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Hi, With the progression of Emby I am surprised there is still no function to set a TV series as currently being watched/followed. This is a much needed function. This would also tie in with the watched function, so only unwatched items from series currently being watched would appear in Next Up. To vote for this feature, please like/upvote this post.
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Just updated the server to latest Emby Theater is giving me a connection failure from Xbox One for both me and another client. All other app (that I know of) work both on the LAN and over the WAN (VZN LTE). Tested over android and Apple. Works fine. Will not work over Xbox. Connection Failure “We’re unable to connect....” Emby Theater Version I checked the server logs, never seeing the app reach the server.
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in a future update would it be possible not to show the server ip on the server select screen? i really dont like seeing my ip viable like that. TIA
Hi, I've been using XBOX 360 as an extender and now i'm having pause/resume/skip issues. It seems that only transcoded files from server are unable to pause or skip. When I try it I receive an error and have to start from beginning. But when files are "Direct Playing" pause/skip.. works Do you have any solution to my problem? Reg, Arni Thor
The Creators Update went out to consoles today, as well as an update to the Emby Theater app on Xbox One and Emby Server 3.9.2 beta, and ever since I can't sustain playback within the app on the Xbox. Browsing works normally, and playback starts as expected, but will only last appx. 1 minute. No one attempted playback on the console (I believe) from when I updated Emby Server around 9:30 am until 1:56 pm (after both the console and Xbox app were updated), so I can't be sure that it's not a server issue (though I sincerely doubt it, since other clients - including Emby Theater UWP on a Windows PC - have been connecting/streaming all day without issue). The first title required transcoding, and when it failed I thought it might be a transcoding issue (log attached). The second title was direct play ready, and suffered the same playback failure. Any thoughts? Log - 3.29.17 1424.txt transcode log - 3.29.17 1424.txt
- 253 replies
Hello @@ebr, After reinstalling Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, and Emby... I was finally ready to install my plugins. After I installed CoverArt the library failed to display correctly on ET (XBO), and the web (Chrome). I unistalled it, and the library is back to normal. Logs are attached. server-63647331988.txt - CoverArt installed server-63647251200.txt - after uninstalling CoverArt
Green Screen Showing when playing 4k files on Xbox One S
Brian-Naja posted a topic in General/Windows
Hello, I am getting a green screen when playing a 4K video on my Xbox One S but the audio is fine. I have tested the same video on my iPhone 6S, MacBook Pro and a Windows 10 PC the video plays fine on those devices. I have also used the DLNA feature on the Xbox to play the video and that also played fine. It seems to me that the Emby Theater Xbox App is having the problem playing the video. log.txt -
Hello, The server installed Version and now all recorded TV files crash Emby Theater on Xbox One S immediately if attempting to skip (forward or backward using the navigation buttons on the media remote < or >). I rebooted both the server PC and the Xbox One S with the same result. Log files are included at!AnfmLnbQksWOhBRWQBDKooQwLC11 Emby Theater updated to Emby Theater during the reboot but still had the same symptom. The issue also occurs when navigating the menu bar at the bottom of Emby Theater in any direction using the left or right direction buttons on the media remote (< or >).
Hello, The Emby app consistently crashes back the Xbox home screen whenever we pause Live TV. The crash occurs in less that five minutes. I tested the Emby app on Windows 10 and could not duplicate the crash. I provided log files at the following link:!AnfmLnbQksWOhBRWQBDKooQwLC11
After searching for some new apps, i found emby and all i know is that i can watch tv and record some stuff. After registered to emby, emby asks me if i got a server.. i've no clue what i have to type to continue. What do i have to do to enjoy this app ? If i did some grammar mistakes, i'm sorry. Greetings from Austria
Hi, We have recently gained an XBOX, so naturally I have installed the Emby Theatre app on the XBOX for playback. with the hope of this replacing the aging Win7 Media Centre PC. Server On attempting to play back a movie, TV recording or anything, all we get is a full screen image (backdrop) of what we are playing and nothing plays, very odd. So I did some playing about, I had recently moved the Emby server to a Windows platform, I can play a movie back successfully form the Windows 7 MCE with Emby Plugin installed. I can play back using Emby Theatre on Windows 10 devices. I cannot playback with Emby theatre on Android. I cannot playback via a web browser (Edge and Chrome tested on Windows 10, Chrome on Android). This has all worked previously. So I'm thinking there is a server issue on the windows device running the Emby server, this was a temporary measure as I lost my Ubuntu Emby server when the Freenas upgrade went in. I have installed the FreeBSD plugin for Freenas and after a bit of editing got it going (service would not start automatically). I have reconfigured, Emby is accessing media stored on NAS via smb://freenas/path/to/media... I have also specified the alternative path \\freenas\path\to\media... I can play as above but the issues remain with XBOX and Android. I'm thinking name resolution? so paths now have IP addresses, but the results are still the same. Looking at the ffmpeg log it does not appear to be passing the alternate UNC path correctly, but I'm not sure as it works on some devices? Is this a server bug? ffmpeg-transcode.log server.log
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Hi There Emby people, The Xbox app seems to be crashing to the dash with the latest preview build - 10.0.15026.1001 (rs_xbox_dev_flight.170201-2341) I have reported it to MS via preview channel, but thought you might like to know. Not sure what your communication is like between yourself and the platform holder. Getting lots of 'Exception.Message: Unable to read data from the transport connection: Connection reset by peer.' type error msgs in the logs on the server.
I'm experiencing an odd issue with video playback on Emby Theater for Xbox One. The video plays just fine, however the volume is significantly lower than it should be. Playing the same video using the built-in Media Player App playbacks with "normal" volume. I've tried restarting the app, re-downloading the app, signing in and out of my account, resetting the server, and nothing is able to resolve the issue. I have to turn my speakers up near max to approach appropriate listening levels. Obviously this isn't ideal as the rest of the system sounds are extremely loud at this setting.
I have i problem with XBox one client. Every time I try to play anything I get this message; Here is what I'm running and I do have premiere; What I'm I doing wrong?? Log.txt
Hello, I have the latest server software and am trying Emby Theater on Xbox One S for the first time. We can view the library but whenever we select any video to play, it crashes back to the Xbox home screen. It hangs the Xbox when any music is selected. Using the Xbox media player I can play files directly from the Emby folders. Emby Theater works on a Windows 10 PC in our home and Emby works from all PC's and browsers. I have an active Premiere subscription. I restarted the Xbox twice but with no changes, I would appreciate any advice. Thanks,
The images for files load perfectly fine, however folder images do not (e.g. Season folders). Is this intended now, as the logs do not show that it's even trying to fetch the images.
Is there a way to adjust the overscna on Emby Theater for the XBox One? The text and images are cut off by the edges of the screen. My TV does not have any options for adjusting image size, underscan or overscan. I could not find any options on the XBox either that would help. The Emby MCE add-on has these options and they work great, hoping that there is something similar you can help me find. Nick
ABOUT MODERN8 Modern8 is a metro inspired theme for Windows Media Center. It uses Patchou's Media Center Themer to apply the new and improved UI Modern8 is unique to many other Media Center themes (see details & screenshots further below): Improved modernized UI experience – clarity and usability comes first. No more fogs or ‘glass buttons’. No more blue. 500+ images have been completely redesigned or retouched Includes genuine Microsoft Xbox One navigation sound effects All new bar design for on-screen media controls Choice of 5 different accent colours – standard (black), blue, green, orange and red. A light theme is also included Splash screen animation with flattened logo (alternate files are provided if you prefer the new official Windows logo) There are NO changes to any system files, so there is minimal risk of corruption. It is also extremely easy to apply to your system, in less than a few minutes you can have a modern Media Center experience! And like all Media Center themes, Modern8 is entirely customizable so you can easily tweak Modern8 to your design tastes. It already includes some alternative artwork to try, just mix and match. Please, if you have anything to say, be it good or bad: contributions, suggestions or problems – let me know! (: DOWNLOAD LINKS via MediaFire v1.3 - January 30th 2016 24MB *Please note, an alternative XML file is provided for no string changes/non-English users. -Small improvements to start-up sound & animation -Action icons are coloured when highlighted (e.g. record, delete, review conflict) -Changes to guide record icons to improve contrast (red/yellow/blue instead of red/orange/blue) -Program info panel background (see last screenshot) covers the whole screen -New loading animation spinner Remember to remove any existing Modern8 files beforehand, and backup the files if you have done any of your own customising If you notice that some text is not being recoloured to white from the default blue (especially if using an extender): Remember to also check out The Green Button Modern8 Thread INSTALLATION AND REQUIREMENTS 1 Download and install Patchou's Media Center Themer (v1.51 mirrored copy from MediaFire For Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 (Media Center editions) and Windows 10. 2 Download and extract all of the contents of the most recent Modern8 zip file (v1.3). 3 Copy the contents of the extracted zip file to C:\ProgramData\Media Center Themer\ or use the shortcut provided Remember to remove any existing Modern8 files and the MCTDefault.xml beforehand (but backup the files if you have done any of your own customising) 4 Open the newly copied Modern8 folder and run the registry file WindowsSetNewDefaultBeep.reg This works exactly as if you were to change the default beep via Sound settings and can be just as easily undone. You may need to logout or restart afterwards. 5 Enjoy And if you really like Modern8, you can donate via PayPal and help me pay for my studies (or at least a drink or two!) Special thanks to TheOsburnFamily and JBL! RELEASE HISTORY 16th December 2013 (1.52MB) Modern8 Initial Release 6th January 2014 (11.4MB) Modern8 1.0 || Modern8 1.0 (NON-ENGLISH, NO STRING CHANGES) 9th January 2014 (11.1MB) Modern8 1.1 || Modern8 1.1 (NO STRING CHANGES, NON-ENGLISH)* -Fixed RDP crashes -Minor string changes 16th January 2014 (22MB) Modern8 1.2 || Modern8 1.2 (NO STRING CHANGES, NON-ENGLISH)* -Tweaked EPG appearance slightly and included some alternative EPG focus accents -Improved folder layout to be more intuitive and easier to customise -Among other minor changes 2nd March 2014 (22MB) Modern8 1.2.1a || Modern8 1.2.1 (NO STRING CHANGES, NON-ENGLISH)* -Darkened default background image slightly -Improved default text recolouring; selected text should now have greater contrast to text which is not selected (does not apply to all situations) -Improved text readability for TV Debug menu (411 CTRL+D/411 More Info when playing TV) ENHANCEMENT HIGHLIGHTS & SCREENSHOTS Your choice of accent colours – a simple copy and paste is all that is required to change the accent. There is also a ‘light’ theme available (but this doesn’t have the same polish or ‘completeness’ as the standard theme) And of course, you can mix and match UI elements quickly and easily to suit your preferences Start screen with metro icons. Tiles are colour coded into their respective categories (Settings, Music, Video, etc) The background image animates in a subtle glowing cycle Entirely new bar design for on-screen media controls Media Center TV guide (Just note that I'm also using My Channel Logos to change the guide layout – this is not part of Modern8) Among other minor changes Extended time format Improved ‘now playing-hinting info’ for TV – text should no longer be cut off for long titles A few text changes (English only) for clarity and/or aesthetics LIST OF MEDIA CENTER SUB CATEGORIES WITH ENHANCED MODERN UI Picture favourites Picture library Video library Music favourites Music library Music search Movie guide Movie library Movies search DVD TV guide Recorded TV TV guide search Power options Settings LIST OF REVISED STRINGS (does not apply to the NO STRING CHANGES/NON-ENGLISH VERSION) old string new string shut down power options sync sync device search search music search search guide search search movies VIEW CATEGORIES GUIDE CATEGORIES All All Channels other showings showings Resolve Conflict Review Conflict resolve conflict review conflict Programme Details Details programme details details programme information information (changed to 'info' since v1.3) interactive tv interactive Exit Exit Media Center Log Off Sign Out LOG OFF WINDOWS SIGN OUT OF WINDOWS Are you sure you want to log off? Are you sure you want to sign out? View Song List Now Playing List TEXT [empty/blank string - replaced with a graphical icon on the media controls bar. This is still included with the NO STRING CHANGES VERSION] LIMITATIONS - PLEASE READ FURTHER DETAILS MAY BE FOUND IN THE CONTAINED README FILES Media Center includes most of its own sounds, however it still uses one sound which is shared by the Windows OS: the 'Default Beep' The included .reg registry files can quickly change the 'Default Beep' to the provided Xbox One sound effect found in the Modern8 Audio directory. The .reg registry files work exactly as if you were to manually change the 'Default Beep' via the Windows control panel; but obviously much faster! Much of Modern8’s text elements have been colourized white. This may be an issue for other add-ons such which contain predominantly light backgrounds. Alternative files are provided for darker text if needed. If ENGLISH is NOT your operating system language, you should choose the NON-ENGLISH version to download. Modern8 makes a few subtle language changes. As mentioned briefly above, the included ‘light’ theme currently doesn’t have the same polish as the standard theme – I have just quickly inverted the colours of the standard theme ORIGINAL WORKS I DID NOT create everything from scratch myself, details of original art sources are included in the corresponding README file Big thanks to Keef and his un8y theme, which inspired Modern8. It was a great template and an inspiration for me to make this theme. (I also grabbed a few of your icons )
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Hey there so I figured I'd report this issue or inquire on how to fix it. For probably a couple months now Xbox One when DLNA streaming will no longer show Movie Posters, Season Posters, etc... Just wondering if this is a bug or how it can be fixed thanks!
Not appearing in "Media player" (router attached to router) posted a topic in DLNA
Hello, Running Version 3.0.5882.0 on my computer connected to RouterA. When My Xbox One is connected to RouterA, I have no problem seeing my Emby server on my Xbox (from the "Media player" app) Here the problem: I connected a new router, RouterB to RouterA. My computer continues to be connected to RouterA. However, now my Xbox One is connected to RouterB. I no longer see my Emby server on my Xbox (from the "Media player" app). Do I need to do some sort of port forwarding for RouterA/RouterB? I was able to verify that another laptop can connect to RouterB via WiFi and I can successfully see the Emby server in a web browser using the local IP address ( Any thoughts? Thanks! Rory -
Is it possible to have official PS4 and Xbox apps?
Hi Luke. I was playing with ET on my Xbox One over the weekend and it looks very nice. Do you want feedback on Xbox One usage, or is it still a WIP ?? Should ET work OK with the Official Xbox One Media Remote ?? Thanks.
I apparently had addressed this locally on some/most of my devices in the past. However, we received an Xbox One for Christmas and have been playing with that quite a bit. It was great to see out of the box 80% direct play for our library on the Xbox One. Then I ran across the following: No direct play profiles found for Path:...mkv It turns out the something like the following needed to be added to our DLNA profile for the Xbox One: <DirectPlayProfile container="mkv" audioCodec="ac3,aac" videoCodec="mpeg2video" type="Video" /> The current system DLNA system profile for the Xbox One contains: <DirectPlayProfile container="mp4,mov,mkv" audioCodec="aac,ac3" videoCodec="h264,mpeg4" type="Video" /> This can be handled in a number of ways. The important thing for our case was to ensure mpeg2video codec, which was coming from our raw MKV from DVD, was listed as a valid video codec for direct play with the mkv container. I essentially changed the above to : <DirectPlayProfile container="mp4,mov,mkv" audioCodec="aac,ac3" videoCodec="h264,mpeg4,mpeg2video" type="Video" /> and now our raw dvd/mkv rips play back via Xbox One media player just fine.
Hi All Just recently upgraded to the new version of Emby. I am experiencing problems when direct playing to the XB1. All I get is a black screen with some churping in the background. This is only xbox 1 that has the issue. Website play is fine. and no issues playing the file directly. Please find below the transcode log;uuid:8ab80bf4-44ac-4522-86ab-38e12c1909aa;7681248ec71b0131a4cb7a536bbea490;false;h264;aac;1;;9872000;128000;2;;1920;1080;0;41;;;8;high;;;;;7681248ec71b0131a4cb7a536bbea490 {"Protocol":"File","Id":"7681248ec71b0131a4cb7a536bbea490","Path":"\\\\Prime\\TV Shows\\Brooklyn Nine-Nine\\Season 1\\Brooklyn Nine-Nine - S01E02 - The 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C:\Users\r.blackburn.adm\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\ffmpeg\20150331\ffmpeg.exe -fflags +genpts -i file:"\\Prime\TV Shows\Brooklyn Nine-Nine\Season 1\Brooklyn Nine-Nine - S01E02 - The Tagger.mp4" -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map -0:s -codec:v:0 libx264 -force_key_frames expr:gte(t,n_forced*5) -vf "scale=min(iw\,720):trunc(ow/dar/2)*2" -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset superfast -crf 23 -maxrate 889188 -bufsize 1778376 -vsync vfr -profile:v high -level 41 -map_metadata -1 -threads 0 -codec:a:0 aac -strict experimental -ac 2 -ab 128000 -af "aresample=async=1" -y "C:\Users\r.blackburn.adm\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\transcoding-temp\6ee2364e1f7aaa8166d414667447b582.ts" ffmpeg version N-71182-g5cba529 Copyright © 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers built with gcc 4.9.2 (GCC) configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --disable-w32threads --enable-avisynth --enable-bzlib --enable-fontconfig --enable-frei0r --enable-gnutls --enable-iconv --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libbs2b --enable-libcaca --enable-libdcadec --enable-libfreetype --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm --enable-libilbc --enable-libmodplug --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopus --enable-librtmp --enable-libschroedinger --enable-libsoxr --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvo-aacenc --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxavs --enable-libxvid --enable-lzma --enable-decklink --enable-zlib libavutil 54. 21.100 / 54. 21.100 libavcodec 56. 32.100 / 56. 32.100 libavformat 56. 27.100 / 56. 27.100 libavdevice 56. 4.100 / 56. 4.100 libavfilter 5. 13.101 / 5. 13.101 libswscale 3. 1.101 / 3. 1.101 libswresample 1. 1.100 / 1. 1.100 libpostproc 53. 3.100 / 53. 3.100 Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'file:\\Prime\TV Shows\Brooklyn Nine-Nine\Season 1\Brooklyn Nine-Nine - S01E02 - The Tagger.mp4': Metadata: major_brand : isom minor_version : 1 compatible_brands: isomavc1 creation_time : 2015-07-12 20:03:22 Duration: 00:20:56.88, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 940 kb/s Stream #0:0(und): Video: h264 (High) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p, 1280x720 [sAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 889 kb/s, 23.98 fps, 23.98 tbr, 24k tbn, 47.95 tbc (default) Metadata: creation_time : 2015-07-12 20:03:22 handler_name : GPAC ISO Video Handler Stream #0:1(und): Audio: aac (HE-AAC) (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 47 kb/s (default) Metadata: creation_time : 2015-07-12 20:03:25 handler_name : GPAC ISO Audio Handler Stream #0:2(und): Subtitle: mov_text (tx3g / 0x67337874), 1280x720, 0 kb/s (default) Metadata: creation_time : 2015-07-12 20:03:34 handler_name : GPAC Streaming Text Handler [libx264 @ 0000000002dada40] using SAR=404/405 [libx264 @ 0000000002dada40] using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 SSE4.2 [libx264 @ 0000000002dada40] profile High, level 4.1 Output #0, mpegts, to 'C:\Users\r.blackburn.adm\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\transcoding-temp\6ee2364e1f7aaa8166d414667447b582.ts': Metadata: encoder : Lavf56.27.100 Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (libx264), yuv420p, 720x404 [sAR 404:405 DAR 16:9], q=-1--1, max. 889 kb/s, 23.98 fps, 90k tbn, 23.98 tbc (default) Metadata: encoder : Lavc56.32.100 libx264 Stream #0:1: Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 128 kb/s (default) Metadata: encoder : Lavc56.32.100 aac Stream mapping: Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (h264 (native) -> h264 (libx264)) Stream #0:1 -> #0:1 (aac (native) -> aac (native)) Press [q] to stop, [?] for help frame= 78 fps=0.0 q=18.0 size= 144kB time=00:00:03.75 bitrate= 314.4kbits/s frame= 152 fps=152 q=21.0 size= 660kB time=00:00:06.74 bitrate= 802.0kbits/s frame= 207 fps=138 q=25.0 size= 930kB time=00:00:08.96 bitrate= 850.0kbits/s frame= 295 fps=147 q=25.0 size= 1480kB time=00:00:12.80 bitrate= 946.9kbits/s frame= 372 fps=149 q=24.0 size= 1825kB time=00:00:16.04 bitrate= 932.2kbits/s frame= 449 fps=150 q=21.0 size= 2251kB time=00:00:19.24 bitrate= 958.5kbits/s frame= 539 fps=154 q=23.0 size= 2648kB time=00:00:23.46 bitrate= 924.3kbits/s frame= 584 fps=145 q=23.0 size= 2863kB time=00:00:25.30 bitrate= 927.0kbits/s frame= 669 fps=148 q=21.0 size= 3287kB time=00:00:28.58 bitrate= 942.1kbits/s frame= 755 fps=150 q=23.0 size= 3770kB time=00:00:32.17 bitrate= 960.1kbits/s frame= 834 fps=151 q=25.0 size= 4284kB time=00:00:35.49 bitrate= 988.5kbits/s frame= 911 fps=151 q=23.0 size= 4725kB time=00:00:38.74 bitrate= 999.2kbits/s frame= 988 fps=151 q=26.0 size= 5109kB time=00:00:42.15 bitrate= 992.8kbits/s frame= 1068 fps=152 q=27.0 size= 5463kB time=00:00:45.48 bitrate= 983.9kbits/s frame= 1152 fps=153 q=24.0 size= 5919kB time=00:00:48.68 bitrate= 995.9kbits/s frame= 1230 fps=153 q=25.0 size= 6487kB time=00:00:52.18 bitrate=1018.4kbits/s frame= 1311 fps=154 q=25.0 size= 6819kB time=00:00:55.59 bitrate=1004.8kbits/s frame= 1390 fps=154 q=24.0 size= 7193kB time=00:00:58.79 bitrate=1002.2kbits/s frame= 1480 fps=155 q=27.0 size= 7587kB time=00:01:02.46 bitrate= 995.0kbits/s frame= 1555 fps=155 q=25.0 size= 8052kB time=00:01:05.66 bitrate=1004.5kbits/s frame= 1637 fps=155 q=22.0 size= 8454kB time=00:01:09.24 bitrate=1000.1kbits/s frame= 1736 fps=157 q=24.0 size= 8848kB time=00:01:13.04 bitrate= 992.3kbits/s frame= 1815 fps=157 q=25.0 size= 9311kB time=00:01:16.67 bitrate= 994.8kbits/s frame= 1923 fps=159 q=24.0 size= 9929kB time=00:01:20.81 bitrate=1006.6kbits/s frame= 2047 fps=163 q=25.0 size= 10537kB time=00:01:26.31 bitrate=1000.1kbits/s frame= 2123 fps=162 q=25.0 size= 10923kB time=00:01:29.51 bitrate= 999.7kbits/s frame= 2209 fps=163 q=14.0 size= 11411kB time=00:01:32.92 bitrate=1005.9kbits/s frame= 2286 fps=162 q=31.0 size= 11713kB time=00:01:36.21 bitrate= 997.3kbits/s frame= 2373 fps=163 q=13.0 size= 12117kB time=00:01:39.62 bitrate= 996.3kbits/s frame= 2473 fps=164 q=20.0 size= 12579kB time=00:01:44.10 bitrate= 989.8kbits/s frame= 2522 fps=162 q=26.0 size= 12763kB time=00:01:46.02 bitrate= 986.1kbits/s frame= 2622 fps=163 q=23.0 size= 13240kB time=00:01:50.16 bitrate= 984.5kbits/s frame= 2708 fps=163 q=25.0 size= 13743kB time=00:01:53.83 bitrate= 989.0kbits/s frame= 2794 fps=163 q=26.0 size= 14252kB time=00:01:57.50 bitrate= 993.6kbits/s frame= 2906 fps=165 q=23.0 size= 14795kB time=00:02:02.11 bitrate= 992.5kbits/s frame= 2961 fps=163 q=22.0 size= 15106kB time=00:02:04.41 bitrate= 994.6kbits/s frame= 3045 fps=163 q=27.0 size= 15507kB time=00:02:07.65 bitrate= 995.1kbits/s frame= 3122 fps=163 q=23.0 size= 16021kB time=00:02:10.98 bitrate=1002.0kbits/s frame= 3207 fps=163 q=24.0 size= 16504kB time=00:02:14.48 bitrate=1005.3kbits/s frame= 3307 fps=164 q=25.0 size= 16979kB time=00:02:18.62 bitrate=1003.4kbits/s frame= 3424 fps=166 q=26.0 size= 17503kB time=00:02:23.65 bitrate= 998.1kbits/s frame= 3502 fps=166 q=23.0 size= 17878kB time=00:02:26.85 bitrate= 997.3kbits/s frame= 3592 fps=166 q=23.0 size= 18225kB time=00:02:30.52 bitrate= 991.8kbits/s frame= 3672 fps=165 q=22.0 size= 18601kB time=00:02:33.77 bitrate= 991.0kbits/s frame= 3762 fps=165 q=24.0 size= 18988kB time=00:02:37.86 bitrate= 985.3kbits/s frame= 3848 fps=165 q=28.0 size= 19600kB time=00:02:41.36 bitrate= 995.0kbits/s frame= 3958 fps=166 q=23.0 size= 20128kB time=00:02:45.93 bitrate= 993.7kbits/s frame= 4042 fps=166 q=26.0 size= 20497kB time=00:02:49.34 bitrate= 991.6kbits/s frame= 4123 fps=166 q=22.0 size= 20897kB time=00:02:52.67 bitrate= 991.4kbits/s frame= 4191 fps=164 q=26.0 size= 21186kB time=00:02:55.78 bitrate= 987.3kbits/s frame= 4225 fps=164 q=-1.0 Lsize= 21606kB time=00:02:57.19 bitrate= 998.9kbits/s video:16575kB audio:2760kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: 11.746189% [libx264 @ 0000000002dada40] frame I:96 Avg QP:19.49 size: 26168 [libx264 @ 0000000002dada40] frame P:1378 Avg QP:22.66 size: 6476 [libx264 @ 0000000002dada40] frame B:2751 Avg QP:24.34 size: 2013 [libx264 @ 0000000002dada40] consecutive B-frames: 9.6% 5.3% 15.9% 69.1% [libx264 @ 0000000002dada40] mb I I16..4: 6.9% 31.8% 61.3% [libx264 @ 0000000002dada40] mb P I16..4: 2.4% 5.2% 2.1% P16..4: 66.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% skip:24.1% [libx264 @ 0000000002dada40] mb B I16..4: 0.3% 0.3% 0.1% B16..8: 26.7% 0.0% 0.0% direct:12.8% skip:59.8% L0:30.6% L1:47.5% BI:21.9% [libx264 @ 0000000002dada40] 8x8 transform intra:44.4% inter:37.3% [libx264 @ 0000000002dada40] coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 61.3% 59.8% 29.4% inter: 14.2% 9.9% 0.6% [libx264 @ 0000000002dada40] i16 v,h,dc,p: 51% 27% 11% 11% [libx264 @ 0000000002dada40] i8 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 29% 19% 15% 6% 5% 6% 6% 6% 8% [libx264 @ 0000000002dada40] i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 28% 21% 9% 7% 6% 7% 7% 7% 8% [libx264 @ 0000000002dada40] i8c dc,h,v,p: 39% 24% 28% 9% [libx264 @ 0000000002dada40] Weighted P-Frames: Y:2.7% UV:1.8% [libx264 @ 0000000002dada40] kb/s:770.55
Just ordered an Xbox One, so just wondering what games people feel are the best to purchase? Also, what accessories and/or apps? Thanks.