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  1. Hi guys! I recently bought the new Chromcast with Google TV (Android TV) and it was a blast! The system fluidity speed is amazing. I just decided to give a better look at the app banner of Emby so I generated a APK launcher for the Emby Android TV app and I think it's a better fit in my opinion. I'm a graphic designer since 7 years now so if you need something else just ask!✌ PS: I have the Emby logo in vector, that's why. The app banner size is 1280px × 720px and the green color is the same as the Emby symbol logo. Cheers!
  2. Hi Team, can we get the fabulous option to prefer the logo over the cover in the detail view in the other apps, like we have it in Android TV App, too? Thx for considering
  3. Hello, I'm new to emby and very pleased to have found it. But on Android TV there is an issue when adding item to playlist. The buttons to validate the add or cancel are hidden. After test I know that add button is at left side. Nice to correct this. Thank you, Arsounet
  4. Hi, i want to know if is it possible to use emby just to visualize my media in a prettier way on mi Android tv. I don't want to stream to another devices, just to watch my movies and tv shows directly from an hdd conected to my tv.
  5. When playing playing a movie though the Shield TV, it stopped twice, needing me to return to the main Shield menu and re-select Emby. When i looked at the logs I could see that it was transcoding the DTS audio, but could not see why. The same file pays without any transcoding though Plex. I have tried another movie with DTS audio (and a higher bitrate) and it played normally The Shield is output through a Yamaha YSP-2700 which supports DTS. I have attached the main Server log and the remux logs. My experience of the Emby app on Shield is that is any transcoding (even just audio) takes place, there is a tendency for the playback to stop unexpectedly. I can see no evidence of network congestion or heavy CPU usage on the media server (windows 10, i7-3770, 32 GB ram). As with the specific movie, I do not get these issues on Plex, which makes me think it is app specific. embyserver-63716803196.txt ffmpeg-remux-83f3c07a-0aa0-48ca-851b-b7cc53903a88_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-560a2e4e-5021-4bbf-9bf7-489d9224ccc4_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-187acee7-254e-440b-a9ba-e600d9ead170_1.txt
  6. Android TV does not remember the login info after closing app. I'm using an Nvidia Shield TV 2017
  7. I am having a recurring issue with the Android TV side of Emby, as detailed in the reddit post below. https://www.reddit.com/r/emby/comments/gn7gq1/server_unavailable_on_android_tv/ I am able to access emby from every other device I have, using web browser, android tablet, android phone and windows player. I got it working by force feeding it the IP but then this morning was doing the same thing. Any suggestions here would be appreciated, as I do like the layout and the QoL improvements that emby has over Plex. However if its a pain in the a every day to connect that is a deal breaker.
  8. I would like to have a feature than allow me to search on an library, only in that library and not in the others, or/and show's us in the general search bar on wish library the movies/tvshows/etc... is located (and turn it available on Android TV, Android, iOS, LG, Samsung, etc...) . "how it's search now" "Preview" after code in this e.g 1º %libraryname% is equal to French Library (Films - [FR] ) and in the 2º %libraryname% is equal to English Library (Movies - [EN] ) Kinds Regards
  9. Hi everyone, I would like to know if there was in the future update a way to filter the audio (Like e.g by english,french,spanish etc..) and the same for subtitles i can do that for container and etc.... but it doesn't show me for audio, subtitles. So i would to request it, as i can see on plex i can do that but not in emby. Not sure if this is related but don't forget to add this filter in all library type.
  10. cybergrimes

    TiVo Stream 4K (Android TV)

    https://www.tivo.com/products/stream-4k This just launched today for $50 early pricing. It's Android TV on a dongle with Dolby Vision support. As far as I understand it's the regular Android TV home screen, what you see in the product page is the TiVo app (launched by TiVo button on remote) https://explore.tivo.com/how-to/stream-4k/remote I've ordered 2 for out TVs, mostly because I love the TiVo peanut remote.. which also has a few buttons most streaming remotes omit like input, live tv, guide, etc. I believe it has the Amlogic S905Y2 chip (same as Google's dev device ADT-3?). There's no ethernet port, hopefully that can be remedied with a USB adapter. That's all I've got, just thought I'd share in case anyone else finds it interesting.
  11. mrhg

    Unlock the app, how?

    Hello! I've TS-112P QNAP NAS server with QTS 4.3.3 OS. All setup versions of Emby was failed, except This version is working flawlessy with my MiBox Android TV. If I click the 'Unlock App' button, it says 'Incompatible Server Version' but newer versions don't work on my NAS. I tried all ARM X19 versions of the Emby server; the installation doesn't give any error, the server page on port 8096 gives connection error on setup screens (I tried to restart the server and the NAS, to reinstall Emby, finally reinitialized the NAS and nothing changed). How can I unlock the app with Emby 3.5 server? I don't need Premiere features. Thank you.
  12. Hi @@ebr, Android TV stats show that this movie is transcoding due to "Video Bitrate Exceeds Limit" Audio was expected to transcode due to playback through TV/headphones Playback rate set at Auto in ATV app Home Network Quality set to 4k - 120Mbps User Transcoding: Audio and Video Allowed Ethernet connection An ffmpg "Transcoding" log was produced which suggests Video encoding happened when it shouldn't have as the shield is capable of Direct Playback of this video - as proven when Video Trancoding is turned OFF As a test, I set Video transcoding = Not allowed and ATV Playback rate to 100Mbps This time, an ffmpg "Remux" log was produced - for the Audio i presume. Playback still worked fine but ATV Stats still show "Video Bitrate Exceeds Limit" Not sure why - Bug? Attached: 2*Server logs, 2*ffmpg logs, MediaInfo, image of ATV stats for the test playback embyserver-Original Playback.txt ffmpeg-transcode-Original playback.txt embyserver-Test Playback.txt ffmpeg-remux-Test palyback.txt
  13. Hallo Zusammen, ich will mal versuchen, das Problem auf die bloßen Fakten zu reduzieren: Auf einem externen Server laufen ein PMS und Emby, Emby erst seit heute, ich kenne mich damit also noch nicht wirklich aus und bitte entsprechend um Nachsicht :smile. Clients für den Test sind eine Shield und ein Web-Browser. Der Content ist so, dass ihn die Shield und der Browser über den PMS als Direct Stream wiedergeben können, das sieht dann in etwa so aus: Das gleiche File an gleicher Stelle mit Emby wiedergegeben sieht dann so aus: Ich habe sowohl im Browser als auf dem Shield-Client die gefundenen Einstellungen so angepasst, dass alle Werte, die sich auf Bandbreite beziehen auf dem Maximalwert anstatt auf Auto stehen, mehr habe ich aber erst mal nicht ifnden können, gerade die Setings auf der Shield wirken eher spartanisch. Hat jemand einen Tipp für mich, wo man hier ansetzen kann?
  14. Latest version (1.7.78g) on Android TV (NVidia Shield). In a "Music Videos" library, I have the metadata set for each video under Title, Artists, Album, and Year. In the non-folder view, each video is listed, but only Title and Year appear. This makes it so that you cannot see the Artist on the video until you detail into it. I think it makes much more sense to show Title and Artist instead of Title and Year on the Android TV view. Attaching screenshot showing comparison of Android TV view vs web view. Thanks.
  15. Hello everyone I got recently a Shield Pro which should my LibreELEC to replace. And my plan is to switch directly to the Emby App instead of using Emby for Kodi. But now I have discovered three things, that triggers a unwanted transcoding: Subtitles in the "DVDSUB" format, m2ts container and DD+ 7.1 audio tracks (is supported by the speakers). On Emby for Kodi its all fine (on the Shield). So can I do something against these issues in the Emby App? Thanks.
  16. I've been using the Android TV app for a few months since I upgraded to a Sony A9G TV. I always notice that when first trying to watch a recorded TV program that subtitles aren't displayed automatically even though I have set them to Always in the settings. I have to use the down button on the remote to access the OSD and click over to the subtitle optons and change them from None to English DVBSUB. I have also noticed when watching Live TV in the app I get the rotating circle after selecting Subtitles. I discovered this behaviour when testing for the above problem. It isn't a problem for me as I always watch live TV using the OTA tuner in the TV set.
  17. Hi, Are there any plans soon to get the feature "edit subtitle" to the Android TV app? The option works perfectly on the PC in the browser and on the regular Android app. For me this is the last feature needed to ditch kodi. Thanks anyway for the great effort you all put in Emby. Reg, Web
  18. I finally switched to using Emby (on a Mi Box Android TV) as my primary TV instead of Kodi! The Mi Box has no dedicated play/pause button so you have to use the main select/enter button instead. It works fine except the On-Screen Display appears every single time I pause playback! I'm able to access those OSD controls with either the UP or DOWN buttons so I'd really really like to disable it from showing every time I pause. I assuming the devs don't want to make this the default, so could we just add an extra option in the settings menu? "Don't show on-screen controls when paused" I could probably deal with a much less robust OSD appearing (like Netflix does), but I figured just adding this optional setting would be much quicker to develop. This is all I want for Christmas :-)
  19. Hello, Yesterday ExoPlayer released a new version that fixes SSA overlapping texts and supports positions. https://github.com/google/ExoPlayer/blob/release-v2/RELEASENOTES.md#2110-2019-12-11 Just wondering if we the android tv app will get updated soon with this version. If this feature works correctly there will be no reason to transcode this kind of subtitle. Regards
  20. Hi, I have been searching this forum but I can't seem to find an answer. Emby server is running on windows. I watch movies series and listen to my music collection on a Sony Android TV. When I use Emby to play music on my windows machine and the artist has more then one backdrop, they are displayed as a slideshow. When I listen to music on my TV only the first backdrop shows.... does Emby for Android TV lack this feature or am I missing a setting? Thanks, Hans
  21. Hello, When a channel doesn't have EPG guide associated it simply shows No Program Data Available when clicking into the channel. Can we include the channel name with that screen?
  22. I have noticed that the Emby Theater for Windows (as well as the web browser playback) is lacking some of the UI elements/features of the Android TV app during Live TV playback. Such as the mini bar style guide option, and the Also On bar, with the shows thumbnails. Really would like to see these elements added to the Windows Theater and web player. As it stands, in Theater and web, u can not view the Guide or On Now unless u stop play back entirely and navigate back to those pages. It just just has a much more basic toolbar at the bottom. The bottom tool bar is much better in the Android TV App. Edit: added screen caps of the GUI things in the Android TV app that I am referring to.
  23. Hi, I'd love some help please with a frustrating playback issue that suddenly emerged on my Nvidia Shield running Emby for Kodi (native/direct paths). Native/direct sync works. Kodi very briefly shows "Working..." when I press play, then goes back to the menu, all within half a second. My quick and highly uneducated look at the log file showed some errors around demuxing, but I don't know if that's significant. Recent changes to server I imagine it's relevant to point out I've recently upgraded my OS X version on my server machine, and also tinkered with its static IP address (but I ended up returning the address to what it was before the issue) - see below for more details. I'm sorry, I realsie it would be very helpful to be clear when the behaviour started in relation to both of those changes, but I cannot be sure which of those was responsible. Native vs Dynamic The playback error only seems to happen in my preferred native/direct path configuration, so that's a pretty good hint that it's a path/network issue I guess (I'm no IT expert). If I go through the emby for kodi app and select folders with (dynamic) written next to them they work ok, but I'd love to get the snappier native playback working again. Issue on: The playback issue is only encountered on my Nvidia Shield P2897 box, which I use Emby for Kodi (4.0.5) add-on on Kodi 18.4 (native/direct paths setup). Unaffected - these stream fine When I run Emby on my Android phone (galaxy s10e) I can access and stream videos on the server fine via Emby and VLC on the phone, but I guess they use the dynamic playback mode as well. Server My Emby Server ( is running on a late 2014 iMac, which I recently updated to OS X Catalina (10.15.1). I'm sorry I cannot be specific with times, but the Kodi issues started around this time, and I saw a post about clicking on and off the sharing on the mac to get things running again, and I've done that. As mentioned above, I also changed the IP address of the server for a brief period, as my phone was taking the same IP address, but I then moved my mac back to it's original IP when I worked out how to set a static IP for my phone to stop them clashing. The server's IP is now back to the same value it was when it worked, which is the same as that in the "Shared Network Folder" in the library, and I've done Emby for Kodi database resets and resyncs to be sure the Shield has the right IP paths, but to no avail. The log is available here - I'd value the interpretations of a skilled user (scroll to 2019-11-18 at 19:16 to 19:17).
  24. Hello, I come to you for a little problem here I contributed in the translation into French of (Emby for androdi tv) the translation of Emby and well complete http://translate.emby.media/collaboration/project?id=23344 I just downloaded the latest version of Emby for android tv but I do not see anything by updating the French language I still have untranslated words Why are missing words not translated? Can someone help me Thank you Have a good day
  25. johninhepburn

    Slide show configuration

    As a keen photographer, who carefully composes a shot, I would like the option to turn off the Ken Burns effect in the Android TV App slideshows, and just have the dissolve between shots. Also, I often change the aspect ratio in compositions: most are 3:2, but some slides may be square, 4:3, portrait or panoramic, so I would like them letterboxed or black barred as appropriate, rather than zoomed to fill the screen.
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