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  1. first, I have looked for this for some time and have not been able to find an answer. Now then, I am a Plex user and have been since 2010. I like the latest Emby build and am running it alongside to get a feel for it and see if I want to switch over. I became a supporter to ensure I got the full functionality. However, I seem to be having a tough time on the web interface. I saw some posts online about users creating "smart views" which allowed them to have filtered views built and setup so they were always readily available without having to do it every time and I could not seem to find any documentation on it or see any option in the server or client interface to set it up. Is this possible or could it be a custom code they ran to create it? The other problem is the suggestions view. I see people talking about movies or series being suggested by the server based on what they have watched. My suggestions tab however only shows any resumable item and latest items added. I do not get any option of "because you watched..." or based on genre or anything like that. Is there a special feature or third party add-on that enables this function? This is where I am stuck now and these features seemed amazing and what drew me to Emby. Please let me know if this is possible. Thanks in advance. ** I deleted all the files and reinstalled the server and went to the dev build. I noticed after the reinstall that suggestions was working and presenting different options, however, as soon as I restarted the server, they all went away and now again just shows the latest media.
  2. Latchmor

    FR: LiveTV Web Guide

    Hi, when viewing the tv guide in the web browser would it be possible to set a recording straight from the show info popup? This would be on the basis that you are going to accept your defaults for padding. It would be so quick to just hover then click record. Cheers Latchmor
  3. Yotengrit

    Direct Play to WD TV Live

    Greetings! I recently swtiched from Plex to Emby because of some technical problems and I really satisfied with the software! However, I have a small problem with one of the media players in our house. We have two Asus O!Play and one WD TV Live players. And the WD one wont play .mkv files from the server, only .avis. If I try to play a .mkv files, it loads a bit, than its says that is cannot be played, etc. I checked around in the forum for some information about it, and I found this one. So I edited my WD TV Live .xml file according to this topic but my problem still persist. Can somebody please help me solve this problem? Thanks in advance. PS: I attached the server log file. server-63567557812.txt
  4. Yotengrit

    WDLXTV and Emby

    Dear forum! I'm planning to upgrade my WDTV Live with a custom firmware for extra features and possibilities. But before I do it, I wish to ask around if anyone tried to use it with Emby server at all? Will it cooperate with DLNA DirectPlay? Since even the official firmware is also act out with DirectPlay sometimes. Thanks in advance!
  5. jamvids

    How do I fix my TV DB

    Hi, I am actually gonna have to own up to watching Ancient aliens here, but I can never find it as it isn't seeing the root folder for this series as a series, just a folder, then looks at each season as a series. Is there any way I can get into the DB to fix this or is anyone else having the same issue? I have tried everything to fix it but can't, I know what it was that caused it...... ALIENS
  6. Hello, Can somebody advise me of any websites where I can get ratings, airdate and network information for TV series in Australia (not specifically Australian TV series)?
  7. Sure its a quick fix, using emby inside windows media center 7. New to this but got most of it working, woundering once I have watched one of my recorded tv episodes how do I delete it ? Searched round, found something about the xml file, so edited that but still cant find a delete option within emby / windows media center. Any ideas ?
  8. Server Version 3.0.5588.1 I have selected the Display Setting to "Display missing episodes within seasons" I added an episode that was previously flagged as missing. Now both the missing episode and the added episode are shown. I waited for a day and a half in case a scheduled task (e.g., library scan) needed to update. However, the missing episode flag remains. I also "Refreshed" the season a couple of times. Still no joy. Thanks
  9. Damstas

    Cover images

    What should I do in this situation?
  10. smailpouri

    Where do I find the trakt.tv settings ?

    Hello, New to Emby (long time plex user), I've been looking for the trakt.tv settings but I can't find them anywhere. Do i have to download a plugin ? if yes where ? I didn't find the plugin in the plugin section either. What Am I missing ? OSX server, the EMBY version is from yesterday so I'm assuming is the latest one. Cheers.
  11. Hi All, I have thought about this one for a while now and with a recent hardware upgrade, I have had to go through my TV Series again and un-tick the "Display specials within seasons they aired in" option again manually as I don't like the specials showing in each season and it's time for me to request a feature. Would it be possible to have a global setting for this within the server to enable/disable this option so if I add new content and forget to un-tick or for whatever reason need to rebuild my library you don't have to go through each season and do this manually. Thanks, Edd.
  12. I'm having a new issue where TV episodes added to my library since April 5th are taking around 5 minutes to start playing when using DLNA play-to with the Xbox One. This is all episodes added since then. About 5 shows and 5 episodes. All episodes added before then still play perfectly fine. There is also the added difference that these newly added episodes are also not displaying the sync icon in Emby. Screenshots attached. They also don't have chapters available for selection or a run-time calculated. Currently using version 3.0.5574.28668 Thanks! server-63564006013.txt
  13. I couldn't find the thread about this, but I don't seem to just go to the next episode when playing a TV show. I did a thread that it was the Chocolate theme that prevented this, but I just tried it within the Xenon theme and I'm having the same problem. IIRC, I was able to continue to the next episode in some other theme which I don't think is available anymore. Is there anyway to just go to the next episode automatically, the way Netflix and Hulu do? This is only in WMC; oddly enough if using saying Playlists in the web browser, they immediately just go to the next one. *On a psuedo related/unrelated topic - how do I make the audio for a show the default? I downloaded a show that's both in Russian and English; I've managed to set it correctly everywhere except in the web browser. Even when I switch it to the English track, the Russian just plays, with the English version playing on top of it. Anyway of correcting that?
  14. I usually bring up the Latest to see what tv shows have been newly added to the library. While those shows are at the top of the list, ALL tv shows are showing up. They have a green number showing how many episodes there are, and if they've ALL been watched I get a red check mark when I hover. Maybe this is a new design feature, but seems to me that ought to be the format for Shows or Episodes, and Latest should go back to only showing those Series that have a new episode, and the number should reflect how many new episodes (unwatched) are in that series. I originally thought it was because when the database updated it lost whether or not the episodes were watched, hence all the episodes were appearing, but it does know which ones were watched because I get the red checkmark. If I were fixing it, I'd try to do two things: 1. Only show series that have unwatched shows. 2. Change the green number in the upper right hand corner to only show how many episodes were unwatched. Or change it to unwatched/total, like 3/10 meaning 3 of the 10 episodes have not been watched.
  15. Hi, New here, so please bear with me. I couldn't figure out which is the right forum to post in. I don't know what the difference between MB Theatre and MB Classic is; which one(s) I have or don't. I installed MB Server on Windows 7 and I point my browser at that to watch media, usually from Windows machines. How does a person get the list of episodes available for a TV Show when looking at the show's page? With a navigation path of "Home > TV > Shows > {click show}" I see a backdrop picture, some buttons to vote up/down and favourite the show, and 3 buttons beneath that for [play] [sync] [:]. Pushing [play] allows me to "play" of "shuffle", but doesn't give a chance to select _what_ to play, it just starts playing an episode. I expected a list to play from. Scroll down the page and there's a list of cast and crew, links to imdb etc. sites and a list of "if you like this you might also like...". All of which can be interesting, but is not important when all one wants to do is watch! ;-) There's a couple of older forum threads asking a similar question, but I don't see how to adapt the answers there to what I see. Here's the closes matching thread, http://mediabrowser.tv/community/index.php?/topic/3943-mbc-request-tv-series-episode-list-view-in-season/, from which the pertinent line seems to be "I think all themes at least have a "List" view. It may also be called "Details".", but I don't see any item like that to click on. Please, what am I missing? I've been at this for an hour now. Thanks.
  16. v.523 (I think, downloaded yesterday) The Samsung client is marking partially watched tv content as watched. All the other clients do not seem to set the watched flag until the content is fully watched. Consequently, partially watched tv content on Samsung, does not show on tv next up (on any other clients).
  17. 3.0.5502.3522 Specials (S00E01 tested in particular) have a propensity to appear too soon in the next up calculation. Assuming, for testing, saved changes to the attributes - airs before/after season/episode, are reread after a library scan I have an S00E01 which i can not get to NOT appear 1st for a completely unwatched show under next up...The correct location should be at end of season 1. But S00E01 stubbornly shows up in next up. Possibly related to this http://mediabrowser.tv/community/index.php?/topic/13324-special-watched-status-is-affecting-series-next-up-presence/?hl=%2Bspecials+%2Bnext&do=findComment&comment=150785 From TVDB Wiki FWIW my expectations as a user would be Specials with [airs before season]=blank,[airs after season]=blank, [airs before episode]=blank - would never appear on next up...they are special interest episodes that dont form part of the flow of watching eg. making of show type specials, as opposed to a Christmas Special which should be marked to appear in the order of watching...as it forms part of the story. Specials with either [airs before season] or [airs after season] - would appear on next up in the order of [Airs after Season]=1 would Come before [Airs Before Season]=2 so Season 1 Episodes < Airs After Season 1 Episodes < Airs Before Season 2 Episodes Airs before episode is a bit of a mystery as to what is being referenced to..to avoid ambiguity it presumably means for eg Airs Before Season=2, Airs Before Episode=5.... of all the specials that are tagged as such ( [air before season]=2), the position of this special is AFTER those specials with [Airs Before Season]=2 and with [Airs Before Episode]<5, and BEFORE specials with [Airs Before Season]=2 and with [Airs Before Episode]>5. It should not be allowed for two episodes to have the same Airs Before Season/Episode Pair. It also shouldnt be possible for Airs before Episode to be populated and Airs before Season to not be populated, but if this was the case, then I think MB3 should not consider the episode part of next up in any case (The metadata needs correcting on tvdb).
  18. talon454

    New inherit field

    This new inherit field sucks. It screws up my TV ID fields and it has no useful purpose other than to complicate what was a simple procedure. For example, Empire a 2015 series is not recognized properly by the server. I have been to themoviedb, imdb, and thetvdb. I've entered the correct id # and it still sees it as an older mini series. Now I can't add an ID field at all! So now when I go to see what's upcoming, guess what? EMPIRE ISN'T THERE! I follow over 30 current TV shows and I and I have over 1.5 TB of data to maintain. I need the upcoming feature to work properly. Now I have to check each and every TV show in my TV folder to insure that I catch every other show. C'mon guys, KISS!
  19. I am trying to download and install the Samsung Smart TV app but am having no success. I have successfully logged in as developer with pwd 000000 and set the IP address to When hitting User App sync it connects and begins to download the mediabrowser3 app. A progress bar is shown and when it progresses to the end, it just hangs and nothing happens. I am using smart hub on my home theatre system not sure if that is an issue, home theatre model is Samsung HT-E5550. Any advice?
  20. IMO it is undesirable and counter intuitive that if i start (for example) S01E03 of Modern Family, Stop half way...and close start a client (eg Roku) the next day....look at tv 'next up' (aka suggested) and see S01E04 as 'suggested' not S01E03 (with the default option of resume from where i left off) yes S01E03 is under resume...but wouldn't users prefer S01E03 under 'suggested' in preference to S01E04 so the feature request is an option (possibly the default option/or indeed just the default with no option) that resume tv content is part of next up/suggested (and resume is the default play action in clients). And of course if there is a resume episode in suggested then the next episode of the show...would not show, Im trying to think of a reason why people wouldnt want this as default..but cant... but if there were any naysayers, an option on clients to mark resume content as either complete/watched or not watched/not started) in a simple way...would probably handle them..which i think has its own feature request. although a side issue to this feature request...such client functionality (to easy manage watched status) might become more useful once a feature to sync content offline becomes available..a although a native client would presumably sync watched status on recconnection, its not 100% guaranteed that synced content would be watched using the official client? one question..if 'resume' is a subset of 'next up' then why have 'resume'..... maybe its not required... one use may be people who do not want tv shows added to next up if they haven't completely watched 1 full episode.. imo it would be better to remove resume....and add such half watched content/shows to next up...safe in the knowledge the client can tag an episode unwatched (and if its the oldest episode (S01E01), then remove the show from next up suggested entirely). thanks for considering.
  21. nhall

    On Demand TV

    Hi All, We are a school with 1500 users and absolutely love this product, another feature that would be great to have is On Demand TV, BBC iplayer, Channel 4, Channel 5 and any other on demand channels, i know ITV player is there and works well. is there more on demand players in the works? Cheers Nathaniel
  22. Hello: I installed the trial version of Media Browser on my son's Dell Venue 8 Pro tablet (Windows 8.1). After setup, I noticed Recorded TV wasn't listed, so I went to my main PC (server) and added Recorded TV to the library. I then went back to his tablet, restarted MB and Recorded TV was listed, albeit in the Folders section. I went back to my PC and, in the MB dashboard, selected the hamburger icon in the upper left. I found my way around to where I was able to place and then reorder the Recorded TV to the main menu. I thought maybe that would help (but not really, because how could a simple reorder make the files appear?) but it didn't, the recorded shows were nowhere to be found. Does someone have an answer as to why the show don't appear in the Recorded TV folder in MB on a Windows 8.1 tablet? I'm sure I'm missing a setting somewhere, but so far haven't been able to locate what that something is. Thank you in advance for any help you can provide. Joe
  23. Luke

    TV Naming Guide

  24. I am a user of MB Classic with the chocolate theme and would like to know if there is a way to display if each TV show is still running or has ended
  25. Version 3.0.5434.27057 (although not peculiar to this version) I have a series 'toast of london' that would never show up on next up despite watching episode after episode of series 00 then 01.. I have Season 00, 01, 02. turns out that if i set the watched status of the single special episode S00E01 to unwatched, then the next episode in season 01 would appear on next up. With S00E01 set to watched, no episode from season 1 would ever appear on next up With S00E01 set to unwatched, any of the episodes after the last watched from season 1 would show up. ie the issues is 100% re-reproducible, as i flag s00E01 watched/unwatched and test. The only thing i can forsee as being unusual about S00E01 is that TVDB has it marked to air before S01E01. indeed S00E01 shows up under season 1 in the webclient (maybe thats expected now?) tested from web client. any ideas? the other strange thing...having deleted all the XML from the media collection folders for this series, no amount of scans will fetch the xml back...although mb has no trouble knowing what it is. (under details of the show the tvdb metadata/links are all there) completing removing then readding the show seems to get the show and season (but not episode) xml back again... turns out the logs report a problem, even though there is nothing wrong with the tvdb get, and the show is indeed found 2014-11-17 21:07:38.4081 Info - App: HttpClientManager GET: http://www.thetvdb.com/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname=Toast+of+London 2014-11-17 21:07:38.8402 Info - App: TVDb Provider - toast of london did not match toast of london 2014-11-17 21:07:38.8402 Info - App: TVDb Provider - Could not find Toast of London. Check name on Thetvdb.org. even after a complete show removal, rescan, show re-add to library and rescan..the watched status of s00E01 still controls whether the show shows on next up.
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