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  1. I've been using the AndroidTV app lately and I'm almost ready to replace kodi as my main consumer of emby media. Here's some suggestion to improve it further. 1. Seeking a) Add a transcode progress indicator. Allow the seek cursor to move freely at all times (even if the video is "loading") a) is for when I want to go back and forth in some videos, if I seek too much ahead it resets the transcoding and then going back resets it again causing multiple waits. If I know not to seek ahead too far I can just wait a bit since transcoding is fast enough and keep the "buffer data". As for , you just need to look at the youtube androidtv app, seeking back and forth is smooth, you can even hold the fast forward button and it moves across the seek bar smoothly. 2. Properly reset card images/data I'm talking about the image cards that display episode thumbnails for example. When you scroll through them very fast, because the card objects are being reused, they still display the old data until the app fetches new data. This is often distracting and just a peeve of mine 3. Pre-transcode tv series episodes This is more of a server thing but might just as well put it here. It would be cool if the server could pre-transcode episodes for certain devices. You would pick the devices and users and the server would pre-transcode all the episodes of the "next-up" list and use that pre-transcoded data for playback on the devices. Oh and probably add a # of episodes ahead to add, so we can set it to 2 for example and the server would be transcoding the next episode while we watch the current one. edit: I posted early by mistake, let me finish writing up edit2: all done
  2. Some files, mostly downloaded anime, can't be resumed from the Android TV app on the Nexus Player. Here's a video demonstrating it. At the end the app stopped responding and the black screen turns gray, It's not showing in the video because android itself seems to hang (I'm using adb screengrab). Pressing the home button will return me home after 5-10 seconds. Most times I have to force stop/clear data to get back into the emby app. If you want to match the time of the logs with the video, the video starts at 0:12:14 server time. Extra possibly useful info: The app was started right after I cleared all data on it. This was done on a fresh install of the server. The same behavior happens on the dev version of the server. Some files resume normally, but all anime I tried doesn't resume properly (only tried 2 animes tho). Sometimes it starts playing if I try to forward playback. The files play fine if I play from the beginning. If I don't press anything the black screen stays there "forever", the app doesn't crash and the server logs just show calls to /mediabrowser/Sessions/Playing/Progress every couple seconds Another problem with these files is that if you forward playback too fast (I do this to skip anime intros) the same behavior starts to happen. It seems to be happening if the time I skip to is not yet transcoded. Might be the same issue or it might be another one. Let me know if you need a video/logs of this. I didn't find any logs in /data/data/tv.emby.embyatv or in /sdcard so I'm assuming the Android TV app doesn't have logs yet. Attached server logs and an ffprobe of the test file I used. - Nodja 20150411 logs nexus player resume broken.zip 20150411 ffprobe resume broken file.txt
  3. Hi everyone. I hope one of you can help me out here.Can you advice me the best remote control apps for my Minix neo-x7? I'm looking for the apps which can give me an opportunity of controlling my TV-box just through my phone. And after some time standart menu themes became booring for me. Are there additional launchers for my tv box? Any ideas? Thnaks for participating.
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