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  1. hi ok i am looking for some info what are the best Android TV boxs ? that work well i know about the nvidia Shield but it is too pricey i have tried lots of boxs and most work well but they all have the same problem in that the TV guide is not displayed properly and it does not look like it will be fixed anytime soon. i am looking for tv boxs that the TV guide is displayed properly thank you Emby is the best
  2. Plz, if and when u can add it to the store for Brazil too. Emby Server is great (and the Samsung TV app looks awesome), il'l make a donation for support (and to try the premium features too, but mainly for support as i think it's a great app and i want it to keep being developed and get better, plz keep adding free stuff too, i believe many people will support .)
  3. lloydcodrington

    TV series are playing in random order

    Hi Emby Team, I am not sure when it really started happening, but guess it was since the 3.3.x.x.x update. When I select a TV series and decide to play from the beginning, a complete or partial season or a few episode of a current season through to the end it ends up playing in a random order. When I check the Kodi playlist it displays the remaining shows in a random order. When I play direct from the Kodi menu system it plays in the correct order. So let's say that I've not watched the last three more more episodes of a particular series I would normally go to the next episode to be viewed and press play. With 'Auto play next episode' activated it use to continue in proper order but now it randomises the order playing each, once. So it's just the order of play that is wrong. Has this issue been raised before and are there any ideas on how to overcome this issue? Lloyd
  4. Kimballslice1890

    TV Tuner with FIOS

    Has anyone attempted an emby setup for LiveTV streaming that has FiOS? If so could you share some info on how you went about setting it up? Want to know how in dept the setup is and what kind of Tuners I should be looking into.
  5. DPBWT

    Casting to multiple devices

    Currently I’m trying to get a media server set up to play corporate messages and videos around the plant. I’ve managed to set up Emby a powerful Intel Xeon PC, and I’ve been able to cast a video file to one of our Panasonic smart tvs. However, this is not exactly the ideal situation. Ideally I want to be able to play a single folder, with multiple video files inside, and play it on a constant loop to the 8 TVs around the plant. Is this possible in Emby? Currently I’m only able to cast one file at a time, to one TV at a time...
  6. I just downloaded and installed the Emby server to my computer so that I could more easily and reliably stream the music I have to the TVs in my house. Dish Home Media is recognizing the Emby server on my computer, but it's not recognizing the music folder I synced to it. My computer is running Windows 7 Home Premium, the music is on an external hard drive, and my Dish receiver is a Hopper with Sling. Could any of those factors contribute to the folders and files not showing up?
  7. Jennice

    CI card reader

    Hi all, Here in Denmark (generally, northern europe), more and more content is based on a CI card reader (encrypted channels). Currently, HDHomerRun tuners do not offer this for their DVB-C tuners. 1) Has anyone found a tuner which is compatible with Emby (Windows 10), that also has a card reader slot? 2) If available, can Emby sort out tuners depending on need for card reader, or is that obvious based on channel scan? Thanks - Jennice
  8. richwphillips@yahoo.com

    TV Show Favorites On Roku App

    Maybe I'm missing the option, but I don't see a way to access just the TV show episodes I identified as a "favorite" with the heart icon. I can access these episodes on my browser version, but I'm not seeing this option on the Roku app.
  9. I have a fairly simple setup on my lounge room media center PC. Emby Theater primarily with Steam Big Picture for games & occasionally use YouTube via a browser for streaming content. I've been looking for a while to find a way to better integrate these separate programs with Emby Theater to avoid falling back to using the dreaded mouse or keyboard & found the below solution works well for me. Firstly, this process assumes that you have a controller connected to your media center PC. If you use Steam in your lounge room already then that is likely not an issue, but if you were only looking to add YouTube then you may need to include one, or find another option via a programmable remote or something similar. Emby supports controller inputs natively so your controller can be used to navigate your media too when not playing games! The setup instructions below will cover installing & setting up both Steam Big Picture & YouTube TV together. Feel free to skip what you do not want. If you do not want one or the other simply remove them from the Emby controller profile below. In theory, this should also work with any other 3rd party app or web based sites like Netflix you may wish to call from within Emby Theater. How does it work? Basically, this will setup a small batch file script that will run on your PC & will trigger on a button press mapped to your controller. When triggered, the batch file will close Emby, then load up Steam Big Picture (or YouTube TV), then when you finish & exit/close, it will re-open Emby again seamlessly. It uses a program called Controller Companion to integrate the switching between apps, with an improved profile for both Emby & YouTube TV to give you full control when these apps are active. No profile is needed for Steam Big Picture as this has full controller support already (just exit as normal to switch back to Emby). What will you need? - 10-20mins of time to configure & test. - Text file editor (such as Notepad or Notepad++). - Web Browser (such as Google Chrome). - Controller Companion software (this is available direct via Steam for a few $$$ or can be purchased here: http://controllercompanion.com/ ). - Free command line utility called NirCmd (available here: https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.html ). Choose 32bit or 64bit depending on your OS. - Download ZIP attached to this post (below). *There are alternatives to Controller Companion, such as XPadder, which may also work with this setup. I like Controller Companion though as it is simple/automatic, allows control of Windows via the controller when nothing is running & crucially can map running a batch file to a button press.* A - Preliminary Setup: 1) Extract the download zip file to C:\Emby App Switcher\ (you can change this to any location but will need to update the batch files to align) 2) Install & Set Steam into Big Picture mode (When you exit make sure you exit Steam and not exit Big Picture mode). 3) Set Steam to remember your password so it will log in automatically. 4) Install Controller Companion (Steam is not required to be running for CC to run in background). 5) Open Controller Companion Settings -> set it to run on Start Up, Disable Show Balloon Tool-Tips & Disable Play Sounds on Disable. 6) Go to Profiles tab & Import from file, the two profiles from the downloaded zip (one for Emby [Electron] & one for Chrome). 7) Install Google Chrome (as needed). 8) In Chrome, load up the link (www.youtube.com/tv) & follow the instructions to register the web app with your Google account. Authorise & Exit. 9) Go to the link & download NirCmd. Extract this to the same location as your .bat files. (If not in the same folder it will not work!) B - Configuring the Batch files: There are 2 bat files for each program (total of 4 bat files) which contains the code to perform the application switch. Loading the file in Notepad will present you with this: EmbySteamSwitch.bat: @[member="Echo"] off taskkill /f /im electron.exe call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe" start /d"C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Theater\system" Emby.Theater.exe goto :eof EmbyYouTubeSwitch.bat: @[member="Echo"] off taskkill /f /im electron.exe call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -kiosk http://www.youtube.com/tv start /d"C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Theater\system" Emby.Theater.exe goto :eof - Edit the application paths for Steam & Chrome to your local installation folders. - Update the Emby Theater path to include your local username (ie replace <user>) - Save all files & close. Note: Chrome is forced to run in 'Kiosk' mode. This will prevent the browser from exiting full screen mode. You can also change -kiosk parameter to --start-fullscreen which will start the browser in full screen mode but still allow you to switch out of it while its running via F11 key (say if you wanted it to be used as a standard browser function too). You may need to modify your Controller Companion profile to expand the browser controls if you want this. The other two bat files named SteamLauncher.bat & YouTubeLauncher.bat are the files you will run linked into the controller profiles to call on the above bat files. These utilise the NirCmd utility downloaded earlier. NirCmd has one function only, and that is to hide the DOSBox/Command window from running in the background during the switch. nircmd.exe exec hide EmbySteamSwitch.bat Gives the whole process a cleaner transition. You should not have to edit these bat files unless you have renamed the other bat files above. C - The Controller Companion Profiles: The Emby CC Profile has two main buttons to perform the switching. This is the Guide button & the Start button as seen in the image below. I have also enhanced the standard controller mappings in Emby to add button controls for Volume, Skip Forward/Back, Next/Prev Track & direct Play/Pause. The default keys remain unmapped in the profile to ensure it works with the built in controller support in Emby. Note: If you have moved the install folder location from C:\Emby App Switcher\ you will also need to update this in the Emby CC profile at this point to map the Guide/Start buttons accordingly. The YouTube CC Profile contains all the keyboard mappings available for the TV app. It also includes Windows Media Controls for Next/Prev video, volume controls & allows for integration of the Virtual Keyboard wheel that is part of Controller Companion for quicker text input. To exit out of YouTube TV, press the Start button on the controller (same button you used to enter YouTube TV). I've been testing this out for the last week & the solution seems solid, but if you encounter any issues please let me know. Hope you find this helpful! EmbyAppSwitcher1.0.zip
  10. Hi Luke, I just checked the github release page before updating Emby to and unfortunately I found this in the release notes: * Remove live stream probe to improve start time I understand that this is supposed to be an enhancement since live tv streaming will start faster but for some user like me this decision is an important setback. The reason is that without probing Emby can't tell if the live tv stream has subtitles or different audio tracks. This may not be relevant for users in the US but in many other countries, and more specifically in Europe where I live, is very common that TV broadcasts have subtitles and audio track in different languages available. So for example a movie in a FTA channel may be broadcasted with spanish and english audio tracks and also with spanish subtitles available. Now that live stream probing was removed, we are stuck with the default audio track and no subs. I guess the probing code is still around since if I enable stream probing in the TVH plugin (which I contributed in the past) Emby is successfully probing the stream and showing the audio and subs options in the player. Would it be possible to add a configuration parameter to enable or disable live tv stream probing in the server dashboard? It doesn't matter if it's disable by default but this will allow users to enable it if needed (like in my case) assuming that streaming will have a small delay before starting. I can switch back to the TVH plugin for live tv but in the last months I got used to the built-in live tv support and I'm happy with it. I hope you understand. Thanks. Fer
  11. Jennice

    Tagging of recordings

    Hi all, Sorry if it's a simple/dumb question... But I am recording a christmas calendar show (24 episodes). Some are "just" shown in recorded TV, some are in a subfolder marked "specials" under the series' name. Is it possible to edit (somewhere on the server web interface) the way/keywords used for tagging/sorting recorded TV? I'd prefer Emby NOT to trigger/sort using "spcials", but I don't know where to find this (?). Thanks Jennice
  12. I have been having trouble identifying a tv show to link its metadata and just make my life easier I already checked https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Wiki/wiki/TV%20naming the tv naming guide followed the first one you see and still cannot identify the show in emby. Why?
  13. arrbee99

    TV Guide images

    I use NextPVR as a source for Live TV in Emby. I also added some IPTV channels in Emby itself. It would be nice if the programs provided by the IPTV channels could use the Live TV film / episode images automatically provided by NextPVR instead of leaving them blank.
  14. arrbee99

    TV channel numbers

    Just wondering - is there any (easy) way to add channel numbers to tv channels. Have added some for a few IPTV channels provided by someone who wrote a collection of them, (all legally available) but non of them have a channel number assigned. If they don't have channel numbers, presumably they can't be accessed using a remote (not that I have one on the PC anyway) ?
  15. jasonwilliams

    Recording Live TV (IPTV)

    Hello, I've started using IPTV recently and I'm experiencing some strange behaviour with recording live TV. I set a channel to record this mornings (yes - its Judge Judy - no commentary please). I see the recording in the proper folder, but it is only recording the first ~20 seconds. The same thing happened with a channel I recorded last night, but then it did work for a later rerun of the same channel. I have tried to attach the appropriate part of the server log, but please let me know if you need something else. Thanks, Jason ServerLog.txt
  16. Hi all, Here in Denmark, many TV stations include additional info in the title for a series. It can be a topic, number of show (aaa : bbb), or other key words. Examples: "This show (1:3)" or "This show - about topic". In 7MC, this makes series recording impossible, as 7MC looks for a "complete" match in title for recording a series. Can Emby be made to look for a user-defined string, such as "This show", in order to trigger series recording? (edit: Ignoring other words in title) Added bonus would be Channel ID and/or time, so that it would trigger on "This show" for recording, only when broadcasted from a certain TV channel, at a certain time of day (ignoring re-runs sent the following morning, for an evening show) I don't know if it's possible, but it's the time of year for wishes Regards, Jennice
  17. Hello there! First I would like to say thank you for making an official Emby app for WebOS devices! My problem is that the LG Smart World site says that the app is not compatible with my device. My TV model is LH630V with WebOS 3.0. I'm very eager to try and use the app for my living room TV, since I had to use Plex for the otherwise Emby exclusive household. Thanks in advance!
  18. I am new to emby and have searched here and elsewhere and found a lot of talk about library scans and such but nothing about this specific kind of thing. Running latest stable version as of two days ago on Windows 8.1. I have a dump folder, basically, where TV Shows get dumped into and they have some crazy names because that's how they come to me (wink). Usually they have dots in between the words of the name. Like The.Big.Bang.Theory.s11e01.maybeotherstuffhere.mkv or something like that. Nothing is in a subfolder at all. One big, ugly, dump folder. I have the library pointed at this folder with the auto update option turned on and set to TV so when new things get dumped there it should pick them up. This is how I had plex setup and it worked perfectly for this. emby does a horrible job at identifying the shows/episodes in this scenario. I love emby and consider it superior to plex in pretty much every other way at this point. I even dropped my plex pass subscription and paid for emby premiere. I guess my question is whether emby just isn't setup to identify things like this or it can't figure the name because of the dots or it has to have the subfolders OR am I doing something wrong other than having the big dump folder as a library? Thanks for the help.
  19. Hey guys, I was looking through the forums and trying to figure out the right way to get just some basic OTA with TV Guide in USA. I have options on what to buy but cost seems to creep very quickly. It appears i'm stuck between too many products. Plex really doesn't work for me as it requires alot of external connections (Internet) but handles TV Guide well with HDHomerun. Emby has Live TV and Recording but seems like manual config(Not against this) or pay 25 a year for SD (Wife Veto). The Xbox One with the USB Tuner really does work pretty well and Guide comes through good and xbox glass for sharing but no recording. NextPVR has some Guide ability but seems sorta the same vein as ZAP XML route or can you use a Hauppauge tuner and get that data? Does the HDHomerun block OTA EPG? I'm not sure if I need recording as a requirement but having live TV with a guide would be. The part that I would like is using the same interface for movies and music and TV. The part that confuses me isn't this info part of DVB EPG that ANT gives you? Sorry if I just mushed too much research together!
  20. Kimballslice1890

    Emby in Enterprise Environment

    So I work in the IT department at a pretty large school district. We currently have a very painful TV and broadcast system in place that no one seems to have the time to address a better solution. Being I use Emby and am a premiere member and love it, I feel that emby could come into play here. Main question here before moving further, is there any way to sync up Emby to LDAP? maybe active directory? Reason I ask is there are multiple buildings and we would be re-purposing soon to be replaced domain controllers as the Emby servers per site. It would render the solution almost unusable if we had to make changes on each remote site every time adding, removing, or modifying a user (people come and go). I guess this would be like a roaming profile in a sense? For example, If user is at Elementary 1 and goes to Middle School 2, then said user can still log in and access the local content and whatever wide area content is chosen to be available across all servers. Thoughts? Suggestions? Or am I shooting too high on this one?
  21. As the title implies, Emby is occasionally is showing episodes of TV shows in the Movies library section of Kodi. Specifically, the problem has occurred with various episodes of Rick and Morty as well as Family Guy. The Metatdata editor properly lists the episodes as TV, and they are located in the correct storage locations with their counterparts. What's weirder is that the problem isn't limited to specific episodes, the only constant unhappy child is "Family Guy 16x01 - The Emmy Winning Episode". You see, if I Scan the library, or even completely rebuild it, I get a nice shuffle of which episodes will randomly appear in the Movies Directory. I'm at a loss. PS: I know the FAQ says not to zip log files, but I was warned repeatedly about not being allowed to upload .docx files. Sorry! Thanks! 100817-128pm.zip
  22. Jennice

    Web interface font size

    Sorry if it's been dealt with elsewhere, I just can't fint it. When pressing Live TV in the web interface, the top shows a list of channels, guide, etc., on top center This is with very small font. Can this be changed? Font size on the channels listed (below the icons) are also a small font. Is change possible in Emby, so I con't need zoom in the browser (which affects other pages)? Regards, Jennice
  23. Jennice

    Default start screen

    Is there a way of opening the web browser view to start with the list of live tv channels?
  24. Dead yasuoyukio

    Bloody newbie here (emby on xbox)

    After searching for some new apps, i found emby and all i know is that i can watch tv and record some stuff. After registered to emby, emby asks me if i got a server.. i've no clue what i have to type to continue. What do i have to do to enjoy this app ? If i did some grammar mistakes, i'm sorry. Greetings from Austria
  25. For some reason, certain shows just won't play in the web app. They work in Kodi fine, but whenever I go to play these shows it just endlessly skips episodes. Plenty of shows work correctly, so any help would be appreciated. I am using Firefox, but am having the same issues in Chrome as well. Here are 3 logs of it failing in the same skip episode loop: na Any suggestions?
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