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  1. Hello everybody! I'll try to keep it short and sweet. Right now, I'm running v3.6.0.81_beta (will upgrade soon to v4) on a headless Fedora 27 box with 4GB of RAM and a dual-core AMD A4-3300 APU on a WD HDD. It also leverages OpenLDAP running on another FreeBSD box on my network for authentication. Have used the setup for years; I try to keep the boxes physically clean and the setup is still running like a champ. Using a couple of external USB 3.0 drives for backup. It ain't pretty, but it works. Sometimes I have issues with the Android app spinning when trying to play music on my Pixel 2 phone or buffering over WiFi when playing a movie on my Fire TV Cube app (which results in some herky-jerkiness). Those instances are relatively rare, though although the latter issue is nonetheless more annoying. I am thinking that may be due to streaming higher-resolution movies over WiFi (ideal vs real world transfer speeds, essentially a bandwith issue and not a system resource issue?). Fast-forward to today, and I have just procured a bona-fide workstation (Dell Precision T3400, Core 2 Duo) that I am converting to (Free)NAS with 8GB ECC RAM, SSD for boot, and media on a RAID 1 two-HDD configuration for redunancy. Here is the question I'm wrestling with: Should I move from Fedora-server Emby to FreeNAS-plugin Emby? Let me say that I know there is no cut and dried answer to this due to different processors, operating systems (essentially Linux vs FreeBSD), chipsets, etc. But anecdotally I have heard of a more performant TCP/IP stack on BSD, and I want to reclaim my USB drives although that is not strictly speaking a dealbreaker. However, Emby would be running from an SSD which I am assuming would make a big difference. Of course, I also don't have any experience with the FreeNAS Emby plugin. Are there any relatively stable data points or pieces of information that I am missing that may suggest choosing one course over the other? Many thanks in advance!
  2. Hello, for some reason I have to stay with Emby for Kodi 2.3.63. Currently I'm using it with Emby Server 3.5.3 and Kodi Companion 2.0.3. I'd like upgrade to Emby Server 4.0, but I read that after the upgrade will be necessary to update also the Plugins. My question is: after the upgrade, the compatibility with Emby for Kodi 2.3.63, will be preserved ?
  3. SE56

    Can not find emby server

    I have been trying to find my Server via the Emby LG app, manually or select server. But can not be found. It's strange that Plex works fine without issue, I'm just here testing the waters for a possible migration. WebOS 1.4 on 2014 UHD LG TV MacOS 10.14.2 Emby Server version : 3.5.3 Download the app from LG store without issue, used the link process several times, logged into Emby. Look forward to any suggestions
  4. Hi, Could you please add missing codec MediaInfo icons to the server core? Dolby Digital Plus, MP3 and Xvid/MPEG4 do not appear on thumbs with other icons. Back to You Video Codec: MPEG4 - Codec Tag: Xvid - Audio Codec: MP3 Baby Daddy Audio Codec: EAC3 Also, could audio channels icons be implemented too, as they don't show up either.
  5. levander

    some observations and thoughts

    Hi, I would like to share some observations and thoughts on emby server. I am a new user so forgive me if some issues I am mentioning here have been already discussed on the forum. Feature request: - option to disable media deletion from within server (and consequently from within any client) for administrator In these few weeks of using emby I happen to accidentally delete some media couple of times. Fortunately, both times I was lucky. BUT I realised it could have been much worse scenario and that some users weren't so lucky. I searched for an option to disable delete but I couldn't. Please do something about it, this shouldn't be allowed to happen by accident just because there is no logical option to restrict meddling with media files. Option to disable delete or triple password to confirm or similar. Also, in the meantime or if you don't intend to change this please suggest a workaround (?) Bugs/Not working/Should work: - per library setting for metadata language not working I've been regularly having situations where I needed to identify movie within library and it would regularly update in some random language although I set it up in library settings. The solution is workaround: to set up metadata language for every movie per se. I already reported that but here it is again. Apart from that emby scraper (and Identify feature) works generally very very good. - collection items disappear after relocating media Which is so unfortunate because collections are one of the greatest features emby and I use it a lot. Unfortunately I found out that most of my manually created collections are just lost effort after I re-organized some media folders. I need to be able to re-organize folder structure of my media from time to time and I need those collections... - sort by release date not working Not even close. Not in separate libraries, not in grouped libraries. Fix/Should work better: - search is too often too slow or is not working at all I believe you are aware of this. And I believe you are working on improvements. Search by original title should be included. As well as collections and tags. I sometimes wait 30-45 seconds to get results. And sometimes it doesn't respond at all and then I have to try to search from another library or from dashboard. - browsing through pages doesn't remember position when "refreshed" and it is pretty frustrating when trying to fix something among 12000 titles and every time it throws me back on 1st page. I suppose it is more realistic that this "fix" will be part of new ui at one point but until then it would be VERY helpful to have some kind of index (1-100 | 101 - 200 | 201 - 300| ... | 9901- 10000) Small things that could make things more practical but also not essential: - Include media path in Identify window so you save user's steps before pre-identifing what to identify... It is logical (in most cases) that Identify is to be used when media is incorrectly scraped, so instead scrolling to the bottom of the page to check which title we want to identify there could be path visible in Identify window. At least. - Make media file path at the bottom of movie details page as link so it could be opened/showed in finder/windows explorer. I frequently use select text and then open in finder in safari but this could be more convenient maybe. Couple of questions: - Why nfos use 2 x imdb ids? - Why some of manually added genres are shown under genres in library and some are not? Thanks for reading.
  6. Hi, It would be good to add the ability for additional air dates and times. EG:- You could replace the current Release Date, End Date, Air Days, Air Time and Studio with Air groups... which would have options for First Run and Repeats. First Run options:- Release Date, End Date, Air Day(s), Air Time(s), Season(s) and Studio. Repeat options:- Air Day(s), Air Time(s), Studio This information could be displayed in Series-level information screens, and the Studio would be carried from the parent item to the child items (season and episode screens).
  7. Hello everyone. Having some issues with my Emby Server Version I have a Roku that I push all of my media to and just recently the emby app hasn't been working. I've figured out that every time i can not play something i have to come upstairs because my Emby Server app has stopped running and I have to manually start the process again. I've attached the error log file with this that i got from http://localhost:8096/web/log.html - If anyone needs a ny more logs to have a look at please let me know. Emby Log.txt
  8. Hi, I believe Emby Server is not reading #EXTINF data correctly in m3u playlists. I had to alter the following entries in my playlist #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="7",7 Digital Melbourne #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="71",7 Digital Melbourne to #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="7",7Digital Melbourne #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="71",7Digital Melbourne Emby was not parsing these correctly, and was not mapping them to the correct channel number. I am guessing that if the channel name begins with a digit, it is read as a channel number.
  9. schmitty

    IceTV support

    Hi, Could IceTV support be added to Emby Server guide providers, so we are not forced to use XMLTV? They now have an API http://forum.icetv.com.au/iceforum/announcements/4/icetv-api-documentation/5065/.
  10. schmitty

    MK3D support

    Hi, Could the mk3d file extension be added to the 3d file naming conventions? eg. if the file extension is mk3d, then the server shouldn't have to rely on the other naming conventions.
  11. Following on @@Luke's response in a separate thread; https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/60539-live-tv-works-in-emby-in-chrome-but-not-emby-theater/?p=596345 I was watching a live TV channel last night for about 4 hours via the Android TV app when suddenly the stream stopped/crashed and the Emby app flipped back to the EPG. Can this happen if the stream just stopped from the provider, or could this be a server issue perhaps? I enabled Auto-loop per a suggestion from @@Luke and the viewing has been flawless since then, until this issue last night. Immediately I tried to reconnect back to the server, but it was not responding. Emby Server Stream Crash -2018-07-12-910pm.txt
  12. What is the current status of hardware acceleration and Emby Server? I can't find a lot of information, but I can find more people asking this question. Is there or might there be one day, a guide that specifies what hardware acceleration option are actually available in certain situations like OS, GPU, CPU? I'm looking in to VA-API now. If something interesting pops up I'll post it here. EDIT: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Hardware/VAAPI Hooked @" If you have multiple usable devices in the same machine".., but it's going to take me a while to dig tru this http://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Advanced-Video-options Windows Server 2016 AMD 9590 @ 5Ghz 32GB RAM AMD R9 480 AMD HD7750 I just acquired some 4K, x265 material. Transcoding this material is a nightmare (doable for 1 stream)
  13. I have Emby running on a Windows server 2016 in a data center. I am always connecting to the external port with ssl enabled. After streaming for some time on any given day the external port within Emby closes and I cant access the server remotely. I have to RDP into the server and restart Emby to get the port to open again. When I RDP in I can see Emby on the LAN port. Windows firewall has the external port open and the network firewall has the port open. I know its somewhere in Emby that has the problem. I used to use the auto restart plugin to restart Emby server every 24 hours but now that that is gone i have to do it manually. Does anyone have any recommendations to a good fix for this problem in the current version of Emby?
  14. As I'm slowing converting some of my library to MKV, I'm encountering multi-angle / multi-video-track DVD's, and I'm wondering how folks tend to handle these, as well as what the current (and likely future) support is in Emby (particularly Emby Theater) for being able to recognize and switch between multiple video tracks (or angles) contained in a single MKV file? I thought I came across a post indicating that Emby does not currently provide a way to switch between multiple angles/video-tracks, but I can't seem to find that post so I may have imagined it. I realize that one option is to just rip 2 versions of the content, one with one angle/track, and the other with the other. The upside is that this route should circumvent any compatibility issues there might be with Emby or other players. The downside of course is potentially a lot of duplicated space (eg, in the case of a movie with just a few alternate scenes). How well does Emby handle multi-angle MKV's? And have any of you created multi-angle MKV's, and if so, what is your process? It appears to me that MakeMKV let's you pick one angle or the other, but it does not appear to me that it gives an option to combine them into a single file containing just the differing portions of each video track (and the ability, in supporting players, to switch between video tracks). I can probably live with going the route of creating multiple complete files, each with a different video track / angle, but figured it is worth checking if there are more efficient, supported ways of going about all this. Thanks!
  15. As I gradually am getting my library transitioned into Emby one thing that I've noticed is that I have some TV shows where the anti-spoiler feature makes sense because the shows episodes have a lot of continuity. But for other shows continuity is not really an issue and I would normally hop around watching whichever episode interested me at the time (The Simpsons is an example of this kind of show). So I think it could be useful to add an option in the Series Metadata to enable or disable Anti-Spoiler functionality for that Series, and this setting would take precedence over any global setting. So we probably want to make the setting have three states along the lines of: Always Use Anti-Spoiler Features, Never Use Anti-Spoiler Features, and Respect Global Anti-Spoiler Settings (which would be the same as if this item is never set by the user, ie the default). Then folks can configure things whichever way makes sense for their collection. PS - If this is something you might like to see implemented, be sure to "Like" this top/first post (as well as any subsequent posts in this thread that highlight particular aspects of what you are interested in) -- "Liking" the top/first post helps the Devs to know how much interest there is in a given Feature Request.
  16. Hi, Emby Server needs to stop creating metadata, cache, transcoding-temp directories automatically. I have my server paths set to:- Emby data: /srv/.config/emby cache: /media/cache metadata: /media/metadata transcoding-temp: /media/tmp With Emby's current control, the directories end up being:- cache: /media/cache/cache metadata: /media/metadata/metadata transcoding-temp: /media/tmp/transcoding-temp Ideal outcome:- cache: /media/cache metadata: /media/metadata transcoding-temp: /media/tmp/transcoding
  17. jerthorne

    Emby Server Question

    This may be a dumb question. I've been using or at least trying to use Plex now for almost a year with the Cloud Server and there have been so many issues. I'm considering trying out Emby but feel a little lost. I currently have all my media content, including movies, music, TV shows stored in Dropbox. Is there a way to use this storage as a server, or how would I go about using something like this? Using a computer as the server isn't really an option. I'm just basically seeing what is possible at this point. Thanks for any help.
  18. Hi, A client, using the application for Xbox One, stated that they were able to browse the libraries of my emby server, however, while trying to reproduce, the message came that he should become a Premiere user to proceed. I am Emby's Premiere user and was certain that, being Premiere, it would be enough for the client, using any of the applications, would have access to the playback in my libraries. If not, I'd like to know what I can do so clients can have playback on my server. Thank you very much
  19. Some customers, using Internet browsers (including Chrome) and the LG TV app, are reporting that external captions do not appear on most videos, though they are scheduled to be shown. After several tests with such clients, I have noticed the problem, which can be easily solved. When playing the video, the caption is on. If the client disconnects the subtitle and restarts, then the subtitle is displayed. Is it possible to put this bug in the solution queue after verifying on new tests? Thank you very much
  20. It could be nice to have a way to configure a Default User, so that every new user created just copy the default user configuration. That is useful for when a new user is added you don't want to have the hassle of changing library access and server permissions every time, i like to even setup the home screen and playback preferences given that very few of my users have the interest or the dexterity to do by themselves. This way you could setup the defaults in what every new user will be configured.
  21. I cant access Emby anymore on my local ip. This happend after a update. I used to access Emby locally with http://embyserver:port or http<embyserverip>:port. Both don't work anymore. I can't edit these settings because I don't have a SSL certrificate and I still like to use a SSL connection with external clients. To make things more complicated, my server has multiple internal ip's. Since last (forced*) update Emby bind to the wrong internal ip. Is this a bug or a feature? Can I get 'the old' situation back? (with out a manual downgrade) Happy to read any comment! *forced because after an update the 'update automatically' option switches back on!? I try to be at least 2 beta builds behind but sometimes I forget this bug? and voila, I'm on the latest build.
  22. From what I can tell currently videos within the "extras" folder do not get parsed automatically for online metadata, nor do any associated NFO files (from outside of Emby) get parsed. Following up on this post ( https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/40262-why-are-dvd-extras-limited-to-a-single-directory/page-2&do=findComment&comment=377431 ) I thought I'd go ahead and make a request here (and reiterate some of what I posted in the above thread). I'd be interested in NFO support for Extras, both support for writing to NFO, but also for reading an pre-existing NFO on import, like is done for regular items and automatically adding any available online metadata. However, given that the way extras are currently presented (ie, such that you don't really see/view much of their details), I can understand why there currently is not much support for additional details (and thus no NFO file support). Edit: Also, images named the same as a given extras video are ignored. It would be nice if these were picked up as well, like they are in non-extras contexts. Edit: An additional clarification: By "automatic" I do not mean that a external lookup should be automatically performed for every file in the Extras directory, as that would likely be a nightmare of mismatches. Rather, I just mean that if there is an NFO file that goes with a video file, and the NFO file contains metadata (such as IMDB ID, etc.) then an automatic lookup using that data should be performed in order to grab the corresponding metadata for that Extra. PS - If this is something you might like to see implemented, be sure to "Like" this top/first post (as well as any subsequent posts in this thread that highlight particular aspects of what you are interested in) -- "Liking" the top/first post helps the Devs to know how much interest there is in a given Feature Request.
  23. I can get Emby Server to install ok on Raspbian. I can load it up and everything works, except that it can't read my storage device. Raspbian file explorer sees the storage and I can view the movies, but when I type that path to add to my library, it says it's not valid. I have zero experience here. I'm just googling what I can, but a lot of it is over my head. Can someone please help me out with a ELI5? Thank you!
  24. I often just watch one or two chapters from a music video for my favorite tracks. However, Emby then puts them into the resume playback category. In this case I do not want to resume and they clutter up the interface. Can Emby have features to: 1) For items in resume playback list have a button to cancel the resume 2) Have a setting at the Media Library level to exclude all items in the library from being resumed. I could then flag my music video library in one go.
  25. If you like me are running Emby Server on a Windows computer you know that it sometimes fails... if you like me sit in front of the TV with just a remote in your hand and want to watch your favorite show and Emby have failed, and in 99,9% of the time all you need to do is start it again you get somewhat annoyed. You can probably handle this a thousand ways but I wrote a small powershell script that checks if the website is responding, if it isn't stops the emby processes and starts them up again. I run this as a scheduled task and it have kept my Emby more up and running than before. I have tested this on a Windows 10 computer, I have no idea if this runs at all on any other version of Windows. I would guess that it does but you probably have to update Windows Powershell to use it. How to use it. Create a .ps1 textfile (Like C:\MyScripts\Emby-Monitor.ps1) with this content: $embywebsite = "http://localhost:8096" try{ $x=Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $embywebsite -ea stop -TimeoutSec 5 } catch{ Write-EventLog -EntryType Error -LogName Application -Source “Emby-Monitor” -EventId 8096 -Message "Emby Website is DOWN - Shutdown and Startup again" Stop-Process -Name *Emby* -Force Start-Process $env:APPDATA\Emby-Server\system\EmbyServer.exe } You need to run the below command as an administrator once, this is to create the source for eventlog If you do not do this monitoring will still work but it wont write anything in the eventlog New-EventLog –LogName Application –Source “Emby-Monitor” Create a scheduled task that runs the scipt how ever often you like as the logged on user To test it simply exit Emby (taskbar icon, right click and exit) and run the scheduled task and Emby should start up again.
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