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  1. No se como entrar a la app, es gratis? Me pide un servidor Y no se de donde sacarlo o como…
  2. When adding media to a collection or a playlist; you're presented with a list of every collection/playlist on the server and have to manually scroll to find the one you want. With 4500 movies and rising, I have a lot of collections, making this quite cumbersome. Could a search bar be implemented on this menu?
  3. Add a timer function to audiobook playback, which can be set to automatically stop playing after a certain number of minutes. Mobile clients are particularly needed such as.
  4. Hello, I hope you are doing well. Sorry to bother you... I'm having an issue with my music, as you can see. I added a music album, and everything seems normal in my files, but Emby detects a duplicate for each track. They all work, and I don't understand what's going on. I am also providing my settings. Thank you very much in advance, and I wish you a wonderful day and a great start to the week !
  5. Hi, I would like to see the amount of items in the Continue Watching, Up Next, and Latest Items rows increased in the Android TV app. The rows on the Android and Windows Emby Theater versions displays way more items than the Android TV version. I have a lot of new media being added to my server that I might not get to watching in time before they fall off the list and I also have a lot of series that I am concurrently watching that I would like to keep track of without having to go into the main TV Shows section to find them. This could be a configurable item for those folks who have concerns about performance.
  6. Horhäuser

    Lautstärke Ausgleich

    Hallo, ist es möglich das Musiktitel auf ihre Lautstärke analysiert werden und dann ausgeglichen wird?
  7. Brianjohn

    Missing movie report

    I would like to be able to run a report that would show me movie files in my directory that are not in my Emby library folder. Thanks
  8. On the three-dot movie pull down menu I would like the ability to move a movie to a different folder. It would really aid in cleanup. Thanks
  9. Treter

    Text Banner

    Ist es möglich in Emby selbst einen Text Banner laufen zu lassen so das man darüber Ankündigungen machen kann ?
  10. Imagine you have 10.000 movies up, and you have loads of harddrives, and even many more Directorys. from time to time a doublet sneak in as its impossible to remember all videos in Emby. Would it be possible to get something like a doublet video detector, as it is now to go through entire video collections it takes hours to find doublets, imagine if you could just have a system detecting those viedeo doublets, it would be very easy to delete them, and save some space on Harddrives. Just a thought.. Ty.
  11. When I have thousands of movies, the issue of duplicate content arises, and some duplicates might not be in the same drive or folder. Currently, I handle this by searching for actors and navigating to their detailed page to display all the movies they've starred in. This allows me to easily spot movies that have been downloaded multiple times. Then, I manually compare the size and quality of the movies, deleting the one with poorer quality. To be honest, this method is extremely inefficient, especially when I don't know which movies are duplicates. Therefore, it's not feasible to search for movie names to find duplicates. For users managing local content with Emby, the number of movies in their hands is often over a thousand, some may have tens of thousands, and all these movies have corresponding scraping folders and files in their local storage. This makes it less convenient to use third-party tools to find duplicate content, as Emby itself has a comprehensive understanding of all the movies. Through the info file, by comparing the titles, it's easy to identify which movies are duplicates. What Emby needs to do is provide a button and a page to display all the duplicate movies, allowing users to decide for themselves whether to delete or keep them. 有没有想过设计查重功能? 当我有几千部电影时,就会遇到重复内容的问题,而且部分重复内容可能不在同一个盘符或者同一个文件夹,目前的处理方法是我会通过搜索演员并进入该演员的详情页来展示他拍过的所有电影,然后就可以很直观的看到有一些重复下载的电影,然后手动去对比电影的体积和质量,然后删除质量较差的那一部,说实话,这样的操作效率极其低下,特别是自己不知道哪些电影时重复的,所以不可能通过搜索电影名字的方式来查找重复内容。 对于使用emby来管理本地内容的用户来说,手里的影片几乎都是成功超过上千部的,有人可能有上万部影片,同时这些影片在本地都有对应的刮削文件夹和刮削文件,这样通过使用第三方查找重复内容的工具来说,就显得不那么方便了,而emby本身就对所有影片了如指掌,通过info文件,对比标题,就可以很容易知道哪些影片是重复的,而emby要做的就是提供一个按钮和一个页面,来展示出这些所有重复影片就可以,然后让用户自己去决定是否删除,是否保留即可。
  12. I hadn't seen this requested yet but something I think would be immensely useful is a custom skip index that can be set by users with elevated permissions. Say for example there's a short scene or scenes in a movie that is otherwise decent enough for children. A parent could pre-populate an index with timestamps and duration of the skip and playback would automatically skip that section of the movie. This could also be useful to skip long intros to tv shows or even problematic sections of media files that might no longer be available to re-download or repair. Thoughts?
  13. Hola, estamos montando un repositorio para una sala de teatro, y necesito hacer cambios en los detalles en la sección donde se agregan Personas. Puedes elegir Actor, Director, Escritor, etc. Necesito cambiar la sección Actor por Intérprete, Director por Director, Escritor por Escritor, Compositor por Espacio Sonoro. La sección Estudios por Empresa. Ya cree una pregunta en Inglés para aumentar las posibilidades de respuesta. Muchas gracias.
  14. It would be nice to set a playback speed during an epsiode and keep it for the next episodes in the series as well. It is "annoying" to always have to set the playback speed again on each episode.
  15. 1、更加细致的权限管理 例如:我想让一位用户来参与元数据编辑(他无法改动管理员锁定的字段、项目),而不获得服务器管理权限 2、用户组 例如:在创建用户的时候选择用户组(或不加入),该用户的配置、访问、家长控制、密码(可自行更改)都继承用户组的配置、访问、家长控制、密码,如果用户组的配置、访问、家长控制在未来发生改变,用户也一并更改但密码不更改
  16. Hey there guys, I'm not sure if something like this already exists and if it does I'd be very happy if someone could tell me where to find it. But what I'm basically missing is an episode or movie duplicate filter for Emby. Let's say I'd add the movie "The jungle book (2016)" and also the movie "The jungle book (1967)" to Emby. And Emby matches both movies as the latter one, how would I know? The same applies to TV shows (or episodes), where it's even harder to find duplicated entires. What would be great to have is another filter, that scans through the library (Movies/Shows/Episodes/Songs) and displays all duplicated entries in that specific library, so you can see directly which items probably have mismatches. Again, if something like that already exists, I'd be happy if you could show me where I can find it. Best wishes and have a great week!
  17. Hi Emby Is it possible for the section "Continue Watching" to get the option to choose between showing : - Thumbnail view movies and TV shows (with episodes spoiler or without spoiler) - Poster view movies and TV shows (for TV show the option to show the poster of the season or the TV show) This would be so great ! I think poster view is better from my point of view and nice to watch on phones (and TV).
  18. Someone just advised me Emby because it had better handling of artist tags than Plex. And it looks like this is indeed the case. But it would mean starting over organising everything. This would mean lots of work & time, which I don't have. Wouldn't it be an idea to create a tool which is able to migrate all plex metadata & attached images (or just a complete library) to Emby?
  19. I'd like to see when a new movie is added to a collection the collection is moved to the from of the "Movie" section. Currently this doesn't happen. When a new movie is added to a colletion it shows in the "Latest Movies" but it doesn't show in the full movie list because is attached to the collection and the collections aren't moved to the fron with one new movie, the only way to make it work is to change all movies in collection to recent added date. What I'd like to see, when the "Movies" section is sorted by "Date Added" move the collection to the fron based on date added of most recent movie.
  20. Hi I have done a search for this topic and not found it on the forum so hopefully this suggestion is not already somewhere on here. When rewatching a TV show or movie if you decide that you want to stop watching the movie and not continue at some later point the only way to mark the media as watched is to either fast forward all the way to the end or to mark it unplayed and then to mark it played again. It would be awesome if under the More section there is an ability to just mark it played again. At first I thought this was a quirk unique to the Apple TV but after logging onto the web interface it seems that this isn't a current feature. Thanks for your time!
  21. cassete


    Olá. Parabéns pela nova atualização que permite adicionar perfis. Mas, haveria a possibilidade de ser como da Netflix? Já ao clicar no ícone do Emby, carregar os perfis adicionados e configurar individualmente?
  22. Hey Emby Team, I have a user account set up that is open for all and doesn't require any password. I want to restrict this user from changing certain settings like Home Screen, Display, and Playback. I've tried adding custom CSS, but it ends up removing those settings for all accounts, not just the open one. Also, this method doesn't affect the app settings. It would be great if there was a built-in feature to restrict specific settings on a per-user basis directly from the server settings. Thanks!
  23. For example, I have enabled a scheduled task to detect markers in media library A, but there is a TV series with over 2000 episodes in the library that I don't watch often and don't want to detect markers. How should I do。 3ks
  24. Any chance of adding filters to Collections ? Would be handy to go into say a Hitchcock Collection and filter by resolution to find any low res versions, for example. Unless you can do that already of course...
  25. Often I find a movie that seems interesting and want to watch, but life gets in the way and it gets lost in the mix. I've been adding these movies to a "movies to watch" playlist so I can remember them. I'd love an option to have this playlist/maybe a "movies to watch" setting per film, show up on the home screen like the "latest" sections. Bonus points if it could be randomized so it's a different order of films every time.
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