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  1. Hi There, I have been using EMBY for a few months and have come up with the subject issue. (Using the Emby Android app) I can stream and cast all content currently in the library. however, when I have watched a program it does not update my watched list nor does it download any meta content eg images. Further I cannot scan new media that I place into my folders. I have ruled the following out: - Firewall issues (I did not change this at all but have tested with the firewall off anyway and same issue) - AntiVirus issues (same as above) - Restarted Emby server and host machine - Checked naming convention and folder structure of the media files - Disabled automatic port mapping (to test) Below is an extract of the error I am experiencing from a debug log: 2021-07-07 16:58:30.408 Error PortMapper: Error creating port map *** Error Report *** Version: Command line: C:\Users\George\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\system\EmbyServer.dll Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10.0.19041 Framework: .NET Core 3.1.13 OS/Process: x64/x64 Runtime: C:/Users/George/AppData/Roaming/Emby-Server/system/System.Private.CoreLib.dll Processor count: 4 Data path: C:\Users\George\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\programdata Application path: C:\Users\George\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\system MediaBrowser.Model.Net.HttpException: MediaBrowser.Model.Net.HttpException: <s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" s:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"> <s:Body> <s:Fault> <faultcode>s:Client</faultcode> <faultstring>UPnPError</faultstring> <detail> <UPnPError xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:control-1-0"> <errorCode>-111</errorCode> <errorDescription>Invalid Action</errorDescription> </UPnPError> </detail> </s:Fault> </s:Body> </s:Envelope> at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpClientManager.CoreHttpClientManager.SendAsyncInternal(HttpRequestOptions options, String httpMethod) at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpClientManager.CoreHttpClientManager.SendAsync(HttpRequestOptions options, String httpMethod) at Mono.Nat.Upnp.UpnpNatDevice.GetSpecificMappingAsync(Protocol protocol, Int32 publicPort, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Mono.Nat.Upnp.UpnpNatDevice.CreatePortMap(Mapping mapping, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Emby.PortMapper.ExternalPortForwarding.CreateRules(INatDevice device, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Source: Emby.Server.Implementations TargetSite: Void MoveNext() Any thoughts on further troubleshooting?
  2. I am using Emby solely as a music server (running on a Synology NAS) to play music from the server in all rooms of our house. In some rooms I am using Sonos devices, but we also have an Onkyo device and a few others. In every room there is a ehternet plugged touch screen media device running the emby media player. When someone wants to play music in a specific room they have to select the taget network speakers (Sonos, etc) in the PLAY ON list. Unfortunately this list is very crowded and a number of devices are displayed which are not used as speakers. See the attached screen shot. What I would like is to RESTRICT THE DLNA LIST of devices from which a loged in user can select from. E.g: The kids shall only see a few players which are in the kids area of the hosue, but they should not be able to select the network speakers from the livingroom etc. Is there a way to exclude or filter DLNA devices so that they do not show up on the PLAY ON list? In an ideal scenario the available devices to PLAY ON would be configurable in a user profile. Maybe there are ways to do that but I simple didnt find that option ...
  3. Hi Everyone Sorry if this has already been asked for before and exists, I have tried looking, but I could not find anything that made it work. I have Emby Server installed on my shield, with media files stored on an external HDD that is not adopted storage (playback works perfectly on the shield). I have been trying to get the TV upstairs, which is a Panasonic GT30 Series TV (2011 model) to play my media files from the Shield through DLNA. I can connect to the Shield server on DNLA and view folders but I have not been able to get any of my media to play. I have 2 types of media with and without subtitles. Container Video Codec Audio Codec mp4 h.264 aac - no subtitles mkv mpeg2video ac3 - no subtitles mkv mpeg2video ac3 - DVD subtitles un-related to the shield set-up, I have managed to connect the TV through DLNA to a 3rd Party server on my laptop and play all of the media files perfectly on the TV, so I know the tv can play the media files through DLNA, with some Transcoding/re-muxing taking place on the Server. I used Mezzmo Server and selected the default Viera 2011 profile on that server. I was able to see that the input was mp4, h.264, aac and the output file that played was mpegts, h.264, ac3 input was mkv, mpeg2video, ac3 and the output file that played was mpeg, h.264, ac3 input was mkv, mpeg2video, ac3 and the output file that played was mpeg, h.264, ac3 with burnt in Subs I have attached the 2011 viera profile that I used in Mezzmo, is there anyway that someone could help me to put the information contained on that profile, into a workable profile on Emby, ideally with no subs being burnt in or displayed I have tried to do this myself but I do not really understand it and have not been able to make it work,I have tried many different profile settings and Custom profiles putting in the output files that worked as the transcoding targets in Emby, but I just can't get it to work. The Panasonic Profile on Emby does not seem to work for me. I really hope someone can help me with this, and thanks in advance to anyone reading this post and thinking about helping me, I know I could get a media streamer to solve this but I would prefer to get the correct details in a profile. PanasonicViera2011.txt
  4. I currently have Plex and wanting to switch over to Emby, but when I installed Emby yesterday and tried to access the server from work or I turned my Wifi off on my phone and used cell service, I keep getting a, "We're unable to connect to the selected server right now. Please ensure it is running and try again." Well, the server is running, can access it while on my network at home, but getting this error on my work computer and iPhone. On Plex, I am using the UPnP and it works great with my router, I have my firewall off, but I do have the inbound rule of port 80 open, so something is blocking this from working, but for the life of me, I can't figure it out since Plex works just fine with UPnP. Can someone help me, please?
  5. dannymez

    DLNA issue with Samsung Television(s)

    Okay this one has me a little stumped- Both of these televisions could see the regular (out of the box) DLNA that came with the NAS But with Emby as DLNA server only one is working properly I am not a DLNA expert so let me say that at the outset The first output below is where the television is able to see the NAS as a Media Server (working) I noticed it is using UPnP and doing both GET and POST between the devices [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/EmbyServer/programdata/logs] # cat embyserver.txt | grep -i UN40JU7100 2019-01-17 21:48:40.030 Info Dlna: DLNA Session created for [TV] UN40JU7100 - UN40JU7000 2019-01-17 21:48:42.500 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET http://<IP REMOVED>:8096/dlna/12049253d89f4e4483f2311016fab7cb/description.xml. UserAgent: DLNADOC/1.50 SEC_HHP_[TV] UN40JU7100/1.0 UPnP/1.0 2019-01-17 21:48:42.506 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET http://<IP REMOVED>:8096/dlna/12049253d89f4e4483f2311016fab7cb/contentdirectory/contentdirectory.xml. UserAgent: DLNADOC/1.50 SEC_HHP_[TV] UN40JU7100/1.0 UPnP/1.0 2019-01-17 21:48:42.507 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET http://<IP REMOVED>:8096/dlna/12049253d89f4e4483f2311016fab7cb/connectionmanager/connectionmanager.xml. UserAgent: DLNADOC/1.50 SEC_HHP_[TV] UN40JU7100/1.0 UPnP/1.0 2019-01-17 21:48:42.516 Info HttpServer: HTTP POST http://<IP REMOVED>:8096/dlna/12049253d89f4e4483f2311016fab7cb/contentdirectory/control. UserAgent: DLNADOC/1.50 SEC_HHP_[TV] UN40JU7100/1.0 UPnP/1.0 2019-01-17 21:48:46.218 Info HttpServer: HTTP POST http://<IP REMOVED>:8096/dlna/12049253d89f4e4483f2311016fab7cb/contentdirectory/control. UserAgent: DLNADOC/1.50 SEC_HHP_[TV] UN40JU7100/1.0 UPnP/1.0 With the second television it says the session is created but I noticed it is not using UPnP (not working)- does that indicate some sort of problem? I also noticed it is doing the HTTP GET but there are not any corresponding POST entries 2019-01-17 21:43:25.337 Info Dlna: DLNA Session created for [TV]Samsung LED65 - UN65H7100 2019-01-17 21:43:26.296 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET http://<IP REMOVED>:8096/dlna/12049253d89f4e4483f2311016fab7cb/description.xml. UserAgent: SEC_HHP_[TV]Samsung LED65/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50 2019-01-17 21:43:26.423 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET http://<IP REMOVED>:8096/dlna/12049253d89f4e4483f2311016fab7cb/contentdirectory/contentdirectory.xml. UserAgent: SEC_HHP_[TV]Samsung LED65/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50 2019-01-17 21:43:26.906 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET http://<IP REMOVED>:8096/dlna/12049253d89f4e4483f2311016fab7cb/description.xml. UserAgent: SEC_HHP_[TV]Samsung LED65/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50 2019-01-17 21:43:27.012 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET http://<IP REMOVED>:8096/dlna/12049253d89f4e4483f2311016fab7cb/contentdirectory/contentdirectory.xml. UserAgent: SEC_HHP_[TV]Samsung LED65/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50 2019-01-17 21:45:24.859 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET http://<IP REMOVED>:8096/dlna/12049253d89f4e4483f2311016fab7cb/description.xml. UserAgent: SEC_HHP_[TV]Samsung LED65/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50
  6. Hi, I have recently connected Emby to an access point (DD-WRT which is connected to my main Router (TP-Link Ever since EmbyServer.exe has been running, I have had constant Router crashes and restarts due probably to some floods whether it's SSDP or UPNP-related or multicasts or whatever the problem seems to be. Whenever Emby is not running, the network seemed to work flawlessly. When Emby is on, I have multiple router crashes/reboots and various difficulties in accessing my main router's GUI page beside losing internet connectivity. With my previous firewall I could not stop specific protocols of Emby from being sourced from my PC and reaching my router and thus causing it to crash, so I had to stop using emby for my network and internet to work correctly. Emby's log did not seem to show anything out of the ordinary or erroneous. So I downloaded zonealarm which I am familiar with, I had to put in the list of public zones and adjust Embyserver.exe's access policy to restrict it from accessing internet/public zones. The problem seems to have been resolved so far with emby still servicing other devices on the network while being blocked from addressing the router directly it seems. Kindly advise about this matter and do tell if there is something else which can be done from my side (other than the firewall workaround) or maybe in future releases. Thanks in advance, JG.
  7. Hi It would be very useful if we could add other available DLNA servers on the network as media source, this way Emby can be a central media player/library. I run couple DLNA servers mainly because each has its own strengths. thanks
  8. Any ideas why this might be happening? I cant find that Emby even uses this port. I am using defaults. From my server.txt: 2017-01-05 00:42:18.6076 Error PortMapper: Error creating port map: One or more errors occurred. 2017-01-05 00:42:18.6076 Error HttpClient: Error getting response from *** Error Report *** Version: Command line: C:\Users\media\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\System\MediaBrowser.ServerApplication.exe Operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 64-Bit OS: True 64-Bit Process: True Processor count: 12 Program data path: C:\Users\media\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server Application directory: C:\Users\media\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\System System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult) at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1.FromAsyncCoreLogic(IAsyncResult iar, Func`2 endFunction, Action`1 endAction, Task`1 promise, Boolean requiresSynchronization) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Emby.Common.Implementations.HttpClientManager.HttpClientManager.<SendAsyncInternal>d__20.MoveNext() ---> (Inner Exception #0) System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult) at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1.FromAsyncCoreLogic(IAsyncResult iar, Func`2 endFunction, Action`1 endAction, Task`1 promise, Boolean requiresSynchronization)<--- System.AggregateException at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Emby.Common.Implementations.HttpClientManager.HttpClientManager.<SendAsyncInternal>d__20.MoveNext() InnerException: System.Net.WebException System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult) at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1.FromAsyncCoreLogic(IAsyncResult iar, Func`2 endFunction, Action`1 endAction, Task`1 promise, Boolean requiresSynchronization) at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult) at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1.FromAsyncCoreLogic(IAsyncResult iar, Func`2 endFunction, Action`1 endAction, Task`1 promise, Boolean requiresSynchronization) 2017-01-05 00:42:18.6076 Error PortMapper: Error creating port map: One or more errors occurred.
  9. walnuss0815

    Probleme mit DLNA unter Docker

    Hallo zusammen Bis gestern hatte ich auf meiner DiskStation Emby als Paket laufen. Diese Lösung gefiel mir nicht, da weitere Pakete benötigt werden. Nun bin ich gestern auf die Idee gekommen den Emby-Server in Docker laufen zu lassen. Die Einrichtung verlief Problemlos, jedoch habe ich per DLNA keinen Zugriff auf den Emby-Server. Außerdem kann die Verbindung mit dem Emby-Server über die Seite app.meby.media nicht hergestellt werden (Fehlermeldung siehe Anhang). Folgende Ports des Docker Containers sind freigegeben: 1900 UDP 1901 UDP 7359 UDP 8096 TCP 8920 TCP Alle weiteren Einstellungen sind bitte dem Anhang zu entnehmen. Der Zugriff auf den DLNA Server soll per Windows Media Player erfolgen, was mit dem Emby-Server als Paket Problemlos funktionierte. Folgende Einträge aus dem Log (im Anhang) irritieren mich: 2016-08-30 11:44:11.3236 Info IDeviceDiscovery: Creating SSDP listener on 11:44:11.3309 Info IDeviceDiscovery: Creating SSDP listener on Es scheint so als würde der Server nur auf dem Loopback-Interface "hören".... Ich hoffe auf eure Hilfe! PS: Das Emby Paket nutzt wenn es läuft folgende Ports tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* Zum testen werde ich sie in Docker durchgeben. Mit freundlichem Gruß walnuss0815 Server_Log.txt
  10. I have tried Emby app from the store and I ran into one issue. After booting into Win on my laptop, my PC boots up too. Even if I didn't start Emby app. Therefore, it does automatically on laptop startup. It would be really great feature after starting Emby app, but not immediately on system startup.. So, any idea how to disable it? Disabling Wake on LAN is no go, cause I'm used to start my PC this way. Otherwise, I had to uninstall the app for now. Thanks in advance.
  11. singer36

    emby as UPNP receiver

    hello All! Emby can act as a UPNP/DLNA server, and even with profiles. That is indeed great for sure! The standard "use cases" are, as I understand, as follow: local media files > emby server > upnp/dlna > intranet upnp receiver (ex: kodi) > TV screen > happy intranet (=home) user :-) local media files > emby server > http streaming > extranet client > happy extranet (out of home) user :-) But my "use case" is different: intranet upnp media source > upnp/dlna > emby server > http streaming > extranet client > happy extranet (out of home) user :-)Some people who are used to their current media management system (KODI or other...) might be too lazy to modify their existing system, and would just like to add this (amazing) transcoding/streaming emby feature! what do you think? does it make sense to you? does that sound realistic from a tech point of view?
  12. Hello All, I have recently started testing/playing with Emby... and needless to say again what a nice work you did. I know there are integration projects with other solutions like KODI... My understanding is Emby provides: - media management - transcoding & streaming Why not adding/enabling UPNP source for media management? I think it could make sense for many people who have KODI (or other tools) as a central solution and do not wish to change that (rescan, update with plugins...) even if it does not provide full features of the plugin you have today. This is how BubbleUPNP works today. regards, PS: shall i put that in 'feature request'? For now it is more an idea and a discussion...
  13. I have a problem getting DLNA working on a FreeBSD 10 system which appears to be down to the way the system's interface is selected. So, the server has two physical interfaces, em0 and em1. em0 itself has no IP configured, but there are three VLAN interfaces connected to various internal networks (10.0.x.0/24). em1 has a public IP address and is connected to the Internet. Default gateway of course points out of em1 As it is, emby operates fine with internal clients, web interface, WMC client, etc. as it listens on *:* for connections. (The public interface is firewalled off so no issues there). However, it seems that emby insists on using em1 (public) for UPnP listening/discovery - DLNA clients polling on the internal network will not work. If I remove the configuration from em1 before starting the emby service, emby then appears to use the next interface (alphabetically?) which luckily is the network with my internal clients. There must be some way to configure emby to bind to a specific interface for UPnP short of disabling all others before restarting it??? Thanks, Richard
  14. Hi guys! I have looked and didn't find anything about this. So my problem is this. with kodi/xbmc you can choose an option "play using" when you right click on a movie and you can stream to an other device using dlna/upnp. I would like to do this but with the mediabrowser plugin for kodi. Is there a solution for this or something that is worth taking a look on?
  15. Hi all, I was wondering about the plugin for xbmc. So xbmc can use mediabrowser3 as a backend for xbmc, does it offer transcoding on the fly? and how is the media shared between mb3 and xbmc, is it upnp/multicast? I'm searching for a non-upnp/multicast solution that supports transcoding on the fly and can be a media source for xbmc. thx in advance!!
  16. seacoug

    Is UPnP necessary?

    Thanks to the developers who have created such great software with a beautiful UI. I do have a question though that I haven't been able to find the answer to. I am using Windows 7, HD Home Run, WMC Server and Media Browser to stream to Rokus. It works great except for some hardware changes I need to make now. I have read that UPnP is a gaping security hole and it has been recommended that it be disabled. Is this going to work without it? My early experience is no. Any answers and advice would be appreciated. Cheers Seacoug
  17. jxd132

    Chromecast over WAN

    Hi everyone, I'm setting up MB to be accessible over the WAN, and it works well for everything except Chromecast. Everything functions on the LAN, both from Android clients and casting to Chromecast. In MB Server, I use UPnP to open the ports, and the router shows 8096 and 8945 forwarded properly. The Android client connects and plays video from remote locations, so this seems to confirm the ports are open. But, when I am remote and try casting to a Chromecast, the video does not play. The app triggers the Chromecast to start the receiver app, which shows the MB logo on the TV. Hitting play, however, causes the Chromecast to just show a spinning circle, and the Android client doesn't show that the video time is advancing. FWIW, I removed AdBlock from the phone, as I've seen it cause similar playback issues casting from other apps (e.g. Hulu). My first guess is that I need to forward additional ports, but I didn't see anything in the tutorials. Unfortunately, I don't have easy access to firewall logs to see if whether inbound requests are being rejected. I'm using an IP address, not DDNS. Any advice is welcome, thanks.
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