut lire que les fichier stockés sur la mémoire interne, les fichier stockés sur support externe (tester : clef usb 32 go philips fat32 et exfat) sont visibles mais impossible a lire, je n'ai que la roue multicolore qui tourne indéfiniment. Si quelqu'un peu m'aider, merci d'avance
  20. silver12

    unmet dependencies - raspberry pi

    Hello, I'm trying to install emby on Raspberry Pi 3. Both Ubuntu-mate and Rasbian give me the exact unmet dependencies error: root@raspberrypi:# apt-get update && apt-get install emby-server The following packages have unmet dependencies: emby-server : Depends: mono-runtime (>= 3.0~) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libmono-microsoft-csharp4.0-cil (>= 1.0) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libmono-posix4.0-cil (>= 4.0.0~alpha1) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libmono-system-configuration4.0-cil (>= 4.0.0~alpha1) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libmono-system-core4.0-cil (>= 4.0.0~alpha1) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libmono-system-data4.0-cil (>= 4.0.0~alpha1) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libmono-system-drawing4.0-cil (>= 3.0.6) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libmono-system-io-compression4.0-cil (>= 3.2.1) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libmono-system-net-http4.0-cil (>= 1.0) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libmono-system-runtime-serialization4.0-cil (>= 4.0.0~alpha1) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libmono-system-servicemodel4.0a-cil (>= 3.2.3) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libmono-system-transactions4.0-cil (>= 1.0) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libmono-system-web4.0-cil (>= 2.10.3) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libmono-system-xml-linq4.0-cil (>= 3.0.6) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libmono-system-xml4.0-cil (>= 3.12.0) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libmono-system4.0-cil (>= 4.0.0~alpha1) but it is not going to be installed Depends: mono-devel (>= 1.0) but it is not going to be installed Recommends: libembymagickwand-6.q8-2 but it is not installable E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. root@raspberrypi:# apt-cache policy libembymagickwand* libembymagickwand-6.q8-2: Installed: (none) Candidate: (none) Version table: Also tried the following solutions: https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/29622-unmet-dependencies-imagemagick-6q8/ https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/28188-massive-update-for-debian-and-ubuntu/ root@raspberrypi:# apt-get remove --purge libmagickwand-6.q8-2 libmagickcore-6.q8-2 Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package libmagickwand-6.q8-2 E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libmagickwand-6.q8-2' E: Unable to locate package libmagickcore-6.q8-2 E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libmagickcore-6.q8-2' Is it currently possible to install emby-server on Debian/Rpi? Cheers,
  21. Hi, I have trouble making emby play videos on my chromecast. I installed emby-server version 3.0.8500.0 on a raspberry pi 2B using emby repo for debian 8. The Server works fine, videos play successfully on my laptop and android device. FFmpeg was compiled, configured and seems to work. I can connect emby to my Chromecast, the emby logo displays correctly. Sadly when i hit play (laptop or android app) either nothing happens (emby logo stays) or a thumbnail of the video and its title are displayed but no video. Log dump attached. Thanks for the help! emby-log.txt
  22. Hi all :-) I'm a new user, trying to setup my Emby + Kodi environment. I've issues in library setup, during the "path substitution" phase, now integrated with library folders. The issue is that Emby "shared network folder" field seems to accept only UNC paths (\\server\share...), so any linux client tries to access the share via Samba instead of using NFS. My NAS exports shares both via SMB and NFS, but since I'm using some RaspberryPi as Kodi front-ends (OSMC distribution), I want to avoid using Samba, since it has an overhead on CPU. The only way I've find to end the library setup is by using UNC paths, but of course all clients try to access the share via Samba. Example, from kodi log: I've already tried to search for a solution on wiki and forum, but I've seen only threads (eg. https://emby.media/community/index.php?/forum/116-linux/)without solutions to get NFS works with Emby. It seems that it was supported without problem in the previous "path substitution" way: https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/24109-no-playback-with-beta-add-on/?p=235928 Is there any solution or workaround (even by edit manually some config file...) to pass to clients an NFS path instead of UNC, with the new library setup procedure? Thank you in advance. Bye, Edoardo
  23. robello84

    2 server in 2 plugin

    Hi guys, i'm ex plex user, i've changed because i trust in emby and developement. I have one question. i read in forum, for now it's impossible to use 2 remote server on same account. It's possible to clone plugin on kodi and use other server? 1 for example FILM 2 for Exaple TVSHOWS Thank you
  24. CoLo

    impossible to reproduce movie

    Hello guys, i have a problem with my emby server and kodi ( a raspberry pi model 3b with OSMC ) I've installed the kodi emby addon, but i'm unable to reproduce any movie from Kodi i have the list of all movies, but when i try to reproduce one of those movie, nothing happen.. maybe someone here can help me.. i don't really know how to go ahead I tried with: Openelec OSMC Raspbian + kodi i was not able to run successfully the kodi emby addon in this moment my current setup is: Kodi emby addon 2.2.10 OSMC with Kodi 16.1 Emby server version: 3.0.5972.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 Attached you can find the kodi logs kodi.log Thank so much Cheers, Marco
  25. Hi guys, as the tittle says, can you recommend me the best settings for the Emby addon for Kodi. I have been using it for a while now and it works great, altough a little bit slow the first time it syncs the database, however, lately I've been getting the " Library Sync Thread Has Exited! You should restart Kodi now" so I have to repair the local database to fix the error, which takes a while to complete. So after reading a few forum posts about the error, it seems that it could be related to the items requested to the server and/or artwork cache threads. I have not changed any settings before and always used the default settings. So can you tell me which settings I should change to improve the performance of the Emby addon on a Raspberry Pi 1 (Single core, 700 MHz, overclocked to 1150 MHz). Thanks.
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