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  1. Hey, I'm trying to identify the penguin 2024 with imdb code - tt15435876. Nothing pops up in the results, I've tried identifying the show with theTVdb with no success as well. Is it caused by a syncing problem with the services?
  2. I have the version of Emby in a docker container on a synology NAS. I also have the premiere 'unlock' if that even matters for this issue. Everything seemed to be going swimmingly until I needed to use the Identify option for a 3rd tv series, Wonder Woman. I had successfully accessed, and changed, using the moviedb id, the shows, Magnum P.I. and Speed Racer. The numbered logfile contains at least the Speed Racer alteration. Note that '_sanitized' just means I altered my username. It's the only user w/full perms. The media filesystems are read-only so there are messages indicating writes to the posters/background images in those filesystems weren't successful. That has not changed so I seriously doubt it would be the issue. I've monitored the log file (tail -f), clicked on the Identify option, and received the web error dialog but nothing shows up in the logs. As a point of "hey this would be a nice thing to log feature request", please make that a thing/why is that not a thing? The screenshot files are only for Wonder Woman, but I receive the same error for any tv_show or movie I attempt to access 'Identify' on now. Other metadata editing options, e.g. "Edit Metadata", work fine. Identify just seems to be wedged/locked out. I've also restarted the docker container w/no joy. Please advise. embyserver_sanitized.txt embyserver-63854110750_sanitized.txt
  3. How to find a specific title that has been improperly matched? There’s a certain TV show titled “Traces” that I have, however it cannot be found via search or manually searching in the library itself. It would seem that it has been automatically improperly matched upon library creation a while ago. I have thousands of tv shows, so checking one by one is not viable. I have checked alternative titles that are used for this show, and already checked other titles that are similar as well, with no success. How can I find what it has been improperly matched as, so I can fix it?
  4. I have a number of programs that exist on IMDB.com but when I use the Identify feature the metadata does not sync. I verify the URL title # ttxxxxxxx and the information is not retrieved.
  5. Hi, i made a post some time ago(also about identify, but that was resolved) , and whille testing, i realise (i think, please don't throw me rocks if i'm wrong), that emby has a little bug when identifying a movie (i didn't try with series, but problably). Like: When emby is gonna search a title in "Portuguese-Brazillian" it search "pt-br" as lower case: https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/movie?api_key=f6bd687ffa63cd282b6ff2c6877f2669&query=Velozes+E+Furiosos+4&language=pt-br Wich returns: {"page":1,"results":[{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":null,"genre_ids":[28,80],"id":385687,"original_language":"en","original_title":"Fast 10","overview":"","popularity":237.879,"poster_path":"/2DyEk84XnbJEdPlGF43crxfdtHH.jpg","release_date":"2023-04-05","title":"Furious 10","video":false,"vote_average":0,"vote_count":0},{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/cHkhb5A4gQRK6zs6Pv7zorHs8Nk.jpg","genre_ids":[28,53,80,12],"id":168259,"original_language":"en","original_title":"Furious 7","overview":"Após derrotarem Owen Shaw, Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) e os seus comparsas decidem regressar aos EUA, onde lhes foi concedido o perdão pelas suas infracções e a oportunidade de um recomeço, sem qualquer cadastro. É então que Dom percebe que o grupo está na mira de Deckard, o irmão mais velho de Owen, que jura destruir todos os responsáveis pela sua morte.","popularity":125.906,"poster_path":"/vK3EINuibdkBwUe9jOhVUXtLeb6.jpg","release_date":"2015-04-01","title":"Velocidade Furiosa 7","video":false,"vote_average":7.2,"vote_count":9041},{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/9xnhzlvG9lrGqaiRHaMCX96rTTd.jpg","genre_ids":[28,80,18],"id":20174,"original_language":"en","original_title":"The Fast and the Furious","overview":"","popularity":1.673,"poster_path":"/90PJH3U5jmB7NOoemVfbEKHXDIV.jpg","release_date":"1954-11-01","title":"The Fast and the Furious","video":false,"vote_average":4.7,"vote_count":16},{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/jzdnhRhG0dsuYorwvSqPqqnM1cV.jpg","genre_ids":[28,80,53],"id":337339,"original_language":"en","original_title":"The Fate of the Furious","overview":"Agora que Dom e Letty estão em lua-de-mel, e Brian e Mia afastaram-se – e o resto do grupo foi exonerado – a equipa que corre o mundo encontrou algo semelhante a uma vida normal. Porém, quando uma misteriosa mulher seduz Dom para o mundo do crime, do qual parece não ser capaz de escapar, ele acaba por trair aqueles lhe são mais próximos, pondo-os à prova. Desde as margens de Cuba e as ruas de Nova Iorque até às planícies geladas do ártico do Mar de Barents, a nossa força de elite vai atravessar o mundo para impedir que um anarquista lance o caos no cenário mundial… e trazer de volta a casa o homem que os tornou numa família.","popularity":158.526,"poster_path":"/38RVo4cX1O7Ia6k9WXcxkxprHm.jpg","release_date":"2017-04-12","title":"Velocidade Furiosa 8","video":false,"vote_average":6.9,"vote_count":8841},{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/fWjcUTKOKsAPK4VUAzEQW4kN4K6.jpg","genre_ids":[28,80,53,12],"id":385128,"original_language":"en","original_title":"F9","overview":"Velocidade Furiosa 9 é o nono capítulo da saga que já leva mais de duas décadas e arrecadou mais de 5 mil milhões de dólares em todo o mundo. Dom Toretto (Vin Diesel) leva uma vida tranquila, longe de tudo, com Letty (Michelle Rodriguez) e o seu filho, o pequeno Brian. Mas todos sabem que para lá do horizonte pacífico, o perigo está sempre à espreita. Desta vez, esta ameaça vai forçar Dom a enfrentar os pecados do seu passado para conseguir salvar aqueles que mais ama. A sua equipa volta a unir-se para travar um plano que vai chocar o mundo, liderado pelo melhor condutor e maior assassino que alguma vez encontraram: Jakob (John Cena), o irmão abandonado de Dom.","popularity":413.812,"poster_path":"/fnAzaxRSiveFafudJtByxA7I2xT.jpg","release_date":"2021-05-19","title":"Velocidade Furiosa 9","video":false,"vote_average":7.3,"vote_count":5232},{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/3ZiM6gm2XL8qnhZCXsTjixvaH4v.jpg","genre_ids":[28,80,18,53],"id":13804,"original_language":"en","original_title":"Fast & Furious","overview":"Brian O'Conner, agora a trabalhar para o FBI em Los Angeles, juntamente com Dominic Toretto trabalham num caso para derrubar um importador de heroína, infiltrando-se na sua operação de tráfico.","popularity":27.116,"poster_path":"/zvjQPVttJWaCSbzMijyc2x2MLr4.jpg","release_date":"2009-04-02","title":"Velozes & Furiosos","video":false,"vote_average":6.7,"vote_count":5902},{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/enF1PHz15lI9BaPGYYKBMnEbANh.jpg","genre_ids":[28],"id":77959,"original_language":"en","original_title":"The Turbo Charged Prelude for 2 Fast 2 Furious","overview":"","popularity":0.956,"poster_path":"/bztZ5NWmsT7oq0vCWGQGWxd10Gf.jpg","release_date":"2003-06-03","title":"The Turbo Charged Prelude for 2 Fast 2 Furious","video":false,"vote_average":6.4,"vote_count":159},{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/mRfI3y2oAd7ejur2di09xC9niqp.jpg","genre_ids":[28,53,80],"id":82992,"original_language":"en","original_title":"Fast & Furious 6","overview":"Reunidos para a maior aventura de sempre, os favoritos dos fãs – Jordana Brewster, Michelle Rodriguez, Tyrese Gibson, Sung Kang, Gal Gadot, Chris Ludacris Bridges e Elsa Pataky - juntam-se aos recém-chegados vilões Luke Evans e Carano Gina. Desde que Dom e Brian fizeram o golpe no Rio de Janeiro, que rendeu 100 milhões de dólares à equipa, o grupo espalhou-se pelo globo. Mas a impossibilidade de voltarem a casa e estarem sempre em fuga deixou-lhes uma vida incompleta.","popularity":13.649,"poster_path":"/yeF9WQvxHRrJnr5fGEfnzDpn4pA.jpg","release_date":"2013-05-21","title":"Velocidade Furiosa 6","video":false,"vote_average":6.8,"vote_count":9207},{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/hpgda6P9GutvdkDX5MUJ92QG9aj.jpg","genre_ids":[28,12,35],"id":384018,"original_language":"en","original_title":"Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw","overview":"Desde que se conheceram, Luke Hobbs e Deckard Shaw constantemente bateram de frente, não só por inicialmente estarem em lados opostos mas, especialmente, pela personalidade de cada um. Agora, a dupla precisa unir forças para enfrentar Brixton, um homem alterado geneticamente que deseja obter um vírus mortal para pôr em andamento um plano que mataria milhões de pessoas em nome de uma suposta evolução da humanidade. Para tanto eles contam com a ajuda de Hattie, irmã de Shaw, que é também agente do MI6, o serviço secreto britânico.","popularity":170.99,"poster_path":"/w5HWdAJyAbfpXbXDmEt5OIpf6kQ.jpg","release_date":"2019-08-01","title":"Velocidade Furiosa: Hobbs & Shaw","video":false,"vote_average":6.9,"vote_count":5705},{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/jY9ef5nqY4xIIMu3yzW3qamUCoi.jpg","genre_ids":[28,80,53],"id":9799,"original_language":"en","original_title":"The Fast and the Furious","overview":"Um jovem polícia infiltra-se no submundo do crime e do “Street Racing” na cidade de Los Angeles, para identificar e prender o autor de vários roubos e membro influente do movimento. No entanto, o seu envolvimento é tal que acaba a namorar com a irmã de um dos líderes criminosos e a emprestar o seu próprio carro para que alguns corredores fujam de outros polícias.","popularity":6.399,"poster_path":"/s02HsnF8H2plColwtkbqYz9GTw5.jpg","release_date":"2001-06-22","title":"Velocidade Furiosa","video":false,"vote_average":6.9,"vote_count":8117},{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/lvSxooYCRuF3S2kHWXYTrcOtYco.jpg","genre_ids":[28,53,80],"id":51497,"original_language":"en","original_title":"Fast Five","overview":"Dominic Toretto e sua equipa planeiam um grande assalto a um traficante poderoso de drogas das favelas do Brasil para comprar a liberdade, enquanto são seguidos por uma equipa de agentes especiais.","popularity":18.87,"poster_path":"/l1lvu5P4xfBicxuhgL0pmvkWReO.jpg","release_date":"2011-04-20","title":"Velocidade Furiosa 5","video":false,"vote_average":7.2,"vote_count":6660},{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/z3ioibdjWZOYeXjoiabFOFOfPI3.jpg","genre_ids":[28,80,53],"id":584,"original_language":"en","original_title":"2 Fast 2 Furious","overview":"Brian O’Conner perdeu o distintivo ao deixar o seu amigo Dom Toretto, líder do submundo das corridas, escapar às malhas da lei. De regresso a Miami na companhia do velho amigo Roman Pearce, resta-lhe agir sob disfarce para evitar as represálias da polícia. A sua missão é colaborar com a fantástica Monica Fuentes na captura de um líder da Máfia de Miami. 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Mas a tranquilidade do grupo é destruída quando Deckard Shaw, um assassino profissional, quer vingança pelo acidente que deixou seu irmão em coma. Agora, a equipe tem de unir forças para deter um vilão novo e ainda mais perigoso. Dessa vez, não se trata apenas de uma questão de velocidade: a corrida é pela sobrevivência.","popularity":125.906,"poster_path":"/vK3EINuibdkBwUe9jOhVUXtLeb6.jpg","release_date":"2015-04-01","title":"Velozes & Furiosos 7","video":false,"vote_average":7.2,"vote_count":9041},{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/9xnhzlvG9lrGqaiRHaMCX96rTTd.jpg","genre_ids":[28,80,18],"id":20174,"original_language":"en","original_title":"The Fast and the Furious","overview":"","popularity":1.673,"poster_path":"/90PJH3U5jmB7NOoemVfbEKHXDIV.jpg","release_date":"1954-11-01","title":"Velozes e Furiosos","video":false,"vote_average":4.7,"vote_count":16},{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/jzdnhRhG0dsuYorwvSqPqqnM1cV.jpg","genre_ids":[28,80,53],"id":337339,"original_language":"en","original_title":"The Fate of the Furious","overview":"Depois que Brian e Mia se aposentaram, e o resto da equipe foi exonerado, Dom e Letty estão em lua de mel e levam uma vida pacata e completamente normal. Mas a adrenalina do passado volta com tudo quando uma mulher misteriosa faz com que Dom retorne ao mundo do crime e da velocidade.","popularity":158.526,"poster_path":"/38RVo4cX1O7Ia6k9WXcxkxprHm.jpg","release_date":"2017-04-12","title":"Velozes & Furiosos 8","video":false,"vote_average":6.9,"vote_count":8841},{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/fWjcUTKOKsAPK4VUAzEQW4kN4K6.jpg","genre_ids":[28,80,53,12],"id":385128,"original_language":"en","original_title":"F9","overview":"Dominic Toretto e sua família precisam enfrentar o seu irmão mais novo Jakob, um assassino mortal que está trabalhando com uma antiga inimiga, a cyber-terrorista Cipher.","popularity":413.812,"poster_path":"/fnAzaxRSiveFafudJtByxA7I2xT.jpg","release_date":"2021-05-19","title":"Velozes & Furiosos 9","video":false,"vote_average":7.3,"vote_count":5232},{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/3ZiM6gm2XL8qnhZCXsTjixvaH4v.jpg","genre_ids":[28,80,18,53],"id":13804,"original_language":"en","original_title":"Fast & Furious","overview":"Dominic Toretto descobre que sua amada Letty foi assassinada e resolve procurar pelo autor do crime. 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Absolvição a todos eles para poderem voltar para as suas casas e tornarem suas famílias completas novamente.","popularity":13.649,"poster_path":"/yeF9WQvxHRrJnr5fGEfnzDpn4pA.jpg","release_date":"2013-05-21","title":"Velozes & Furiosos 6","video":false,"vote_average":6.8,"vote_count":9207},{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/hpgda6P9GutvdkDX5MUJ92QG9aj.jpg","genre_ids":[28,12,35],"id":384018,"original_language":"en","original_title":"Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw","overview":"O corpulento policial Luke Hobbs se junta ao fora da lei Deckard Shaw para combater um terrorista geneticamente melhorado que tem força sobre-humana.","popularity":170.99,"poster_path":"/w5HWdAJyAbfpXbXDmEt5OIpf6kQ.jpg","release_date":"2019-08-01","title":"Velozes & Furiosos: Hobbs & Shaw","video":false,"vote_average":6.9,"vote_count":5705},{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/jY9ef5nqY4xIIMu3yzW3qamUCoi.jpg","genre_ids":[28,80,53],"id":9799,"original_language":"en","original_title":"The Fast and the Furious","overview":"Um investigador da polícia se infiltra em uma turma de rachas suspeita de roubar caminhões, mas acaba apaixonando-se pela irmã do líder.","popularity":6.399,"poster_path":"/s02HsnF8H2plColwtkbqYz9GTw5.jpg","release_date":"2001-06-22","title":"Velozes e Furiosos","video":false,"vote_average":6.9,"vote_count":8117},{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/lvSxooYCRuF3S2kHWXYTrcOtYco.jpg","genre_ids":[28,53,80],"id":51497,"original_language":"en","original_title":"Fast Five","overview":"Desde que o ex-policial Brian O'Conner e Mia Torretto libertaram Dom da prisão, eles viajam pelas fronteiras para fugir das autoridades. No Rio de Janeiro, eles fazem um último trabalho antes que possam ganhar sua liberdade definitiva. Montando sua equipe de elite de pilotos de carro, Brian e Dom sabem que têm de enfrentar o empresário corrupto que quer vê-los mortos, antes que o agente federal em sua trilha os encontre.","popularity":18.87,"poster_path":"/l1lvu5P4xfBicxuhgL0pmvkWReO.jpg","release_date":"2011-04-20","title":"Velozes & Furiosos 5: Operação Rio","video":false,"vote_average":7.2,"vote_count":6660},{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/z3ioibdjWZOYeXjoiabFOFOfPI3.jpg","genre_ids":[28,80,53],"id":584,"original_language":"en","original_title":"2 Fast 2 Furious","overview":"O ex-policial Brian comete uma grande traição, juntando-se a um amigo ex-presidiário no transporte de dinheiro sujo para uma importadora-exportadora muito suspeita.","popularity":12.591,"poster_path":"/tMUnCAgfARTdAu8ylPw4Wjh3e5N.jpg","release_date":"2003-06-05","title":"+ Velozes + Furiosos","video":false,"vote_average":6.4,"vote_count":5878},{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/zQiLqxEjtKCCCggQ3G8ia9viS77.jpg","genre_ids":[28,80,18,53],"id":9615,"original_language":"en","original_title":"The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift","overview":"Sean Boswell é um piloto de rua que desafia seu rival e bate o carro no fim da corrida. Então, Sean decide se mudar para o Japão em companhia de seu pai para evitar a prisão nos Estados Unidos, já que os rachas não são nada populares com as autoridades. Em Tóquio, ele começa a aprender um excitante e perigoso estilo novo de competir nas ruas. Só que os riscos ficam ainda mais altos quando Sean decide competir com o campeão local e acaba se apaixonando pela namorada dele.","popularity":13.893,"poster_path":"/qexEesWpZgxLFlOrm54Sjn3Z7Y0.jpg","release_date":"2006-06-03","title":"Velozes e Furiosos: Desafio em Tóquio","video":false,"vote_average":6.4,"vote_count":5316}],"total_pages":1,"total_results":13} The movie "Fast 10" as example, in pt-br is "Furious 10" and in pt-BR is "Velozes e Furiosos 10".
  6. I installed the emby server in a Raspberry Pi 2 and I see that some TV Series cannot be identify. I tried this one for example: https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/74795-orzowei Using the Identify option, it finds it but when I press Ok for replacing metadata it continues to think but never ending as shown in the attached screenshot. Do you mind checking it, please?
  7. Hi All Hoping someone can help me - as to why "Artists" are not identifying properly - even though the artist metadata includes the MusicBrainz ID for the artist. Here is an artist page - that's not identified properly to obtain the artwork When I go to "More" and "Edit Metadata" - MusicBrainz ID on the artist is filled in correctly. https://musicbrainz.org/artist/00ef5e52-582b-4d53-a03a-bbd5b3084197 If I copy that MusicBrainz ID from the artist and use the "More" and "Identify" and paste it in, and search... I click on the match & say replace images... and then about 15 seconds later i get: Why isn't this doing this automatically? I don't want to have to identify them all manually... Is there something I'm doing wrong or is this a bug? Thanks!
  8. Hi I just installed Emby ( and can't get the identify function to work. It returns a blank page without results. My folder Structure is D:\Emby\Anime (Movies)\Evangelion 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo (2012)\Evangelion 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo (2012).mkv Automatic identification seems to work. Also, CanYouSeeMe.org doesn't detect my port yet wich is quite strange since I never had any Issues with Plex. embyserver.txt
  9. I have just reset Emby (running latest beta version), including removing nfo files, and now I am finding some episodes are not being identified, although the episodes are on TVDB Here is just one example: Star Trek The Next Generation - 1x15 - 11001001 (this is the way I have it named) TVDB: https://thetvdb.com/series/star-trek-the-next-generation/episodes/46522 Metadata is not being retrieved, inspecting the nfo file, no data is in there Tried, 'Search for Missing Metadata', 'Replace All Metadata' and have also tried a library scan (TV Series level and full) and also identify tv series The TVDBID, I manually added to see if it would help All other episodes in this series are being identified correctly I have attached latest server log and nfo file embyserver.txt Star Trek The Next Generation - 1x15 - 11001001.nfo
  10. I'm trying Emby out as a somewhat disgruntled Plex user. Importing my library into Emby, I am seeing a TON of my collection not being identified. For example: /volume1/video/movies/Aladdin/Aladdin.bd - doesn't match anything. /volume1/video/movies/Terminator (series)/01.The.Terminator.1984.mkv - doesn't match anything. Plex got most of these right on the first try. Is there a way to make identify "try harder" in Emby?
  11. sunnyc90

    Question about firewall

    Ever since Update, I cannot identify any of my movies, search for plugins, or have the server automatically download Metadata. Server is having issues fetching plugin updates. I've tried to do some things myself such and reinstall Emby Server, remove OMDb and left TMDb. Searching in IMDB in Identify and get no results. Log file attached. Please Help.
  12. boardbum

    ipv6 causing request failures

    Need some help. Running emby on a vps under ubuntu 18.xx. Emby is up to date Identify is not working on movies. I have dl'd several movies from torrents and the names look like this 1917.2019.BRRip.AC3.x264-CMRG. Renaming the files is not an option due to seeding. I've tried going into identify and setting the title to 1917 and the release date to 2019 and get a blank page as a result. I've also tried doing this and adding the imdb#, just the imdb#, themoviedb# and all manner of combinations but get no results. I've rebooted emby and the entire system with no results. Both imbd and themoviedb are selected for the library. I haven't changed any settings so I'm not sure why it's not working. Any ideas? Thanks in advance
  13. Good Afternoon All. My installation of Emby has been solid for months but what is weird when a movie fails to be identified I simply choose 'Identify' enter the search and the correct information including picture is found and I then select replace and click ok and it usually updates and changes everything. But at the moment it goes through the motions but the image/data is still staying as the original information. I am failing to get it ti successfully update with the correct information it has found. Any ideas? Regards, Stuart
  14. viphappy1984

    Failure to correctly identify movie

    The following passage comes from google translation First of all I'm sorry I'm not very proficient in English Recently some problems with my emby server The specific performance is that recently my server could not correctly identify the name and information of the movie Caused all my videos to become English names I have basically confirmed that the problem is caused by the recent Internet blockade in mainland China. So I would like to ask the following administrator How long can this glitch be fixed. Or can you provide the server IP address or domain name used to identify the movie. So that I can use VPN to connect with him. In order to allow you to understand the problem more intuitively. I provided some screenshots. The screenshot in Chinese is my previous screenshot when the server is normal. The screenshot in English is the one when I recognize the movie now Finally, I have adjusted the settings of the Emby server. Both are set to Chinese first. 文字 文档 点击图标下载 App Android iOS 检测到中文 英语 中文 德语 中文(简体) 英语 日语 Yǐxià zhè duàn huà láizì google fānyì shǒuxiān bù hǎoyìsi wǒ yīngyǔ bùshì hěn shúliàn zuìjìn wǒ de emby fúwùqì chūxiàn yīxiē wèntí jùtǐ biǎoxiàn shì zuìjìn wǒ de fúwùqì wúfǎ zhèngquè shìbié yǐngpiàn de míngzì hé xìnxī dǎozhì wǒ suǒyǒu de yǐngpiàn dōu biàn chéngle yīngwén de míngzì wǒ jīběn yǐjīng quèrèn shì yīn wéi zhōngguó dàlù jìnqí de wǎngluò fēngsuǒ dǎozhì de wèntí. Suǒyǐ wǒ xiǎng qǐngwèn yǐxià guǎnlǐ yuán zhège xiǎo gùzhàng dàgài duōjiǔ kěyǐ xiūfù. Huòzhě kěfǒu tígōng yīxià yòng yú shìbié yǐngpiàn de fúwùqì IP dìzhǐ huòzhě yùmíng. Yǐbiàn wǒ shǐyòng VPN yú tā hùlián. Wèile shǐ nǐmen nénggòu bǐjiào zhíguān de liǎojiě wèntí. Wǒ tígōngle yīxiē jiétú. Zhōngwén de jiétú shì wǒ zhīqián fúwùqì zhèngcháng shí de jiétú. Yīngwén de jiétú shì wǒ xiànzài shìbié yǐngpiàn shí de jiétú zuìhòu,emby fúwùqì de shèzhì wǒ yǐjīng tiáozhěngguòle. Dōu shèzhì wéi zhōngwén yōuxiān. 展开 292/5000 The following passage comes from google translation First of all I'm sorry I'm not very proficient in English Recently some problems with my emby server The specific performance is that recently my server could not correctly identify the name and information of the movie Caused all my videos to become English names I have basically confirmed that the problem is caused by the recent Internet blockade in mainland China. So I would like to ask the following administrator How long can this glitch be fixed. Or can you provide the server IP address or domain name used to identify the movie. So that I can use VPN to connect with him. In order to allow you to understand the problem more intuitively. I provided some screenshots. The screenshot in Chinese is my previous screenshot when the server is normal. The screenshot in English is the one when I recognize the movie now Finally, I have adjusted the settings of the Emby server. Both are set to Chinese first. 发送反馈 历史记录
  15. jwilson9

    Nfometadata issue Centos7

    Hello, I've noticed lately in Emby Server v. that when I add new music and try to use the identify feature, the images are not found. I went looking in the log and I see a few errors (see attached shortened log) that I don't quite know how to resolve. Any help would be appreciated. Let me know if you need any further information as well. log.txt
  16. I LOVE how identify allows us to paste in a TVDB id or IMDB id. That being said it is missing on missed content. When I have a folder that is just movies I can click Identify to fix mappings. When I have a folder that is just tv shows I can click Identify to fix mappings. when i have a folder that is missed content the identify is missing. Is everyone seeing this behavior or is it just my setup?
  17. Hello Team Emby, Could you add the ability to use the name of the folder, containing a single file, to identify a media file? Figured it's something Plex does, which makes some steps way easier for me and I miss that feature. Cheers
  18. Hi! Ok so I had to reinstall emby and rescan my database. On rescan, some of the movies did not identify. On the previous install, I set download images to folder, so now all that displays is the poster, logo, landscape, and fanart. I did notice, however, that the movies that did not identify all had the same naming convention: "Movie Title, The (Year)". I have no idea why this is happening, especially when other movies with the same naming convention did identify correctly. Can anyone please help me! Thank you. embyserver.txt
  19. Lately the process to download images and metadata based on a successful manual "identify" is taking upward of 5-6 minutes, and the only client-side indicator is the spinning circle. Woudl it be possible to have more of a progress bar that shows the different stages? My suggestion would be - "searching" - Successfully Identified via [tvdb, imdb, etc] (or "failed to identify given search parameters" - Downloading Metadata - Downloading Cast Images - Downloading Cover art - Downloading Background (if applicable) - Populating.... ("Replacing Images" if checked)... Done! with a notification of a fail state and possibly the number of assets being downloaded (if the API for each individual site allows) Thanks
  20. If I add any new files to one of my Libraries it will not identify properly and pull down metadata. If I manually identify the files then it works fine. Running Version
  21. New to this, I apologize in advance. I am running and can not locate the "Identify" selection I read it was a admin only function. Iam sure I am logged in as a administrator -regards John
  22. DarkZrobe

    Identify Issues

    Emby Server Version on Linux Mint 19 Tried to search the forums and find a answer but nothing was quite clear and the word Identify doesnt seem to be unique enough. Just got done rebuilding my whole linux server as I was attempting to upgrade from the older repo provided emby to the new one and wrecked everything. There really should be warnings for that on the install page or something. Too many results just say run the new version over the old one. Any who this time around I renamed everything so it would identify better with the automatic detection, however I have a few stragglers that need manual detection. When I use the identify tool I no longer seem to be able to immediately identify movies with IMDB id anymore. No results show up. I did see some forum posts back in February stating that emby doesnt search that database anymore (What happened?) But I wanted to confirm. So I attempted to use the movidb which does have the movie in its database but that doesnt return any results either. But I am not quite sure what that website uses for its "ID" as with IMDB I just used the number in the web address. One of the Movies in question is Frank Herberts Children of Dune: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0287839/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/9156-frank-herbert-s-children-of-dune?language=en I cant seem to get the Emby Server to ID that. Soooo what am I doing wrong if anything. Also any way to make that back button in that Identify window actually go back to the search instead of closing the whole window? Really annoying.
  23. Since my Plex Pass is up for renewal in a few weeks, I'm back at trying Emby (on a Synology 416j, no video transcoding needed, ever). However, I'm already starting to stumble. Installed Emby, created a TV Show library, pointed it to my Plex TV shows library folder, waited for it to finish scanning. Then went into the Library to see if there's stuff that needs changing, found several, and have now tried for almost 1 hour to convince Emby that "Bron - The Bridge" is not some US series dated from 2010, but the Swedish series from 2011. Identify -> select the correct series -> wait a minute -> it's back to "The Bridge 2010" Identify -> add TVDB id and select the correct series -> wait a minute -> it's back to "The Bridge 2010" Is there some magic voodoo to make a selection stick?
  24. Pretty sure I've asked before but - Have a Documentaries library, type TV though may not be confined to this. It seems that most of the images it gets for these are low res - if it can't find an image on the interweb (though it can get metadata), can't it get a better one from some kind of grab from the video itself ? Also why aren't I allowed to Identify it -
  25. Please can we make emby able to correctly identify foreign films when the original title is included in the filename enclosed in normal brackets (parentheses). Currently, if the filename of the movie has either the English title, or the foreign title only, then the film will get identified. If the filename includes the English title and the original title enclosed in brackets, it will not identify the movie. e.g. English Title (YYYY).mkv Original Title (YYYY).mkv These two work just fine. English Title (Original Title) (YYYY).mkv With this filename, emby simply can't identify it. And you have to manually 'Identify' by copying either titles into the Identify dialog. Including the original title, enclosed in brackets, is very common and the logical, correct way of including both titles for foreign films and any other films that have differing titles in different regions. For example, here's Rotten Tomato's Top 100 Art House & International Movies: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/top/bestofrt/top_100_art_house__international_movies/ From the 100 movies in this list, emby will fail to identify 38 of them. Entering these filenames into any other system, website, app, etc. results in the correct movies being identified. emby fails. Having to manually identify all these foreign films is laborious, time consuming and ultimately surprising... Why can't emby cope with these???
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