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  1. I was struggling to get my playlists from Apple Music to play in Emby. After some forum suggestions & a bit of experimentation I finally got them to work. I wanted to share the benefit of my experience. Apple Music allows PlayLists to be exported in M3U format (which is recognized by Emby). However, Apple Music will, of course, refer to the file path on the computer where they are originally stored. Since I use the Apple Music organization (Artist/Album/Songs), and I sync the entire music folder on my laptop with a sub-folder under the Shared Folder "/Music" on my Synology NAS, it was a simple matter to edit the ROOT part of the file path(s) in the M3U file to match the proper path on my NAS, which I obtained from EMBY>SETTINGS>LIBRARY>MUSIC (see SS 1). To export the playlist from Apple Music, I first selected the playlist I wanted to export, so all the songs are showing. I went to FILE>LIBRARY>EXPORT PLAYLIST (SS 2). On the next window, I selected M3U format & the destination where I wanted the file to go on my computer (SS 3). I opened the PlayList.M3U file using TextEdit, went to EDIT>FIND>FIND & REPLACE (SS 4), then did a search & replace, exchanging my laptop version of the root directory (/Users/Shared/) for the NAS version (/Volume1/Music/), then clicked ALL (SS 5), then FILE>SAVE. I used File Station on my NAS to create a new sub-folder: /Music/Playlists, then uploaded the newly edited playlist there. I seem to have issues getting newly added content automatically recognized by Emby (discussed a separate forum thread), but re-scanning the music files got the playlist recognized - EMBY>SETTINGS>LIBRARY, lower right corner ellipsis on the MUSIC section>SCAN LIBRARY FILES (SS 6). I apologize to the more technically minded out there if my instructions seem too pedantic. I sometimes find it helpful to have steps clearly laid out & wanted to be helpful to those less experienced (like myself). Everyone has to start somewhere... I imagine that since the steps are repeatable, there might even be a way to use Apple Automation to create a "script" to do all this automatically. However, that is beyond my skill set. Final note: Naturally, this will only work for music you actually have on your computer & not songs in playlists from the Apple Music streaming library because there needs to be a "physical" file path to a stored music file. I am not sure what will happen to the streaming songs in a mixed playlist. I assume they would be ignored, but you know what happens when you assume... I will let you know what happens when I get to a playlist that has a few songs from the streaming service in it.
  2. I have only just started to explore the music potential of Emby. I imagine that Emby playlists are usually created the same as they are for videos: by adding to/creating playlists when browsing individual items. I have been using iTunes/Apple Music for decades & have amassed over 100GB of MP3 files, and curated over 50 playlists out of the music that I own. Since I now keep a copy of the music files on my Synology NAS & made the folders accessible to Emby, a "direct" import function for Playlists would be particularly useful for me. Apple Music allows me to export a list of songs in the playlist to a separate file. It would be great if Emby programmers could look at the structure of one of those files and create an IMPORT function that would read the file & assign the songs in my library to an Emby playlist. I will upload an example of an Apple Music playlist file. The text file I uploaded is what Apple Music exports, but it can easily be imported into a spreadsheet (just open the file in Excel, etc), which divides up the information neatly into rows & columns, making it easy to import elsewhere - Each song has its own row, and data columns could be selected or ignored as desired. I also imagine that other streaming music users (e.g. Spotify, Pandora, etc) might also appreciate being able to import their playlists. I haven't used those services, so I don't know if they allow exporting a playlist or what format those files might be in. However, it may not be much use if they don't have the corresponding MP3 files in their Emby Library. Bistro European.txt
  3. Hi Emby, Are there any plans to support external streaming services via plug-ins coming to Emby. I'm aware that Plex offers these, and I think it would be a boon for us as well. We've got TuneIn for Internet Radio, which is great. But what about Tidal, Qobuz, Spotify, YouTube Music or Apple Music? Perhaps one of our more accomplished developers could whip something up. Kind regards, Bill
  4. Ostalstew

    Apple Music on Sony PS4

    I have subscribed to Apple Music and also wanna play it on my PS4, but I haven't found a way to get to work. Any way to play Apple Music on PS4?
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