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Found 9 results

  1. Hello everybody, I have installed Emby on my Synology. When listening to music in my car, I open the emby App on Android Auto Wireless using a Wireguard VPN. I am able to connect to the server and also to play songs etc...However, the entire Artwork (Albums, Artist etc.) is not showing up...When I turn off the VPN, the Album Covers will show up in Android Auto. Album Covers will also show up when I use the "normal" Android App on my Phone (not using Android Auto) with VPN... So it looks like it is an Android Auto - VPN Problem only....Any idea how to fix that problem? Android Auto using VPN: Android Auto without VPN: Thanks a lot! Best, Benny
  2. Installed Emby server 4.7.14 on a Synology DS1520+ (DSM 7.2). Go to album -> edit image -> search for images shows no results. This happens either with an existing album cover image or none. I've tried "all" under source pull down menu and also turned on "all language" to no avail. Did I do anything wrong? Thanks.
  3. huoc

    Album art disappeared

    Hi there, the cover art for some of the music albums just disappeared, the default colored disc icon is shown instead. Not for all of the albums, but for like 15-20% of them. These covers were previously shown perfectly. The cover.jpg and folder.jpg files are still there in each album folder (I do not know which one is used by emby). Can you pelase help? thanks in advance.
  4. I'm trying to update the Cover photo of some albums because some of the automatic album covers taken from metadata are not good quality. This works fine for most albums but there are some albums that when updating the album cover, the individual song covers stay the same because each of them has its own cover still set to the previous one. Any way I can update all songs in an album to the custom Album cover that I've set without having to go through each song and change its cover individually?
  5. I've been using Emby for my movies successfully for a while and now I'm trying to expand to my music. My problem is I can't get Emby to display any image, either on adding an album or on updating metadata manually. I've also try to identify manually the album or to manually change the image (the search returns nothing). Nothing seems to work, even though the MusicBrainz link in the album description is good and includes an image. Here is my log : https://paste2.org/mLH7mkHW Hope you can help me ! Virginie
  6. Hi, I have just started using Emby, it is a fantastic project. I have a couple of questions: 1) I see that the Album Art embedded in my .mp3 files is getting resized, how do I stop that? Some of the images have been resized to 600x600, but some others have been resized to 200x200, which is way too small. I would like the full size, full quality image that I have embedded, always. For example: The album art resized to 600x600. The cover I embedded, which is 1200x1200. 2) Sometimes in the background of the music player I have the picture of the Album Artist. I did not choose this image, I do not like this, I would very much prefer to see the Album Art, or at least a solid color background. For example: Especially on mobile, this is a big, big issue for me. It would be extremely better with the Cover Art here instead of Howard Shore's face. 3) Is there a way to limit the bandwidth available for streaming music? I have tried the "Internet streaming bitrate limit (Mbps):", even if I set it to 0.25 it still uses all the bandwidht available, e.g.: I hit next song on a client (not on my local network), monitoring the speed on the server I see a a short spike to 20Mbps (my available upload bandwith) and that's it. Thank you for your time and help, please tell me If I need to provide more information!
  7. plessers@gmail.com

    emby doesn't get music album art anymore

    Hello, For my movies, I always have a *.nfo file in the movie directory, so I changed my emby setting to This works really great for movies, but I noticed that for my recently added music, there is no album art anymore. Has this something to do with it? All my *.mp3's have album art embedded, so I would like to see this album art appearing in emby? How can this be done? kind regards, Bart
  8. Hi guys, I was wondering if there was an easy way to force the server to re-download all my music album art to use 1000x1000 images where available. I tried an advanced refresh of all images, but it didn't seem to use the higher res ones. Thanks! Edit: Ok, so I just figured out this one myself, so I should have tried harder (my bad). For anyone wanting to know the answer, try this setting under Metadata>Services>Music Albums:
  9. I don't know whether this is a settings/configuration/file structure issue on my end, but how does MBC (currently on B10-17.2) pass album art to the Windows Media Center player? Indeed, does it even need to pass album art. All my music is structured Artist/Album/Track, and all tracks have embedded artwork. But this is what I'm seeing: Playing a track from Media Browser Classic: And playing the same track directly from Windows Media Center: All art shows OK when browsing the MB server (3.0.5031.21343) via the web interface. What am I doing wrong/missing? EDIT - apologies for the language on the background waterfall images
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