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  1. Starting yesterday, my Emby Classic running on Windows 8 Media Center was missing some movie cover images. When attempting to open the movie missing the covers, Emby Classic hung. Had to close Media Center to gain control of the computer again. Later I found out that the Emby server (running on different hardware) was crashing each time I did this. I would have to force quit the Emby Server and restart it. Emby seems to work fine from every other app and the website. I am able to repeat the issue any time by using Emby Classic for WMC for anything so it has become worthless. I am able to use Emby Theater from the same PC without issue. I do not have an option to test Emby Classic from another PC as I do not have another Media Center PC. I have uninstalled Emby Classic and removed the programdata folder associated with it however the same issue exist after new install. I have even tried to use the Emby Classic beta but the same issue exists. I have removed the Emby Server Cache folder to make it recompile all new cache, same issue still. I am thankful that Emby theater works great but I REALLY like using Classic more as it seems to have better eye candy and smoother transitions. Is anyone else having similar issues lately? Is there a way to completely remove Emby Classic and start completely over? Any direction is appreciated. Thanks Randy
  2. Hi there I’ve spent a few hours going through the forum looking for answers but haven’t found a solution that works. What makes it all the more difficult is that due to MediaBroswer/Emby changing so rapidly over the last few years, what was true once is not necessarily true today. Settings you found on one page a couple of years ago have disappeared or moved to other pages making the forum help posts obsolete quite quickly. I looked for a current manual/user-guide/wiki that deals with my issue but had no luck. On to my question – I have limited bandwidth so it’s very costly for me to download people images every time I migrate to a new computer or do a clean install. Moreover, I have tweaked my image library choosing in many cases actor images that I like. In the old days, I simply copied my saved imagesbyname folder over to the new install. That was handy and simple. Unfortunately it seems no longer possible. I have tried to copy my alphabetized folder now into programdata/metadata/people. I have tried both enabling and disabling Library-Folder option ‘Save artwork and metadata into media folders’. But still my old images are not being used nor are the refreshly downloaded images via refresh metadata being stored there. After much investigating, I found that all the new photos were being saved in programdata-cache-images-resized-images with some nonsensical naming structure. In a nutshell: 1. How can I get Emby to use my previously saved people images? Currently, it’s not looking for them in programdata/metadata/people. 2. How can I get Emby to save new people photos in programdata/metadata/people? This is where I want them for future migrations and fresh installs. I’ve spent hours on this to no avail and would be grateful for a clear comprehensive answer. Thanks to anyone who can help. Windows 10 Emby Server
  3. Hi, I just noticed today while browsing emby (the webapp), The aspect ratios aren't maintained for some cast images. For example, In the movie American Made, there is a member of the cast Jesse Plemons, his pic seems to be squeezed horizontally, making it look a bit weird. The exact pic in question can be found here for your testing, https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/4fdE4D8e2DEtFL4QgdorQOAI9RT.jpg I have narrowed down the issue to, https://github.com/MediaBrowser/emby-webcomponents/blob/master/cardbuilder/card.css#L277 Changing background-size to 'cover' seems to have solved the problem, and from my testing there doesn't seem to be any negative effect to the other images. I hope that helps you figure it out. Thanks,
  4. i'm wondering if i'm missing something or if this feature is working as intended. does the "replace all metadata" with "replace existing images" selected also refresh metadata and images on items marked as "lock this item from future changes" ? my goal is to set some movies to have custom poster images and/or custom sort titles, lock them, and still be able to refresh the rest of the library, but right now my custom selections are getting wiped out. how do i set my server to really and truly lock metadata and/or images on an item?
  5. I have several images missing on my server because the path to the drive where they were stored is no longer valid. I've tried to update these images, but every time I click edit to change the image, Emby just spins, and then the server and even linux just crashes. Is there a way I can update or delete these missing image paths? (Sorry if this is a duplicate post. The first one doesn't seem to be here.) Thanks.
  6. Hi! This is simple to explain, so when I sync some music keeping the "original" bitrate the cover images show in my favorite android player, but when I need to do transconding changing the bitrate (FLAC size is the reason) the cover images don't keeping into the file sadly :'( Is possible improve this? Thanks in advance.
  7. the1legend

    Emby Collection Images

    Hi all, I have made a collection image template for the movie collection section of Emby. I have also uploaded all of my current collection images to dropbox. While I like the collection section, it looks terrible (not Emby's fault of course) with all the different styles and with most of them just having a cover with the word collection under the title. I just wanted something a bit cleaner. Have a look and download all of them if you like. The template is called "Emby Collection Template V2.psd" if your looking to add your own or change it up a bit. The Emby logo is blue because I use a blue theme. Link to the covers: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9qi06fvj094lsez/AAB-1MDvGNjsYNXYjIGrE1-Da?dl=0 Here is what is looks like.
  8. naeyaert

    Emby Theatre Tiles Missing

    Hello Emby I started to notice something weird over the past few weeks with tiles on my home screen missing on each library. The weird thing is, the missing tile is always the 4th image from the left. I have uploaded two screen shots of my setup, one on the "MY Movies" screen and one on "KIDS Movies" which shows the missing tiles in the yellow outline. It is ALWAYS the 4th tile on the screen. When I select the movie and the exit out, the image loads fine. It's almost like I need to refresh just that image on the 4th movie. Can you please let me know how to fix this as it's slightly annoying having to refresh the image to see what the movie is. Many thanks for your help in advance. Rob
  9. Hello, is there an easy way to find the path to the chapter images, to download them. THX bkh
  10. swhitmore

    Live TV Image Fetching

    Now that Emby is starting to support Tuners more natively, would it be possible for Emby to also fetch images natively? With the new Hauppauge support (which is great btw, thank you), I'm not able to grab images for the videos. Since Emby is already amazing at fetching images, would it be possible to extend this to Live TV?
  11. I just installed Emby on a Windows system and added several libraries. Somehow one of the libraries received an auto-generated a poster (or primary) image with a tile of several movie posters. It was very nice, but I have no idea why this happened only to one library. Is there a way to do it for all libraries (I can re-create them if needed). Also, is there a way to generate poster images for videos that are not movies, TV series, etc? Like, say, home videos or custom tutorials? It generates a poster for each file (I assume from some random video file snapshot), but how do I get them for the series or seasons? Thanks.
  12. Hi, I have just done a complete fresh install using the latest emby server (3.2.27) on Windows 10. Some of the Live TV logos look corrupted (see attached). All the logos are .png format and appear fine when viewing them standalone or in Kodi. The TV backend is DVBLink. Hope someone can help. Thanks!
  13. Hi, I've just done a complete fresh install of Emby server (also switched from Linux to Windows) and I'm having the same problem as before with Live TV images and a new one that has cropped up. Firstly The images being displayed on the home screen and in the Live TV section are wrong. Secondly for the channel logos, white space is being cut off form the images causing the aspect ratio to be different. See screenshots for examples of both problems. I'm running on Windows 10 Pro with DVBLink as my TV backend. Hope someone can help!
  14. chattojimnow

    Dynamic Image creation

    Is there a thought of recreating the dynamic images in scheduled list, when desired? Ill add it to feature request but if its on development list no point repeating it.. Also is there a chance or section ppl could add to the site to share icons images and tv icons etc.... i guess such as the gif section thats been created
  15. Hi guys, I've got an issue with my meta data. I've added a load of new TV shows and it is not pulling the images or making the screen grabs. The last time it happened it was an extension in chrome blocking the images from loading on the External ID's but I've checked them for all the TV shows i'm having issues with and they are all there. Take the screenshot I've attached for example it's done them for a couple but not all of them, some TV shows it's not done any for. Please help, I've also attached the LOG file in case anyone needs it to determine what is going wrong. Log.txt
  16. karunakaruna

    Images/Screenshots for Movies?

    Hi there, Sincere apologies if this has been addressed elsewhere, and I have not been able to find it! I'm running a very vanilla install of the latest EMBY server on windows. I'm trying to achieve something very simple, I would like to upload custom "film stills" to be displayed underneath the film description. I assume this is possible - I have uploaded "screenshots" and "art" - I also have the "images" field enabled. However, I do not see images being displayed. Images attached. -Thank you for your time, Jonny
  17. Hi, I'm having a trouble with some images downloading automatically. I've done a "Refresh People" & "Scan Media Library" and it has refreshed some people but for others it's not there. However, when I click on some of the blank images (where it just shows the name) it will sometimes refresh the image and bring it down. Is there something I can do to go out there and grab all people images on a scheduled basis? For any that don't have an image, which is fine if there isn't any, is there a way to have a blank picture or something that says "No Image" as default? Thanks for the help
  18. Blueeyiz702

    Actor Images Not Matching up with Imdb

    When i try to identify a actor image that does not show on movie,and input imdb id it keeps returning a blank like actor does not exist and it has to be done manually. Its happened multiple time over past couple of weeks. Even tho there is a imdb id for Sienna Nanue when i input to identify with id and name it does not work and image stays blank?
  19. The images for files load perfectly fine, however folder images do not (e.g. Season folders). Is this intended now, as the logs do not show that it's even trying to fetch the images.
  20. Hi! I have been using Emby for around a year now. It's great. Recently I've had issues being able to see images in Collections, and Movies. For example it will show me some movie's images in the beginning of my list within those areas, but then be blank and/or waiting to have the other images show up. I use it on my laptop with Chrome to organize and sometimes watch my videos. I also use it on Firestick, which is ok, and recently Roku which is awesome. I was very pleased with myself the other day when I figured out how to access my files away from my home network. I know big deal, but a miracle for me. I have attached my latest lengthy log and would appreciate any advice. This novice is completely lost. Thank you in advance for your help. Log.txt
  21. Has anyone noticed if thumbs and banners aren't being downloaded automatically anymore in latest stables? Here it just doesn't fetch anymore... only if I go there and download it manually.
  22. deecemobile

    Metadata and Image Location

    Since I have started to use the Kodi emby plugin, the movie/ tv folders are no longer storing the images and metadata. Is there a setting to set this up again? I was using MB Classic for WMC before but now I use the Kodi plugin solely. I prefer the images be stored in the individual folders in case I browse files. If I check the metadata manager on the server it shows all of the images and metadata but it's not stored in the actual folders.
  23. Since I have started to use the Kodi emby plugin, the movie/ tv folders are no longer storing the images and metadata. Is there a setting to set this up again? I was using MB Classic for WMC before but now I use the Kodi plugin solely. I prefer the images be stored in the individual folders in case I browse files. Thanks
  24. Hey there so I figured I'd report this issue or inquire on how to fix it. For probably a couple months now Xbox One when DLNA streaming will no longer show Movie Posters, Season Posters, etc... Just wondering if this is a bug or how it can be fixed thanks!
  25. Running QNAP Version 3.0.6070.0. In episode view randomly some actors have the default actor image (when there is no image available). If I then click on that actor and go to the actor bio screen, it loads up the actor image and bio (if it exists). If I then press the back button in chrome to return to the episode screen, the actor image appears This may be happening in movie view as well, but have not tested
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