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Hello everyone. I'm new to Emby, and decided after using it for a while in a most crippled, but surprisingly useful way, to organize my media files so I can catalog everything correctly. For the most part this works well, but I've had some serious roadblocks with a couple of series. I put together a test subset of my collection that allows me to reliably reproduce the issues I've experience with this. I've attached a directory tree of my test collection. I've attached that to this post. I've also attached a screenshot, showing that Emby does indeed initially seem to recognize properly the different series, along with a screenshot with the version info. The issue I am running into is that Emby keeps merging Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball Z Abridged together. It does this whether I have the series merging turned on in the library settings or not. Those are two different series, with two different production formats, despite being very closely related. As you can see, I am following the recommended naming convention and directory structures found here. The really frustrating thing, is that even in folder view, it's merging the series together, and not reflecting the actual directory structure on disk at all. Is there a way I can force Emby to assign a series by directory? This would be a brain dead simple fix, but I can't find a way to do it. It only seems to allow me to assign metadata and identify by the already misidentified series, completely defeating the purpose. Otherwise, is there any other work around? Thanks. emby tree
Hello, I’m trying to organize a movie from an anime series that could be considered a special. My goal is to have it appear within the series as a movie in the "Seasons" section, and not as an episode. In the directory, I created a Season 00 folder and placed the movie there as a special. However, I want it to remain in chronological order alongside the other seasons. The issue is that assigning it to Season 0 positions it at the very beginning of the list. If I change it to Season 3, it might cause issues in the future when Season 3 is released. For this reason, I left it as Season 00 and thought I could adjust it using the "Sort by Title" option in the metadata to achieve the desired order. However, so far, I haven’t been able to understand how this feature works. I’ve tried changing the title in the metadata, using "Season 3," the letter "C," the number "3," and other options, but it still doesn’t organize as I want. Could someone explain how to correctly use the "Sort by Title" function? Or, alternatively, does anyone know another method to chronologically organize specials within a series?
Ability to search movies on server while watching live TV
The Mad Titan posted a topic in Feature Requests
One feature that I like in Emby is that I can view my guide for live TV and even set DVR while I am watching one of my shows or movies on demand. Now, I would love if you guys can figure out how to do vice versa. Wjen I am watching live TV I can go through my Emby catalog without having to leave live TV. Thank You for reading. -
Salut à tous. Je suis traind e passer de Prex à Emby sur mon serveur. Mais je rencontre un probleme. Tout ce que je télécharge arrive dans un seul et même dossier. Chaque utilisateur a 2 médiatèques, l'une pour les films, et l'autre pour les séries TV. Tout fonctionne bien, sauf que tout est classé dans la même médiathèque, celle des films. Comment faites-vous pour bien paramétrer ça? Car je ne vois pas où je fais une erreur, je fonctionnais comme ça sous plex, et c'était très efficace. Merci !
- 6 replies
- médiathèque
- film
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Pull TV Show Images from a different season or main series
shanarago posted a topic in Feature Requests
I've run into several instances where a season of a show doesn't have a cover I like, or in some cases no image at all. Usually, I can find a replacement image from either the main series or different season that is suitable. But to do this I either need to temporarily download the image on the series or season so can grab it and place it in the right season, or search for it myself. It would be far less cumbersome if I could just pull from whatever image associated with the series. I made a graphic on how it could possibly look. -
It would be beneficial if there was an option on an episode of a series or a movie to mark it as damaged. That would allow the admin to rescan the necessary disc.
Hello, When I add and delete a series in the media library I've named Series, it doesn't get deleted in the Emby. The same is true if I delete the series folder directly from the Linux server. However, the series I add is still present in the Linux server folder For example, I no longer have a Harry Potter folder, yet it's still displayed on the Emby... I've tried clicking on "Update media library files" but nothing changes...
Hallo, ich habe das Problem, dass eine neue Serie, die ich in den Media Ordner geschoben habe, nicht in der Serienübersicht erscheint. Emby erstellt die nfo Dateien korrekt, erkennt also die Serie korrekt. Jedoch wird sie weder im "Metadatenmanager" noch unter Serien angezeigt. Ich habe schon versucht die Bibliotheken zu scannen und habe auch nach fehlenden Metadaten gesucht. Auch ein Neustart des Emby Servers hat keinen Erfolg gebracht. Könnt Ihr mir weiterhelfen? Emby ServerVersion Synology DS1618+
Hello ! I wanted to know if someone could explain me the syntax to make a series on my personal iptv! I explain myself I upload my series on my server in the directory /www/html/series/name of my series I modify my M3U file and I just put #EXTINF:-1 tvg-logo="" group-title="[HD] Chainsaw Man S01", EP 01 http://localhost/series/live/Chainsawman/1.mkv then the same for the 2 etc, except that on my iptv it puts it like this (see screen 1) But I would like that when I click on the series it shows me as a kind of panel where I can choose the episode and the season without that it puts me all the episodes like that I know that a syntax of the m3u file allows to do that but I don't find it. please help me (I don't use admin panel because it's local only for me) I do everything via m3u file)
Bonjour ! Je voulais savoir si quelqu'un pouvais m'expliquer la syntaxe pour faire une série sur mon iptv personnel ! Je m'explique j'upload ma série sur mon serveur dans le répértoire /www/html/series/nom de ma série Je modifie mon fichier M3U et je mets juste #EXTINF:-1 tvg-logo="" group-title="[HD] Chainsaw Man S01", EP 01 http://localhost/series/live/Chainsawman/1.mkv ensuite pareil pour le 2 etc , sauf que sur mon iptv sa le mets comme sa (voir screen 1) Mais je voudrais que quand je clique sur la série ça m'affiche comme un espéce de panel ou je peux choisir l'épisode et la saison sans que ça me mettes tout les épisodes comme sa Je sais qu'une syntaxe du fichier m3u permet de faire sa mais je ne trouve pas . aidez moi svpl (Je n'utilise pas de panel d'administration vus que c'est local uniquement pour moi ) je fait tout via le fichier m3u )
I am trying to query for watched episodes and have the results returned based on series first, then season, followed by episode. Series 1, Season 1, Episode 1 Series 1, Season 1, Episode 2 Series 1, Season 1, Episode 3 Series 1, Season 2, Episode 1 Series 1, Season 2, Episode 2 Series 1, Season 2, Episode 3 Series 2, Season 1, Episode 1 Series 2, Season 1, Episode 2 Series 2, Season 1, Episode 3 Series 2, Season 2, Episode 1 Series 2, Season 2, Episode 2 Series 2, Season 2, Episode 3 etc... Are these all of the SortBy options for the Items Service? Or are the keys returned also valid SortBy options? &SortBy=SeriesName,ParentIndexNumber,IndexNumber,Name,ParentIndexNumber,IndexNumber,Name&SortOrder=Ascending&EnableImages=False&EnableUserData=True&api_key=2a876b15231021aa2746109d05ff2931
Hello Guys, Would it be possible to add new themes so we can customize the look and feel of the emby app a little bit more. I really like how embuary looks for example. the emby app looks similiar to embuary but only if i go into the recommended category. Would be cool if we could make our movies and series categorty look like the recommended area on the homepage or embuary instead of the boring grid view. for comparisson some screenshots.
- 1 reply
- look and feel
- design
- (and 5 more)
Moin zusammen, meine Serien werden auf der Seite Start nicht richtig nach Zugangsdatum sortiert. Serien, die ich gestern hinzugefügt habe, sind ganz links/vorne, diejenigen, die ich heute hinzugefügt habe, sind weiter rechts. Wenn ich die Serien-Bibliothek öffne und die Sortierung nach Zugangsdatum anwende, klappts wunderbar, nur nicht auf der Startseite, beim Punkt 'Neuste Serien'. Ich finde in den Bibliothekseinstellungen keine Möglichkeit (auch nicht in den erweiterten Einstellungen), um die Sortierung auf der Startseite anzupassen. Habe ich da was übersehen? Die Option 'Benutze das Scan-Datum vom Hinzufügen in die Bibliothek' ist aktiviert, bringt aber nichts. Lukas
- 2 replies
- series folder
- series
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Hi, I have a problem with Emby on AppleTV 4K gen2. I can't fast forward or rewind. Pressing up also does not work to get to the timeline. A comparison I have me the Android TV versions. Server Synology DSM 7 x64 uptodate Beta ….15 can anyone help pls?
- 12 replies
- apple tv 4
- beta server
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Hi, Sorry, if posted on wrong subforum - kindly move as needed ! Maybe someone can enlighten me .. or point to article/KB ? It works great for movies as in , but I cannot get it to work with TV series. Example (not working ) drwxr-xr-x 2 pigers pigers 4096 Sep 20 20:46 . drwxrwxr-- 25 pigers pigers 4096 Sep 20 20:30 .. -rwxr--r-- 1 pigers pigers 120306 Sep 20 20:09 banner.jpg -rwxr--r-- 1 pigers pigers 123803 Sep 20 20:09 clearlogo.png -rwxr--r-- 1 pigers pigers 191727 Sep 20 20:09 fanart.jpg -rwxr--r-- 1 pigers pigers 427841 Sep 20 20:09 keyart.jpg -rwxr--r-- 1 pigers pigers 123803 Sep 20 20:09 logo.png -rw-r--r-- 1 pigers pigers 0 Sep 20 20:30 'Peach Boy Riverside (2021) - S01x01 - The Ex-Princess and the Harefolk.disc' -rwxr--r-- 1 pigers pigers 427841 Sep 20 20:09 poster.jpg -rwxr--r-- 1 pigers pigers 7604 Sep 20 20:09 tvshow.nfo presents in series folder then when clicked on episode whereas I desire It would be great , if above message could be customized inside file (like in KODI Any hints ?
related series do not access the same image information as the main entry
D1sk posted a topic in General/Windows
Hello together I noticed when I have a series per series a separate folder that Emby then can not access the image information as with Main entry. As an example. I have chosen the series Date a live. About the main search I find for each season the corresponding logo. However, I can only add the only and if I go over the season images search, the system no longer falls back to the main information but I can pull from it just as images and logos. The same is with the backdrops per series is a backdrop folder with a video stored, but only the backdrop that was added last is played. If I click on the different season the video starts again but as mentioned always only the last added and not per season. Did I forget to set anything? 2021. -
Can we add a sort-order for TV Series such that those series which have recently aired a new episode are at the top? Sorting by 'Release Date' is good for finding completely new series, seeing which have been released this year, say. But it'd be nice to see the series listed with new episodes, even when the series started many years ago. That way you can see what you need to catch up with, even if you didn't know there was a newly aired episode, etc. This could honour the 'Display Missing Episodes' option, such that the season would appear at the top even if the episode hadn't been added to emby yet, was missing. This would be handy for identifying missing episodes too.
- 29 replies
- sort order
- aired date
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I am trying to match but I can't , setting up match via imdb id is yielding no result. What can I do ? Emby server version - also tried with beta. Server log attached embyserver(1).txt
Estimados. Primeramente agradecer el tiempo que les pueda quitar. Quisiera consultar como deberia nombrar las temporadas o los capitulos que no tienen un numero entero y que no reconoce Emby al momento de listarlo. Por ejemplo en la Serie Shingeki no Kyojin Temporada 1 existe un capitulo numero 13,5. Lamentablemente esta decisión de capitulo, no es listado en emby ya que me imagino que lo hace por que el numero coincide con el numero de capitulo 13 y para no duplicarlo, lo ignora. Pasa algo similar con la temporada 3 parte 2, que tampoco lista por que su numero de temporada coincide con la 3 y mismo ejemplo con el capitulo, para no duplicarlo no lo lista. Hay alguna forma de nombrar estos casos o como deberia hacerlo para que aparezcan sin tener que ponerle temporada 4 por ejemplo? (tomando en cuenta que la temporada 4 aun no sale y no encontraria metadatos si lo nombre de esa forma. Agradezco nuevamente su tiempo.
i'm trying to figure out, what episodes of a specific series got played the most i thought this could be achieved by the playback reporting plugin, but i can't even find any way to show any playcounts at all could someone please help out here how this could be done?
- 7 replies
- Playback Reporting
- breakdown
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How to change series settings after having already set the original
kpkimmel1983 posted a topic in Live TV
Hi New to Emby, when i see a show i hit record or record series. I wanted to go back and change some setting to that series but I cannot find an easy to modify recording settings. The only way I have been able to is to click on 'upcoming on tv' and then the recording settings becomes available. Is there a better option? Thanks. -
Hello, this is somewhat related to a previous request of mine, about accessing existing series metadata. Some metadata providers store seasons as individual series and only store the prequel and sequel seasons. Because of this the metadata of the series (e.g. the first season) is not in sync with its child seasons. For example the Status, Community Rating, Release date, Year and End date only relate to the first season. This breaks filters on a series level, since the series entity is out of sync with the metadata of its seasons other than season 1. It would be nice if we could sync the series metadata with its child seasons. I thought about being able to do this modification of the overlying series object in IRemoteMetadataProvider<Season, SeasonInfo>, but it could introduce unexpected side effects and would violate the single responsibility principle. Maybe we can come up with a different API for cases like this, where the structure of metadata is not in a tree shape (series > season > episode). Thanks for all your hard work!
- 5 replies
- IRemoteMetadataProvider
- Season
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Hello Everyone, i would like to ask plugins devs the following question: There is an existing KODI addon for TV time available here: Are Kodi addons and Emby plugins more or less similar or are they totally different ? Would it be easy to develop a plugin for Emby taking kodi Addon as an example or do we need to start something totally new from scratch ? I don't know anything about plugin creation, is it easy to learn ? Do you know how much time did it take to create plugin ? Thanks in advance ! Regards
Bonjour J'ai créé sur mon disque dur un répertoire série. J'ai créer ensuite un sous répertoire pour chaque série dans lequel je mets les épisodes lorsque je suis sur emby tous les épisodes sont en vrac et pas regroupés par séries Si vous pouvez m'aider ca serait cool Merci
Hi there, I'm experiencing some issues when watching a series on my LG BluRay-Player via DLNA. It often happens that playback of the next episode doesn't start. I nearly always have to start the first next episode manually on my Android tablet. All following epsiodes (second, third,...) will then start playback automatically. Watching series on that tablet or on my PC via browser works fine with automatic playback of the next episodes. I couldn't find a particular log to provide but I will share as much information as needed. Emby Server on Ubuntu Server 18.04.2 LTS Emby for Android 3.0.68 LG BP620 BluRay-Player All connected via 1Gbits Ethernet Thanks for help :-)