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  1. Evening All, Has anyone got some advice for getting a device to transcode all media? Effectively anything other than AVI/SD content causes stuttering and other playback issues on emby for android, however I've noticed that if the media server does all the heavy lifting (which it is more than capable of) then playback is smoother and more reliable. I've tried creating and modifying DLNA profiles to prevent direct play (even removed the directory mappings too) but it still direct plays/streams. It would be ace if you could select from the devices list your device and set some options at the device level (even if it just created a profile for you) Any ideas or thoughts? I even tried Kodi but my android tv KOs when mediacodec is used and without it the quality is naff
  2. mcgyver83

    Emby DLNA not appear on TV media center

    I'm running emby in an openmediavault instance on a raspberry pi2. I turned up my 2 tv, an LG LF590V and a Panasonic AS650. Both are recognized in the cast menu (together with "My devices" obviously). When I try to browse DLNA server from both Emby DLNA doesn't appear. If I start minidlna this shows up quickly in the TVs menu. I set "Blast alive messages" at 30sec, "Enable Dlna server" is checked and also "Enable DLNA Play To".. What's happen? attached the log after a server restart server-63583820979.txt
  3. dredrizzah

    Xbox One Media Player

    For some reason Emby is not showing in the Xbox One media player. The PC that Emby server is installed on shows with no problem. My question is this on the Emby side or is it my console? I've tried different blast alive messaging timings with no avail. The only solution that works is to restart the Xbox although that is something I don't want to keep doing!!!!
  4. SangheiliDragon

    Emby low audio

    Hey all, New to Emby, having a minor bug. Audio when streamed to clients, have been using Kodi 16.01 (tested on 2 devices)(Kodi Emby plugin installed), Chromecast 1st Gen (FW ver. 1.20.66189), and a Samsung Smart TV Series 6 (DLNA), all have very low audio. I would say roughly half volume compared to when they are played via a shared network drive or via direct hard drive connect. (not using Emby). Emby server version 3.0.6400.0 running on MS Windows 10 build 10.0.14393 any help would be greatly appreciated Regards Jayden
  5. Getoarii

    Panasonic Viera BL6 series

    Hello everybody I have a Panasonic Viera TV (I'm disappointed with it by comparing with other operting systems like Samsung, LG's OS or finally Android) I'm trying to open .ts files (playlist.m3u) and I've done it using Mezzmo. But, TV is opening only SD .ts files, other .ts HD files, TV isn't opening. Can anyone tell me, how to open these (.ts HD) files (using Mezzmo or any other way)? Sorry if you don't understand my English, and many thanks!
  6. walnuss0815

    Probleme mit DLNA unter Docker

    Hallo zusammen Bis gestern hatte ich auf meiner DiskStation Emby als Paket laufen. Diese Lösung gefiel mir nicht, da weitere Pakete benötigt werden. Nun bin ich gestern auf die Idee gekommen den Emby-Server in Docker laufen zu lassen. Die Einrichtung verlief Problemlos, jedoch habe ich per DLNA keinen Zugriff auf den Emby-Server. Außerdem kann die Verbindung mit dem Emby-Server über die Seite app.meby.media nicht hergestellt werden (Fehlermeldung siehe Anhang). Folgende Ports des Docker Containers sind freigegeben: 1900 UDP 1901 UDP 7359 UDP 8096 TCP 8920 TCP Alle weiteren Einstellungen sind bitte dem Anhang zu entnehmen. Der Zugriff auf den DLNA Server soll per Windows Media Player erfolgen, was mit dem Emby-Server als Paket Problemlos funktionierte. Folgende Einträge aus dem Log (im Anhang) irritieren mich: 2016-08-30 11:44:11.3236 Info IDeviceDiscovery: Creating SSDP listener on 11:44:11.3309 Info IDeviceDiscovery: Creating SSDP listener on Es scheint so als würde der Server nur auf dem Loopback-Interface "hören".... Ich hoffe auf eure Hilfe! PS: Das Emby Paket nutzt wenn es läuft folgende Ports tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* Zum testen werde ich sie in Docker durchgeben. Mit freundlichem Gruß walnuss0815 Server_Log.txt
  7. embyaccount201955

    Help translating Plex Profile configs

    Hello. I'm pretty sure I read every transcoding/dlna thread ever created. The thing is I cannot make Emby work properly with a 2012 Sony Bravia. It apparently transcodes (or not even) to the wrong format, making impossible to seek/resume playback on the TV. I'm pretty sure it's a profile related issue. What I do know is that for some reason Plex's profile for the TV works no out of the box, so I would like someone to help me recreate the same profile in Emby <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Client name="Sony Bravia 2012"> <!-- Author: Plex Inc. based on original profile from Yardco --> <!-- http://kb.sony-europe.com/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE?St=332,E=0000000000126929163,Key=215,SXI=14,Case=obj(26884) --> <Identification> <Header name="X-AV-Client-Info" regex=".*KDL-\d{2}[A-Z]X\d5(\d|G).*" /> <DeviceDescription> <Manufacturer substring="Sony" /> <FriendlyName regex="KDL-\d{2}[A-Z]X\d5(\d|G).*" /> </DeviceDescription> </Identification> <DeviceDescription> <ModelName>Windows Media Player Sharing</ModelName> <ModelNumber>3.0</ModelNumber> <ModelUrl>http://www.microsoft.com/</ModelUrl> <Manufacturer>Microsoft Corporation</Manufacturer> <ManufacturerUrl>http://www.microsoft.com/</ManufacturerUrl> <X-DlnaCap /> <Sony-AggregationFlags>10</Sony-AggregationFlags> </DeviceDescription> <Settings> <Setting name="AlbumArtPN" value="JPEG_TN" /> <Setting name="EmitSinglePhotoResource" value="true" /> </Settings> <TranscodeTargets> <VideoProfile container="mpegts" codec="h264" audioCodec="aac,mp3,ac3" context="streaming"> <Setting name="MpegtsM2tsMode" value="true" /> </VideoProfile> <MusicProfile container="mp3" codec="mp3" /> <PhotoProfile container="jpeg"> <Setting name="ChromaSubsampling" value="4:2:2" /> </PhotoProfile> </TranscodeTargets> <DirectPlayProfiles> <VideoProfile container="mpegts" codec="h264" audioCodec="ac3,aac,mp3" /> <VideoProfile container="mpegts" codec="mpeg2video" audioCodec="mp3,mp2" /> <VideoProfile container="mp4" codec="h264,mpeg4" audioCodec="ac3,aac,mp3,mp2" /> <VideoProfile container="avi" codec="mpeg4" audioCodec="ac3,mp3" /> <VideoProfile container="mpeg" codec="mpeg2video,mpeg1video" audioCodec="mp3,mp2" /> <VideoProfile container="asf" codec="wmv2,wmv3,vc1" audioCodec="wmav2,wmapro,wmavoice" /> <MusicProfile container="mp3" codec="mp3" /> <MusicProfile container="asf" codec="wmav2,wmapro,wmavoice" /> </DirectPlayProfiles> <CodecProfiles> <VideoCodec name="*"> <Limitations> <UpperBound name="video.width" value="1920" isRequired="true" /> <UpperBound name="video.height" value="1080" isRequired="true" /> </Limitations> </VideoCodec> <VideoAudioCodec name="ac3"> <Limitations> <UpperBound name="audio.channels" value="6" /> </Limitations> </VideoAudioCodec> </CodecProfiles> <ContainerProfiles> <PhotoContainer name="*"> <Limitations> <UpperBound name="media.width" value="1920" isRequired="true" /> <UpperBound name="media.height" value="1080" isRequired="true" /> </Limitations> </PhotoContainer> </ContainerProfiles> <DlnaMediaProfiles> <!-- These are from the Serviio profile. Thanks, Serviio --> <DlnaVideoProfile container="mpegts" codec="h264" audioCodec="ac3,aac,mp3" pn="AVC_TS_HD_24_AC3_T,AVC_TS_HD_50_AC3_T,AVC_TS_HD_60_AC3_T,AVC_TS_HD_EU_T" mimeType="video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts"> <Limitations> <Match name="video.packetLength" value="192" isRequired="true" /> <Match name="video.timeStamp" value="1" isRequired="true" /> </Limitations> </DlnaVideoProfile> <DlnaVideoProfile container="mpegts" codec="h264" audioCodec="ac3,aac,mp3" pn="AVC_TS_HD_24_AC3_ISO,AVC_TS_HD_50_AC3_ISO,AVC_TS_HD_60_AC3_ISO,AVC_TS_HD_EU_ISO" mimeType="video/mpeg"> <Limitations> <Match name="video.packetLength" value="188" isRequired="true" /> </Limitations> </DlnaVideoProfile> <DlnaVideoProfile container="mpegts" codec="h264" audioCodec="ac3,aac,mp3" pn="AVC_TS_HD_24_AC3,AVC_TS_HD_50_AC3,AVC_TS_HD_60_AC3,AVC_TS_HD_EU" mimeType="video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts" /> <DlnaVideoProfile container="mpegts" codec="mpeg2video" pn="MPEG_TS_SD_EU,MPEG_TS_SD_NA,MPEG_TS_SD_KO" mimeType="video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts" /> <!-- These are inferred from the earlier PMS Bravia profile --> <DlnaVideoProfile container="mpeg" codec="mpeg1video,mpeg2video" pn="MPEG_PS_NTSC,MPEG_PS_PAL" mimeType="video/mpeg" /> <DlnaVideoProfile container="mpeg" codec="mpeg1video,mpeg2video" pn="MPEG_PS_NTSC,MPEG_PS_PAL" mimeType="video/mpeg" /> <DlnaVideoProfile container="mpeg" codec="mpeg1video,mpeg2video" pn="MPEG_PS_NTSC,MPEG_PS_PAL" mimeType="video/mpeg" /> <!-- TODO - if necessary, remap WMABASE to WMA_BASE and WMAFULL to WMA_FULL--> </DlnaMediaProfiles> </Client> and this is the profile Emby uses <?xml version="1.0"?> <Profile xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <Name>Sony Bravia (2012)</Name> <Identification> <FriendlyName>KDL-\d{2}[A-Z]X\d5(\d|G).*</FriendlyName> <Manufacturer>Sony</Manufacturer> <Headers> <HttpHeaderInfo name="X-AV-Client-Info" value=".*KDL-\d{2}[A-Z]X\d5(\d|G).*" match="Regex" /> </Headers> </Identification> <Manufacturer>Microsoft Corporation</Manufacturer> <ManufacturerUrl>http://www.microsoft.com/</ManufacturerUrl> <ModelName>Windows Media Player Sharing</ModelName> <ModelDescription>Emby</ModelDescription> <ModelNumber>3.0</ModelNumber> <ModelUrl>http://www.microsoft.com/</ModelUrl> <EnableAlbumArtInDidl>true</EnableAlbumArtInDidl> <EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit>true</EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit> <EnableSingleSubtitleLimit>false</EnableSingleSubtitleLimit> <SupportedMediaTypes>Audio,Photo,Video</SupportedMediaTypes> <AlbumArtPn>JPEG_TN</AlbumArtPn> <MaxAlbumArtWidth>480</MaxAlbumArtWidth> <MaxAlbumArtHeight>480</MaxAlbumArtHeight> <MaxIconWidth>48</MaxIconWidth> <MaxIconHeight>48</MaxIconHeight> <MaxStreamingBitrate>20000000</MaxStreamingBitrate> <MaxStaticBitrate>20000000</MaxStaticBitrate> <MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate>192000</MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate> <MaxStaticMusicBitrate xsi:nil="true" /> <XDlnaDoc>DMS-1.50</XDlnaDoc> <SonyAggregationFlags>10</SonyAggregationFlags> 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videoCodec="wmv2,wmv3,vc1" type="Video" /> <DirectPlayProfile container="mp3" audioCodec="mp3" type="Audio" /> <DirectPlayProfile container="asf" audioCodec="wmav2,wmapro,wmavoice" type="Audio" /> <DirectPlayProfile container="jpeg" type="Photo" /> </DirectPlayProfiles> <TranscodingProfiles> <TranscodingProfile container="mp3" type="Audio" audioCodec="mp3" estimateContentLength="false" enableMpegtsM2TsMode="false" transcodeSeekInfo="Auto" copyTimestamps="false" context="Streaming" enableSubtitlesInManifest="false" /> <TranscodingProfile container="ts" type="Video" videoCodec="h264" audioCodec="ac3" estimateContentLength="false" enableMpegtsM2TsMode="true" transcodeSeekInfo="Auto" copyTimestamps="false" context="Streaming" enableSubtitlesInManifest="false" /> <TranscodingProfile container="jpeg" type="Photo" estimateContentLength="false" enableMpegtsM2TsMode="false" transcodeSeekInfo="Auto" copyTimestamps="false" context="Streaming" enableSubtitlesInManifest="false" /> </TranscodingProfiles> <ContainerProfiles> <ContainerProfile type="Photo"> <Conditions> <ProfileCondition condition="LessThanEqual" property="Width" value="1920" isRequired="true" /> <ProfileCondition condition="LessThanEqual" property="Height" value="1080" isRequired="true" /> </Conditions> </ContainerProfile> </ContainerProfiles> <CodecProfiles> <CodecProfile type="Video"> <Conditions> <ProfileCondition condition="LessThanEqual" property="Width" value="1920" isRequired="true" /> <ProfileCondition condition="LessThanEqual" property="Height" value="1080" isRequired="true" /> <ProfileCondition condition="LessThanEqual" property="VideoFramerate" value="30" isRequired="true" /> </Conditions> <ApplyConditions /> </CodecProfile> <CodecProfile type="VideoAudio" codec="ac3"> <Conditions> <ProfileCondition condition="LessThanEqual" property="AudioChannels" value="6" isRequired="true" /> </Conditions> <ApplyConditions /> </CodecProfile> <CodecProfile type="VideoAudio" codec="mp3,mp2"> <Conditions> <ProfileCondition condition="LessThanEqual" property="AudioChannels" value="2" isRequired="true" /> </Conditions> <ApplyConditions /> </CodecProfile> </CodecProfiles> <ResponseProfiles> <ResponseProfile container="ts" audioCodec="ac3,aac,mp3" videoCodec="h264" type="Video" orgPn="AVC_TS_HD_24_AC3_T,AVC_TS_HD_50_AC3_T,AVC_TS_HD_60_AC3_T,AVC_TS_HD_EU_T" mimeType="video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts"> <Conditions> <ProfileCondition condition="Equals" property="PacketLength" value="192" isRequired="true" /> <ProfileCondition condition="Equals" property="VideoTimestamp" value="Valid" isRequired="true" /> </Conditions> </ResponseProfile> <ResponseProfile container="ts" audioCodec="ac3,aac,mp3" videoCodec="h264" type="Video" orgPn="AVC_TS_HD_24_AC3_ISO,AVC_TS_HD_50_AC3_ISO,AVC_TS_HD_60_AC3_ISO,AVC_TS_HD_EU_ISO" mimeType="video/mpeg"> <Conditions> <ProfileCondition condition="Equals" property="PacketLength" value="188" isRequired="true" /> </Conditions> </ResponseProfile> <ResponseProfile container="ts" audioCodec="ac3,aac,mp3" videoCodec="h264" type="Video" orgPn="AVC_TS_HD_24_AC3,AVC_TS_HD_50_AC3,AVC_TS_HD_60_AC3,AVC_TS_HD_EU" mimeType="video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts"> <Conditions /> </ResponseProfile> <ResponseProfile container="ts" videoCodec="mpeg2video" type="Video" orgPn="MPEG_TS_SD_EU,MPEG_TS_SD_NA,MPEG_TS_SD_KO" mimeType="video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts"> <Conditions /> </ResponseProfile> <ResponseProfile container="mpeg" videoCodec="mpeg1video,mpeg2video" type="Video" orgPn="MPEG_PS_NTSC,MPEG_PS_PAL" mimeType="video/mpeg"> <Conditions /> </ResponseProfile> </ResponseProfiles> <SubtitleProfiles> <SubtitleProfile format="srt" method="Embed" /> </SubtitleProfiles> </Profile> If someone could tell me what to change in the Emby profile, that would be great thanks
  8. peapa

    DLNA ports

    Hello, I'm trying to run Emby server behind a firewall. I've already opened port 8096 for the web UI and 1900 for SSDP. Now Emby finds my DLNA-enabled devices. But my Xbox 360 displays a black screen when attempting to play back a video through DLNA with the firewall enabled. If I disable the firewall on the server, playback is fine. I want to keep the firewall enabled on this server. I could not find the ports used by Emby for DLNA, does someone know ? Thanks
  9. I'm having trouble playing video files with a secondary audio track. When streaming the file (so not transcoding), the player will always select the default audio track regardless of other settings (like audio language preference of profile) and I changing the language in the remote has no effect. The playing device is a 2011 Netcast LG TV, and I'm running Emby Server Version 3.0.6070.0 on Windows 10. I found this thread that mentions that this issue is resolved. Am I missing something, or is it that my TV is just too old to support this? I have attached the log file. Also, a very minor issue, something I noticed when trying to find the log file, I am no longer able to select any text of Emby in the browser (using Firefox). It would've been easier to be able to copy paste the path to the log files, but I had to do this via "inspect element". I am able to select everything in the left hand menu, though. Just nothing in the main frame is selectable. Any help would be greatly appreciated, even if it is just a conformation that I'm out of luck EDIT: I forgot to add that I use an edited DLNA profile of the one I found here. In this profile the video audio codecs are included in the "Codecs" section with the condition "AudioChannels" (see screenshot below). I assume this means that Emby should switch to transcoding when trying to switch audio channels, but this is not something I see as an option when adding new codecs manually. 20160824_Emby_Log_Exceprt.txt
  10. anderbytes

    Docker Bridge vs DLNA

    Hi. Has anyone successfully enabled DLNA in Emby via Docker and has Bridge networking configured instead of Host networking? I follow all the instructions but DLNA is NEVER visible from outside the container. If I change networking to HOST, then everything works fine.
  11. Hi Everyone, I'am new here. Couple days ago I was looking for PLEX alternative. I found Emby. The interface is awesome. But I'm faceing with some issues. 1. I couldn't find Offical LG Smart TV app for Emby. I found and read some topics here. I downloaded Java SDK, LG SDK CLI I installed some unoffical EMBY apps to my TV. None of them works properly. I use latest version of Server. The main problem is There is no TUTORIAL or GUIDE topic for LG Smart TV. Even doesn't have Category for LG Smart TV's on main forum. I disappointed about that. I have few questions: When I can see Offical Emby App for LG Smart TV? 2. I am facing with DLNA issues on LG TV. My ports 8096 and 8920 are open from outside. LG SmartShare can recognize Emby but when I try to open thru smartshare it says your connection is not stable. But PLEX DLNA is working without any issue. Currently, I can browse my library via Safari browser and I can choose PLAY TO feature and play video on LG TV. This is weird. LG SmartShare cannot play or browse Emby but I can use play to feature and SmartShare can play video. 3. Offical iOS app keep saying server is not available or something like that. I cannot achieve to connect Emby via iOS app. I have no idea what is the problem. I hope someone can help me.
  12. Hi. Today when some device is connected to the internal network, it can access Emby media server as if was the "Default User" chosen in DLNA > SETTINGS , if the device doesn't have a matching custom profile. Inside that combo box, it lists all Emby users, but it lacks the option to "No access" in this combo, because I want to restrict DLNA access only to already authorized devices. I don't want guests at my home being able to watch my media without my consentiment.
  13. ThermoDust

    [Portable Edition] DLNA Ports

    What ports need to be opened for the DLNA discovery and streaming to work? PS - I guess a secondary question would be work ports in general does Emby need opened to be fully functional?
  14. samsung_user

    Transcoding over DLNA not working [samsung]

    I'm facing the infamous "this filetype is not supported" message when trying to play certain files over DLNA. Those certain files appear as transcoding containers in .ts format. As per other similar threads, I tried upping the VideoLevel value in the dlna profile to 51, and also upping max streaming bitrate, but nothing seems to be working. Particular tv should be able to play all the files present natively. Tv model is 2015 samsung JU7500. Attaching logs right after starting the server and trying to play a problematic video. Note that the transcoding seems to be working just fine on server side. server log (mind the exceptions related to the fact server is not connected to the internet) transcoding log profile screenshot of a sample problematic media data Application version: 3.0.5972.0 Also, for what it's worth, the emby is being run from a docker container on an unRAID server.
  15. anderbytes

    Bug - PlayTo in Mono 4.4.0

    Hello, I've noticed that after updating Mono to new stable 4.4.0 I can't play DLNA properly. After some investigation... I found in log that was something related to PlayTo feature (being able to control device via DLNA). After disabling PlayTo, everything works fine. Here is the log. please take a look around time 20:25:50 ps: It is 10% possible that Mono is not the sole cause... because I've also been reinstalling some packages manually (Python-related)... Just informing...
  16. drschlaumeier

    DLNA not starting after Hibernate

    Hallo, I have another Problem with emby - DLNA Server. My Setup is OMV with Emby plugin. In Emby I have configured DLNA which is working great except the problem here: http://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/35731-transcode-photo-resolution/ However, my second problem is that DLNA is not starting up after wake from hibernate. It seems to be connected to Internet Connection which is not immediately available after hibernate. See also attached log file... 2016-06-11 08:58:32.6271 Error Connect: Error registering with Connect 2016-06-11 08:58:56.7769 Error HttpClient: Error getting response from http://emby.media/community/index.php?/blog/rss/1-media-browser-developers-blog 2016-06-11 08:58:56.7791 Error App: Error downloading News 2016-06-11 08:58:59.6751 Error HttpClient: Error getting response from https://api.github.com/repos/MediaBrowser/Emby/Releases 2016-06-11 08:58:59.6777 Error TaskManager: Error 2016-06-11 08:58:59.6777 Info TaskManager: Check for application updates Failed after 0 minute(s) and 42 seconds I suppose that somehow these errors prevent DLNA Service from starting. Any idea, any workaround, any help? Many thanks in advance emby_noDLNA.txt
  17. hi! i am still having issues with LG WebOS smartv and DLNA. It used to work ok, but now if i choose a movie from my colection and select the function "play to LG] webOS TV" nothing happens! But if i enter through the "SmartShare app" on the tv I can choose the emby server and watch the movie without any problem. Any idea with this issue? Thanks in advance! server-63601602365.txt
  18. drschlaumeier

    Transcode Photo Resolution?

    Hallo, I'm new to Emby & DLNA. I just installed OMV and Emby. I enabled DLNA in emby to browse my photo library on new Samsung J Series. However, sometimes and especially for big/high resolution jpg photos (>5MB) I get errors on Samsung TV, e.g. "File format not supported" or ""check network connection". If I reload picture in Samsung TV everything is working fine. Is it possible to transcode pictures to Samsung TV to lower resolution/file size? How can I do that in emby settings? Many thanks in advance DRS
  19. Has DLNA music folder view gone or stopped working with a recent-ish build? I'm on latest and I can't for the life of me get my clients to see a folder view for music via dlna. Albums, Artists, Songs, Genres are there... Thanks!
  20. Quiffster

    DLNA and DLNA "Play To" device detection

    DLNA too unreliable now.... I've been a user of Emby for a long long time since the old Windows Media Centre MB add-in days. Back then i would use Serviio for DLNA, and MB3 for windows home theatre. But once MB got DLNA to a pretty mature state, i turned Serviiio off, and settled for MB/Emby (even though it still doesn't handle playing music well to older devices). On my Samsung TV's - i use the Samsung Emby app - its great, lovely interface, streams well, works pretty well most of the time. However for all my other devices including our main LG TV, and the kids Sony Bravia's - We've always used the Emby Android app - and 'Play to' DLNA functionality. Until recently anyway... I cannot recall when - but somewhere around Feb/March this year - there was a release which changed the DLNA code to such a degree that it now renders Emby useless for all my non-Samsung App devices. 1. "Play To" hasn't worked for many months, and there is evidently some kind of issue which is not with my home setup. For example, when using the android app, if i choose my LG TV as the Play To device, then select some media - the little green "Play" arrow doesn't even appear. On other occasions, when it does appear - pressing it just does nothing - no error - no nothing. 2. Normal DLNA use: This has been intermittent between releases. Most often the Emby server doest appear as a server on the TV's DLNA server list. For a few releases - the server appears, and can sometimes make it all the way through a tv show without dropping off with a server error, and not appearing in the list again..... Interestingly, i did find that after every server update - if i go into the DLNA devices list in the web admin, and delete every device listed - i can often get the Emby server to re-appear on the TV's. (PS - a delete all button would be a great addition to that config tab). So... as of 3.0.5980, and with a full delete of all the "Devices" from Emby - Play To predictably still doesn't work, but at least the server shows up on the LG again - and I'll set the family down to watch a movie.. I'm happy to supply log files etc, but it feels like a point solution or identification to what i suggest is a more fundamental problem with a code change way back earlier this year. I'd also consider going back to an old release from say Dec 2015 (is that possible by the way), but i'm worried that a recent database change / upgrade would mean that that isn't possible?? Until then, I'll keep my fingers crossed and upgrade every time a release comes out, in the hope the issue gets sorted.... If anyone else is suffering the same problem - perhaps you could Like or follow the posts and we can see if this is more pervasive than just the odd system with a error..
  21. nintendo424

    Embedded Subtitles Not Displaying

    Hi, I've been trying to watch various shows I have with embedded subtitles through VLC and BubbleUPNP via DLNA. Subtitles and dual audio options are unavailable through both options. Any tips? Is it a bug? I can take screenshots as necessary.
  22. Good afternoon, As the title says it's a pretty straightforward issue that as far as I can tell is just aesthetic and doesn't actually impact anything, I've just been trying to get rid of it myself for some time and thought I'd see if this is anything anyone else has run into in the past. Emby shows up twice on my LG TV as a DLNA source. Both work perfectly, not sure why there are two, but they are identical. If I had content, it shows up in both. I believe this happened when I updated Emby a couple of versions ago. My theory is that I did not shut down the server before updating, which may have left the old one somehow running the background? Is there a way to track down and eliminate the old one without causing issues with the up to date version, or is there something else that could be causing this. Let me know what logs I can provide to help identify the issue, I'm not really sure how to get them since I started hosting the server on my QNAP NAS instead of my Windows PC, but I'm sure I can figure it out. Thanks!
  23. I am a new user and was told I could use emby as a way to play my music on my Yamaha Receiver. I did a clean install yesterday and added a few folders of media. I have an RX-A2050 and emby sees the receiver. When I try to see emby from the receiver I don't see any media server called emby. I see my windows media player and that is it. I went through the setup and all config screens and did not see anything. What am I missing??? Thanks for any help.
  24. Приветствую! Установлен сервер Версия 3.0.5912.0, ОС - oracle linux 7.2 (он же RedHat 7.2, CentOS 7.2) Создана медиатека На андроид и виндовс10 устройствах нормально всё работает Проблема в телевизоре (Samsung LE37C550, без функции смартТВ). Источник DLNA телевизор видит, папки видит, но когда запускаю файл - получаю ошибку, что неизвестная кодировка. Примечателен тот факт, что этот же видеофайл с обычной флешки телевизор нормально воспроизводит. Подскажите, пожалуйста, в какую сторону копать?
  25. I'm trying to understand how I can modify the profile for my old Hp x280n MCE extender as a dlna player. How can I identify it in the logs? Do the profiles only apply to "Play To" targets, or do they also come into effect when playing directly from the device? The attached log is my attempt to stream the movies 300 and Animal House right after startup. The device's local ip is Thanks for the help. CFC server-63594792227.txt
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