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These icons are scalable, and it switches up the dashboard a bit. You can cut and paste this into to the custom CSS section under settings in the server: I marked the Css, so if there is an update it will be easy to replace! Choose a color for your icons: you can replace "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)" with whatever you want (example: black/white/red, or an rgba value). /*Custom Icons start*/ /**/ /*Version 1.2*/ /*positioning, size and color*/ :root{ --iconColor: rgba(0,0,0,0.5) !important; --iconWidth: 22px; --iconHeight: 22px; --iconTop: 10px; } a[href="/notificationsettings.html"] { content: '' ; visibility: hidden; } a[href="/notificationsettings.html"] { mask: url("data:image/svg+xml; utf8, <svg xmlns='' style='width:24px;height:24px' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M22 12.41V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.89 2 4V22L6 18H9.29C10.15 20.89 12.83 23 16 23C19.86 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.69 22.63 13.46 22 12.41M5.17 16L4 17.17V4H20V10.26C18.86 9.47 17.5 9 16 9C14.1 9 12.37 9.77 11.11 11H6V13H9.69C9.25 13.91 9 14.93 9 16H5.17M16 20.85C13.32 20.85 11.15 18.68 11.15 16S13.32 11.15 16 11.15C18.67 11.15 20.85 13.32 20.85 16S18.67 20.85 16 20.85M18 9H6V7H18V9M16.5 15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82Z' /></svg>"); 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content:''; background-color:var(--iconColor); visibility: visible; position: absolute; display: block; width:var(--iconWidth); margin-left: -2px; top: var(--iconTop); } a[href="configurationpage?name=reports"] { content: ''; visibility: hidden; } a[href="configurationpage?name=reports"] { content: 'bubble_chart'; visibility: visible; position: absolute; } a[href="configurationpage?name=activity_report"] { content: ''; visibility: hidden; } a[href="configurationpage?name=activity_report"] { content: 'show_chart'; visibility: visible; position: absolute; } /*Custom Icons End*/
Why subtitle with dvdsub format can't be custom (color / size) ?
theghost31 posted a topic in General/Windows
Hi I don't know if it's an issue or a limited possibility. I noticed that some subtitles are in ASS format and others can be different like DVDSUB format. The problem is, I choose orange subtitles in size 14 (for example) in the user UI. That seems not to be respected during TV show with DVDSUB subtitles. I have no idea why. Is it because, we need at 100% a transcode every time we get some DVDSUB subtitles ? And we can't have pretty subtitles in this case ? NB: Extract on the fly subtitle ( enabled and disabled ) do the same thing. Subtitle are white and bold, anyway, it's not the settings choose by the user. Thank you in advance -
I just got my custom intros working. But when i use my phone to connect (WAN and LAN side), it won't show the intro. Either it will hang until you force the movie to start, or sometimes it will throw an error stated below: Playback Error No compatible streams are currently available Anyone know anything about this?
- 8 replies
- Custom Intros
- Trailers
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I searched for this feature request and surprised i couldn't find it considering the overwhelming number of posts i've seen asking for it. We'd like to be able to load custom CSS on the mobile(and other) apps and on
I want to make Emby present a bit more like other streaming services. I want to tailor the home page to provide recommendations. Has anyone had any success tweaking the latest card scroller carousels? (note: putting date added into the future pins them to the front) I can change date added Metatags to tweak latest a bit, but I would love TV shows to only show the first episode or to be able to add additional recommendations. (pinning the first episode with future dates seems to do ok) Anyone have any suggestions? Perhaps plugins or an XML file for me to try manually editing?
Updating Emby Server - How to Ensure Custom Metadata Sort Data & Identify Linking Is Not Lost
reperrier posted a topic in General/Windows
Since joining Emby last December, I have spent a lot of time organizing my media libraries, including correcting any mis-'identify' linking, updating metadata, and even setting custom "sort as" information to organize my libraries. Then the previous media server updated versions came out, I installed the new server version, and to my dismay, all of that custom information and work was lost! as the server restarted and essentially ran what looked like a fresh scan and link process. So much work and time, gone in an instant. I suspect that there's a way for me to help ensure this doesn't happen again, before I install the latest update. I appreciate any guidance or tips to help ensure that I don't make this same mistake again. I did find the 'lock this metadata' near the bottom of the metadata screen for each individual piece of media - is that sufficient to select to preserve my inputs? Or is there more to be done. Thanks in advance! -
For e.g. if I wanted to change the color of the top bar containing "Movies" "Suggestions" etc from Grey to Black, could I? I mean like by modifying one of the files in C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Theater or by tweaking any other file contained in another folder?
how do i stop metadata refresh from re-selecting poster images?
mrb002 posted a topic in General/Windows
i'm wondering if i'm missing something or if this feature is working as intended. does the "replace all metadata" with "replace existing images" selected also refresh metadata and images on items marked as "lock this item from future changes" ? my goal is to set some movies to have custom poster images and/or custom sort titles, lock them, and still be able to refresh the rest of the library, but right now my custom selections are getting wiped out. how do i set my server to really and truly lock metadata and/or images on an item? -
Hope you enjoy. Library Icons: Music Genre Icons:
Hi, I've been using Emby for at least month on a temporary server and now consider buying premiere sub, there are some movie collections though that I configured myself, creating custom images, thumbs, description, etc. Will those images and descriptions carry over (if I have premiere sub) when I install Emby server on a dedicated linux server (using the same hdd, but obviously different os) and do backup and restore? OCD kinda kicks in and I really like how I organize my files. Thank you.
Hello. I am a new user and this is my first post in the forum. I've read , nevertheless I'd like to keep my movies directory structure as it always was: /movies/<director>/<year>-<name>-<other info>. Is there any way to pass this structure as an option or hint to the database scraper with variable substitutions like %D %y %n, etc? If this was asked before please reply with a link to the post. Thank you
Emby Server, Emby Theater - Support Kodi <discstub> Custom Message and Title Data
funwithmedia posted a topic in Feature Requests
Somewhat related to this prior request ( ) it would be nifty and useful to add support for the Kodi Media Stub embedded data, which would then be displayed when a user tries to Play a Media Stub item. From <discstub> <title>Alternative Title</title> <message>Message to be displayed</message> </discstub> Thanks! PS - If this is something you might like to see implemented, be sure to "Like" this top/first post (as well as any subsequent posts in this thread that highlight particular aspects of what you are interested in) -- "Liking" the top/first post helps the Devs to know how much interest there is in a given Feature Request. -
This is building on what I've mentioned previously ( ). Being able to create custom Media Stubs ( ) would be ideal, but I realize that is probably unlikely. So what I propose instead is a new Media Stub called Online, which could be indicated by ".online" instead of ".disc" (or even ".disconline" would be fine). I think with more and more media moving to an online context (ie, Vudu, iTunes, Disney Movies Anywhere) there is a place for having this kind of Media Stub. Now, would could then provide a relatively easy way that users could define their own online providers via Media Stub be allowing for the following naming convention: "". So the user could just use ".online" or they could enter whatever continuous (ie, between ".") string they want to identify a given online provider (eg, "Terminator (1984)") and then Emby would parse that and add it to an internal list of online providers. Then, using my other feature request of custom messages for Media Stubs ( ) Emby could provide a way to pick from the list of any Online Providers using the same UI I described for selecting Tags) when setting up an External Player of type "Media Stubs". Or, we could skip all that and just allow the user to manually enter strings to match of off (eg, "") -- this would basically be allowing Externally Players (in this case to display a custom message, per the other feature request) to be matched by arbitrary filename string patterns. In some ways that might actually be the easiest way to go (ie, the least work). And personally, I could live with that as I could then just create my own naming scheme using the existing Media Stub structure (eg, "Terminator (1984)") and match off of that for my custom messages (once the other feature request is implemented). Thanks! PS - If this is something you might like to see implemented, be sure to "Like" this top/first post (as well as any subsequent posts in this thread that highlight particular aspects of what you are interested in) -- "Liking" the top/first post helps the Devs to know how much interest there is in a given Feature Request.
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Emby Theater - External Player, Custom Messages, Particularly for Media Stubs and Tags
funwithmedia posted a topic in Feature Requests
This is somewhat related to the FR (which I'd also like to see implemented) for defining External Players based on Tags ( ). What I'd like to add to that is External Player support for Media Stubs ( ), with the ability to define a custom message to be displayed instead of the default message that is displayed for Media Stubs. (For those not familiar with Media Stubs, they are empty files that mark the existence of offline media, thus they are not "playable" within Emby, so a message is displayed instead.) I'm open to a variety of ways of going about this, but my current thought would be to add a Media Type of "Offline Media (Media Stubs)". And then the Enable For list would be something like this: Disc (no media flag) DVD Media Flag (if the filename contains DVD). Bluray Media Flag (if the filename contains BLURAY, BRRIP, BD25, or BD50). HDDVD Media Flag (if the filename contains HDDVD). TV Media Flag (if the filename contains HDTV, PDTV, or DSR). VHS Media Flag (if the filename contains VHS). I propose that Tag support (which could be added for all media types, not just Media Stubs) be added under Additional Filters, perhaps with a checkbox for Tags which would then open a dialog for selecting from a list of all Tags used within Emby. (Note that this functionality might depend on underlying functionality related to: ) The Custom Message field should default to whatever Emby normally says for Media Stubs (and probably include a way to restore the default message), to make for easy customizing. The benefit to general users of being able to customize the message is that they can indicate where to go look for the disc (ie, everyone's physical organization is different). For my purposes, I'm wanting Tag support as well (and/or the ability to create custom Media Stubs [ ], but I'm not sure there is enough demand to warrant that feature) because I want to use Emby to also catalog some of the videos I have in online services such as Vudu, iTunes and Disney Movies Anywhere. I use the .hddvd.disc Media Stub (because I don't actually own any HDDVD's) for my online content, and then I Tag items according to the online provider (eg, Vudu, iTunes, DMA, etc.). Thus with the above feature request, I could have my items which are Tagged as Vudu give the custom message "Lauch Vudu to watch this item." One additional thought is that it might be nice to have a variable for the item Name (ie, {name}) so that we can include the Name of the movie, etc in the custom message. That's not a must-have though. (Edit) Related Feature Request: Thanks! PS - If this is something you might like to see implemented, be sure to "Like" this top/first post (as well as any subsequent posts in this thread that highlight particular aspects of what you are interested in) -- "Liking" the top/first post helps the Devs to know how much interest there is in a given Feature Request.- 3 replies
- 1
- Emby Theater
- External Player
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Greetings, I'm thinking of trying out Emby, and I have a few questions. I was wondering if it is possible to create custom Media Stub Flags? For example, I have online content spread across providers like Vudu and Disney Movies Anywhere, and it'd be nice to be able to aggregate those titles within Emby along with my local videos (even though I'd have to open up Vudu to actually view a given video). Is there an "advanced settings" method of adding to the list of recognized Flags (eg, movie1.vudu.disc)? This would of course only be useful if I can also define what would be displayed in accordance with the custom flag (eg, so instead of DVD for a .dvd. flag, display, or whatever corresponds to the custom flag I've set). How does Emby for Roku handle Media Stubs, and does the interface display anything in response to the Flag (eg, DVD, Blu-ray, TV, etc.)? In my current setup I have the IMDB id (eg, tt2975590) in the database for any of my titles that exist in IMDB, so it would be possible for me to extract that into filenames. Would including that in the filename (whether for an actual video file), or for a Media Stub, help Emby with accurately identifying titles? And if so, what would be the recommended syntax for where in the filename to put that? Thanks much!
Here are my library thumbs. Edit: GDrive link to current icon set. More may be added in the future. These are all black and white. Feel free to modify with colors as you so desire. I activate a "Christmas" library during the christmas season, for obvious reasons. I just apply as "Primary" and "Thumb" and they've worked great for me. Blend in nicely with the flat icon style used elsewhere within Emby. And they're attractive across all my devices (Android, iPhone, webUI, and AndroidTV) computerprep library
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I would like to know where do I have to store my custom icons for 1080p/h.264/etc for the CoverArt plugin to read them, and also how I have to name them. I tried finding a naming pattern or a guide in the forum but I don't find it. Thanks in advance.
I've created some images to customize your libraries in an "Emby style", I've just combined the Emby logo with the default library image. It's not an amazing job but I like it, it gives your server more Emby flavour I think .
good day all. wondering if there's a way to eliminate (hide) the "On Now" & "Latest Recordings" sections on the Apps Home Screen for the Nexus Player? I personally use Live Channels for my TV watching and then anything i do record, i have that all auto organized into my unraid box with my other recorded tv stuff. once the auto organize is completed, all of my recordings are then captured/shown in the "Next Up TV" section and therefore typically nothing is in this "Latest Recordings" section. thoughts? thanks much, sd
- 2 replies
- on now
- latest recordings
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I was just curious if it was possible to tweak coverart treatments with a custom overlay. Or more so, what all I need to tweak to do so. I've noticed the coverart folder in the cache and managed to change the image, but unless I keep it exactly the same as the original, the overlay doesn't cover properly. For example, if I wanted to combine the metro treatment and flat case treatment without the the different colors and labels. (Generic grey overlay, no labels and smaller but equal overlay on top and bottom) Or is this something that dynamically changes with coverart and has to be done from the core. Thanks for your time.
I bought an SSL Certificate. Converted it using openSSL to a pfx file. When I choose the SSL from the web interface and restart the server, I can no longer access the server via https. When the custom SSL is enabled I get a 404 page. When I remove the SSL I get get the trusted SSL warning message but the page loads.
Hi, I'm sort of new to Emby but I've tried out the software on my old desktop server and i really like it, but my current server solution is very slow at trans coding and its just a really bad server. So I've decided to build a new one that will be primarily a media server running Emby but it will also be my back up server too so I'm just asking for recommendations on what type of server I should look for preferably under £300 - £400. I've looked at the recommended specs and all that type of stuff just wondering if you lot have any recommendations or anything that could help me decide what server to buy i don't mind if its pre built or a project server. Many thanks - David
I am unable to set / see, a custom "MUSIC" EHS image from the web UI in Windows 7 with the release server Version 3.0.5597.1 It works for Movies, TV, .. but not Music. Something is up with it. EDIT: After restarting the server.. and trying again and again, it did work eventually. Not sure what the problem with that was as the server has been restarted since I added in the music paths etc.
Dear members of the forum, First of all I would like to know how the MB team is thinking about sharing ideas, tips and tricks on the forum and is it encouraged by the team? Since there are users like me who don't have the time to join the development team or don't want the hazzle of setting up github or just want to work in their own pace and with their own server applications but do have knowlegde about html5 css3 and javascript I was thinking sharing ideas, tips and tricks about customisation of the webclient in this community forum could benefit us all. There are a lot of examples where you could change the code to your taste and benefit, for example: the loginpage has a white background. I don't like this so i have made a change to the html code to have a dark background. I know customising this way has the disadvantage that changes will be overwritten with a upgrade but if you keep track of the changes you make it can be easily implemented in a new upgrade. Let me know what you think of it.
Hello, is it possible to create a collection and add movies by something besides title? Say, I wanted to collect all movies by Paramount, or all movies with Clive Owen. Right now, the only option I see is "name" Thanks!
- 11 replies
- collection
- create
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