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Found 15 results

  1. WagnerFeitosa

    Armazenamento na própria TV

    Boa noite pessoal, alguém sabe se é possível utilizar o Emby para organizar músicas e vídeos armazenados em um HD na própria TV ou tenho que criar um servidor, se alguém souber algum programa que me ajude com isso ficarei muito agradecido. Obs, utilizo o sistema WebOs.
  2. Is there a way to set a default version of a movie when offered from a Server? The server I use sometimes offers up to 4 different versions of a movie such as '4K' , 'FHD', 'HD' and 'SD' which the original files have been encoded for various reasons. I would like the Apple TV client device to default to 'HD' (which is 720p AC3 MP4 direct play) when it is offered from the server. If I do not select it, I sometimes mistakingly choose '4K' as it runs in alphabetical order on the menu and this does not play for me. Is this possible to choose a version?
  3. I have a very specific scenario here. I have a stream file (.strm) that points to a .m3u8 stream. I am able to play this stream but it doesn't pick the highest quality. The .m3u8 file: #EXTM3U #EXT-X-VERSION:3 #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=614000,AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH=564000,RESOLUTION=480x270,CODECS="avc1.77.30,mp4a.40.2" 270/prog_index.m3u8 #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=1118000,AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH=1028000,RESOLUTION=640x360,CODECS="avc1.77.30,mp4a.40.2" 360/prog_index.m3u8 #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=1998000,AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH=1828000,RESOLUTION=960x540,CODECS="avc1.77.30,mp4a.40.2" 540/prog_index.m3u8 #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=3318000,AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH=3028000,RESOLUTION=1280x720,CODECS="avc1.77.30,mp4a.40.2" 720/prog_index.m3u8 Emby is not picking the 1280x720 stream. It is using the 480x270 stream. I have a excellent internet connection and am able to even stream 4k comfortably. Why would a 720p stream be difficult for Emby? I have also set 4k as home network quality. I get about 100mpbs download speeds.
  4. Hello, I just started ripping my Blue-Ray discs and I tested one of the two I ripped but it freezes a minute into playing in the browser at the same place every time and about 30 minutes into playing on the Apple TV (this was after a reboot of the server). The file is .MKV and is 26.6 GB and after a reboot and a fresh install of EMBY server I was able to play it all the way through, however another movie that is ~36 GB I press play and it will play for a few seconds and then stop and say "Opps, something when wrong. Document not found on stack." Although, when it is on the video menu the sound will start to play through the movie with no video. When I play that same video in the browser it will play for a few seconds longer. I am running EMBY Server on FreeNAS-11.2-U5 and I have 64 GB of ECC Ram. I don't have any problem playing the ripped DVDs. Thanks in advance for any help. Chad
  5. For some of my movies I have both an 1080p and a 4k Version saved into the same folder. Emby groups the files together properly and allows me to pick the version I want to watch. It seems that there are a few movies that just refuse to be added into a Collection when I do this. My John Wick movies show in a collection and have both 4K and HD in the same file. As will my Pacific Rim Movies. My Matrix Movies, will not go into a collection (even if I try to add them manually), The Incredibles will also not allow me to add them to a collection. I use the same file name structure for all of my movies.
  6. Hello, I am having an issue with the Theater desktop app. For most hd content I try to play, it stutters at first and sometimes smooths out but usually stutters intermittently. I can see its direct playing from the server. I play the same content through firefox and get no stuttering. I really love the desktop app but have issues playing hd content. For the client I'm running Emby Theater 3.0.5 Windows 10 HP Desktop with 6 GB system ram AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual core 4400+ AMD Radeon R9 270x 2GB graphics card And the server is Ubuntu 16.04 running emby AMD FX 8350 8-Core with 24 GB system ram AMD Radeon R9 270x 2GB graphics card Both connected to 1Gb Ethernet LAN I can access the files directly through samba shares that are setup on the server. I have also tried to play some 4k content but it stutters even worse. The only difference is that it doesn't play any better through the browser. As far as the 4k is concerned what is the bottleneck, is my hardware just not good enough? Thanks for any and all advice. RemuxLog1.txt RemuxLog2.txt RemuxLog3.txt ServerLog1.txt RemuxLog_4k_1.txt
  7. I noticed that the library Filter function doesn’t seem to work. Almost everything, HD and 4K, is incorrectly tagged as SD. Is this user error on my part, or is this a known Emby limitation? Am I supposed to manually set the video type of my content? Thanks.
  8. ShoutingMan

    4K UHD playback on an HD system?

    I now have my a UHD video (from the one UHD 4K disc I own) and also the HD version. Impressively, Emby Theater on Windows 10 plays the UHD video pretty well. Audio and Video in my brief check played without stuttering or losing sync. That's cool and unexpected for me. But I noticed on a scene with large white region (the Hockey rink in Deadpool, about 1:02:00 (hh:mm:ss) in) there was large macro-blocking visible. It's not there in the HD version, so it's from the on-the-fly conversion of 4K down to HD. What, if anything, can I tweak in Emby Theater or Server to get better playback of 4K material on my 2K system? It would be a bonus if I could start collecting 4K media and only have to keep the 4K file saved, trusting Emby to play it perfectly on my HD system. That might be not practical, but it's worth a check. My Emby Server (and playback PC) is a 6th Gen Core i5-6500 with Intel HD Graphics 530 (integrated graphics). Thanks for any insights into how UHD is played back at HD from Emby and tips to improve that performance!
  9. I was wondering about how streaming HD contenet down to SD works and how cpu intensive it is. Say you have a movie in 720 or 1080p but only want to stream it to a lower quality like 480 or 360. Would this count as a full transcoding, or lower? Im assuming a full but am not sure. My internet isn't good enough for high quality streams so that is a concern. Would direct play maybe be better overall?
  10. I searched but didn't see where this may have been submitted previously. When setting up the option to record (or schedule to record) from Live TV, it would be nice to have the ability to select source formats of standard definition or high definition. Currently my TV provider offers multiple channels of one local station. Two channels may be in SD format and one channel in HD format. Recording a series often yields three copies a recording. The ability to select source format can help reduce the number of duplicate recordings and ensure only the HD or SD versions of a show are recorded according to viewing taste. (Yes, the option to record from a particular channel can be used but there are issues that arise when the HD channel has different programming than the SD channel or the HD channel offers both HD and SD versions.)
  11. I use Emby's LiveTV with a CableCard via ServerWMC, and in my guide I have way too many channels (530, most of which I do not watch). Marking some as favorites to move to the top of the guide listing helps, but what I'd really like to do is have another tab on the LiveTV page that starts the guide listing with my HD channels at channel number 650 (the channel index is 322). I have been hacking around on the live server code in guide.js and have been able to change the StartIndex to 322 and occasionally see the results I want (when I run Emby in a new private window and thus don't have a caching problem). I reported on my results in the following thread, but I am now thinking I'd like to see this functionality become real. I envision a new HD guide tab on the LiveTV.html page, and some admin code for the user to turn the HD guide tab on and enter their first HD channel number (or wherever they want their customized listing to begin). But first, can I even accomplish a new tab on that page via a plugin? Or do I need to focus on contributions to the main? I'm no c-sharp wiz--I just compiled Emby for the first time today. A nudge in the right direction would be helpful. http://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/36070-feature-request-allow-users-to-change-startindex-for-guide-to-first-hd-channel/?hl=guide
  12. I was wondering if we could make it easier to use the Live TV guide to record/watch HD as opposed to SD. Mainly, I'd like the all the HD channels to show up first in the guide. Comcast has all my HD channels numbered from 650+. Currently I sorta do this by manually setting all of my favorite HD channels so they display first, but I've been looking at the Emby server code and trying to come up with a better way. It appears that the starting channel number is determined in tvGuide.js when reloadGuide initially calls channelsQuery and it sets the startIndex to 0 on first load. Would it be possible to have a admin user accessible setting to customize the channelsQuery startIndex to be the first desired channel number? E.g. the first HD channel... In my case that would 650, but other locations/providers would differ. Then the page +/- buttons could work forwards/backwards from there. I saw an old thread about something similar, filtering by HD, but Luke pointed out that the system can't easily determine which are HD. But the end user can definitely supply the number of the first HD channel. (Though it might also be possible to build some rudimentary intelligence in by scanning through the guide information channel names for the first channel with HD in its name... and having the suggested value in this field default to that...) Now I'm no C# whiz, but it seems like line 23 in the attached screenshot of tvGuide.js would be StartIndex: userStartIndex ? userStartIndex : 0, where userStartIndex would come from the admin setting page with first channel #. (Of course, the index likely doesn't map isomorphically to the actual channel number, so that UI routine might have to have do some translation from channel 650 to index xxx.) I know that's probably not how it will actually get done, but maybe I've started your brains ticking... Might even be useful to do the same thing for the channels tab. Thanks again for all your marvelous work devs. I'm already amazed I can watch Live TV in HD on a Roku 100 miles from my home.
  13. Hallo Forum, ich habe Emby auf meiner ds415+ mit dsm6.0 beta installiert. Emby läuft via Docker. Über das dvblink-Plugin habe ich den dvblink-Server, ebenfals auf der Syno laufend, angebunden. Normale streams laufen super, aber bei hd ruckelt es ganz extrem und fängt sich auch nicht wieder. In der Config vom Plugin habe ich alles außer Logindaten gesetzt. Als Serverip ist die angegeben. Unter Plex und direkt über DVBLink laufen alle Streams sauber durch. Hat jemand eine Idee, was das sein kann? Als Tuner kommt der HDHR3-4DC mit der Firmware 20150826 zum Einsatz. Viele Grüße Blinddark
  14. Hi People, First off, Happy New Year to you all! I have a question regarding duplicate movies. When I get my movies I sometimes get early 'CAM' or 'Screener' releases but then download the HD version as soon as it's available, i've been doing this for numerous years but forgot to delete the crappy copies once I've downloaded the HD versions. Now, in my movies folder, I have hundreds of duplicate movie files. So my question to you guys is as follows: Is there any sort of free program (where I can download and use instead of downloading, scanning and then having to pay) to find these duplicate low resolution films?I simply don't have the time to invest sitting there for hours and going through them manually, I would much prefer to just do a scan and then be able to delete the lower resolution finds. Now I've downloaded a few programs (DupeTrooper, easy duplicate finder to name some) and I've scanned my movies folder but these programs are picking up the images as well e.g. If I have say Independence day then these programs are finding 'Independence day-Disc' & 'Independence day-Cover'. I really want a program that can scan for just Movie file types or have that in the options so that it doesn't pick up my images. Thanks for reading, Looking forward to your replies! KayJay
  15. dwmu80

    HD Issue

    Hello All, I have been trying to watch HD on any device and continue to have the same issue with breaking up. I have attempted watching it from outside my network on wired computer and in my home on 3 different devices and all have the same issue (roku, laptop i5 6GB Ram, LG G3 mobile phone). The video will cut in and out and skip. From what I have read in the forums it seems that its a server issue with not enough CPU. Can someone check my logs and confirm that would be the issue? Is the only option is to watch Standard Def until I upgrade for a mega machine? Any options would be great. Log-Server.txt Log-Transcode.zip
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