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  1. Hi, I am trying to give Emby access to my external drive on Raspbian. I've searched a lot of different things and have used chmod and chown to try and give it permissions, but to no avail. I am a Linux noob so this is somewhat difficult for me. When I try to add a library from the external drive, I go to the directory that has it, but it's blank. Any help?
  2. Introduction Ce tutoriel à pour but de vous guider pas à pas dans l'installation et la configuration de votre Raspberry Pi pour l'hébergement d'un serveur Emby uniquement. Bien que détaillée, vous devez tout de même avoir des notions de base en informatique, et plus particulièrement sous Linux. 1. Installation et configuration de Raspbian. https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/operating-systems/ Choisir la version Lite. - Utiliser Raspberry Pi Imager pour l'installer sur votre carte SD (https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/) - Configurer et sécuriser votre Raspberry Création d'un compte et changement de mot de passe : https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/security.md Configuration de votre raspberry : https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/raspi-config.md ATTENTION : N'oubliez pas que par défaut, le clavier est en anglais tant que vous n'avez pas configuré les locales à l'aide de raspi-config. Le compte et mot de passe que vous allez créer sera celui qui accèdera à vos partages réseau qui sont sur votre NAS, Freebox, etc. Profitez-en pour : - Activer ssh (SSH) : cela vous permettra de prendre la main à distance à partir de votre pc, ce qui est plus simple pour la suite. - Activer le démarrage du réseau avant le boot (Network at boot). 2. Mettre à jour votre distribution. sudo rpi-update sudo apt dist-upgrade 3. Téléchargement et installation d'Emby (version à jour) Tapez les lignes de commande suivantes : wget https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Emby.Releases/releases/download/ dpkg -i emby-server-deb_4.5.4.0_armhf.deb 4. Création des partages. Pour des raisons de sécurité, j'ai décidé de créer et monter mes partages dans le répertoire mnt. - Créer un répertoire partages dans mnt en tapant la ligne de commande suivante : sudo mkdir /mnt/partages. - Puis créer les répertoires qui correspondent à votre organisation de votre serveur qui héberge vos films, séries, etc. Supposons que sur votre NAS, vous avez deux dossiers partagés sur votre réseau, que vous avez appelés : * videos * series Vous allez créer les répertoires suivants sur votre Raspberry sudo mkdir /mnt/partages/videos sudo mkdir /mnt/partages/series 5. Test des points de montage. - Récupérer les informations de votre compte, à savoir son uid et guid à l'aide de la commande suivante id MonCompte (Remplacez MonCompte par le nom du compte que vous avez créé lors de la configuration de votre Raspberry pi) - Tester votre point de montage à l'aide de la commande suivante : Exemple : sudo mount -t cifs -o user=MonCompte,password=MonMdp,uid=Nuid,gid=Nguid //AdresseIpdeMonServeur/videos /mnt/partages/videos MonCompte = Nom du compte que vous avez créé lors de la configuration de votre raspberry pi MonMdp = Mot de passe du compte que vous avez créé lors de la configuration de votre raspberry pi Nuid = valeur du l'uid trouvé grave à la commande id MonCompte Nguid = valeur du guid trouvé grave à la commande id MonCompte AdresseIpdeMonServeur = Adresse Ip de votre serveur (NAS, FreeBox, etc) qui contient vos répertoires partagés. Si vous avez l'erreur suivante : mount error 112 host is down C'est que la version de Samba de votre NAS est ancienne. Il faudra préciser sa version (option vers=x.x) et modifier votre commande mount comme suit : Exemple : sudo mount -t cifs -o user=MonCompte,password=MonMdp,uid=Nuid,gid=Nguid,vers=1.0 //AdresseIpdeMonServeur/videos /mnt/partages/videos En général, avec la version 1.0 cela marche - Contrôlez que votre montage s'est bien passé avant de passer à l'étape suivante. Pour ce faire, changez de répertoire vers votre points de montage. Par exemple. cd /mnt/partage/videos ls Si le montage s'est effectué correctement, vous devez obtenir la liste des vos fichiers/répertoires partagés sur votre serveur. - Répéter ce point pour chaque répertoire partagé que vos avez sur votre serveur. 6. Montage des répertoires au démarrage de votre Raspberry. Afin que vos répertoires se montent automatiquement au démarrage de votre Raspberry Pi, veuillez suivre les étapes suivantes : - Assurez vous que vous avez activé le démarrage du réseau avant le boot (Network at boot). - Changer de répertoire avec la commande cd Exemple : cd/home/MonRepetroire (ou Mon Repertoire correspond au nom du compte que vous avez créé lors de la configuration de votre raspberry pi) - Créer le fichier .smbcred avec la commande suivante : touch .smbcred - Editer votre fichier avec nano (par exemple) nano .smbcred Et entrez les informations suivantes : username=MonCompte password=MonMdp Puis quittez (combinaison de touches CTRL + X ) et sauvegarder votre fichier Pour mémoire : MonCompte = Nom du compte que vous avez créé lors de la configuration de votre raspberry pi MonMdp = Mot de passe du compte que vous avez créé lors de la configuration de votre raspberry pi - Rendez vous dans le réprtoire etc et faite une copie de sauvegarde de votre fichier fstab cd /etc sudo cp fstab fstab.sauv - Editez votre fichier fstab grace à nano et modifier votre fichier comme suit : Après les premières lignes déjà existantes (qui correspondent au montage de vos partitions) et avant la ligne # a swapfile is not a swap partition, no line here # use dphys-swapfile swap[on|off] for that Insérer pour chacun des points de montages que vous avez créé ( voir étape précédente ) la ligne suivante : Exemple pour le point de montage /mnt/partages/videos //AdresseIpdeMonServeur/videos /mnt/partages/videos cifs _netdev,users,auto,users,uid=Nuid,gid=Ngid,credentials=/home/pi/.smbcred 0 0 Si vous avez eu l'erreur dans le point précédent : mount error 112 host is down Renseigner l'option vers=x.x Exemple : //AdresseIpdeMonServeur/videos /mnt/partages/videos cifs _netdev,users,auto,users,uid=Nuid,gid=Ngid,vers=1.0,credentials=/home/pi/.smbcred 0 0 - Redémarrer votre Raspberry ( sudo reboot ) et vérifier que vos point de montage sont bien montés (voir point 5) 7. Configuration de vos Mediathèques. Pour que les films, séries, etc de vos médiathèque soient accessibles, vous devez les configurer configurer ainsi : Exemple pour la médiathèque films Comme vous pouvez le constater : Le chemin dossier fait référence à mon point de montage /mnt/partages/videos sur mon Rasperry Pi Vous devez renseigner obligatoirement le chemin UNC de votre dossier partagé sur votre serveur sinon, au mieux votre vidéo sera transcodée au pire, elle ne lira pas. 8. Mettre à jour Emby à la dernière version ( L'opération est simple puisqu'il vous suffit de télécharger et d'installer la dernière version grâce aux lignes de commandes suivantes : wget https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Emby.Releases/releases/download/ dpkg -i emby-server-deb_4.6.0.50_armhf.deb
  3. I'm creating an array of raspberry Pi's that are running theater. The two i've started with are both on brand new pi 4's with 2GB ram. The installs both work well, but the problem is that they both have the same Device ID. If they're both playing a song, the emby dashboard shows the same device, but flashing between the two songs. The activity log is showing both pi's playing songs. a call to /emby/sessions only returns one session, not both Is there a way to manually configure the Device ID in a config somewhere on the PI? It seems like, by default, they both have the device id raspberrypi.
  4. fearn2001

    Emby server not creating /var/lib/emby

    Using the guide here I backed up the files it said which included many from /var/lib/emby on my system. I wiped and reinstalled the os and followed the guide on restoring. When it came to setting up emby through the web interface it just paused and did nothing. So I uninstalled emby using my package manager and noticed it left /var/lib/emby untouched although it originally created it itself so I manually deleted it. When I installed the package again it did not create /var/lib/emby and the web interface appears to not be running. It's not creating a service that I can start or restart but systemctl has "emby-server@" and "emby-server@.service". When I enable through systemctl it seems to have no effect. I tried installing emby on another device and copying /var/lib/emby across but again it made no difference. How can I get emby working again? At this point restoring userdata is not a concern but I would like to get emby working without reinstalling the os again. The hardware is a raspberry pi 4b with 4gbs of ram and the os is the latest version of raspbian.
  5. kcranky

    Can't see server in VLC

    Hi I have Emby running alongside pihole on an installation of DietPi on a Raspberry Pi 3b+. Recently, I updated PiHole, the emby server and diet pi. Since then I have been unable to browse the DLNA server in VLC on my Windows 10 machine, which is what I've been doing to watch files the server can't transcode. I only want to access Emby on my local network, if that makes any difference.
  6. numbersix

    Optional Network Path Question

    I have Emby Server running on an RPi3, working well: the RPi3 is plugged right into my router the RPi3 has a static IP a 4TB external HDD is attached to the RPi3 via USB all is well My question is there any advantage to defining the "Optional Network Path" when I add my libraries? I've read the wiki, and it seems to be saying that setting an ONP when you add a library allows apps to bypass the Emby Server and access the files directly --- but when I access my Emby Server on Kodi, or the android app, I seem to have direct access to those files already. My questions are... What am I missing about how the ONP works? Does setting it at the time you add a library somehow make playing the media faster? Thanks!
  7. Hello, I currently run my emby server on a rasberry pi that is running the diet pi OS. When I go to my emby server dashboard it says I need to upgrade emby-server to 3.5, but when I run apt-get update or apt-get upgrade it says that emby-server is already at its newest verson... Is there no package for diet pi at the moment for version 3.5? I know that it was migrated from mono to dot net core, so I'm wondering if I need to do a clean install in order to upgrade to the newest verson.
  8. Hi, Using the pause button on my tv remote to pause a movie and then going to make a coffee, when I came back I couldn't get away from the paused still image (a very angry looking ben stiller), the only way I could sort was to power down the Pi and start it up again to resume. I still need to see if this is the case when pausing using a mouse rather than the remote control. Watching a 4:3 programme and doing the same thing, pause with the tv remote and leave for a bit then attempt to escape using the 'return' button on the remote or the 'esc' key, I could then see the Emby Theater in the background to the sides of the 4:3 video border but the video was locked in pause, laying over the top of the app. I couldn't figure out a way to get it go other than to exit the app by clicking the exposed 'x' in the corner. Not sure if there's enough there to investigate or if anyone else has had the same problem, couldn't see it on a short search in the forum. Cheers
  9. Hi, I looked all the way through the big Emby Theater thread and there's a couple of posts mentioning how to autostart Emby Theater on boot up of a Raspberry Pi. I've tried a couple of these methods and also some other methods found searching the internet but I'm not having any joy at the moment - does anyone have a preferably fool proof or best way to get this setup? I'm running the latest version (3.0.3). Close to trying the full Emby Pi image but I have a few other things already on the Pi that i'd have to re-add and configure again which I'd prefer not to. Thanks!
  10. Hi, are there any workarounds to the black screen that shows in Emby Theater running on a Raspberry Pi when the OSD shows on pause, play, any mouse movement etc? From another thread I read about some transparency issues on the Pi as the reason for it, maybe someone has discovered a way around it or something to install to fix it? It would improve the viewing experience considerably I think. An alternative would be a way to dismiss the OSD straight away, I've tried the back button using a mouse or the Return button on my remote but both take me back to the movie details page so instead for now I skip back 15 seconds and then wait for it to disappear. I have also noticed a slight jump in playback and audio when the OSD does disappear, not certain why that is.
  11. hurricanehrndz

    ARM devices official instructions

    Instructions can be found on the Emby website: https://emby.media/download Our linux packages support ARM, as well as our Docker installation.
  12. Hi all :-) I'm a new user, trying to setup my Emby + Kodi environment. I've issues in library setup, during the "path substitution" phase, now integrated with library folders. The issue is that Emby "shared network folder" field seems to accept only UNC paths (\\server\share...), so any linux client tries to access the share via Samba instead of using NFS. My NAS exports shares both via SMB and NFS, but since I'm using some RaspberryPi as Kodi front-ends (OSMC distribution), I want to avoid using Samba, since it has an overhead on CPU. The only way I've find to end the library setup is by using UNC paths, but of course all clients try to access the share via Samba. Example, from kodi log: I've already tried to search for a solution on wiki and forum, but I've seen only threads (eg. https://emby.media/community/index.php?/forum/116-linux/)without solutions to get NFS works with Emby. It seems that it was supported without problem in the previous "path substitution" way: https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/24109-no-playback-with-beta-add-on/?p=235928 Is there any solution or workaround (even by edit manually some config file...) to pass to clients an NFS path instead of UNC, with the new library setup procedure? Thank you in advance. Bye, Edoardo
  13. ivoidwarranties

    New Emby UWP and Windows 10 IoT?

    Anyone up for the challenge of trying to get this to work on a Raspberry Pi 3 and Windows 10 IoT
  14. rowdybeans

    Can't do initial library scan OSMC Kodi

    I have a ubuntu 15.10 vm running on esxi which is running emby. When I try and get my raspberry pi 2 running osmc to sync it fails and reboots itself. I did notice an issue with some of the files not looking at the right destination, they were looking for /mnt/media. I have mounted my synology nfs shares to the ubuntu vm. They have a path of mnt/media. I have set path substitution to nfs:// I have attached the logs from the emby server. Not sure where else to test? I posted this originally in the wrong forum. Log.txt
  15. I didn't find any correct Dockerfile or instructions on how to install Emby on top of armhf architecture so I had to combine some of them and as a result here is working Emby Docker image - https://hub.docker.com/r/kayrus/emby/ I've tested it on my Cubietruck with Debian Wheezy and Linux kernel which supports Docker (>=3.6). For example Armbian for Cubietruck has Linux kernel v4.2.3. In any case even if you don't have Docker you can try to install Emby just following Dockerfile manually. What doesn't work: direct play for all my h.264 MKV videos using web browser (for example direct play of the same videos works perfectly on Plex - https://hub.docker.com/r/kayrus/plex/). I don't know how can I force Emby to disable transcoding for MKV, but it works and it is really slow. Direct play of the h.264 inside the MP4 container works fine. Details on this image: I had to cross-compile ffmpeg, libvidstab1.0 and libx265-59 packages from this PPA repo: https://launchpad.net/~mc3man/+archive/ubuntu/trusty-media/+packages. These packages are available inside the image in /tmp/deb directory. You can compile them yourself using armv7/armhf-ubuntu:14.04.3 Docker image if you wish. Here are basic instructions: Enable multiverse repo: deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty main restricted universe multiverse deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty-backports main restricted universe multiverse deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty-security main restricted universe multiverse apt-get install build-essential autoconf libasound2-dev libass-dev libbz2-dev libfdk-aac-dev libfreetype6-dev libmp3lame-dev libopencore-amrnb-dev libopencore-amrwb-dev libopus-dev libpulse-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsoxr-dev libspeex-dev libtheora-dev libva-dev libvdpau-dev libvo-aacenc-dev libvorbis-dev libx11-dev libx264-dev libxext-dev libxfixes-dev libxcb-shm0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev libxvidcore-dev libxvmc-dev texi2html zlib1g-dev cmake python-sphinx debhelper libgsm1-dev libiec61883-dev libavc1394-dev libjack-jackd2-dev liblzma-dev libmodplug-dev libopenal-dev libopenjpeg-dev librtmp-dev libschroedinger-dev libsctp-dev libshine-dev libsnappy-dev libtwolame-dev libvo-amrwbenc-dev libvpx-dev libwavpack-dev libwebp-dev libzmq3-dev libzvbi-dev texinfo yasm cleancss doxygen node-less Build instructions: * dpkg-sorce -x package_name.dsc * cd package_name && dpkg-buildpackage -b * install missed dependencies if necessary build x265 package from wily sources: http://packages.ubuntu.com/wily/x265 build libstab from https://launchpad.net/~mc3man/+archive/ubuntu/trusty-media/+packages sources: https://launchpad.net/~mc3man/+archive/ubuntu/trusty-media/+sourcepub/5273238/+listing-archive-extra dpkg -i libx265-dev_1.7-4_armhf.deb libx265-59_1.7-4_armhf.deb libvidstab1.0_1.0~trusty1.3_armhf.deb libvidstab-dev_1.0~trusty1.3_armhf.deb Then download ffmpeg and compile: https://launchpad.net/~mc3man/+archive/ubuntu/trusty-media/+sourcepub/5734739/+listing-archive-extra Install packages: dpkg -i libx265-59_1.7-4_armhf.deb libvidstab1.0_1.0~trusty1.3_armhf.deb ffmpeg_2.8.3+git1~trusty1_armhf.deb || apt-get install -fy Image size is approximately 315Mb. Mono takes lot of space. You can also find example Systemd unit file on image description page.
  16. Hi! TLDR: Good news: Emby-Server on Rpi2! Bad news: Frequent crashes! Also: Me no understand because of Noob. Been reading up on Emby and thought I might try it on my Raspberry Pi 2 running debian (Well, running OSMC which is based off of Debian Jessie). Easier said than done! I couldn't really find anyone who'd been successful at it, but what the hell! Over at the OSMC forums me and one of the support guys from OSMC played around with it: https://discourse.osmc.tv/t/emby-server-osmc-on-rpi2/6274/ This morning I finally got it working by following the manual installation instructions for linux. Mediainfo was installed already (through apt-get) mono, imagemagick and sqlite3 were installed through aptitude, being careful so as to not accept any solutions that cancelled one of the others out (this was especially tricky with mono). Ffmpeg was built from source (which took ages and ages on the rpi2): sudo aptitude remove ffmpeg cd /usr/src sudo mkdir ffmpeg sudo chown `whoami`:users ffmpeg git clone git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git ffmpeg cd ffmpeg ./configure make sudo make install and then I changed the config files accordingly and ran with mono MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe -ffmpeg “/usr/src/ffmpeg/ffmpeg” -ffprobe “/usr/src/ffmpeg/ffprobe” Finally it was alive! It throws a few errors during startup: Info, ImageMagick, ImageMagick version: ImageMagick 6.8.9-9 Q16 arm 2015-01-05 http://www.imagemagick.org Error, ImageMagick, Error loading webp: *** Error Report *** Version: 3.0.5675.1 Command line: /opt/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe -ffmpeg “/usr/src/ffmpeg/ffmpeg” -ffprobe “/usr/src/ffmpeg/ffprobe” Operating system: Unix Processor count: 4 64-Bit OS: False 64-Bit Process: False Program data path: /opt/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server Mono: 3.2.8 (Debian 3.2.8+dfsg-10) Application Path: /opt/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe delegate failed `"cwebp" -quiet -q %Q "%i" -o "%o"' @ error/delegate.c/InvokeDelegate/1310 ImageMagickSharp.WandException at ImageMagickSharp.WandCore`1[ImageMagickSharp.MagickWand].CheckError (Boolean status) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ImageMagickSharp.MagickWand.SaveImage (System.String path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Emby.Drawing.ImageMagick.ImageMagickEncoder.TestWebp () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 and Error, HttpServer, Exception loading certificate: /opt/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server/ssl/cert_9c31b7884ea5475c8687970fc5996297.pfx *** Error Report *** Version: 3.0.5675.1 Command line: /opt/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe -ffmpeg “/usr/src/ffmpeg/ffmpeg” -ffprobe “/usr/src/ffmpeg/ffprobe” Operating system: Unix Processor count: 4 64-Bit OS: False 64-Bit Process: False Program data path: /opt/MediaBrowser/ProgramData-Server Mono: 3.2.8 (Debian 3.2.8+dfsg-10) Application Path: /opt/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe Input data cannot be coded as a valid certificate. System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException at Mono.Security.X509.X509Certificate.Parse (System.Byte[] data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Mono.Security.X509.X509Certificate..ctor (System.Byte[] data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2.Import (System.Byte[] rawData, System.String password, X509KeyStorageFlags keyStorageFlags) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2.Import (System.String fileName, System.String password, X509KeyStorageFlags keyStorageFlags) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2..ctor (System.String fileName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at SocketHttpListener.Net.EndPointListener.LoadCertificateAndKey (System.Net.IPAddress addr, Int32 port, System.String certificateLocation) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 InnerException: System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException Input data cannot be coded as a valid certificate. at Mono.Security.X509.X509Certificate.Parse (System.Byte[] data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 But starts and the web-ui seems snappy enough, I can play around with settings etc for a few minutes but then it consistently crashes. Maximum it reaches about 29% of the media library scan. The error messages vary slightly but they all look sort of like this: UnhandledExceptionThe task has already completed System.InvalidOperationException at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Persistence.SqliteItemRepository+<UpdatePeople>d__3c.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at (wrapper unbox) MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Persistence.SqliteItemRepository/<UpdatePeople>d__3c:MoveNext () at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaiterActionContinuation.Execute () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ProcessCompleteDelegates () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.TpScheduler.TaskExecuterCallback (System.Object obj) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Shutting down finalizer thread timed out. Segmentation fault oh and the media library is pointed to a mounted network share (through FStab) I literally have no idea where to go from here, I'm totally new to linux and atm I just feel I've hit a dead end. Has anyone got any suggestions where to go from here? EDIT: Changed command to sudo mono MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe -ffmpeg “/usr/local/share/man/man1/ffmpeg.1” -ffprobe “/usr/local/share/man/man1/ffprobe.1” To see if a) sudo would help not to run from source directory but installation directory. Checking the logs I get a whole lot of errors regarding ffprobe "error starting ffprobe" and "error in ffprobe". I enabled debug logging, dunno if that's why I got a more detailed shell output but the latest crash reads: UnhandledException The task has already completed System.InvalidOperationException at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Persistence.SqliteItemRepository+<UpdatePeople>d__3c.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at (wrapper unbox) MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Persistence.SqliteItemRepository/<UpdatePeople>d__3c:MoveNext () at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaiterActionContinuation.Execute () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ProcessCompleteDelegates () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.TpScheduler.TaskExecuterCallback (System.Object obj) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Shutting down finalizer thread timed out. Stacktrace: Native stacktrace: Debug info from gdb: ================================================================= Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries used by your application. =================================================================
  17. runtimesandbox

    A few questions for emby / kodi on a PI

    Hi all, I'm new to emby but after a few days testing it am in love. So simple and the biggest plus for me was the meta data manager. I have been using xbmc / kodi on a couple of raspberry pi2 for a few years running raspbmc / OSMC. My current setup is using multiple user accounts and a mysql database to sync them all together. This is a pain as I have a separate database for each user and when a tv show or film is not detected correctly is just a unnecessary hassle trying to correct it. I want to use the kodi addon to replace the mysql database but have a few questions and things i need to get my head round first. First is user accounts. Currently I have multiple users setup. You turn the TV on and the pi is sitting there at a user selection screen. With the emby addon would I continue to use multiple users and setup the emby addon with each user on the emby server? (I believe this to be the case, just checking). Following on from this, the way I believe the plugin works is being creating a copy of the database locally and syncing all changes? As i have quite a large database this takes up a few GB/s on the emby server. Will this take up the same amount of space on the kodi device? If this is the case, is it one database per user (ie multiple copies of the synced database or one shared between the users?) Final question, after installing the plugin and looking through the settings I see that it uses smb or there is an option for http streaming. Can someone explain to me abit more about these (is http streaming for only if you are using kodi outside your network)? My emby server runs on linux and all the media is stored on a seperate NAS. Is it possible to bypass streaming it from the server and get it directly from the nas (i think I saw an option for this) but via NFS instead of samba. NFS is much much more efficient on the pi than samba. I didnt see an option in the settings at all for NFS. If it is possible, do I need to add my media folders to kodi as normal then choose use local source? Hope this all makes sense, looking forward to moving completely over the emby!
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