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Found 15 results

  1. Hi, I build webhook server to send emby events to telegram. Take a look Link to github: Emby-Telegram-Notifier
  2. Hi everyone, I have a question does this bubble Still appearing on the newest Emby Server version ? as i can see on this link https://support.emby.media/support/solutions/articles/44001159719-notifications when i send some message to a friends or family over emby they at normally get notificated but i don't find any notification tab on Android,iOS,AndroidTV or also via web. Can anyone keep me informed if this bubble that showed in the capture is still implemented or it's just a old version of the notification "tab" because many time when i send messages through the emby it appears for seconds and then disappear Kind regards.
  3. zarejosin

    Notification in Emby App

    Hi, Thank you for the great product. It is a pleasure to use it. I have seen some posts but they are years ago regarding my request. Is there a plan to have notification (when adding movies, shows, live tv etc.) from the emby app ? This means to get a push message on my android phone, iphone, windows app, etc. With 3rd party software its not so cool. Thank you.
  4. Hi all, I built a notification agent for use with the gotify server! Source: https://github.com/crobibero/Emby.Plugins.Gotify Gotify: https://gotify.net/ Let me know if you have any issues.
  5. Hi I'm using your Email Notif plugin which works well but I suggest you two features with one very important for me: 1) IMPORTANT I want to have only one email every X minutes hours / seconds etc. Avoid: If I upload 2 seasons of a tv shows, I don't want to have 39 emails in the same time :/ 2) NOT IMPORTANT BUT USEFUL I can't choose the group of folders that I want to follow for the emails. User X wants to follow a specific tv show or sections etc, so this feature can help to notify the good people MY SUGGESTION TO SOLUTION 1: Your algo which watch and send an email, is it possible to modify it, in adding the name of the episode in one array / list and then, when the X minutes / seconds / hours are reached (using a batch or something like that); you build the template of the email and you loop on the list in the aim to show all episodes in only one mail ? I think it's not very complicated and so much better like that NB: Maybe I miss something about this plugin to get this feature, I let you to tell me what you think about this Regards
  6. Gaspar Filmes

    Emby Premiere Notification

    I recently contributed to the Emby premiere, imagining having access to the features and also removing boring and interrupting / redirecting messages out of the system. I would like to understand why Emby premiere did not disappear on the front page, where it shows: "Discover Emby premiere (Enjoy Emby DVR, get free access to Emby apps, and more.") Please help me.
  7. shokinn

    enhanced notifications

    Hey There, I want to ask if it is possible to enhance the notifications like this: I mean to get the possibility to use tags like {Title} - For the title {Description} - Description of the $stuff you added {Poster} - Post of the $stuff you added {Link} - Direct link to the Episode/Season (If add more the two Episodes during a scan)/Movie/$otherFile {imbd/tvdb/rottenTomatoes/...} - Link to $ratingPortal (Maybe cool, but really not necessary ) ShokiNN' P.S. I use my notifications with slack. P.P.S. The shown example is from PlexPy
  8. Hi there, Don't know if you are already aware of this bug, but I just realized that Emby for Kodi 1.1.62 announces a wrong data content for the onNotification python method (http://mirrors.xbmc.org/docs/python-docs/stable/xbmc.html#Monitor-onNotification). When starting a playback via the Emby WebUI on Kodi, it gives something like {"item":{"title":"Tenth Avenue Freeze‐Out","type":"movie"},"player":{"playerid":1,"speed":1}} for the "data" field, although a song is being played. "movie" is clearly wrong here. IDK if this comes from Emby, the addon, or Kodi itself, I could provide more information if required.
  9. Is there any way for me to filter out notifications when content is added to the media library? I send them to my phone, and I'd much rather just get the notification when a show or movie is added, rather than every time a new actor/actress/etc is added.
  10. techchad

    Notification field addition

    Is there anyway to add the Show name to the notifications? Currently when playback starts it only shows the episode name but I have no idea from what series. Didn't see an option to add that in the available tokens. Thanks! --Chad
  11. Can we have an option to automatically mark the notification as read after opening the notification panel. Since some of the notification does not need any user action such as server updated notice, can it be automatically mark as read without clicking the mark these read button. Thanks.
  12. I thought notifications for playback of TV episodes were supposed to have been altered to include show title. I'm still just getting episode title. Did that change never get implemented?
  13. Requesting the addition of a notification under Advanced->Notifications for the Built in 'Auto Organize' feature. Would expect the notification to notify only when a file fails to be organized though it may be worth it to add two notifications, one for successful one for failed (some people may like to know everything the server is doing). On a side note really like that we can now choose the notifications we have on
  14. Server Version 3.0.5135.31685 MBClassic: Version: Browser IE11 Hi All - Has the "new content" (episode, movie, etc) message window that used to pop up in the various clients been removed or switched off by default. I don't see it in the server setup and it no longer flashes into my client views. Thanks @Tanamur
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