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  1. Hello, I’m trying to organize a movie from an anime series that could be considered a special. My goal is to have it appear within the series as a movie in the "Seasons" section, and not as an episode. In the directory, I created a Season 00 folder and placed the movie there as a special. However, I want it to remain in chronological order alongside the other seasons. The issue is that assigning it to Season 0 positions it at the very beginning of the list. If I change it to Season 3, it might cause issues in the future when Season 3 is released. For this reason, I left it as Season 00 and thought I could adjust it using the "Sort by Title" option in the metadata to achieve the desired order. However, so far, I haven’t been able to understand how this feature works. I’ve tried changing the title in the metadata, using "Season 3," the letter "C," the number "3," and other options, but it still doesn’t organize as I want. Could someone explain how to correctly use the "Sort by Title" function? Or, alternatively, does anyone know another method to chronologically organize specials within a series?
  2. Hey everyone, I put this tool together last night to fix a small and trivial inconvenience that sometimes arises within the default .nfo files that Emby generates. It's available now and there's a download link at the bottom of my post. Simply run the program and paste the path to your content library to have this tool analyze each and every .nfo file sequentially. Works for both tv shows and movies, and also allows full or partial reordering. Having Python installed on your machine is the only prerequisite. EXAMPLE SCENARIO Below is an example of the tool fixing my .nfo for Alien with Sigourney Weaver starring. However, for some reason, Tom Skerritt was showing as the first actor in my Emby display, when the movie CLEARLY stars Sigourney Weaver, who is unjustly showing as actor 2 (see below). Processing file: /var/lib/emby/media/movies/HDD1/movies/Alien Film Franchise [Directors Cut-Special Edition-Unrated] 1979-2012/Alien Directors Cut - Sci-Fi 1979 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].nfo Current order of actors in /var/lib/emby/media/movies/HDD1/movies/Alien Film Franchise [Directors Cut-Special Edition-Unrated] 1979-2012/Alien Directors Cut - Sci-Fi 1979 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].nfo: 1: Tom Skerritt as Dallas 2: Sigourney Weaver as Ripley 3: Veronica Cartwright as Lambert 4: Harry Dean Stanton as Brett 5: John Hurt as Kane 6: Ian Holm as Ash 7: Yaphet Kotto as Parker 8: Bolaji Badejo as Alien 9: Helen Horton as Mother (voice) Enter the new order of actors by numbers separated by spaces (e.g., '5 6 4 8 2' or just '5 6 4' to partially re-order), or press Enter to skip this file: 2 1 New order of actors: 1: Sigourney Weaver as Ripley 2: Tom Skerritt as Dallas 3: Veronica Cartwright as Lambert 4: Harry Dean Stanton as Brett 5: John Hurt as Kane 6: Ian Holm as Ash 7: Yaphet Kotto as Parker 8: Bolaji Badejo as Alien 9: Helen Horton as Mother (voice) As you can see from the output above, the user simply has to type the desired order of the actors using the original list as an identifier. In the above example case, typing 2 1 means actor #2 first, actor #1 second, then leave the order of the rest of the cast and crew alone. I could have reorganized the cast and crew in any arbitrary order or depth though, like 2 1 5 3 4 6 7 and it would rearrange the actors to a further depth. The tool also automatically locks the .nfo file if you do decide to reorganize the actors to prevent Emby from overwriting the changes. It does not lock the .nfo file if the user skips over it. It's available for download here on my GitHub. If anyone has any issues using the tool or any feedback for additional features to enhance the ease of use and user experience then please let me know!
  3. SystemAdmin

    Batch File Renamer

    Ever had to rename an entire series worth of file to the proper format? It sucks... It's time consuming.... Does anyone else have use for something like this? Double clicking a folder will go into that sub-directory. Single clicking highlights a file, click multiple files will highlight multiple files. Any suggestions? Was it worth the time?
  4. Gungelalex

    Stubs Creation Wizard

    I have a niche problem that I created a [not-perfect] solution for. I want to create stub files for my media that I don't have converted from physical media yet. When I do have those movies converted, there are already folders to put them in, but creating the folders and the files by hand is tedious. In response to this dilemma, I created a script (having never really using PowerShell and through about 3 hours of research, trial and error) that would help me make these properly formatted stub files faster. do { #Have user type in the Movie name and year using Emby Format; $proc = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input Movie Name and Year as `"NameOfFilm (YYYY)`". Otherwise, type `"done`"'; #If user types "done", the script will exit the loop and exit the terminal; If($proc -eq 'done') {break}; #Ask user for the movies' media type; $form = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input Movie Format (bluray, dvd, vhs)'; #Sets "$file" variable using user prompted variables "$proc" and "$form"; $file = "$proc\$proc.$form.disc"; #Creates movie folder first, and then creates the file; New-Item $proc -type Directory | Out-Null; New-Item $file -type File -Value $proc | Out-Null; #shows that script has recorded file in the terminal; Write-Host "Recorded $file"; #tests "$proc" variable: continues loop if not equal to "done"; }while ($proc -ne 'done') At the moment, it is a user prompted script, so there is still some tedium, but it isn't as bad as it used to be. I have the script stored in the library location for my Movies, and run it when I want to add a new stub. Once done, you can simply type "done" during the movie name prompt to close the script. With finessing, it could be reworked to use a spreadsheet as the source of the info, and I eventually want to do that (I'll need to learn more PowerShell scripting). Posting this for anyone else who might have this problem and need a solution, or for anyone who wants to contribute. V2: New-Item Output is silenced through Out-Null, to cleanup the terminal during use. stubMaker_v2.ps1 stubMaker_v1.ps1
  5. Moin, ich habe Emby auf einen anderen größeren Server umgezogen. Dann habe ich die Datensicherung eingespielt. Beim Auto organize wird mir aber immer der alte Server vorgeschlagen. Wie kann ich die Liste löschen? Ich meine nicht die Smart Matches. Die habe ich bereits gelöscht. Hier einige Bilder Diese Liste möcht ich löschen:
  6. I've had this problem for a few days now, been trying to sort it out and can't get a grip on it. I have five external hard drives, with folders for various Media Libraries across each of the drives. Lately, files being auto-organized into Drive 4\Television 4 have been failing. Every time. No matter what. So I navigated to the folders through the Network links in My Computer instead of the direct hard drive links. Everything is there. And I compared the security settings for user permissions between Television 4 and Television 3. They're identical. Everything is identical. At least everything I'm looking at. So I did a test user-initiated auto-organize, then rebooted to get a "clean" server log. In this test, I moved an existing episode (ER S01E25) alongside my latest problem file (American Ninja Warrior S08E03). Both files are present in sites like TheTVDB.com. ER episode would be transferred to Drive 2\Television 2... and American Ninja Warrior is to be stored on Drive 4\Television 4. ER = pass. American Ninja Warrior = fail. For the sake of brevity, I haven't included server logs testing other series that are stored in Television 4. I've tested 4 other shows with air dates ranging from 2009 to present, and every file fails with the same error report as American Ninja Warrior. And they fail whether they have their original filename or properly structured filename. Here's the error report. The file attached includes the logs preceding the error up until the "Info TaskManager: Executing Organize new media files" *** Error Report *** Version: 3.0.5972.0 Command line: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\System\MediaBrowser.ServerApplication.exe Operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Processor count: 4 64-Bit OS: True 64-Bit Process: True Program data path: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server Application Path: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\System\MediaBrowser.ServerApplication.exe Access to the path is denied. System.UnauthorizedAccessException at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.File.InternalMove(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean checkHost) at CommonIO.ManagedFileSystem.MoveFile(String source, String target) at MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.FileOrganization.EpisodeFileOrganizer.PerformFileSorting(TvFileOrganizationOptions options, FileOrganizationResult result) Any thoughts?
  7. I have files to be organized, and copied into my library, but emby server (Version 3.0.5781.5) is failing to perform this task. The Organize feature says it ran, in 0 seconds, but nothing actually happened. I've traced this down, and created an isolated log file. Attached. The problem, of course, is the path length is too long. I have one observation, and one request. Observation: The log file never actually records the path in question to the log file. At least some portion of it would be helpful during debugging. Request: The feature stops working at the earliest failure. Sort of understandable--I got an error, I don't know what to do, I'll log it and quit. What this means in reality is ALL library organization permanently stops until the bad file/directory is renamed or removed. The possibility that there are other files needing to be organized clearly exists. Perhaps the feature should check if there are other entries in the watch folder, and try to resolve those? -- Stinker server-63585820800 - Copy.txt
  8. Hello! I am pretty new with Emby, and so far I have loved everything about it. Well, I have set everything up to go, and I have got someone to make me a little program to automate downloads. When I download a movie, or a TV Show, both of them will download in the same folder, and then everything will just hump up in emby, both movies and tv shows will show in Movies category and same with the TV Shows. What I have been looking for quite a while now is a way to automate emby, or some sort of addon/Program to use the metadata to automatically move either TV Shows or Movies to another location itself. I have been googling and searching, downloaded some tools, but with no luck. They just made things worse for me. I may have followed some instructions wrong or anything could have happened, but I have been taking very much time with this. Is there anyone who knows what I can do to automate this, and then give me a path to walk on? And maybe just give me some informative instructions? I would be very happy, so I can become even more lazy! Thank you, hope for any answers! Regards, Markus.
  9. Thank you to all that read/assist me with this: I have the Auto-Organize feature setup to monitor my Recorded TV folder...and after each recording it properly moves these shows (and deletes the empty folders) over to my UnRaid Server. The issue i'm then running into is that the "Recorded TV" section of Emby doesn't get updated...meaning it still thinks the recently recorded shows are still in my Recorded TV Folder on my desktop. I've tried the "Clean Database" under the Scheduled Task section thinking that might help, and that doesn't fix my issue. My only fix right now is to go into the Emby App, Recorded TV section, click into each show and then delete. Thoughts or potential solutions? Thank you for your time, sd
  10. kingy444

    Auto Organise Failing

    It appears that auto organise is failing for a single media file. Can this be looked into, all other files are organising fine once this file is removed from the folder and failing once I move it back. Log is attached server-63566544944.txt
  11. Techie-v2

    Naming Home Videos

    Hi all, Just wondering what is the best way to name Photos and Home Videos. At the moment I have my photos named - Photos\Year\Month\Event\Photoname.ext This is all very well and good as I can browse through my years and view photos but what is I wanted to Jut see pictures of a certain person I.e baby daughter from all the years. None of my photos are named properly, just the generic name what ever camera they came form gives them. Is there a better way to do it. Same goes for Home Videos? Thanks in advance
  12. I could be wrong, maybe it's just been moved, but I can't find the button to clear the auto-organize log anymore since the beta update. It's not a huge deal, I just like to keep things tidy
  13. Hi All, I'm sure I've seen this brought up some time ago, but I couldn't find a topic in here. I was wondering if in the future it will be possible to use the Auto-Organize feature on movies, as well as television. I love being able to add television shows to my watched folder and have MBS take care of the renaming and organizing. Having a similar feature for movies would be great as well (as some other users agree, from what I remember of it being discussed in the past). I don't remember what the developer response was to the possibility of this feature, this is why I'm making a new thread for it. Thanks, Patrick
  14. Request that an additional function be built into the Auto Organize feature of the server so that when a tv series is not recognized you can specify a new series to be added (at the moment you can just search current series in the library) USE CASE would be: File added to 'watch directory' Show not recognized ****do nothing automatically just notify**** User logs into server and checks the auto-organise logs User identifies the series using a tvdb search User selects the folder where the tv series folder should be created Series Folder gets created in format 'SeriesName (ReleaseYear)' Season folder gets created within Series folder File gets moved into the newly created folder The last step could change to scan that directory for files (to add it to the library) Then run the organise media files scheduled task again for cases where the user has multiple files for the same series not recognised. This would mean that only one 'identify' wouod be needed per series
  15. Requesting the addition of a notification under Advanced->Notifications for the Built in 'Auto Organize' feature. Would expect the notification to notify only when a file fails to be organized though it may be worth it to add two notifications, one for successful one for failed (some people may like to know everything the server is doing). On a side note really like that we can now choose the notifications we have on
  16. Deuce911

    Auto Organize Question

    What is the recommended way to add a TV series for Auto Organize to work, I have looked and can not seen to find any information about it? I want to add a new Series but even if I manually create the sub directory and restart the server it will not show up in the Edit Metadata screen. I want to retire MediCenter Master but until Movies are handled and it can create new TV Series I have to still keep it around. Thanks for the help and great product.
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