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  1. Been having trouble lately getting my library scan to complete in a timely fashion. Noticed massive amounts of errors related to the ombd api. Tried going to their website and found they are getting hammered with a DDOS attack and they are aware of the errors (503). Just an FYI if you have been having trouble with library scans related to this.
  2. What happend? I updated Emby to 3.1.5 (skipped .4). I don't think this has anything to do with the problem I'm having right now. Fiddled around with my PC Restarted my PC (did not yet restart Emby) I noticed Emby did not auto start. Browsed to the AppData folder. A manual start resulted in a popup, screenshot attached. Tried to be smart and download the latest Emby release from the website, assuming it would fix the issue. I did not and Emby started fresh without my configuration. I removed %/System and replaced it with %/System(.old -removed) Same popup. Please help. I'll monitor this post in order to responded quickly. Thank you Attached; Popup, logs I think the most interesting log is to large, 300MB.., attached the last 3 and will c/v a small piece of the 'to large' log. [..] made it a *.zip.. server-63621380443.txt server-63621379911.txt server-63621377802.txt server-63621377794.txt server-63621338390.zip
  3. Hi, Im installing emby server from scratch on windows server 2016 and im up to the point to enter the path for ffmpeg. I have downloaded the 64bit bunble from Zeranoe as suggested, extracted to a folder, but when i hit next in the setup i get an error saying cannot locate ffmpeg using the path provided. I know its in there as i can see the ffmpeg application file in the bin directory of that bundle. how do i move past this point? need help please Cheers and thanks in advance
  4. ryzilla

    Emby Sever metadata

    Hi Guys, Few question i have about the Emby server setup i have searched the forums for and cant find a definitive answer and was wondering if you guys can lead me in the correct path. Does moving the metadata location to folders have a performance hit? the reason i am asking is i copy movies to my hard drive for the shack that has no internet so just need the metadata etc. If so, does it populate actor images as well into each folder, assuming yes you will end up with 200 of the rocks face. on the above two questions does Emby still use the central cache folder in the c:\users\app... as thats on a SSD and assume would make it all run faster if it used that copy. All going well all my collections are setup as e:\tv1 d:\tv2 etc even with follow control of the folders of the local user emby wont write the metadata to them, do they need to be shared as \\tv1 \\tv2 for this function to work. thanks for looking over this Cheers R
  5. So I now have all these new, multi-color boxes around my thumbnails on my home screen... How do I get rid of/hide these, as they are very unappealing to me. I have looked around for a bit now and have not been able to find an option to turn them off. Thanks!

    Blurry playback

    Hi, Trying to watch a movie on Emby Server and the playback is very blurry. The file is a HD file at almost 4GB. Selecting quality during playback is set at 1080p-60Mbps. Usually in quality setting it says 'Direct'. Any help on how to fix this? Emby Server V. Chrome V.55.0.2883.87 Thanks, Server-6361840000.txt
  7. Hi, I'm running Emby Server on a Raspberry Pi3 with OSCM. I was able to get it installed and running by following these instructions: https://github.com/d...mc_install_emby And by accessing the url I added my OSMC library (drive connected to Pi3) perfectly. The problem is when I hit play nothing happens, both on browser and on the iOS app. I get a "loading" circle on the screen that disappears after 4 seconds but no playback and no error message. Bellow are the logs. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks Log_2.txt Log.txt
  8. I could swear I saw a post similar to this recently but now I can't find it.... I'm in the midst of transitioning my library of movies, etc. into Emby and so I'm doing a lot of testing with NFO files and how Emby reads them, etc. It would be really useful during this period if there were a way to tell Emby to Re-Read a given NFO file (and pull in any new or changed data). Currently I have to remove the folder, restart Emby and then re-add the folder to get Emby to re-read the file(s), which is a bit of a pain. However, I realize that what I'm desiring here is not something that one would use often (I will probably very seldom use it once I get everything transitioned), and is a potentially dangerous feature because a user could overwrite data within Emby with old data in the NFO if they're not careful (so clear language and warnings are probably a good idea). So I'd be fine with this being some sort of Advanced or Hidden setting or something. Or if there's already a way to do this I'd be grateful to know that.
  9. Hi, I'm running Emby Server on a Raspberry Pi3 with OSCM. I was able to get it installed and running by following these instructions: https://github.com/douglasorend/osmc_install_emby And by accessing the url I added my OSMC library (drive connected to Pi3) perfectly. The problem is when I hit play nothing happens, both on browser and on the iOS app. I get a "loading" circle on the screen that disappears after 4 seconds but no playback and no error message. Bellow are the logs. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks Log_2.txt Log.txt
  10. Maximus Naxsus

    Login disclaimer popup

    I'm upgrading my network to fiber, my IP will change and there for user will have to receive a new Emby login IP, directing them to my Emby Server. I was wondering if it would be possible to make the Login disclaimer popup to notify my server user that a change is imminent. Other suggestion and experiences regarding this 'issue' are welcome. It's probably not a real issue, just users ignoring anything that doesn't popup in their face ;-)

    Missing Episodes not showing

    Hi, Hope everybody is having a fab XMAS this year....I have a slight issue. When I go to TV Shows>Episodes and change the filter to show 'Missing Episodes', it shows nothing. I know that I am missing episodes of a few series but it comes up blank. Any clues as to what I should do or if an update is needed. P.S. After updating to V. today, the XMAS snow theme disappeared. Thanks. Server-63618009284.txt
  12. I'm new to Emby and trying to get a optimal setup sorted. I have the following: Emby Server running on Windows Server 2012 running on a new Quad Core low end (new) Xeon Processor, 4GB Ram. Storage is traditional spinning rust. Media is all stored on another Server 2012 OS, running on the same hardware (they are two VMs in the same box) Clients include the web app, the Android app, Windows Theatre and the WMC Client (which I hope to replace with the Win 7 Theatre or even the Win 10 UWP App) I initially tried Emby on CentOS and although everything worked as expected I experienced occasional slowdowns where the server would just stop responding for a minute or two. On Windows it's a lot better however sometimes when loading the libraries from a client it will just hang and not display any media. Flicking between libraries usually resolves the issue if it doesn't load itself after 20 seconds or so. I have experienced this on all clients. My guess is that the storage is just not performing well enough and taking too long to load files, causing a slow down. What I'm going to try next is to do one of the following: Move the Emby server onto an SSD, this should speed up the server itself. Move the media into the Emby server and make it a combined Emby and Media server. This in itself shouldn't really make much difference except from moving the media a little closer to the server. My gut is to move the Emby server itself onto an SSD first and see what it does to the performance. Does anyone with more knowledge and experience of Emby have any suggestions for what I should check or anything else that I can try to improve performance? Cheers, Chris
  13. Hi every one, I really hope you'll be able to help me. I just installed an Emby Server on my RaspBerry 2 with RaspBian OS with ethernet connection. The server just works fine. I plugged an External HDD in NTFS format, I'm able to see it and its content on my RaspBerry with SSH, but when I want to add my movies, which are in my HDD, I choose "add libraries" on Emby, go to "/media/pi/HDD" and it shows me a blank space, like nothing were in it. I try to change permissions, try to "mount" my hdd, try to download some drivers for NTFS support, but nothing works yet. I'm starting to losing my head, is there anyone who could help me ? Thanks a lot
  14. so ever since the v3.0.7.x updates to the server wmc can no longer detect the server when it is clearly running. i can open it in chrome, check settings, search the library, but as soon as i try to enter mb from wmc start menu i just keep getting the error message telling me the server is not running. what changed and how can i fix it?
  15. As per title of topic the cast and scene menu information while movie is playing is badly broken. As seen below: The cast information cannot be scrolled through or backed of properly unless using "information Icon" However, if I press the information icon again it will not give me the artwork and synopisis it showed when I first pressed the information icon instead it will go to whatever busted "scene" or "cast" menu i was in. I must back out of the movie entirely to see movie artwork and synopsis correctly again and that part will work fine unless I go back into "Cast" or " Scene" menu. I tried this in Google Chrome and Opera and bug is exactly reproducible in both browsers.

    Future Dates show as Yesterday

    I have noticed that in the Upcoming Episodes tab, the date for the 13/09 is showing up as yesterday.. Any way to fix this myself or is this an update fix? I have attempted to upload the log file 'Server-63606816000' but for some reason it is 10.6MB which is too large to upload. remux-918a70d8-94ba-4e7d-9ae4-269425b419ee.txt
  17. I am looking (for a friend) at a NAS with one function to store and serve videos to a Sony Android TV. At first I thought it was best to do this using a basic Netgear ReadyNAS's DLNA server. Then I thought about Kodi before realising that QNAP NAS's support Emby Server and would prefer that (I have a MediaPC running Emby and Emby for Windows Media Centre). My friend would like to spend as little as possible so I was looking at the TS-212P but I was not sure if this would be powerful enough to run Emby Server. Video will be mostly SD and 720P stuff. Can anyone share their experience with this? Or any advice on likely performance on this unit?
  18. Maximus Naxsus

    Streaming, last minutes are cut off

    There seems to be an issue with ¿rendering the last couple of minutes of an episode while steaming to another location. Playback cuts off and I can't get the stream to continue on any time frame. Attached, server log Server log is 61 MB!? https://1drv.ms/t/s!Asn6NNog54FdjIVX35DTwZ8UFJE-Dw Also, see my previous post: http://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/36884-server-3059850-high-cpu-usage-when-browsing-libraries/ Still not sure if this might be (partially) an new Windows function (probably one of the futures where all so excited about , for anybody remembering the Windows 8.x and 10 introduction mumbo-jumbo ) As a trail I'll start streaming using the latest Pale Moon browser. In my experience one of the most reliable and least resources intensive for the past 5 years.
  19. I update my Emby Server to version 3.0.5985.0 recently and my CPU usage while browsing with Edge has more than doubled. Windows 10 x64 10586.494 Phenom x6 @ 4,1 GHZ 16 GB RAM Furthermore, FYI, I use PhenomMsrTweaker. Under average conditions my PC doesn’t use more power then 170 W, now when browsing Emby it jumps to ~260 W. Also, I keep a close eye on Process Explorer. UPDATE: I seem to have the same issue on my ThinkPad T530 (i5 3230). However it occurred during streaming. Previously I used Emby Server with Emby Theather (old version) on my Server. The high CPU usages occurred while clicking trough serie episodes, about 1 episode every 3s. The high CPU usage on my laptop was gone when I closed Edge. After that Emby Server (the server webpage) streamed 720p/4 MBps without any hiccups or glitches. This might indicate that it has something to do with the Windows 10 x.420 update to x.494? Is anybody here on the Windows 10 'fast ring'? If so what is your experience with Edge while comparing the different builds? UPDATE 2: I had an recurring streaming issue. Attempted to uploud the server log however it's 61 MB. Here is an Onedrive link: https://1drv.ms/t/s!Asn6NNog54FdjIVX35DTwZ8UFJE-Dw.This log includes the time frame where I experienced the 'high CPU usage' issue.

    Emby server seek bar

    Is there any way to implement a better seek bar? When ever I try moving the seek bar to where I want it, it always ends up being a minute before or after where I wanted it. Is it possible to get it more accurate down to the second...or even 5 seconds. Also is there a possibility of implementing a thumbnail slider seek bar shown
  21. schmitty

    Streaming issues

    Hi, I am having issues streaming different files from the server to Edge on Xbox One. Some videos play fine, others will play to a certain point then pause. I have attached logs. transcode-39ea5576-9271-49ac-aff8-f241a8485022.txt directstream-1a1ff0a8-8cca-42d8-a754-96c04d5d314e.txt
  22. Hi Emby community, I'm having some sync issues with my multiple Kodi builds and Emby server. At boot of each of my devices, (Laptop with Windows 10, Pine64 running Android-based Remix OS & an OpenELEC Raspberry Pi 2 all running recent builds of Kodi Jarvis) I am getting a "Library sync thread has exited! You should restart Kodi now" error. Whatever is happening with this error is halting my sync process, and my media on each device is not being updated. I can see it attempt to begin sync at boot, but halts once the message pops up. This began about a month ago. The Emby server is running on a older networked PC I had kicking around running Windows 10, which also holds the majority of my media. I am able to start the Emby addon and perform a local database resync, which will bring up my most updated media, but that seems to be the only way to get it to add. With quite a large library, this is very time consuming, and definitely not a very favorable option. Before I go ahead and wipe my entire db to see if that works, and lose watched status among other things, I'd love to see if anyone around here had any other potential fixes for me. My log file is attached. Thanks in advance for any assistance! server-63601791865.txt

    Unable to search for media

    I have noticed at random times that I am unable to search or anything through Emby Server web client (mainly using Chrome Version 51.0.2704.84 m but also happens using FireFox). Sometimes it will work fine but others it just does nothing (as in the screenshot). Is there a fix for this or any plans to tweak the search function in the future? I looked into 'Search Broke / Won't Find titles of movies' forum but it didn't help. Thanks in advance. server-63601372800.txt
  24. dimmiemedia

    Changing home tabs

    Hi there. Is there anyone who knows how you can edit, change or hide the menu tekst of the home tabs? Maybe in CSS? That will be great! I hope that somebodey can tell me more about it, because i can't find a good answer for it in the forums. Sorry if i am spamming the forum, but i can only find half answers about this, so i tought it's a good option maybe to make a new topic about it. Greetz Dimmie
  25. At my wits end and on the point of giving up on Emby I'm running Emby Server on a Windows Server 2012 Essential box - until the last patch everything was working but now after several hours of inactivity Emby Server is going into a lock down state. I am unable to access it via web or Kodi access either remotely or on the server - I can't even kill the process and am forced to reboot my server just to get it active again. Not sure what is happening but I can't live with this.. Any help before I decide to terminate my Emby experiment? Log.txt
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