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  1. Skyobliwind

    Harware + OS recommendations

    I'm planning to switch mit system from Truenas/Freenas to Proxmox (or do you have any arguments against proxmox and for a different virtualization?). Emby itself works okey on Truenas, except it doesn't support hardware passthrough for GPU trancoding. But the main reason to switch is virtualisation for my other machines which doesn't work too well on Truenas. Atm I'm using a AsRock X470D4U + Ryzen 3600 + LSI SAS 9207-8i SATA / SAS-Controller + 64 GB ECC Ram (ECC was needed for Truenas but I will just keep it). (Maybe I'll also switch the Ryzen 3600 for my Ryzen 3900x and cap energy at 60w which should work just fine.) What GPU would you recommend for smooth transcoding performance for multiple clients (possibly 6-10 parallel at peak). It shouldn't be too energy consuming, so a good mix of performance and efficiency would be nice. From what I saw Nvidia should be the better pick here? And what OS do you reccomend for the emby vm? Are there any advantages in using Windows over Linux? If not I think I'll go for Ubuntu Server.
  2. iOS 2.1.5 Has Been Released This is a follow up release to the recent Emby For iOS 2.1.3. Released, Featuring: Timeline Seeking & Thumbnails release. We wanted to get this out to you as quickly as possible. This release features a resolution to: An Intermittent Loss of Audio Issue that Manifests When Audio is Transcoded. This release also contains a minor fix for: Problem with Scrolling on Certain Server Management Screens. You can now scroll fluently from top to bottom of management screens found on the Emby Server Tab. Please install this maintenance release at your earliest convenience. You can follow Emby iOS development as well as report any issues on our community forum site: https://emby.media/community/index.php?/forum/94-ios/
  3. Newly installed Nvidia Quatro K2000 in a Dell R910 - hw transcoding I just installed a Quatro K2000 2G video card into my Dell R910 into a native16x PCI-e slot. I modified the heatsink and installed a large fan to help keep it cooler and make it fit into the server case. It's staying pretty cool. Now the reason I did this was for several reasons actually. Running on a VM is not always the best approach. Having hardware support should improve performance. I want 4K movies to not skip and stutter while watching them (transcoding - usually always audio) I recently bought an HD HomeRun and want better performance (similar to 4K issues). And this has been something I have been wanting to do for a while. I would rather do this than buy a Synology or QNAP or build a dedicated workstation. All that said... not much improved after installing the card. Maybe a slight improvement, but overall I am still not happy with the implementation. Video still stutters with 4K movies - unwatchable Live TV still stutters unless I pause it for 5 seconds, play again and then it's fine - I feel like this should still not happen. This used to not happen with my 4K movies even with transcoding enabled running on a VM in vCenter on the same server without a physical video card. I am not certain what happened 3-4 years back but before that point, 4K movies played perfectly. Too hard to try and understand what changed. All I want to do is understand how to fix this moving forward. I have several devices I can test this with: Web browsers Nvidia Shield Pro LG OLED TV LG LCD TV Android Phones iPhones iPad PC / MacBook All of them give me the same results. I can provide any details needed to narrow down where the issue is and if in the end this simply is not a good setup (running on a VM with passthrough) then I will buckle down and buy a Synology of QNAP or hell even build a dedicated media box out of some older hardware using the video cards I have here at home. (spare 1030 and 1080). Current specs: OS: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS CPU: 16 Memory: 32 GB Storage: SAS SSD Storage for Transcoding: SAS SSD Dedicated Audio/Video: Nvidia Quatro K2000 (2GB) hardware_detection-63769669756.txt ffmpeg-transcode-b53abc80-c465-4ef9-b1f9-3c82cd0a5a67_1.txt
  4. Hello , I have a windows Emby server which is supposed to provide the video content to ios and android users (80% ios and 20% android). ios user use Safari and android user use chrome to get access to server. The PC that I`m using has the Intel Core i7 8th Gen with 16DDR4 and NVME SDD and no GPU. My question is , what is the best Video format/codec to use to make the least transcoding and smooth play for both Safari and chrome users. I already tried MKV/MP4 with H264 and AAC 5.1-AC3 audio codec. AAC is not working well with chrome and I had to convert it to AC3 and video pause randomly. I would like to get your opinion to setup my Emby server and prepare my video content to make them easy for server. Thank you.
  5. aVoiceInTheWilderness

    Hardware acceleration

    Does emby support HW acceleration on RPI or Orange Pi or any ARM? Even though I have set up acceleration in the transcoding section, nothing uses HW acceleration. It always uses SW transcoding both decoding and encoding.
  6. Is there a way to change the threshold for when to throttle transcoding when throttling is enabled? By default it looks like this is configured to 120s. I have found the xml where this setting is defined, however after modifying & saving there is no change according to transcoding logs. FYI, this is not an option from Emby management interface. Location of xml file: .../Emby-Server/Config/encoding.xml <ThrottleBufferSize>120</ThrottleBufferSize> Log Example ThrottleBySegmentRequest: RequestPosition: 00:01:03 - TranscodingPosition: 00:02:11 - ThrottleBuffer: 69s (Treshold: 120s) Please let me know if anyone can help determine if this is possible. Thanks
  7. Newbie here, running away from Plex. Am loving Emby. I'm trying to find information and settings for transcoding. The closest I have found is here but I do not see the illustrated setting (see below) in my iOS app. Am I correct in assuming that my lossless files will be lossless in the iOS app if both the server and iPhone are on the same local wireless network? If I am on a different wireless network will it be lossless or does the server see it as a generic remote location? Where, on the server and/or iOS app, can I set preferred bitrates? IOW, I would like to possibly have higher (not necessarily lossless) bitrates even on cellular/data. My apologies if I am missing something! I've been dealing with a super mild concussion, and looking into this so much, I wonder if I am literally or figuratively cross-eyed. @cayars
  8. Some old devices support h265. So the device do direct play But it's lagging. It plays h264 well. If I want to transcode h.265 to 264, I have to decrease the quality lower than the original quality. But I don't want to lower the quality. If original bitrate is 3.4mbps, I set the quality to 3mbps. There is no difference between the two. But when original is 1.4mbps, I have to lower to 1mbps and this is huge difference as I felt. So I want the feature. Forced h.265 to h.264 transcoding without decreasing bitrate
  9. Before I start, I'll explain what I mean by "without giving any reason why" usually when it starts to transcode, it would give a reason why like this (check the blue circling) Note:- I've forcefully made this video to transcode in the above picture by reducing the bitrate so that is not a bug but in this case, it doesn't this could be a bug so I'm just reporting that Now, I have no clue as to why this video transcodes while other videos with the same format doesn't. It's definitely not the subtitles or the audio because I've reencoded the video to HEVC and the audio and subtitle plays directly. Here's the logs ffmpeg-transcode-f5e334ff-98b7-4cd7-85d5-aeab259c3705_1.txt Here's the media info mediainfo.txt And here's the sample video Flowers of Evil - S01E01 - Flowers of Evil 1 of 13 (1)-001.mkv Ran with galaxy s10 on Emby android 3.1.94
  10. sharrisct25@hotmail.com

    Need Transcoding help

    So I have recently added a HDhomerun EXTEND to my Emby system. The goal is to allow people to watch a few local stations in Emby that we do not get on other steaming services. All of my TVs are Roku clients of different types. Some hardwired some Wifi. I use my Android client on my phone on occasion also. I have 2 HDhomerun EXTEND units connected and my goal is to be able to support 4 users watching / recording at the same time without any major load on my Emby server. The Server is virtualized running as a Windows 10 system in VMware 6.5. It has 4 cores and 10GB or RAM. All the storage is local SSD on a RAID 5 array. The server is Emby Premier version and the Roku clients are using Emby beta. Historically software transcoding has been fine for the movies and other videos I have in my library but with TV I knew the use would spike and more transcoding maybe needed. This lead me to buy the HDhomerun Extend versions due to their capability to decode. Once setup I had a few issues with specific channels that I have learned are down to reception thanks to posts and help in other Emby forums. Then I was still seeing ffmpeg activity going on, sometimes as a directstream where the audio was being converted, others full transcoding. With more help from the Forum I purchased and installed a NVIDIA GTX 1030 card to do hardware decoding. The problem is I am still seeing ffmpeg activity for the Roku clients. I now DO NOT see it for the Android but definitely for the Roku clients. Can somebody help me sort what is going on here? Shouldn't the decoding all be happening in hardware now between the HDhomerun EXTEND and the NVIDIA card? I see that the Processing Plan in the ffmpeg log still says False for all CanDoInHardware lines does that mean the card is not working correctly? I have attached logs for more details. hardware_detection-63724218955.txt ffmpeg-directstream-0194bed2-a9ad-4aac-b654-03b1a909ac4e_1.txt embyserver.txt
  11. embyserver.txt ffmpeg-transcode-058599f6-a2e7-4ca3-8dd7-ad84cecaffe8_1.txt hardware_detection-63752995865.txt
  12. francoisp

    Save transcoded videos

    Is there a way to transcode a video once and save it for future streaming instead of using the server's resources to transcode it every single time it is requested?
  13. I always had my server's services such as Emby running in bare-metal because I did't like the performance loss in VM/Hypervisor, etc (I know it's little, but it's something). But it's true that having all services in the same OS is a pain in the a** because if you need to change or reboot something, everything goes down. In addition I need VAAPI transcoding for my server so I needed direct access to iGPU through /dev/dri/renderD128 device. After reading a lot about LXC containers and the benefits of isolation and bare-metal peformance they have, I decided to change and go containerize everything. So installed Debian Strech in the server with LXC 2.0.8 (only available in testing repositories) and created an Ubuntu 16.04 container just for the Emby server. In order to get VAAPI working inside the Emby container, you need to "pass" the required device (/dev/dri/renderD128) from the host to the container and have all drivers installed in the host system. So let's do it. (I assume you already created a container and Emby and ffmpeg are installed in it) (All commands are ran in the host, not inside the container) Stop your container if it's running: lxc-stop -n containername Get the required drivers in the host (my server is a Skylake i5-6600) by installing vainfo (it will automatically install intel-i915-driver, etc.): apt install vainfo Check that vainfo outputs something like this (run vainfo in the command line): error: can't connect to X server! libva info: VA-API version 0.40.0 libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0 libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/i965_drv_video.so libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_0_40 libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0 vainfo: VA-API version: 0.40 (libva ) vainfo: Driver version: Intel i965 driver for Intel(R) Skylake - 1.8.3 vainfo: Supported profile and entrypoints VAProfileMPEG2Simple : VAEntrypointVLD VAProfileMPEG2Simple : VAEntrypointEncSlice VAProfileMPEG2Main : VAEntrypointVLD VAProfileMPEG2Main : VAEntrypointEncSlice VAProfileH264ConstrainedBaseline: VAEntrypointVLD VAProfileH264ConstrainedBaseline: VAEntrypointEncSlice VAProfileH264ConstrainedBaseline: VAEntrypointEncSliceLP VAProfileH264Main : VAEntrypointVLD VAProfileH264Main : VAEntrypointEncSlice VAProfileH264Main : VAEntrypointEncSliceLP VAProfileH264High : VAEntrypointVLD VAProfileH264High : VAEntrypointEncSlice VAProfileH264High : VAEntrypointEncSliceLP VAProfileH264MultiviewHigh : VAEntrypointVLD VAProfileH264MultiviewHigh : VAEntrypointEncSlice VAProfileH264StereoHigh : VAEntrypointVLD VAProfileH264StereoHigh : VAEntrypointEncSlice VAProfileVC1Simple : VAEntrypointVLD VAProfileVC1Main : VAEntrypointVLD VAProfileVC1Advanced : VAEntrypointVLD VAProfileNone : VAEntrypointVideoProc VAProfileJPEGBaseline : VAEntrypointVLD VAProfileJPEGBaseline : VAEntrypointEncPicture VAProfileVP8Version0_3 : VAEntrypointVLD VAProfileVP8Version0_3 : VAEntrypointEncSlice VAProfileHEVCMain : VAEntrypointVLD VAProfileHEVCMain : VAEntrypointEncSlice Now we have to pass the /dev/dri/renderD128 device (which is in charge of VAAPI transcoding) to the container. To do so, we'll write a little script who creates the renderD128 device inside the container everytime this one is started. For that we need to know what kind of device we have and it's minor/major numers, so we run: ls -l /dev/dri Output: total 0 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 80 ago 5 17:18 by-path crw-rw---- 1 root video 226, 0 ago 5 17:18 card0 crw-rw---- 1 root video 226, 128 ago 5 17:18 renderD128 The info we need is: the letter "c" (in crw-rw----) meaning it's a character device and "226 128" which are the major/minor numbers of the device. Let's create the script then, it will be inside your container's directory but you can place it anywhere changing the paths obviously. Run: nano /var/lib/lxc/containername/autodev And copy inside: #!/bin/bash cd ${LXC_ROOTFS_MOUNT}/dev mkdir dri mknod -m 0666 dri/renderD128 c 226 128 Save, exit and give it privileges with: chmod +x /var/lib/lxc/containername/autodev Perfect, now we have to grant container's access to the device and tell him to run the script when the container starts. To do so, you have to edit the container's configuration file. Run: nano /var/lib/lxc/containername/config And add these two lines at the en of the file: lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 226:128 rwm lxc.hook.autodev = /var/lib/lxc/containername/autodev The first line will grant container's access to the device and the second line will run the script which will create the device inside the container. That's all! Now you you can start your container again, attach to it, check the /dev/dri directory and you'll find the renderD128 device inside of it. You can now tell Emby to use it as if you where in a host machine! Enjoy LXC! Referece: https://blog.cavebeat.org/2016/02/how-to-create-tuntap-devices-for-lxc-in-proxmoxve-4-1/
  14. Hi emby Team, I testet as lot and want to describe a problem in detail that really keeps me away from using the emby app of my LG65OLED C7D. I already know that the emby app encodes all audio tracks that are not the first/default audiotrack of a mkv. But... emby also encodes the first/default audiotrack if this is Dolby TrueHD/Atmos. Why? and that leads to the/my problem: everytime the emby app starts a ffmpeg process to transcode a audio track (for the none default audio track or and thats a much bigger problem... for Dolby TrueHD Tracks) the video begins to stutter... plays for a few seconds than stocks for a few seconds and so on - til the end of the movie :-( ) because many of the 4K remuxes have a Dolby TrueHD/Atmos default track, they are unwatchable via the emby app. 1. the problem is reproducable everytime 2. the problem only exists with 4K material (UHD Remuxes) 3. it's not a problem of hardware limitation of the emby server (CPU is 70% idle, gigabit LAN, HDD...) 4. it doesn't matter what kind of audio is being encoded (Atmos, DTS, DD5.1, DTSMA, DTSHD...) 5. emby dlna plays fine those files because it's playing the files without encoding the audio summarized: audio encoding on 4k remuxes in any way leads to video stuttering! possible solutions: - stop encoding audio tracks other than the default (like DLNA does) or - make TrueHD tracks playable without transcoding (direct play/passthrough) or - fix the problem that causes the video stuttering when transcoding audio in 4K movies any questions? don't hesitate to contact me ;-)
  15. I have quite a lot of shows that have ASS Subtitles in them. But the problem is that when I enable them my server immediately jumps to transcoding. Which sacrifice quite a lot of video quality. I have noticed that It does not do that in the mobile version.
  16. I've been waiting for this feature for a while now. I'm hopeful that it will improve video quality. and a setting for audio encoding preference would be very nice as well
  17. Hi, I'm confused and trying to understand how the bitrate chosen when downloading a video affects the resolution that the video is played at. Or even, said in another way, if I know I only want to play a downloaded video at a given resolution (ex: SD 480), how do I know which bitrate to choose? If my source videos are anywhere from 720P - 4k, how do I minimize the downloaded file? Theoretically, bitrate should impact/affect resolution, but I have read other posts in the forum which seem to indicate a different story. Is there a correlation between bitrate and resolution? Thanks, Eric
  18. Hi Guys, Just looking for a little assistance if possible. Just want to see if anyone is using the above (title) setup and if transcoding works fine. It will probably be for a max transcode of two streams at once and the rest will be direct play. Most transcodes will be 1080p but in the future maybe 1 x 4k transcode at any given time - all over local lan. I've been told it will work but always nice to ask the community for real world usage and potential issues.
  19. Hi All, I have mostly made posts moaning about how stuff doesn't work right/the way I want to, but I'm going to give back to the community today! For the TL;DR skip down a few paragraphs, just me venting my woes I go into how I got hardware acceleration to work when it wasn't and everything said it should have been on an Ubuntu LXC container I originally built a FreeNAS machine, on which I planned to store loads of stuff including media, and saw that it had media player plugins. I didn't think too much of it at the time (except I didn't want to use Plex because my experience with it showed that it wasted resources/was the 'dummy' version) so I specced out my server and I built it. I chose a Sky Lake/Kaby Lake cpu for a number of reasons, but one of them was the iGPU. I tried using an Emby plugin but that didn't work (now know it's a whole .NET issue with FreeBSD) and then tried a Docker container of Emby - worked fine, but no hardware acceleration. I wasn't sure why, but I knew I needed more power in the server for the transcoding and other stuff I was using it for so I got a Kaby Lake Xeon cpu, making sure to get one with an iGPU, and kept on plugging away. To cut to the chase: - found out I needed to pass /dev/dri to docker - found out I needed VAAPI to get use of the gpu, but FreeNAS did not support it so it would need to be in a VM and FreeNAS was going through lots of changes - looked around for a few other operating systems that could be used for my purposes, tried OMV - it didn't like ZFS - landed on Proxmox, perfect for my needs - can spin up debian/ubuntu LXC containers easy peasy while passing through whatever I want from the root OS & can make VMs for other OS'/things I want more secure - found out that my motherboard had the C232 chipset & I needed the C236 chipset to use the iGPU - Finally bought the right motherboard Honestly, you would think I had done absolutely no research! But a lot of this was new to me and I didn't realize what I would be using the machine for (didn't know how much use I could get out of Emby per se - I already had an HDHomeRun and Apple TVs...). So I swapped in the right motherboard (plus I got some more SATA ports - gonna be cloning my zpool later to a much larger one w/ more redundancy since I'm using the machine for work too now) and went about making sure that dev/dri and fb0 were passed through to the Emby LXC container. *****Skip to Here***** At this point I double checked that everything was being passed through to the container (eg lspci) & went through the Emby documentation (they state that it Emby should have all the drivers that it needs built in, e.g. their own FFmpeg build). However, when I would play a file that was a direct feed it played fine, but when I tried playing a 4K HVEC or 9/10Bit/VP9/VP10 whatever they actually decided to call that, the video would just load and never start. I went into the console and VAAPI was indeed installed and showed that it was able to decode/encode the appropriate files for my cpu. Checked the log - it looked like FFmpeg was doing it's thing and transcoding the file writing stuff to the temp folder and including a transcoding rate (e.g. at one point it said it was transcoding at 66.6 x frames ). I was about to post on the forum, but I really really really have been wanting to get this working. So I looked around and I found the following site, or rather series of files from the VAAPI sites: https://github.com/intel/media-driver The genesis before that link was basically that VA API needed some extra libraries/intel media SDK to operate depending on the OS/CPU. So that link is for an addition driver that has links to two other libraries that are needed first (libva & GmmLib) along with their dependencies/reqs to build them. Follow the links and cit clone those libraries over to a build directory, make them and install them. For less experienced people the GmmLib instructions are less clear: after git clone GmmLib, make a build directory for cmake & change into it you issue the cmake command with '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release', the site just shows you the possible options. I left out the -DARCH=64 bit because from what I saw on the internet others didn't use it, but you DO need to reference a cmake build file for the command. That is in the root folder of the build folder you made. so either add '..' at the end or '/wherever you git cloned to/gmmlib' to the end of the cmake command and it will run. Then you do the make -j8 command followed by the make install command. Once those two guys are added I git cloned the media-driver bit in, followed the instructions, restarted the container and honestly didn't expect anything to have changed. But hardware transcoding started working like a charm! I do NOT know if it was a combination of those libraries, if it was a dependency of libraries (or maybe just me having to reset the BMC a bunch of times b/c my fan control script was acting up, but I highly doubt that's what it was) but after the above everything worked. As a final note, I don't think this is a shortcoming of the Emby team. As far as I can tell people are using hardware transcoding via the VAAPI files Emby installs just fine. Maybe it had to do with the specifics of my case - Emby running in an LXC container, the LXC container running inside of Proxmox, the fact that because I have IPMI the BMC has it's own video device that are seen in the OS'. I'm just happy I got it to work (maybe can help the Emby team do some investigating) & hope this can help others save some time. Cheers!
  20. Hi, I have just switch to Emby and was wondering what are some good settings for Transcoding and Network? I'm using iMac to stream over wifi to LG TV. Thanks
  21. Hopefully it hasn't been asked, can't find anything in the docs Basically, I'm at home, I'm playing an episode on my Xbox and it shows as transcoding to h264 format. Does the transcoded file get saved in a cache on the Xbox so my server doesn't have to transcode it again or is it cached on the server or it has to transcode all over again every time my Xbox plays that same episode?
  22. adam1010

    Audio boost when dowmixing

    I'm trying to get louder volume on my Android mobile devices. I have set the server's Transcoding setting of "Audio boost when downmixing" to its maximum setting of 3, however, the volume doesn't appear to increase much. I have verified that the video is being transcoded (downmixed) and not using Direct Play. I'd almost say there isn't any distinguishable difference when I switch on and off the transcoding on my Android device (I'm using Ubuntu for the server). I'm assuming you're taking my value of "3" and normalizing it to something and plugging it into ffmpeg like so: ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -af "volume=1.5" out.mp4 This example represents a 50% audio boost. 1) What does level 3 correspond to percentage-wise, and is there a reason it's been capped at 3? 2) Is there any kind of debug information I can look at to verify that the audio amplification flag is being set in ffmpeg?
  23. Hi! I cannot seem to play a certain tv show on my server. I think its a transcoding problem. Any help is appreciated. Log files attached. All other tv shows and movies work perfectly! The Tv show is 1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 ffmpeg-transcode-e53a9975-ecf4-43ab-ae1c-f55630df878f_1.txt
  24. I have recently started ripping my UHD Blu-rays for play back in Emby, and discovered issues with subtitle transcoding. In the past, my 1080p Blu-ray rips have been in HEVC, whatever the main audio track is, as well as only forced/foreign subtitle tracks if there are any. Normally I would extract the PGS (.sup file) and convert to VobSub using BDSup2Sub and that would work fine. This has been a habit that started back when Blu-ray subs weren't supported by the codecs on my old HTPC way back when, but handled DVD subs (VobSub) fine. The first 4K disc I have ripped that requires a forced subtitle track is Avengers: Infinity War for just one line of dialogue in the whole movie. I have tested playing this back using PGS, VobSub and also SRT. PGS and SRT seem to be OK and everything direct plays, however the VobSub version wants to transcode everything just to burn that single line of text onto the video. The HD audio also gets transcoded back to Dolby Digital. To test this further, I went back and tried some 1080p Blu-rays I had ripped previously with VobSub subtitle tracks and found that they too are being transcoded. My main benchmark for testing subtitle playback has been my rip of Avatar which used to play fine, but now the subtitles are being burnt in and the audio is also not coming through as DTS-HD as it should. VobSub maintains the font style and colour from the PGS subs on movies such as this that would be lost if I used SRT. My Emby server doesn't have the processor power for 4K transcoding, so it becomes unwatchable, but is fine with 1080p rips. So for future rips, I will be happy to use PGS as long as it continues to work properly. However, I would definitely prefer to avoid transcoding my older ones with VobSub subtitles so that the audio can be kept in the original HD format. I especially don't want to have to re-mux all of my older movies with different subtitles if it can be avoided either. Current setup consists of Emby app running on an Nvidia Shield connected via HDMI to a Pioneer receiver (supports HDMI 1.4 and HD audio formats) then to a 4K Sony TV.
  25. I am looking for opinion and /or facts to help me understand more about the quality of my video. Say i have 4 videos - same title - different transcoding or format as follows 1. 4K Movie at 8bits and 12.9 Mb/s bit rate (NVENC) 2. 4K Movie at 8bits and 4.5 Mb/s (NVENC) 3. 4K Movie at 10bits and 60.0 Mb/s (i suppose this one should be the best quality) 4. 4K Movie at 10bits and 4.5 Mbs I have a 4K/HDR Quantum Dot LED Tv... What is the real perceivable difference in these files. Can/Should we be able to see a difference with 10bit HDR vs 8 bit and does the bit rate make a significant difference in the quality. Do i lose effective resolution by compressing way down? I realize disk space is cheap but it seems that even my Shield Pro which is SUPPOSED to be able to stream multiple 4K streams will struggle with the higher bit rate stuff and im just not so sure the difference in quality is worth 50GB files (even though i have 20TB) Im an older guy (who also happens to be color blind) so my vision isnt great but im not lost in the fact that others watch my content and i want everyone to get good quality. thanks in advance.
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