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  1. sluggo45

    3.0.5675.1 plugin (FreeNas) is out

    The FreeNas plugin has been updated to 3.0.5675.1. I assume the FreeBSD pbi as well, though I haven't looked. I've been running it overnight and so far it has fixed several problems on my FreeNAS 9.3 server (Xeon 1230v3): Restarts work now - maybe I was alone in this problem, but previous versions wouldn't restart, they would always hang and I'd have to go reboot the actual Jail. Now restarts work and are nice and quick too. The problem with Dynamic images, so far, appears to have been fixed - I get them for movies, tv, collections folders, and they appear to get updated when media is added. I'll keep an eye on them since they were a little squirrely last time. Also so far, the problem with Mono running out of control CPU during library scans, etc. appears to have been tamped down. This is another one that I'll need to keep an eye on; I've had it run to the point where it brings down the entire jail before. Looks like Mono was updated to the newer 4.x branch too. Syncing is improved, CPU throttling appears to be working, somewhat. It's not quite as fast as Plex (yet) and the client updates as far as progress, etc. are still lagging - it'll show a certain % (20, 30, 50) for a long time even after the sync is done - but it's definitely improved. I synced several movies to my Surface 3 for offline viewing and it's approaching the speed of Plex (and I prefer Emby overall). I don't know how well sync works on other platforms but it wasn't that great until recently on FreeNAS. Lots of other fixes not specific to the *BSD version, read the patch notes. If you are running this on FreeNAS you should definitely upgrade. Note that if you update from the plugin system itself it will take a while and seem to sit on 50% forever, however after about 20 minutes or so (in my case) it will complete.
  2. Hi there, I have just installed the emby plugin on FreeNas at it seems to be working well with one exception... It is unable to write to the volume where the media is stored... Logs are filled with access denied messages when trying to write fanart, thumbnails. etc... eg: *** Error Report *** Version: 3.0.5607.2 Command line: /usr/pbi/emby-amd64/lib/emby-server/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe -ffmpeg /usr/pbi/emby-amd64/bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /usr/pbi/emby-amd64/bin/ffprobe -programdata /var/db/emby-server .... Error saving image to /Media/Fabrication/fanart.jpg .... InnerException: System.UnauthorizedAccessException Access to the path "/Media/Fabrication/fanart.jpg" is denied. I have a volume called Media It is used for CIFS, guests have read and write access. This volume is mounted in the emby plugin jail Jail: customplugin_1 Source: /mnt/Store/Media Destination: /Media Mounted? TRUE Read-Only? FALSE When I shell into the jail, I can see the mount just fine, and write to it without problems. Does the emby service run as a different user? Can anyone suggest a way to let its user write metadata to this mount? (preferably with some rather specific instructions, because FreeNas permissions are not easy for me Many thanks! Alex
  3. msgonz

    FreeNAS & Roku

    I just moved MB from Windows to FreeNAS I'm using several Roku 3. One thing that happen using Roku with FreeNAS is the the indicator on the right top corner of the cover art no longer shows a check-mark or number of unwatched shows. All I get is a green circle but no check mark or number. If I switch back to the Windows MB on the same Roku everything is fine. Both Windows and FreeNAS are running 3.0.5518.7. Also in the web ui or android client it works fine on ether Windows or FreeNAS. Any ideas? Thanks
  4. Hi, I am trying to access media on Media Browser server 3.0.5518.7 / FreeNAS 9.3 using Media Browser Theatre and android mobile app: Theatre -- sees the server, when I click on the user icon there is a blank screen. Attached is a log. If the server is not running I get another screen so I know it connects, just no media showing. Android mobile app -- gives a message "connecting" and freezes. Makes no difference whether the Media Browser server plugin is running. I did not include a log of this. server-63560478641.txt
  5. Twisted

    Image Lag

    I noticed there is a delay in loading the new movies/spotlight images when I launch my player (MBT or Kodi). I also notice a delay when going into the movie details, the cover may take a second or two to load. I am guessing this is due to all my 5500 RPM drives trying to catch-up at first launch. To make this faster, I was going to install a small SSD into my new server build and store all my media images and metadata on this drive. Before I start this process I had a few questions I was hoping to get some input on: Has anyone tried this and does it help? Will I still be able to set this (Metadata path) centralization option up, when I move over to FreeNAS?
  6. what are you looking at so far?
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