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  1. SuperCharlie

    Xbox fail

    My xbox series s no longer recognizes my server subscription while my roku has no problem. It's current. Also, the splash is annoying.
  2. Running Emby for Windows on XBOX S v 1.1.568.70. Never had this problem before until about 6-9 months ago. When scrolling through TV episodes, trying to pick one to watch, the app will crash and return back to the Xbox main screen. It's random, not always the same series, not always the same place, sometimes it will work for a few minutes, then crash, sometimes immediately, it's very random. I have a video if desired. Nothing in the server logs other than regular data.
  3. Здравствуйте, не получается запустить emby theatre на xbox series x, emby premiere приобретена, emby theatre даже не видит данные на hhd подключенному к xbox series x. Hello, I can't run emby theater on xbox series x, emby premiere is purchased, emby theater can't even see data on hhd connected to xbox series x Help please
  4. Hey everyone, I just updated to 4.7.6 yesterday and it seemed to clean up any stuttering that was occurring on my end with h265 (hevc) files using Direct Play. (Xbox Series S was tested on) I’d have a look yourselves if any issues are still occurring. I’m still not sure what was causing the issue but it seems to be corrected on my end for now. Thanks for the hard work devs!
  5. Hi, only just noticed this tonight but when attempting to play a trailer via Emby Theatre app on the Xbox I receive the following message "Playback error No compatible streams are currently available. Please try again later or contact your system administrator for details." Just checked the same in the iOS, Web and OSX apps and trailers play fine. Never tried this on the xbox before so not sure if an error or whether I need to config something first, any ideas? Thanks.
  6. I just got my Xbox Series X and have decided that I would like it to be the sole destination for all the media apps (Prime, Netflix, YouTube etc...) instead of having these apps installed on my LG TV. I'm running into an issue with emby where playback is unexpectedly choppy and there is noticeable stutter even though files are direct playing. I have attached a screenshot of the media information for a TV episode where this choppiness is noticeable right from the start. It's worth mentioning that playback is fine on the Plex app on the Xbox as well as on the LG emby app. The Xbox has options to enable other video modes. See the second screenshot as an example. I have all but the last of each row enabled on my system. Disabling these makes no difference. My suspicion is that emby isn't correctly telling the Xbox which framerate it wants.
  7. We have a frustrating issue on the kids Xbox One S (the only device of its type we have). As per the topic title we have an issue whereby direct play content will randomly freeze visual & audio playback, generally within 30 seconds. The application remains responsive, yet pausing and resuming playback does not help. Forced transcoding appears to resolve, and this can be invoked following the initial freeze, but the solution isn't desirable long term. Unable see anything obvious in the server logs, in fact according to the dashboard playback continues despite playback being frozen on the Xbox. This issue occurs with most content, although we have managed to successfully watch one or two films without problem. Server Version: Emby for Windows Version: 1.1.307.70 I'm unable to recreate this issue on other household platforms, problematic content plays perfectly on all other devices via direct play (Fire TV, iOS (iPad/iPhone), Dell XPS 15). Admittedly the Xbox is not hardwired, but we have a rock solid wireless network (Unifi AP AC Pro) and the other devices mentioned above also access the Emby server via wifi. Any advice on this would be well received.
  8. Hi all, I have a few users reporting that once they access Emby they cannot select a movie. When selecting something, it will attempt to do something, but only the "scrolling" animation shows. I ran a debug. I can confirm the user in this debug is logged in. But I dont actually see where the their attempt to access a movie shows in the activities. I attempted to test offnet, VZN LTE, using my phone to pull movies. I personally never had a problem. Can someone review at their leisure convenience and let me know what the issue is? Please and thanks! DEBUG_03262020.txt
  9. Emby started suddenly tossing up the Emby Premiere sign-up screen when I try to to play anything via a web browser on my Xbox One. I'm running Emby Server on Windows 10, and viewing on an Xbox One, connecting to my local server using the built-in Edge browser. The logs before being locked out of playing say I was viewing on App: Emby Mobile One And after, it's App: Emby Mobile One I've done a hard reboot of the Xbox, and have restarted my server. I've looked at the server release notes between those two versions the closest thing I can see to this change is "Add web app splash screen to provide user feedback in case of long loading times" in v. Is this an intended change, or a mishap?
  10. At the moment in the xbox theatre app i can only move forward and backwards in 10 second increments. sometimes i want to play a movie from a certain point in time and scrolling takes forever! could be nice if we could configure the move intervals or even have a "jump to " a certain point in time as the foxtel app does. thank you!
  11. Replacing Media center on my HTPC with Win 10 and hopefully Emby. The HTPC is connected to my TV via an Xbox one with Kinect. The Xbox one has a Media Center set-top box profile so it can send commands by voice and general volume, play pause etc commands like a Media Center remote. I read that Emby should support media centre remotes but apart from the volume, arrow keys, enter and back buttons not much else seems to work, no play/pause stop etc in Emby Theatre. My HTPC is in a Silverstone case with built in IR. I installed the old iMon drivers and software and it seems to be reading the remote commands ok and changing the volume etc. I hope to be able to utilise the Xbox changing channel, pausing etc in Emby but cant get it working with even an old MC remote yet. Any ideas?
  12. harrying

    XBOX One Issues

    These problems are specific to the XBOX One #1 On movies home page the alphabet listing on the left edge does nothing. This use to work many months ago. I have approximately 1300 movies in the library. This works in the WEB app and in Emby Theater for Windows desktop #2 When playing FLAC music files the Emby App randomly shuts down while playing. This too only occurs on XBOX One. This also use to work? It goes from playing the music to the XBOX Home page. Emby is closed. This happens randomly, but eventually will happen I have attached a log file - Music playing began approximately 10:45 am and stopped about 12:01 pm Any thoughts? log.txt
  13. Hi I have downloaded some video game Gameplay Walkthroughs in mp4 on my pc. i want emby to organise them just like movies. can you tell me how do i do it? i have downloaded game browser plugin but it seems to work only for actual games
  14. The Emby app for Xbox requires a username a password every time I access it, regardless if I have the "remember me" box checked. Is there some way to stop this from happening? I apologize if this is in the wrong category.
  15. Device: Xbox Ver: (Xbox Store latest) I have been experiencing freezes on this app for a long time but have dealt with it because an app reboot or two fixes it. Now, I have reinstalled the application to see if it fixed the freezes I had today. Upon reinstall, I cannot load any movie or TV show. It attempts to load and then hangs at the screen where it just shows the poster. Sometimes it repeats that it fails to load. The only way out of this is to quit completely. Another Xbox I have where it hasn't been reinstalled constantly experiences hanging at loading a show/movie or a complete application freeze. Are there known issues with the Xbox app or is it possible this is due to library size? (~5k movies and ~1200 shows) Edit: This happens whether it's searched for, found in the "All [category]" list, or played from Next Up/Continue section.
  16. Hi, I tried googling for an answer but i could not find one specific enough and this is also the kind of answer that might change over time. So i want a current answer before i go shopping. I want to make the move to Emby with a premiere subscription. I've tested it for six months++ with and without premiere and the list of reasons why i prefer Emby just keeps growing. But i have some close friends and family making use of my current plex server on xbox and ps4. As i understood it most of the apps require a premiere sub, Yet i can use the LG tv app without a subscription. So i have the following questions: - Do my friends need a premiere subscription to stream to xbox/ps4? When streaming from my server. - Same question for smart tv apps? - And lets assume i convinced them to replace their own plex servers with Emby but they are to cheap to pay for it. Can they use the apps for smart tvs and xbox/ps4? I'm not interested in roku sticks and such. But others might appreciate and answer for that as well. Bonus question: Recommended block size for Emby dataset? Ty for making a great product and for giving me much more control and customistation for my library then anyone else. This is especially great for someone who is multi linguistic.
  17. I am attempting to replace XBOX 360 Extender and Media Center with XBOX One and Emby I have two HD Homeruns as tuners attached to XFINITY cable cards TV - Sony KDL-52XBR9 Among the problems: 1 - The Guide is clunky and requires to many clicks to start a live program 2 - Some stations Direct Stream 3 - Some stations transcode I can play all these stations directly to the TV via DLNA through the HD HOMERUNS with no problems (of course I can't record etc) - This bypasses Emby And all works great with the extender and WMC - too bad Microsoft dropped support I have been patient with Emby knowing that it is a work in progress, but although there have been great improvements - the live tv area is still not performing anywhere close to WMC A good first step would be for all cable tv to direct play - any thoughts on when I can expect this
  18. I have an XBox One and an XBox One X for playback (Windows 10 as the server) that have both started having the same problem within the past few weeks or so. Here's how we can reproduce the problem: Go to Television\Series\Choose a Series, Click "Shuffle". Playback then stops\freezes at the very end of the first episode usually right around when it says "Next Episode will start in 9 seconds" . It will sit there until someone backs out of the app or clicks "Start Now" . We have been using the shuffle for several years when it stopped working a few weeks ago . I think it is either due to an update or possibly something wrong with the algorithm used to determine how to shuffle because we use this feature so much. I couldn't figure out how to clear those counters without resetting all the metadata.
  19. Armymedic91

    TrueHD audio Xbox One X

    I am having trouble playing a 4K video with TrueHD or Atmos audio. While playing the video I can switch to Dolby Digital 5.1 and it plays fine when I switch the audio track to TrueHD the video still plays but no audio. I have my Xbox One X plugged into my Onkyo receiver directly into an HDMI 2.2 input. Anyone have any insight into this. Thanks.
  20. Hi, I would like the Latest TV logic to be improved to only show tv series which are continuing, not ended. To vote for this, please like this post.
  21. Hi, With the progression of Emby I am surprised there is still no function to set a TV series as currently being watched/followed. This is a much needed function. This would also tie in with the watched function, so only unwatched items from series currently being watched would appear in Next Up. To vote for this feature, please like/upvote this post.
  22. Just updated the server to latest Emby Theater is giving me a connection failure from Xbox One for both me and another client. All other app (that I know of) work both on the LAN and over the WAN (VZN LTE). Tested over android and Apple. Works fine. Will not work over Xbox. Connection Failure “We’re unable to connect....” Emby Theater Version I checked the server logs, never seeing the app reach the server.
  23. KOBEY


    in a future update would it be possible not to show the server ip on the server select screen? i really dont like seeing my ip viable like that. TIA
  24. So, i want to buy the premium subsricption but first of course i test the Emby Theatre on my Xbox One X. And it is working execpt one function. There is no 4k HEVC direct play and of course because of that there is no HDR. I don't know what's wrong but my server Transcoding any 4K HEVC file because : The Video resolution is not supported. But why? Can anyone help me please? I attached my log files. Thanks. LOG1.txt LOG2.txt LOG3.txt LOG4.txt
  25. Hello @@ebr, After reinstalling Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, and Emby... I was finally ready to install my plugins. After I installed CoverArt the library failed to display correctly on ET (XBO), and the web (Chrome). I unistalled it, and the library is back to normal. Logs are attached. server-63647331988.txt - CoverArt installed server-63647251200.txt - after uninstalling CoverArt
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