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  1. So, i've set up Emby, and it seems to work fine over the internet. I can play to my tv, and i can access it as a server. Now, i just can't seem to figure out a way to acess it without the intternet? Is this possible? I have an old modem/router connected to my desktop. NO internet. I'd like my tv to be able to log into the WLAN and to be able to access and stream my files from there. Quick question: Does anybody else find that they can't navigate their media via their tv remotes? forward/back/pause?
  2. As I gradually am getting my library transitioned into Emby one thing that I've noticed is that I have some TV shows where the anti-spoiler feature makes sense because the shows episodes have a lot of continuity. But for other shows continuity is not really an issue and I would normally hop around watching whichever episode interested me at the time (The Simpsons is an example of this kind of show). So I think it could be useful to add an option in the Series Metadata to enable or disable Anti-Spoiler functionality for that Series, and this setting would take precedence over any global setting. So we probably want to make the setting have three states along the lines of: Always Use Anti-Spoiler Features, Never Use Anti-Spoiler Features, and Respect Global Anti-Spoiler Settings (which would be the same as if this item is never set by the user, ie the default). Then folks can configure things whichever way makes sense for their collection. PS - If this is something you might like to see implemented, be sure to "Like" this top/first post (as well as any subsequent posts in this thread that highlight particular aspects of what you are interested in) -- "Liking" the top/first post helps the Devs to know how much interest there is in a given Feature Request.
  3. How do I re-order a multi-season TV series to match its DVD or other non-aired ordering? I know how to re-order a single season like Firefly: lock metadata, then manually edit Season and Episode numbers. That doesn't work for multiple seasons. I'm trying to get Futurama into either theTVDB's or Wikipedia's (which uses The Infosphere's) ordering. The problem is that a TV-season contains episodes spanning two, three, maybe four DVD-seasons. Altering editing the metadata season and episode values, there are unexpected side effects. You get a new mixture of the episodes with their revised ordering but in their original season. And then you get the re-ordered episodes for that season. Here's two images to illustrate: Futurama S1: Everything's ok here. There are four episodes pulled in from season 2 to complete season 1. The ordering looks good. Futurama S2: The multi-season side effects appear. The four episodes originally in Season 2 that were revised to be in Season 1, appear with their S1 metadata in the beginning of S2. And then the correctly revised S2 list follows. Let jump to Futurama S4: Now the season listing is preceded with 9 episodes from the aired Season 3 that were revised to fall into other Seasons. Season 5 is especially screwy since "Season 5" according to the Wikipedia ordering are the Made-for-TV movies, which are filenamed and stored in Season 00 (Specials) to conform to theTVDB listing to try and get metadata. What metadata do I need to edit and how do I edit it to force Emby to conform to the desired season listing? I'm open to revising NFO files, video filenames, etc. I accept that Emby doesn't support DVD-ordering automatically. And it doesn't have the Reordering Agent that Plex does. But I'm looking for a solution and willing to try the manual editing, if necessary. Thanks!
  4. cloudstriker83

    TV Episode Naming Incorrect

    Hi, I used iTunes before Emby and so have a TV episode structure in the form of /TV Show Name/Season 1/01 Episode Name.m4v according to https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Wiki/wiki/TV-naming#episode-naming-conventions it should be okay, to have episodes named just with episode number and episode name. But it's not working that way. I have the file “The Expanse/Season 2/06 Paradigm Shift.m4v” which results in Emby as an episode named “06 Paradigm Shift” with season number 2 and episode number field blank. So Emby doesn't recognize the “06” as episode number but part of the title. When I rename the file to “S02E06 Paradigm Shift.m4v” everything works fine and i have an episode named “Paradigm Shift” with season number 2 and episode number 6. Do have have to rename ALL of my tv media files to correctly work with Emby because the TV-Naming wiki page is incorrect. Or is there a problem with Emby? I attached both logfiles, one with scanning the libraries with the not working “06 Paradigm Shift.m4v” and one with the working “S02E06 Paradigm Shift.m4v” files. logfile_incorrect.txt logfile_working.txt
  5. onehans

    Panasonic tv wont play transcoded MKV

    after struggle i found a way to play probably all video in my library via DLNA( the ones i have checked works ) i have two panasonic tv one old probably 7 years and one new just bought. profile that works for me on both tv is in transcoding tab TS, h264, mp3 it has to have option "enable M2ts mode" ON and other two off in advanced, and i removed MOV profile as well as DTS and AC3 from all profiles since they will not work on panasonic. now the problem 1. i have is that this tvs will play subtitles only on MKV container and as i said it wont play if i change TS to MKV. problem 2. is i cant pause or rewind for some reason despite trying options in advanced tab of profile and all posible combinations of MKV TS MP4 AVI my setup is QNAP 253 PRO and EMBY Version my server is on intel and im using ffmpeg binary static 3.2.2 pls help
  6. Nick D_CA

    Adjust Overscan on Xbox One

    Is there a way to adjust the overscna on Emby Theater for the XBox One? The text and images are cut off by the edges of the screen. My TV does not have any options for adjusting image size, underscan or overscan. I could not find any options on the XBox either that would help. The Emby MCE add-on has these options and they work great, hoping that there is something similar you can help me find. Nick
  7. This is just a quick heads up: I have the Movie and TV Theme Song/Video plugins, and I found that if movies weren't in their own respective folders, things like themes and backdrops were shared between items. For instance, all of my films had the backdrop for "The Sword in the Stone (1963)" before I moved my media into individual folders. After the move I had to rescan the library. In the absence of those plugins, if media was not using individual folders, I observed that each asset (like posters, etc.) had the film name/year prepended which works fine until you use plugins like the ones mentioned above. Is it considered a best practice to put media in their own respective folders? If not, why not? If it is, is that mentioned somewhere in the documentation? Going to the "Movie naming" page on Github doesn't mention that when you are preparing your library, you may want to do use individual folders to ensure a smooth transition.
  8. Is there a way that Emby can run a script after each TV recording is done? Here's what I'm trying to do, running Emby in a Freebsd jail I would like to pass the file name and location of each completed recording to a script. The script would then run comskip to remove the commercials, I'm not running windows so MCEbuddy is out.
  9. I am seeing that some of my TV shows are not available in the Library - more than 50% of shows are not shown. Yesterday I deleted the TV media library and then readded it. During scan process I saw the missing shows appear, but then they disappeared again by the time the scan process completed. I didnt yet go forensic on the logs... but first checking if anyone knows why shows might not be showing up in the library. I have checked permissions and my user has access to "all libraries". Thanks in advance for any pointers.
  10. I freaking love PseudoTV on Kodi, in my bedroom it runs 24/7 - I would love it if there was a native plug-in for it on Emby so I could just run it without Kodi on my FireTVHD. Or something similar where I can assign which shows/movies to play in a random order with a "channel" interface. Does this already exist and I'm out of the loop?
  11. manicjonah

    Default TV View " Unwatched "

    Is it possible to set the default TV view to Unwatched? If so, how? Thanks, MJ
  12. mickeyfinn

    Live TV Channel Groups

    It would be great to be able to configure channel groups in LiveTV, which can be selected in the guide view (maybe as tabs) so that we can more quickly navigate to preferred channels using the d-pad. Perhaps start with Favorites by default, but be able to add custom groups (similar to collections) which we can add channels to (Network, Premium, Basic Cable, Kids, News etc.).
  13. David Martin

    Android TV Box?

    Hi, I'm looking to buy a new android TV box and I was wondering has anyone got any recommendations as I'm kind of spoilt for choice to be honest... I've got an amazon fire tv and a fire tv stick and I'm looking to buy something without all the amazon stuff. Thanks, David.
  14. softworkz

    New Plugin: TV Maze Metadata Provider

    Hi, this is a new metadata provider plugin for Emby, supporting TV Series, Seasons and Episodes as well as Season-Images. The data is retrieved from http://www.tvmaze.com/ The plugin should operate pretty stable, I've been running the code for a few months now without problems. But what's the benefit, now? Well, you got to make your own decision about how useful that additional data could be for you! Metadata handling in Emby is not a very transparent process. To compare the different metadata retrieved by the installed providers, it's probably best to use the Metadata Viewer Plugin (http://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/32984-new-plugin-metadata-viewer/). After installing, you need to check your metadata settings for Series, Seasons and Episodes. You should choose the priorities based on your experience from comparing metadata results as described in the previous paragraph. If you're already satisfied with your current metadata retrieval or just don't want to make a significant change at this time, I recommend the following: Disable TV Maze for Series and Episodes (Emby already comes with 3 built-in providers for those) But enable TV Maze for Seasons (and Season images): The reason: Currently, there's only one provider for Season data and there are many cases where TV Maze has some season descriptions when the other (MovieDb) doesn't Download: https://github.com/softworkz/Emby.Plugins/releases/tag/TvMazeBeta1
  15. Hi Guys, I recently picked up a Amazon FireTV Stick, which is great but wish I had something better. Its wifi only, I got it connect to my Asus RT-n66u router (Full Signal) and I have issues with playback sometimes stops and I have to start it again does it alot more on youtube app then emby app though. I have most of the time watch emby with no pausing and but youtube it does it atleast once, Its done it 5 seconds on to youtube. I've tried 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz. The interface isn't the fastest either, quite sluggish even if you just using it for Prime TV. I wondering what Android TV box is best. I have seen the cheap quad core things but they never as good as you think, poor android builds(not optimized). The Nvidia Shield quite nice but expensive as you have to buy a controller as well as the unit. What do you guys recommend?
  16. I've seen a few other posts that resemble this issue, and rather than hijack those threads I figured I should post my own. A few weeks ago I noticed that one of my TV shows was listing every episode in every season twice. After a bit of poking around, it looks like about 50% of my TV shows are doing this, the others still show up fine. My TV library only pulls from one location. Looking at the details of the episodes that are duplicated, it shows that the path is exactly the same, other than the server name being capitalized in one and not the other. Also the "added date" is different. I tried removing my TV library and re-adding it, but all this did was make a few more TV series have the duplication problem that weren't having it before. This may be why the added date is different now. At this point I can still watch TV, but it's annoying to have my episode lists all messed up. Is there any insight into what is going on? I will post screenshots, and attempt to post the latest log file. But the log file is over 10MB, so not sure if the forum will allow me to post it... Metadata manager for one Episode 1 Metadata manager for the "other" Episode 1 How it shows up in webview How they show up in WMC Library...only one file path Path substitution...seems correct to me EDIT: yeah, my log file won't attach...file size is too large. Is there a way around this?? Thanks!!
  17. Fallen Archangel

    Hardware needed for live TV?

    Hello, I've been running an Emby server at home for quite a while, but I've never set up live TV. I have Cox Communications, with a box beside my server (Running one Windows 10). Could anyone like to a guide or something? I looked around but I guess I don't know the correct search terms to use because I'm not finding anything related to this. Update: Somehow I missed this, sorry. https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Wiki/wiki/Live-TV
  18. FordGT90Concept

    Android TV recommended remote?

    I have a Leelbox with Amlogic S905 chip and it came with a remote that isn't satisfactory (doesn't even have a play button!). It has Emby Android TV installed and works great. Any recommendations for a third party remote to use? Specifically, I would like play, record, jump forward, jump backward, fast forward, and fast backward working. I was thinking a Logitech Harmony 650 for my main home theater then something cheaper for the other TVs (open to suggestions).
  19. Blueeyiz702

    Folder Icons Main View

    Just wonderd if there is anyway to get rid of episode count in blue and arrow at bottom. Trying to see how this looks with custom folders instead of poster showing.
  20. I have installed Kodi + Emby on a Sony Bravia TV (Android TV OS) The problem is, the Incremental Sync only runs when the app is first started. When an AndroidTV device is turned off, the system stays "awake" for 5 minutes - after this time, the network is turned off and the device goes to full sleep. Kodi is still running, but unable to receive new content broadcasts from the Emby server. So then when the TV is turned back on, the library remains out of date unless you fully restart the Kodi app or go to the Emby addon and select Manually Sync (but this is slower than restarting, and not 'incremental'). I don't know if the Emby addon can detect when the device leaves sleep mode or when the Network connection becomes active again - so the only solution I can think of, is to be able to manually trigger an incremental sync via hotkey. So I just need to know if there is a command in the Emby addon to trigger the incremental sync. I've done similar things with other addons, such as "<a mod="shift,ctrl">RunScript(script.audio.profiles,0)</a>", so it should be possible. Does a command already exist, or can one be added? It's the only inconvenient thing about this setup. Thanks.
  21. Hello guys. I've noticed that in the TMDB query for TV there are two problems: 1. Parental Ratings is not being returned and used. 2. My country's metadata is not being queried (I use pt-BR, working OK for movies) Today query: h t t p://api.themoviedb.org/3/tv/1988?api_key=###API_KEY_HERE####&append_to_response=credits,images,keywords,external_ids,videos&language=en&include_image_language=pt-br,null,en Correct query: h t t p://api.themoviedb.org/3/tv/1988?api_key=###API_KEY_HERE####&append_to_response=credits,images,keywords,external_ids,videos,content_ratings&language=pt-BR&include_image_language=pt-BR,null,en Thanks!
  22. Movies > Genres > Animated When I am in the above category on the ATV (or any genre folder) it also lists items from my tv shows. Is there any way that I can turn this off? When I am in movies all I want is movies not tv shows as well.
  23. sempreceibe


    Antes de nada presentarme y agradecer vuestra ayuda en esta primera pregunta de novato. Tras añadir la Epg de movistar y activar el pluging de TVheadend con la última beta, me actualiza todos los picons y casi todas las películas, importando los metadata. El problema lo tengo con las series. Aunque tengo activado Themoviedb y buscandolas en la web aparecen, ni con la busqueda manual ni poniendo el id me las actualiza. Me explico, si voy en cualquier capítulo de la serie a editar y despues a Identify siempre se queda buscando. No me hace nada. Se queda siempre buscando... La serie aparece en Themoviedb.org Y si intento poner el ID manualmente no funciona lo pruebo y me carga una dirección tipo themoviedb.org/movie/ID En cambio de pongo cualquier ID de una película y actualiza correctamente. ¿Sabéis si hay que configurar la EPG de alguna forma para que el Emby distinga entre peliculas y series en Live TV? Lo digo porque eso se lo puedo añadir en un script que tengo para importar el xml de la guía. Lo raro es que me detecta todas las series dentro de Movies. Y las series que no me detecta dentro de Movies no me deja colocar el ID de Themoviedb,org Adjunto el archivo de log de cuando no me encuentra la serie. server-63594892800.txt Muchas gracias por adelantado y saludos.
  24. mclp_de

    LiveTV M3U with socks5 proxy?

    Hello Community, I wanna ask, is there any way, to ONLY tunnel the M3U Connections through a Socks proxy witch is running? I don't want to proxy all Connections on this Server, only the Connections to the Stream-Servers! Thanks, Nice to Hear from you Guys. And BTW: I Use Emby on Debian!
  25. anderbytes

    Bug fetching metadata for TV series

    @@ebr and @@Luke, Since latest stable a few days ago, I've been having problems downloading metadata for TV series. Movie metadata is downloaded correctly from TMDB, but when an episode of anything is searched, it doesn`t find anything anywhere, and the easier way to see the result of that is that the episode title becomes exactly the media filename. Here's the part of the log where it tries to search for episode metadata 2016-03-28 22:07:24.0516 Info HttpServer: HTTP POST https://server.mynas.com:8920/emby/Items/00465cf143c89d390a7aa97082201cae/Refresh?Recursive=true&ImageRefreshMode=FullRefresh&MetadataRefresh$ 2016-03-28 22:07:24.1896 Debug App: Running FFProbeProvider for /media/f32939a5-f612-4c8d-aa32-3ae82b0f0742/DISK/REPOSITORY/SERIES/The Walking Dead/Season 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E15.East.WEBDL-72$ 2016-03-28 22:07:24.1955 Debug MediaEncoder: /media/f32939a5-f612-4c8d-aa32-3ae82b0f0742/emby/ffmpeg/20160215/ffprobe -i file:"/media/f32939a5-f612-4c8d-aa32-3ae82b0f0742/DISK/REPOSITORY/SERIES/$ 2016-03-28 22:07:24.3499 Debug App: Running TvdbEpisodeProvider for /media/f32939a5-f612-4c8d-aa32-3ae82b0f0742/DISK/REPOSITORY/SERIES/The Walking Dead/Season 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E15.East.WEBD$ 2016-03-28 22:07:24.3513 Debug App: No series identity found for The.Walking.Dead.S06E15.East.WEBDL-720p.x264.AAC-DeeJayAhmed 2016-03-28 22:07:24.3513 Debug App: TvdbEpisodeProvider returned no metadata for /media/f32939a5-f612-4c8d-aa32-3ae82b0f0742/DISK/REPOSITORY/SERIES/The Walking Dead/Season 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06$ 2016-03-28 22:07:24.3513 Debug App: Running MovieDbEpisodeProvider for /media/f32939a5-f612-4c8d-aa32-3ae82b0f0742/DISK/REPOSITORY/SERIES/The Walking Dead/Season 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E15.East.W$ 2016-03-28 22:07:24.3539 Debug App: MovieDbEpisodeProvider returned no metadata for /media/f32939a5-f612-4c8d-aa32-3ae82b0f0742/DISK/REPOSITORY/SERIES/The Walking Dead/Season 6/The.Walking.Dead.$ 2016-03-28 22:07:24.3539 Debug App: Running EpisodeNfoProvider for /media/f32939a5-f612-4c8d-aa32-3ae82b0f0742/DISK/REPOSITORY/SERIES/The Walking Dead/Season 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E15.East.WEBDL$ 2016-03-28 22:07:24.3556 Debug App: EpisodeNfoProvider returned no metadata for /media/f32939a5-f612-4c8d-aa32-3ae82b0f0742/DISK/REPOSITORY/SERIES/The Walking Dead/Season 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E$ 2016-03-28 22:07:24.3556 Debug App: Running EpisodeXmlProvider for /media/f32939a5-f612-4c8d-aa32-3ae82b0f0742/DISK/REPOSITORY/SERIES/The Walking Dead/Season 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E15.East.WEBDL$ 2016-03-28 22:07:24.3566 Debug App: EpisodeXmlProvider returned no metadata for /media/f32939a5-f612-4c8d-aa32-3ae82b0f0742/DISK/REPOSITORY/SERIES/The Walking Dead/Season 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E$ 2016-03-28 22:07:24.3934 Debug ProviderManager: Saving /media/f32939a5-f612-4c8d-aa32-3ae82b0f0742/DISK/REPOSITORY/SERIES/The Walking Dead/Season 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E15.East.WEBDL-720p.x264.A$ 2016-03-28 22:07:24.4137 Debug App: Saving /media/f32939a5-f612-4c8d-aa32-3ae82b0f0742/DISK/REPOSITORY/SERIES/The Walking Dead/Season 6/The.Walking.Dead.S06E15.East.WEBDL-720p.x264.AAC-DeeJayAhm$ I need to remind you that: 1. Because I'm in OMV I couldn't participate in Beta, so this could have passed (only possible after Mono packages will be available for Betas) 2. My metadata configurations are set to download Portuguese (Brazil) info Before latest 5910... if no metadata for my exact country is found, it would fall back to english. Another detail is... before 5910, correct metadata translated for my country was being downloaded, or maybe it was pt-PT and I didn`t noticed the difference (I would have to dig deeper in providers to confirm that) Expected when trying to download TV metadata: 1. Download my country's metadata from any provider, or else 2. Download pt metadata from any provider, or else 3. Download English metadata from any provider
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