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  1. Hey, I'm trying to convert to Emby Live TV (away from my rip off cable provider) but I'm having an issue with recording. When I record a program and come back hours later to watch it, sometimes it has only recorded 2,3,10,15, etc, minutes of the show. I have made sure to try it without recording or watching anything else as I think my IPTV provider only supplies one connection. Also, sometimes I am watching a channel and Emby randomly drops out and returns back to the TV guide. I don't know if this is an error on the provider's end, a bug with the app on my Android TV, or a transcoding/server error. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
  2. In Emby I have multiple local users set up. I've already set up tv and movie libraries per user. I came over from Plex and like that Emby allows each user the ability to record. However I am not seeing any options for choosing the recording folder for each user. How can I do this? My server is on Windows 10 Pro but the clients in use are Rokus, Fire TV, iOS and android mobile devices.
  3. I'm on the latest BETA on Window 10. From several different clients, I am struggling on how to stop watching a program that is currently recording and resume it on another device. What would be nice, is that Emby would remember where I stopped on device 1 and the resume it on device 2 at that point. This does work on media that's in your library, but not for programs that you are watching while it's recording. I've tried it on the iOS/iPhone, Roku BETA, Emby Theater (Electron) and they will not resume. So, what I've resolved to try and do it observe the timestamp where I left off, go to the next device and fast forward to that point. But, that doesn't work well either. Seems you have to wait until the buffer fills up to that point before you can advance to the position I want. All the clients take forever to buffer up. It's take about 30 minutes to get to the 1 hour point, for example. Not very practical. Since it's a recording, the clients should know the total length of the recording, how much has bee recorded already and allow seeking within the recorded portion. So, I'm I doing something wrong? Is this a reasonable expectation for how watching while recording should work? The recording device is a HDHR Prime. Most channels are H264, some are MPEG2. Doesn't really matter, neither work.
  4. kevlar2010

    Multi-User DVR...

    So, I know Emby already has some multi-user settings and such, but one that would be useful to me is in the arena of recordings. I have multiple people who record shows in the house and for the most part, I don't care to see their recordings and they don't care to see mine. I would like to see an option to have recordings be user aware. For example... User one records "The Big Bang Theory" User two records "The Cool Kids" Users one and two both record "New Amsterdam" User One would see "The Big Bang Theory" and "New Amsterdam", but not "The Cool Kids". User Two would see "The Cool Kids" and "New Amsterdam", but not "The Big Bang Theory". "New Amsterdam" would only be recorded once using one tuner as the system would recognize them as the same. Now, User One watches "New Amsterdam" and then deletes it. They would no longer see it, but the file would remain on disk and would remain in User Two's list of recorded shows. User Two watches it, then deletes it. Now it is gone from both users recorded show lists, and because there are no references to the file on disk, it is now deleted as well. I'm sure this adds complexity to managing recordings and conflicts, but I think it would be useful.
  5. Hi, when using the Emby LiveTV section or the menu item "MediaPortal Recordings" to watch my recordings, emby always starts to transcode the recorded file. When navigating to the folder that contains all my recordings (which is a subfolder of a share that is from library type "Home-Videos and Photos") and selecting a file/recording, the TS File is played directly without any transcoding procceses. So... the same file is being transcoded when starting it from the LiveTV section or the menu item "MediaPortal Recordings" and is otherwise played directly (which is correct) when clicking on the file in the folder of my library :-( ?!? Is there any reason for this? Greetz
  6. Hi all, I have been using the Emby DVR with Schedules Direct listings for a few weeks now. All has been working well until I found a series I had set to record appears not to be scheduling or recording new episodes. Is there a log I can check to determine why the new episodes are not recording? As far as the UI goes, I can see the series recording icon in next weeks listing and the episode is definitely new but here is no icon indicating the episode itself will record, nothing in the Scheduled list and nothing in the Series scheduled list. The episodes from previous weeks did record correctly.
  7. Hi, I missed a movie on TV recently, and it's likely to be re-run at some point. However, I can "only" search for keywords in current tv guide. It could be cool if I could create a "wish list", which Emby scanned for when updating guide info. Then there could be a push message, pop-up, email, icon, or other way of notifying the user that a keyword on his/her search list has come up. Thanks - Jennice
  8. I have LiveTV set up and it has been working fine for a little while using my Hauppage tuner and EPG via Schedules Direct. This last week or so, I have noticed that some of the programmes I was expecting to record haven't been and I want to interrogate the server to find out why. The logs are so huge, it takes an age to determine what I may be looking for Is there something that I am missing that will tell me when such events are/not triggered and occur? I was expecting something under 'Recent Activity' or similar
  9. Currently, if you watch an in progress recording, reach the point to where it’s live, and then you exit out of the recording, it will be considered as watched. Would it be possible to only set as watched when you reach the in progress program’s end time, rather than the end of what’s currently recorded? That way, you can come back to a recording you’ve only had the chance to watch the first 15 minutes of, and resume right where you left off. Not only that, but if you can show the proper duration of the show in the player, you would be able to tell how far along a show has been recorded while watching, and know when you’ve reached the point to where it’s live.
  10. Hey everyone. New to EMBY everything has been good so far happy Premier user. Just getting into the details of setting up Live TV-Recordings and noticed or possibly missed a way to search the guide for shows to record. Did a search and found a thread from 2014 saying it's coming so i'm hoping it's just something I am overlooking. I am moving from KODI/NEXTPVR as our LiveTV and PVR setup to EMBY "hopefully as a complete solution". Is there a way to search for shows in the 14 day schedule and set new episodes of those shows to record? If there is no option in the EMBY LIVETV/DVR is there a way to use NEXTPVR as the backend like i was with KODI and just use EMBY as the front end to watch and schedule through the NEXTPVR backend? Also is the NEXTPVR plugin preferred by most to the Emby side or was it just available first?
  11. Hi all, Can different users have their own recorded tv folders on the Emby server? For me, it seems to end up in one big pool of recordings. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, or it's not implemented (for the with list)? Regards, Jennice
  12. I've been watching live TV using the Emby App on my Kindle Fire HD 8. I have an HDHomeRun Prime 3-tuner network tuner. (I was not knowingly trying to record live TV while watching a program on the tablet.) I cannot find a clean or obvious way to close the Emby App and automatically release the tuner on the fire tablet. When I finish watching a program on live TV, I exit the app, go to the main screen, then I show recent apps. Emby appears as a recent App and I close the App. However, this does not release the tuner. I suspect that the tuner continues to send content to my Emby Server system disk until the disk is almost full, or until the Emby Server is stopped and restarted. A few days ago I received a notification that the system disk on my Emby server machine was almost full. Approximately 20 gigs of unwanted streaming video had apparently accumulated somewhere on the system disk. I rebooted the desktop computer (which automatically shutdown and restarted the Emby server). Ths released the HdHomerun Tuner that would not reset. The missing free space reappeared shortly after I rebooted. I looked for help in the MediaBrowser Wiki (under Live TV) and read that the network tuner status could be viewed by opening the server Dashboard and navigating to Live TV. There is also supposed to be a button to "reset the tuner for troubleshooting." The tuners are present on my server Dashboard but the tuner reset button is not. (See attached MediaBrowser Wiki.JPG) My Live TV status looks like the second attached file (Tuner Status.JPG). I know that log files are normally a prerequisite for troubleshooting a problem. However, I'm not sure there is a way to enable debugging on the Fire TV Emby App, and I'm not sure which log files on the Emby server would be helpful.
  13. Hi there, I signed up for Emby premiere last weekend and am enjoying the live tv recording functionality, but when I try to record a show from a remote connection, I'm met with a "Get Emby Premiere" banner on the recording screen. In the dashboard under Users, I have only one user and it's tied to my Emby account user name (confirmed through email). The settings were left default, which includes allowing live tv recording management. Any ideas as to how to troubleshoot this? Thanks.
  14. The last few recordings don't release the tuner or perhaps they don't stop recording when they're supposed. to. This is the 3rd time I've noticed this happening Latest examples -"The Gifted" was supposed to record Mondays from 8-9pm but the dashboard still shows an active recording for last night's (11/6/17) recording -"Crossover" was supposed to record today from 11am-1pm and as of writing this, it is 1:36pm but it still shows that its actively recording As of 1:37pm, i have manually cancelled the "Crossover" recording but i can't cancel "The Gifted" recording (just keep getting a spinning wheel) Since i'm not able to stop the "Crossover" recording that's still active, this recording is still live and taking up a tuner unnecessarily record-transcode 11-6-17 (8pm).txt record-transcode 11-7-17 (1059am).txt server log 11-7-17 (12am).txt server log 11-7-17 (155pm).txt
  15. monkeyslapper

    IPTV Live Recording naming scheme

    IPTV / M3U recording seems to be GREAT! So far. Installation is pretty straight forward. Adding the guide is pretty simple as well. What I am having problems is not really the recording. But i am having problems on the naming of the video. It shows the title of the of the recording great. But its not adding the episode or season or even the original air date. this is what I am getting for the current naming " Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs_20170912_14051430 " I am not sure sure the of the whole naming then the first part is the current recorded date. I am sure that it may have something to do with the XML guide. And i have tried using what is given and tried using zap2it for guide as well. Anything else you can recommend that works with what i am looking for? Thanks
  16. Using Emby Apps on Android (regular and for Android TV), web interface (chrome and explorer) but cannot save series recording settings for Live TV. Dialog box will open. Can change the choices. No save button and back button does not maintain changes. One of the android apps has a save button, but does not save the changes. Running Emby server on Windows PC with nextPVR plugin for Ceton tuner with cableCARD. Would really like to use the save only one recording option. Also the time and channel limitation option would be nice. I record news shows on Sunday morning. Meet the Press airs 3 times on Sunday and again on Monday morning. Emby records all four regardless of how I try to set the series options. You can go into the Scheduled recordings page and delete the individual instances manually. I record Chris Matthews daily. I must delete every episode manually because the keep only 1 episode option cant be set/saved. I love the system. I love what you guys do. Just wanting to point out what seems to be a coding bug which will not allow functional options to be utilized. Thanks again for all of your great work.
  17. I have been experiencing multiple issues over the past few months and I think they are all related to each other: - Recordings don't fire, logs says that the timer fired but that it was too late - Recordings are stuck at "Active Recordings" - Recordings that don't leave a trace and just don't seem to be doing anything - Live TV not working (I get the spinning circle but no transcoding on the server is done and nothing streams) This morning I looked at the status of multiple schedules I had done. All of them (8 in total) have failed. Despite having the option to automatically transcode, there is not even a trace of ffmpeg launching and the log file has very sparse on details for what could have gone wrong. I have 2 sources for streams: an old HDHomeRun and NextPVR (through m3u), so my first thought was that both were failing to return a proper stream. So I connected to the same URL that emby uses for NextPVR and got an actual stream. Next I tried getting the same stream from Emby by clicking on "Play" for that channel. I was greeted with an endless spinning circle and no stream at all. This is saddening... @@Luke, sorry for tagging you again on this. How can I send the logs so they don't show up in public? I have a google drive link (anyone with link can open) but don't want to post it directly on the board since I don't want to post logs that show personal data.
  18. FordGT90Concept

    MacGyver not recording

    So, there's two MacGyvers, one from the 1985 and one that is new now. I think if there was a timer to record the 1985 version, it refuses to record the new version because the title of the series matches yet the episode and series numbers are generally the same. Symptom: -"Record Series" on MacGyver episodes that say "new." -It immediately says it will not record because of series settings. Workaround: -I *moved* the original MacGyver folder so Emby can't find it and then ran the "Clean Database" task. I think the year needs to figure into this somehow and it isn't currently. I should have a MacGyver (1985) and MacGyver (2016) folders. The database should reflect that so they don't conflict. A conflict between the two is the only logical explanation I have why this show will uniquely not record.
  19. speedingcheetah

    Only recording first 6 min

    I have had a few scheduled shows now over the last few days only record the first 6 min of the show then stop. I have Emby set to start record 3 min before and 3 min after program...but it is only recording the first 6 min. The last lines in the record transcode log is: frame=21501 fps= 61 q=-1.0 size= 155371kB time=00:05:59.95 bitrate=3536.0kbits/s speed=1.02x [mpegts @ 00000000024f30c0] PES packet size mismatch The each of the recordings that this happened to, all from different hd channels, they stop exactly at 00:05:59.95 form start time. It may be related to overlapping scheduled recordings. Like tonight, i was recording one show then the that aired next right after it on the same channel. The first show recorded fine and in full, but the second only 6 min. The HDHomeRun Prime i have has 3 tuners and i have successfully recorded multiple and back to back shows fine before. Attached Transcode log and 2 server logs. Transcode log.txt server log.txt Server log 2.txt
  20. This is something I noticed for a long time (many months) and it seems to be unique to the Android TV app. What basically happens: -start live TV or a recording -it plays for a second or two -it pauses for a second or two -it plays as normal I've seen this behavior on SHIELD and Amlogic S905, and Amlogic S905X boxes. Possible cause: ffmpeg remux?
  21. wkellyo

    FFW - Commercial Skip Request

    You guys really have quite a good thing going with Emby on a Roku, Killer work! I pay for the premium services as well. Schedules Direct for Guide Data, I'm Using Emby Plugin on a FreeNAS-9.10.2-U2 10TB, 32GB ECC Ram as my backend - playing On a Roku Ultra 4K (updated to latest Roku updates) to a Visio non smart TV. For my media source, I have three Silicondust Connects HDHR4-2US tied to three CM4228 HD antennas on top a 100' Rohn 25G tower each aimed in different directions, closest TX is 60 miles, farthest is 90 miles. Needless to say it's quite a setup to get working. But, it works very well and Emby on Roku was the answer to using the SD tuners with a DVR setup that is "Wife Friendly" if you know what I mean! We get 53 Channels most days. The only thing I would like to see improvement on IF possible, is the method to FFW through recorded TV. Our old Dish RX would Jump forward 30 sec with each press forward and 10 seconds on the back. it was perfect for jumping through TV commercials. The way the Roku fast forwards until stopped is a hit and miss trying to find a point. the arrows forward and back are a bit better and seem to jump about 15 seconds each direction. Years ago, I ran a system called "Beyond TV 4.0" that somehow during recording could detect commercials (mostly) and created an XML file with "pointers" which allowed to jump through an entire commercial. It worked about 85% of the time. It was great until they sold out and stopped developing it. Keep up the great work guys and please don't change the TV guide layout when in Guide view. It's perfect! Skipping commercials on recordings, Help me out and I'll be a longtime customer! Cheers! Kelly
  22. Hi folks, Quick question: in the web access to Emby Server, is there a Live TV recording history anywhere? I'm looking for something that gives the last few weeks worth of scheduled recordings and some indication of success/fail. Thanks Marc
  23. sle118

    Recording conflict/reporting?

    Would it be possible to get better reporting on missed/failed recordings? for example the schedule page could display them with a visual clue on success or failure? Also, it would be good that the scheduler give some feedback if there is a recording conflict during creation of a schedule as well as in the schedule page! thank you!
  24. Setup: - Live TV m3u HDHR3-US network dual tuner - Live TV NextPVR plugin connected to a different computer on the network (1gbps link) - Emby Beta Problem: - Recordings start but end prematurely - Mostly with the NextPVR plugin -- I'm going to check the logs on on NextPVR to see if anything unusual happened - Recordings fail to start and the following error is thrown *** Error Report *** Version: Command line: C:\Users\media\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\System\MediaBrowser.ServerApplication.exe Operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 64-Bit OS: True 64-Bit Process: True Processor count: 8 Program data path: C:\Users\media\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server Application directory: C:\Users\media\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\System System.NotImplementedException: La méthode ou l'opération n'est pas implémentée. à Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.EmbyTV.EmbyTV.<GetChannelStreamMediaSources>d__89.MoveNext() I have shared the full logs with @@Luke in private to hide potentially sensitive data from the general public.
  25. speedingcheetah

    Recoding gone crazy

    Updated to this morning. Show that was set to record failed to record. Went nuts. There Are several files in the recording folder. Several logs of the same thing from the transcode....all form the same minute in time....like it tried to start recording several times but failed. Output looks similar to another thread posted here. Edit: Reverted Server to Recording works fine. No issues. So.....must be something in the update that is borked. Logserver.txt Logtrans.txt
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