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  1. I have a lot of scraped informal movie data, and I often use Filters to filter Genre under certain actors to watch. Since 4.8 became beta the Genre Studio Tag in Filters has disappeared.... I install almost every version to see if it's back. Currently I'm stuck on Will it be added back? I'm using the translation
  2. I frequently use the filter of Unwatched for movies and TV shows. And with music, you get recommendations based upon "similar" artist or songs. I would like a flag option to mark media as "Not Interested" or whatever verbiage would be better for the masses. This would have to be at the user level and not stored in a NFO file since I would like to filter out things my family likes, but only on my profile. As my libraries grow, I am having more content for my family. Since I am the only male in the house, my users have tastes that are distinctly different from mine. Whether it be real surgery shows, true murder, sappy romances, or telenovelas; these are things that I will never - and I do mean never - watch. The same thing goes for the music collection. I don't mind classic musical soundtracks, but my daughters collection of Broadway musicals is vast. And annoying. Now I could make them as Watched, but then that would go into the algorithm "Since you watched this, you might like this...", I would like to avoid doing that. I've poked around quite a bit, but I don't see anything like this currently nor did I see anything like this requested. If it has been requested but called something else, I would love to know about it so I can like that post. Thanks in advance.
  3. Emby server for windows (latest stable), Emby Theatre for windows (latest stable), runing on Windows 11 PC. So this is a weird issue I cannot get to the bottom of. I have multiple libraries (17 in total) on my system and eveything works finr for 16 of them, however on my main TV Shows Library I cannot set a filter for play state. Other filters (genre, year, studio etc) all work, but not play state. If it is set to played or unplayed, then nothing appears on the library screen. Only if it is set to Any will the entire library be displayed. It used to work and it changed a few months ago, exactly when I cannot pinpoint as it didn't seem to be too much of an issue, but it is slowly driving me crazy as this is our main watching folder for shows and we have a lot of UK TV Shows that are ongoing but infrequent so a lot of shows that get in the way of seeing what we have that needs watching. Movies, music, kids TV shows, everything else works fine, just not this one library. This is the same on the web, and on the android app so I am sure there is a setting somewhere I am missing. I use an UnRAID server to store our media and this library is the only one that points to this particular folder on the UnRAID server...I have removed the library and run library scans and reinstalled the library and run library scans and kept the library and removed the server folder and run library scans and reinstated the server foldr and run library scans, but nothing is making it work. I have also checked the settings against other libraries and as far as I can see they are the same so I am at a dead end as to what to do next!
  4. Hi All, over the years we added thousands of videos and series to our remote-server, but every disc becomes full. Then it is difficult to decide which content can be deleted. So i have create a little angular tool that collects the video items from the emby-api and shows it in a table. There you can filter and sort the items by several properties. Today i pushed the project to github.com because like to share it with the community. https://github.com/tantchen/emby-library-browser
  5. JoeAverage92

    Filter by Directors

    I would really appreciate to have a Director filter in the movie filters. Thanks.
  6. aleoss112

    Smart TV App feature request: Filters

    Please add the Filter feature for the Smart TV app (Roku) to be able to show all movies in ascending/descending order of recently added, release date, etc. like how the website display has. If I add more than 20 movies at a time, the excess amount do not get displayed on the Smart TV app as it currently stands.
  7. Using my smart remote I applied the filter "4k" to my videos. Only 2 results showed up, now because there aren't enough videos to get my cursor underneath the "filters" selection I can not remove or otherwise alter my filters to get the rest of my movies back. If I try to tab through it will cycle there, but because it goes through all the menus (Movies, suggestions, trailers, etc) instead of allowing me into filters it decides I wanted "Favorites" (the last menu item highlighted) and the screen switches out of movies to favorites and the option to change filters disappears. Plugging in a keyboard doesn't give me a mouse option, changing filters via web on the server doesn't reset my apps position. I've tried deleting the app from my smart TV and reinstalling, and resetting the server. No joy.
  8. chowbok

    Negative filters

    I'd like the ability to filter on a NOT condition, e.g., movies without a particular tag.
  9. The movies listing could really use some filter/sort options - similar to MBT. Don't want to over complicate / clutter the UI. But often when looking for movies to watch I hide watched movies and sort by run time or rating when looking for movies. Bit difficult with the current alphabetical full listing when you have quite a few movies... Also was kind of expecting when I clicked on the alphabetical listing (A, B, C etc) to get a quick jump list similar to you get on Windows Phone 8.1 (when swiping to full list of apps on your phone).
  10. TOP TIP: Before messing with filters/decoders always create a system restore point and only do one change at a time and check the outcome before changing something else. A MUST: ONLY EVER INSTALL ONE CODEC PACK, always uninstall all others before changing packs There are many misconceptions that installing a codec pack will solve all your playback issues when it comes to Windows Media Center (WMC) and in turn MediaBrowser-Classic (MBC). If you think this then you need to read on. When MS released Win7 they incorporated a set of codecs and rules and these were neatly packaged under what they like to call the "Windows Media Foundation" (WMF) So what does this all mean. It means that they installed their own filters(codecs) under the System32 folder which don't allow you to alter the way that Windows 7 and 8 now decode various media containers. Bummer right? Yeah!!! In order to over come these MS niggles we need to disable these WMF codecs to allow for your new ones to do their work. How do we do this... Well lucky for you folks there is a tool available called Win7FilterTweaker (for both Win7 and 8) The FilterTweaker Tool Explained - A very powerful and useful tool!!! Did you know that this tool messes with your system files.... probably not. And that sometimes this tool fails to rename those files back to what it originally was... you probably didn't know that either. So basically you've broken your video playback in WMC and don't know what to do. What I want to do is let you understand what's going on, so you can make your own decisions as to what to enable/disable. (The screen shots below are for my setup. I install and register 2 filters direct into the sysWoW64 and System32 folder, then I use ffdshow to set up my codecs (this is advanced) and the FilterTweaker tools to set the merits of my codecs - that's beside the point, your setup will be different if you don't install the 2 filters). Firstly lets look at the Main Screen. MS Codec Tweaks I want to explain to you about this filter messing with your files. The middle Button in the screenie above (MS Codec Tweaks) is the culprit. Now WMC on 64bit systems runs 64bit not 32bit as is often thought. This still refers to the System32 folder on 64bit systems. So any file mishandling is going to occur in that folder even on 32bit system. If we click on MS Codec Tweaks one we are presented with this screen. I have disabled the Microsoft DTV-DTD Audio Decoder only. Be warned that if you disable the DTV-DTD Video Decoder it can Break LiveTV in WMC. So what has that little tick box done. It's renamed one of my system files from msmpeg2adec.dll to msmpeg2adec.dll.bak in the System32 folder in turn disabling it. Be warned that this may not work for you if you have UAC turned on, you may also need to "Take Ownership" of the files too in order to allow for the tool to rename. You can see I've highlighted the 2 files. These refer to the DTV-DTD Decoders for both audio and video. The rest of the options you can disable in the filtertweaker are also in the System32 folder and are highlighted below. Preferred Decoders - (Also know as filter merits) If you click this button you will be presented with something like this. I can easily prove that my filter merits are working how I want by using a powerful tool called GraphStudio || Download GraphStudioNext 32Bit || Download GraphStudioNext 64Bit All you need to do is download graphstudio, run the .exe file and drag and drop any media file into the big blank grey area under the icons. It will query the file and then produce a graph like this By right clicking on the In/Out nodes and selecting properties you can see everything that the filter is doing and what outputs you should expect. This is particularly useful when trying out new settings within your codec pack. If i change the setting in the filtertweaker tool to LAV filter (effectively changing the merit of the LAV filter to highest, as shown below) I can prove that the change has worked. I AM IN CONTROL!!! see how this is working now. MediaFoundation Button So you need to go down the "preferred decoders" list and assign another filter other than Microsoft in order for the following disabled filters to work. If you don't have another option in the decoder list then dont disable, in the Media Foundation or you will break that container. This is basically useful for MP3's and particularly .mov files(trailers in Mediabrowser). If you don't disable the .mov then trailers may have some issues playing. Also .avi's can prove troublesome with some codec packs. IMPORTANT: If you are new to filters/codec packs DONT install Sharks007 Codec Pack!! Its far to complex for the basic user and is way over the top for any codec pack. You need something with simplicity. LAV Filters seems to be about as basic as you can get but give you maximum playback facilities with some basic options too. Here are a couple of tutorials written by myself(FFDshow) and JonTheHTPC(LAV Filters) Setting up LAV Filters Setting up FFDShow I certainly hope that this has opened up your eyes to Filters and decoders and how they can affect your system.
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