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  1. agood

    Emby Server Service

    The emby server service does not work. Tried multiple times according to the bbook with NSSM (the sucking service). Whenever I restart the PC Emby Server DOES NOT start....any solutions? No guess work please...
  2. I have a few handfuls of movies within iTunes Movies. I'm not a big fan of iTunes, but since I have these digital movies I've been exploring how to more easily access them. I recently came across the excellent Retune iTunes Remote software for Android ( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.squallydoc.retune&hl=en ), created by SquallyDoc ( http://www.squallydoc.com ). This nifty piece of software is able to connect to my local iTunes library, display a list of my iTunes Movies, and then Play them in iTunes directly from within the app (ie, they do not play on my Android device, rather they play within iTunes on my computer). The fact that this is possible opened my mind to interesting possibilities for Emby integration (if there is enough user interest, of course). I think there would need to be two components to this: Emby Server would need to use the remote functionality (ie, whatever the mechanism is that iTunes provides for apps like Retune to be able to connect to the local iTunes library) to read what Movies (and TV Shows) exist within the users iTunes library. And then there'd need to be a way for the user to designate which Movies and TV Shows to display within Emby. The server would store whatever internal marker/id data is needed to later directly play that item in iTunes. And of course iTunes would need to be installed on the same network as Emby Server (so that it can access ITunes). iTunes is primarily on PC and Mac (and other Apple devices, of course), so Emby Theater should in theory be able to connect to a particular iTunes instance (ie, on the same PC) and then using the already acquired data from Emby Server, launch a given video in that iTunes instance (iTunes would need to already be open for this work, though it may be possible to lauch it via command line). Now, the thing that would make all this even cooler is if support for iTunes Extras (https://www.apple.com/itunes/working-itunes/enhance/extras/ ) could be added. I have reached out to the developer of Retune and he is going to see if that data is made accessible through the remote protocols. Ideally, we'd be able to import the list of iTunes Extras (including some basic metadata), and then launch them directly in iTunes. PS - If this is something you might like to see implemented, be sure to "Like" this top/first post (as well as any subsequent posts in this thread that highlight particular aspects of what you are interested in) -- "Liking" the top/first post helps the Devs to know how much interest there is in a given Feature Request.
  3. Hello: Emby Setup: >> I am using Emby Server with Kodi Leia 18.3. Issue/experience: >> When I add TV Shows to Emby Server (and tag them as TV Shows) all of my files are renamed with a "SxxExx" prefix convention. Emby Server also attempts to regroup my files by adding season folders/containers on the server. The naming convention and grouping structure then passes on to Kodi as is expected. >>What I would like is for my TV Show folder structure and file naming convention to remain the same as it is on my hard drive (unmodified), is there a way to do this? If not is there a work around that can be used with "Mixed Content" tag? If a work around exists how do I enable it as, or under, a Kodi main menu item selection? Background: >> I am converting from a HTServer that ran MediaBrowser2. All of the files are DVD type VIDEO_TS files with movie.xml files and .nfo files that store all of the metadata correctly and every episode was set to display an image similar to a movie poster. These TV Shows are stored with the following naming and structure <G:\Television Series\SeriesName\Episode xxx - EpisodeTitle\VIDEO_TS>. Thank you.
  4. Hello Everyone, Back here with a simple issue, not sure if it was intentional or not, but when I am watching live TV, the option to record is no longer there. I have to back out of the show and click record from the guide. I have attached my server log and two screenshots. one of the screenshots is showing that I can record from the guide, the other is from live tv view and there no longer being an option to record. Guide View Live TV View emby-server-log.rtf
  5. This is building on what I've mentioned previously ( https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/41937-questions-about-media-stubs/ ). Being able to create custom Media Stubs ( https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Wiki/wiki/Media%20stubs ) would be ideal, but I realize that is probably unlikely. So what I propose instead is a new Media Stub called Online, which could be indicated by ".online" instead of ".disc" (or even ".disconline" would be fine). I think with more and more media moving to an online context (ie, Vudu, iTunes, Disney Movies Anywhere) there is a place for having this kind of Media Stub. Now, would could then provide a relatively easy way that users could define their own online providers via Media Stub be allowing for the following naming convention: ".provider.online". So the user could just use ".online" or they could enter whatever continuous (ie, between ".") string they want to identify a given online provider (eg, "Terminator (1984).vudu.online") and then Emby would parse that and add it to an internal list of online providers. Then, using my other feature request of custom messages for Media Stubs ( https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/44010-emby-theater-external-player-custom-messages-particularly-for-media-stubs-and-tags/ ) Emby could provide a way to pick from the list of any Online Providers using the same UI I described for selecting Tags) when setting up an External Player of type "Media Stubs". Or, we could skip all that and just allow the user to manually enter strings to match of off (eg, ".vudu.online") -- this would basically be allowing Externally Players (in this case to display a custom message, per the other feature request) to be matched by arbitrary filename string patterns. In some ways that might actually be the easiest way to go (ie, the least work). And personally, I could live with that as I could then just create my own naming scheme using the existing Media Stub structure (eg, "Terminator (1984).vudu.online.disc") and match off of that for my custom messages (once the other feature request is implemented). Thanks! PS - If this is something you might like to see implemented, be sure to "Like" this top/first post (as well as any subsequent posts in this thread that highlight particular aspects of what you are interested in) -- "Liking" the top/first post helps the Devs to know how much interest there is in a given Feature Request.
  6. CarlosLima

    4K videos in .strm files

    Hi everyone, I use only .strm files and everything works fine, so the files that are in the cloud are all .mp4 with AAC 2ch audio. Nothing to complain about. Among the files, I have since DVDScreen, 480p, 702p and 1080p and all of them play on clients. Now I intend to also have a 4K file and would like to know if the .strm will be played on the clients, stating that I turn off all transcoding options while keeping direct playback on. Thanks for any info.
  7. Okay, so before I used to use a Roku Ultimate TV box, which the Emby App and the windows Emby Server worked flawlessly, and emby server connects easily with both the iOS and Android smartphone apps, but recently we purchased an Amazon 4K FireTV Stick because they were on sale, and despite it having obvious advantages over Roku, the first time I tried connecting emby server to emby for firetv it drove me mad. I don't have enough know how to install root and ca certificates onto the FireTV, so after what seemed like 50 times of trying to use Emby Connect and manually typing the IP and port in, somehow it connected, and it stayed connected up until the last time I used it 3 nights ago. Then today I tried to start the emby app and once again "Error connecting to server", I've saved the most recent emby log of the connection event, so if anyone could help me figure this out I'd be forever in your debt! FireTV would be perfect if not for the issues connecting to emby server, because I use emby very often! Thanks in advance everybody! P.S. I attached the log as a txt below
  8. Hi, I have been using emby now for almost a year with no issue, this morning when i went to load content on my Roku showed: connection failed: Connection refused So i logged into the windows machine running the server and attempted to load the server GUI from the tray and received the following error localhost refused to connect. ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED I have attempted multiple server reboots and restarting the emby server. I have also tried removing the system.dll from the emby folder and then restarting the server, this actually brings up the gui with the start up wizard but as soon as i drop the old file back in it will not work. I have attached the log file. Cheers embyserver.txt
  9. Hi @@ebr, I am currently using custom mediainfo icons for CoverArt, of which there is one named ddplus.png, I ended up duplicating this and naming it eac3.png, it for some reason is not being used and as a result I have a lot of tv episodes and some movies which do not display a codec icon. The mp3 icon doesn't seem to display either.
  10. Hello, Please add an option (button or checkbox) to copy parental ratings to season and episode level.
  11. schmitty

    Parental Ratings display

    Hello, Could the the parental ratings for movies be imported/displayed from TheMovieDB the same as they are for tv series. eg. MA15+ instead of AU-MA15+? Also, use the same display method in the drop-down menus in the metadata editor.
  12. JERRY1

    It says this version is up to date.Thing is i haven't use this particular pc in almost a year. Is for windows really is the latest ?
  13. schmitty

    Local and cloud libraries

    Hello, I would like some clarification please. I currently have three tv and two movie libraries setup. I have a local and cloud library for tv and movies, and I set up a third tv library which merges the local and cloud tv libraries, which I only access at the moment for testing. The idea was to, while I am in the process of moving media across to the cloud have one library which merges the two together... for some reason though, it doesn't seem to work that way. It is showing duplicate series... one from local and one from cloud, instead of merging the two.
  14. schmitty

    Local metadata

    Hi, I would like to know if Emby Server will still create metadata in media folders when a movie has different versions. And, if so... how do I get it to create the files, if they don't already exist? I have tried doing a library scan of the affected library.
  15. dgjr7llrivera

    Question about my hard drive

    Hello Everyone, I need some help. I am really new to all this media server, etc., but love new apps and technology. Long story short, I wanted to have a local media server, so the family can have access to pictures, videos, etc., this was all done via wifi and I user my pc and set it up as the emby server. Typically prior to today, when I would add contect to the folder I choose it would update the contact and the server would display the new content, I would even get notification on the right hand side on PC confirming new media has been added. This is where the issue is "It is no longer happening" no sure if there was an update recently or the feature was removed, I have tried everything from the little knowledge I have, I have asked the server to scan libraries, I have tried to remove items and add them back on, nothing works, if I log into it using my android phone add (emby), it will display old outdated content. Can someone please help me fix this or provide me some guidance how to get this fixed ? Also just an FYI I have the premiere version that comes with added features. Thank you in advance for your support.
  16. Hello, Ever since relocating the Emby data directory and rebuilding the library, I can no longer seem to retrieve internet metadata. Even via the Identify function. See the attached log file. embyserver.txt
  17. CarlosLima

    Message to user device

    Hi, Is it possible to use CSS code to change the background color and the length of time the text message sent to the user's device is logged in? I understand that the time is too short for longer messages and the background is confused with the caption. I would like to have a lighter background color, maybe in red or yellow color. Thanks for any tip.
  18. I'm looking for some under the hood info - from advanced users that have built a multi-client environment. My existing system is pretty basic, as I like to keep things simple, and in the event of a problem I don't have to muck through a maze of "how did I do this again?" I have a Synology NAS - that provides all the storage for my media files. Using all the built-in 'add video' sources within Kodi - linked to my NAS. I've also enabled a MariaDB10 app, on the NAS to support the MySql feature within Kodi - so all my clients (multiple FireTV & PCs (Windows,MAC)) sync to the same dB. This all works quite well, however a bit complex configuration on each client to maintain if I make the same change or add a source, etc. So here's where my questions begin... I've installed Emby Server on one of my Synology NAS boxes, actually, this particular one is an Xpenology device. I chose that one because it has much more HP than my official Synology boxes. I've also purchased a lifetime Emby account. I've built a Kodi (18.1) client on one of my Fire TV televisions - from scratch. Installed the basic Addons that I require for my use ... OpenSubtitles, Trakt, Lyrics & Backup. I've also just installed Emby/con - addons. After running and testing - to the Kodi local dB all seems to be working well. I'm not sure how the updates to the local client dB updates, and if there is by directional flow when it comes to Trakt data, and partially watched positions, etc... Would it be better to switch to using the Mysql as a common dB source for my clients as I did before? or just stick to the Kodi local dB file dB? I'm thinking using the Mysql dB would be a bit redundant and just complicate things. That I should just let Emby do all the dB work, and keep the local client dBs updated. any HELP, feedback and or comments would be welcome. So far I'm pretty impressed with Emby server.
  19. Hi, Please add a setting to library settings to use Screen Grabber for Extras images
  20. Hi, I have noticed that there seems to be a problem with Emby Server detecting extras for movies. My folder structure is as follows:- /media/movies/Movie Title /extras /intros /shorts /trailers It works fine with extras and trailers, as soon I add one of the others it detects everything as individual media items. The same when I add a 3D version of the same movie to the directory. I have to have 3D versions in separate directories. eg. Despicable Me 3 Despicable Me 3 (2017).h264.DTS-HD MA [7.1].Bluray-1080p.mkv Despicable Me 3 3D (2017).h264.3D-MVC.DTS-HD MA [7.1].Bluray-1080p.mkv Log.txt
  21. Sean89Butler

    Remote access no longer working.

    I tried accessing my server when I was on vacation and I was unable to connect. Remote access has been working fine for the past year, I'm not sure what has changed. I checked my firewall and everything looked good, just to be safe i removed the inbound rules and added them again, but still no luck, I even disabled my firewall completely but it still didn't work. I am able to remote into my computer with Chrome remote desktop connection, so it seems like my network is working as it should. And yes, I do have port forwarding set up. As I said earlier this was working perfectly for over a year, It just stopped recently. Anyone have any Ideas?
  22. Hi, I have a new problem now. When creating a new library (Animations), the contents are in three subfolders within the same folder, however, Emby Server created the same menu three times. Even though I clear the access in two of them, it does not solve, because it maintains the 3 menus. When you open the menus, the contents are correct, but tripled in all. Am I making a mistake? I have two other Movies folders, both with two subfolders each and this problem does not exist.
  23. Hi, Brand new Plex refugee here. Enter Emby. Same folders, same setup as Plex. Emby will not display my movies, period. Followed Emby naming protocol that worked like a charm in Plex. I've always pointed my iTunes Media folder to Plex. This way, all media is available to iDevices directly, and can stream via Plex Emby directly to our Roku TV. I have added/removed movie folder many times in media library. It sees the movies in the metadata manager, and it shows the miniature movies in the Library view of Emby Web Settings, but will display only TV shows in Home overview. Furthermore, emby app will not play from Roku TV. It sees the server (manually entered), shows the TV shows, but then 'retrieving' and.....nothing. A very frustrating experience so far. I'm only interested in local media streaming. I have no need for online retrieval of tags, titles, subtitles etcetera. I don't want .nfo files added to folders. All images, data and what not are already contained within each .mp4/.m4v file. I'm using Emby only because I have my iTunes purchases on my Mac and want to view them on my Roku TV. Setup is Mac with Emby Server install (latest/greatest), hardwired via MoCa adapter to Roku TV, Emby app. Server is recognized but nothing will play. Media is stored on external Hard Drive connected to Mac. Is this a DRM issue? I have installed and reinstalled Emby but previous settings remain in place on reinstall. This post is a last ditch effort to get this to work, before I cave and go the Apple TV route. I'd prefer to get this working. Thanks!
  24. Some shows (eg, Phineas and Ferb) can often be comprised of two episodes per "block" (or ~20 minute episode time frame), and in instances where one chooses to keep those as a single file it would be nice if the Multi-Episode support added a little visual divider/marker when outputting the Overview/Plot so that it was more apparent when the plot of one episode ends, and the plot of the subsequent episode (contained in the same file) begins. My proposal is that we just use the same green dot delimiter as is used to separate Genres: <span class="bulletSeparator">•</span> Above from: https://github.com/MediaBrowser/emby-web-defaultskin/blob/gh-pages/item/item.js#L383 It'll be consistent with the overall look/feel, and no knew styles have to be created. I would have done a Pull Request, but I couldn't see anything in the default skin that impacts this -- I suspect that the Plots are combined on the server and then outputted as a single plot. Oh, actually, it just occurred to me that the plot is being stored as a single plot (in the Overview field) because it is a single file (duh!). Looking at the details of an example it does appear that the Plots are separated by a CRLF, but lately Emby Theater has not been displaying those (I thought, though I could be wrong, that in some earlier testing maybe a few weeks ago I had success with those characters being recognized and outputting as space between lines of text). Regardless of how we get there, it would be nice to have a visual separator (whether CRLF, or something else) for these plots. PS - If this is something you might like to see implemented, be sure to "Like" this top/first post (as well as any subsequent posts in this thread that highlight particular aspects of what you are interested in) -- "Liking" the top/first post helps the Devs to know how much interest there is in a given Feature Request.
  25. CarlosLima

    Main Menu + Submenu

    Hi, Is it possible to create submenu on Emby Server? I explain I separate the collection of movies between Legendados, Dublados and Infantis, but this forces me to have three separate menus in the main menu of Emby Server. I wish I could have just one Movies menu and when the client clicked on that single menu, a submenu would pop up with the movie options; Voices, Legendados and Infantis. In order not to remain doubt, I leave an art, being the Main Menu what is seen in the Emby and the Submenu what would be displayed when being clicked. Thanks for any tip.
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