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Found 14 results

  1. Hi just wondering if anyone has any idea how to setup gamebrowser in the MB Classic side after the latest update 3.0.258 I have had my gamebrowser setup for ages and was updating emulators and after the 3.0.258 classic update you can no longer get into the gamebrowser plugin setup in MB Classic configurator. Any Ideas?
  2. I currently have the MB Classic client installed on a windows PC connected directly to my TV using a media center remote, which works great. I am now looking for an alternative to using a PC connected to my TV, any suggestions? I have tried chromecast and Xbox One which work great, but streaming to my TV is not what I am after. I would like the full MB Classic experience on the TV as you have when using MB Classic on a PC. I know the Samsung TV app is in testing at the moment and will be the answer to my issue, just not sure if there are any other alternatives that I am not aware of? Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Hi Everyone, Yesterday, my MB Classic upgraded to the new version The main WMC PC is running fine, however, the upgrade created show stopper issues on two type extenders attached to this PC as follows: Problem: Extender works fine using WMC, but when you select MB Classic, it takes you to assigned account, but it logs you out (it kicks you out!) to log in screen after few seconds! when you log in again, it repeats the process infinitely, rendering the system unusable. (important: if the account has a password, then it will not kick you out!) Extenders effected: 1: Linksys e2100 2: Samsung MediaLive Question: How do I downgrade to the last version of MB Classic?? This is creating major issues for my kids as all their TV's are connected via extenders.. many thanks
  4. Hoping someone can help with with an external player issue. First, a description of my setup: I am running MB Classic on a Windows 7 based HTPC. The MB Classic version number is I am running the server on a home server with OS Windows Home Server 2011. Lastly, I am trying to use Total Media Theater 6 as an external player. My file system is set up with UNC folder shares. The movies are ripped from BluRay discs using AnyDVD HD from Slysoft. I have set up the external player through the MB Configurator - generic profile, pointing to uMCEplayer6.exe in the TMT6 directory. I have tried two different args, first leaving the default ( {0} ), and second using args suggested in a different thread ( {PATH}/PLAY ). Either way, the movie will not play. As for behavior, when I push the "play" button, I see the MB splash screen briefly, and then I'm returned to MB. I have attached the MB Classic log output. In the log, I can see a call to TMT6 with the proper UNC path to the movie I'm trying to watch (timestamp 2014-08-30 09:47:29.0074 in the log). Next, there is an error at time stamp 2014-08-30 09:47:29.5504 as follows: "Error,,Error interpreting Websocket message ......" Hoping someone can help me understand what is happening. Thanks much. Ross Hirschi MBClassic-30820144df61f5f8da84ee39379cc8b87540c75.log
  5. Hi All Have had a hunt on here for anyone else having this issue, with no luck so here goes. I have an upcoming trailers collection of locally downloaded trailers,(not collected by the any MB plugins, only using Metabrowser to collect). My issue is that this collection is no longer even visible in MBC and while the collection is visible through the MBS web client, MB theater or the android client, the individual items are not visible/playable, which makes me suspect the server is not recognising the media files, perhaps due to them only being up to 150Mb.... only a guess tho. I used to be able to see the collection and play via MBC, although I must confess I'm not sure when this changed. Hopefully some pics will help ... Server Library Config Web Client Collection view Clicking on a trailer show this.. with no playable file The MB Theater Views of the same MBC EHS Screen Web Client home screen for sort order comparison, as you can see the Upcoming trailers collection is not even visible between Movies and TV Shows where its sort order should show. With the recent improvements to audio/subtitles playback in MBT, I'm really keen to start using this as my primary media client on my HTPC's but as we often 'surf' through upcoming trailers, this is proving annoying at present, having to open MBC just to do this. Have tried server restarts and rebuilding the db cache, but neither have made a difference I'm just wondering if I've missed a minimum file size setting, or whether something changed on the server side, that no longer allows this type of collection to work?? More Details Server Version 3.0.5171.19958 MB Classic -, MBC Themes tested - Chocolate and Subdued Look forward to any suggestions or confirmation of this being an issue. Regards Brainfryd
  6. icedragonslair

    Phantom Episodes Since Last Update?

    Does anyone know why this behavior is happening and how to stop it, it is very annoying Nearest I can figure is it is automatically downloading some sort of placeholder for unreleased episodes from tvdb...this is just wrong and should not happen at all when all of the metadata scrappers are turned off, oh wait, they keep re-enabling when any update is installed and then I have to go in and remove them manually...is there a a way to remove the scrapping capability from this server all together? It is more of a hassle then it is worth Thank you, Ice Server Version 3.0.5171.19958 Also is there a way to make my specials (season 0) not be mixed in with the other seasons in the order they were released? Example: Season 0 --S00E01 - Misc when displayed on theater and browser it show s up as Episode 000-0001 in Season 1 Becoming more and more frustrated with the little things, like these and others (turning off all updates only to have the program update anyways and then reset all of my settings). Making me re-think xbmc or the new plex theater as an altrernative
  7. really strange problem, reinstalled my workstation ( replaced HDD with SSD ) windows 8.1 installed MBC and after move starts to play Media Center immediately is gone only the desktop is shown, in facts it's hidden no ting on the taskbar, and in the task manager Media Center is still on as Media Player too what can the problem be ?
  8. Has a change been made in MB Classic/Chocolate which affects Music? When I click on Music, the Music by Genre list comes up. Before a list of Music showed. There is also the Music By Genre as selected in config. Is there a setting that should be changed? This situation does not occur with Movies which also have the Movies by Genre. Thanks for any help.
  9. I got it working now, but i did it with your previous launcher (http://mediabrowser.tv/community/index.php?/topic/1127-entry-points-in-mce7-not-working/?p=43640) When entering one of the entry points the screen flashes the desktop for a split second but it works. I could not figure out how to use your new application with MCE reset tool. Tomorrow when i have some more time i'll try again, but for now it is working.... Thanks.
  10. After I login to any user through media browser classic, I can go to my movie collection, after that when I click on search it will crash about 30% of the time. Unfortunately no error event is being created in my event log for media center I am running Win 8.1 MCE Media browser server version: Version 3.0.5070.20258 MB Classic version: B11-19.1 I have noticed a crash when I click on the MB Classic version number in settings (inside MB Classic), although I still have nothing in the event viewer
  11. th3sarg

    Pearl Theme missing Audio Icons

    Hi All, Posted this back on the old Support Forums so thought I'd migrate it over here So I know there is a range of new Themes cropping up but I'm still using the awesome Pearl Theme due to it being just clean and crisp. Since upgrading from MB2 to MB3 I seem to be missing any of the audio icons in the bottom bar notification bar (rating, year, studio etc.) except DTS 5.1 and AAC. I have reverter back to MB2 to test and everything is fine with Pearl for the Audio from DolbyHD to DTS HD HRA. At first I thought it was because I had no MediaInfo plugin installed like MB2 but I’m guessing it’s inclusive now anyway as its pulling other info, I have just changed my Theme to the default MB3 Classic Theme and this is displaying all the Audio icons so pretty sure it’s just Pearl related. Cheers! Edd
  12. yardameus

    MB Classic upgrade issue

    I've had an issue the past several upgrades. Whenever I go to upgrade from the configurator, it tells me there's an upgrade, tells me the configurator is going to shut down, all of that happens, and then nothing. This has probably happened for the last three upgrades. Worked fine prior to that, and there's no issues just downloading the setup file and installing that way. I've tried uninstalling and re-installing. I wasn't sure if there was any other files I should delete other than just un/re-installing that might help clear this up. Configurator-20112013ce2e29c242e84c2c9e7619ce3c24ce4c.log
  13. rmarcuse

    Episode and Movie Sorting

    Is there in any chance that one day MB3 and/or Classic will be able to sort episodes and movies? Placing downloaded images after renamimg and getting the metadata into the proper folders?
  14. yardameus

    Trakt Classic

    I wasn't sure if it's still a hold over from my going to Dev and back to Beta, but I'm still having difficulty getting the most recent version (, mbc 3.0.72) to work right. Same problem I talked to you about before, how after running MBC once, trakt is no longer in either menu and the rating screen does not come up. Should I try reinstalling MBC. I'm assuming there hasn't been an issue with anyone else similar to this. Trakt is still receiving all the MBS info (library/watched stat).
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