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  1. Hello together, i want to switch from plex to emby, bought a life time premiere pass to make sure not to miss anything. Now i want to import my directories. I added emby user to the old plex directories on the synology level. So far so good. I am able to import all files. But, right now, i really have problems with my ripped audio books and cds. In all imported directories i added cover.jpg files. But somehow, especially with audiobooks, the images are not detected or at least not shown in my library. For showing audiobooks i open my audiobook library and switch to the books panel. Here i dont see any images. On the other hand: if i switch to the folder/diretory tab, there i see the directories with images. Here are some examples: Also in the music libs there are some pictures not detected or shown. Here its only 10%, Audiobooks are 95%. I tried to play with the settings of the lib, but actually i dont know with setting is the best. I assume, usually images in the directories should be taken first, only if there is no image it tries to look up in the internet? Is it a problem if the albums are not detected? But again, i would assume, it would take local pictures first. Additionally it seems like the feature for saving images in the media folder doesnt work. I tried to upload images in the emby gui but the uploaded images didnt show up in the local media folder of the album. I read the naming convention stuff, i waited until the scan was complete (no green bar anywhere anymore). Maybe someone is able to help here?
  2. Hey Guys. At first.. Sorry for my bad english i use a NAS and TMM (TinyMediaManager) for all my TV-Shows. For Example: TV-Show "Arcane" NAS:\Serien\Arcane -For TV Show (banner.jpg, clearart.jpg, poster.jpg,thumb.jpg, theme.mp3, tvshow.nfo) NAS:\Serien\Arcane\Staffel 01 -For S01 (All episodes with .mkv, .nfo, thumb.jpg) -AND S01-banner.jpg Emby take all the Informations from my .nfo. The TV-Show Banner is good. The Names are good. Theme is fine. But the Season-Cover ist the TV-Show cover every time. If is select the right "S01-banner.jpg" manually and scan my library the picture is away. How can i change and SAVE this banner to emby?
  3. Hi, emby isn't showing or even finding images for a few movies/series, i use MovieDB, Proxer, TVDB... Well, everithing that's possible to use. The serie has images, Link > https://thetvdb.com/series/318625-show I really don't know why this is happening, is the API blocking me? I think that "https://www.addic7ed.com/" blocked-me (i'm adding a lot of series/movies at once), so maybe the others API had me blocked too... Emby log bellow. embyserver (5).txt
  4. Good morning all Recently, I've noticed the Blu-Ray or 4k banner on top of the cover is not displaying. It was previously working perfectly, although recently I've noticed it not working correctly. I'm not sure when this started, as I only noticed it yesterday - but I would suggest it's within the last couple weeks. This banner is generated through the CoverArt plug in, which is still operating with default settings. I've never adjusted any of these settings for general use and it's always worked as expected. I have of course attempted changing settings in this as part of my troubleshooting, but have been unable to fix the issue. It seems very intermittent as to what titles show the banner and what do not. They are all in the same parent folder and there also appears to be no correlation with it being a problem for 1080p BluRay titles or 2160p 4K UHD titles A screenshot below shows the issue, where some titles show the banner and some do not. I have also tried installing older versions of the plug in, to see if it's a recent issue, but have been unable to fix through this means too. Rescanning the library also doesn't make a difference. Does anyone have any advice or has experienced similar issues? Emby Server is running on Win 10, and the application version is and the plug in version is (although I have tired all the versions available for install back to 4.0.99
  5. Eleumas31

    problemi visualizzazione cover album

    Ciao! Dovrei vedere la cover dell'album come negli altri "Best Of" ma non accade. Che potrebbe essere? Ho controllato mille volte i metadati delle canzoni e aggiornato su Emby la libreria e i metadati ma nulla. E' l'unico album che mi da questo problema. Grazie in anticipo per l'aiuto.
  6. I know, we probably all have issues with thetvdb, but I haven't found anyone having the problem I have. I'm using the latest version of the plugin as of today. All the metadata gets downloaded in english, even though german is selected. And it doesn't find any primary cover images, all others e.g. background are found.
  7. Hello Everyone, there is a bug within CoverArts and i dont know how to fix it. the Edges of nearly all episodes are bugged. Some are extremly visable, some are only minor. and some aren't even working at all. I want to use the rounded style. here are some example Screenshots. Merry Christmas by the way
  8. Senna

    Cover Art - Add FHD cover

    @ebr Is it possible to add a FHD cover, next to the existing ones like SD, HD, UHD ? And when that is possible, can the plugin assign the FHD cover to 1080p content and assign HD to 720p content automatically. Find it strange now that FHD content (1080p) gets assigned a HD cover (which in fact, HD is 720p in video resolution terms) I know I can use overlays for video resolution, but mostly they are not visible clearly (due to background image of poster), in what ever position I place them in, so having a FHD cover I find better. Thanks !
  9. Exilhamburger

    Design Frage bei Inhaltstyp "Musikvideo"

    Hallo, eine Design-Frage zu dem Inhaltstyp "Musikvideos". Wenn ich eine DB meiner Konzerte mit dem Inhaltstyp "Musikvideos" erstelle, werden diese nicht im Coverformat angezeigt sondern im Fanart/Screenshot Format (siehe Foto - Anastacia und Andreas Bourani - Hey). Das Cover wird dann breit gezogen. Gehe ich dann auf "Bearbeiten Bilder" und wieder zurück auf die Übersicht und mache dann noch einrefresh des Browsers-Fenster", werden die Covers (Poster) im richtigen Format angezeigt (siehe Adele im Screenshot). Das Cover zwar nicht mehr breitgezogen, jedoch immer noch im "Fanart-Rahmen". Gibt es eine Möglichkeit nicht den Fanart-Design sondern das Cover Design unter Inhaltstyp "Musikvideos" zu ändern? Update: Jetzt wird es ganz verrückt: Nachdem ich manche Covers wie oben beschrieben geändert habe, ist der Rahmen auf die größte Bildgröße geschrumpft (Bei machen aus dem TV aufgezeichneten Konzerten habe ich einfach ein Bild des Interpreten oder der Sendung). Manche Cover werden jetzt breitgezogen, obwohl das richtige Format im Verzeichnis liegt und dies lässt sich auch nicht mehr wie oben beschrieben ändern (sieh 2. pic: Amy Winhouse und Andreas Gabalier). Müssen alle Poster/Cover/Bilder im gleichen Verhältnis (z.B. 2:3 oder 9:16) abgelegt sein?
  10. Gents, is there a possibility to display the album image from the music file if this is present, instead of defaulting directly to the folder image? I have a lot of music that are from compilation albums and have thrown these in one large music folder without any further structure nor do I want Emby to index that properly. In other words, it's a mix tape but a very long one. Since Emby does try to scrape metadata for albums anyway, the tracks are displayed with surprisingly different covers. This afternoon when playing music, a Type-O-Negative track came up as an ABBA image, as that is what the folder.jpg is. The track has its own image/cover incorporated and I'd like to see Emby to display this instead of the default jpg in the folder. Cheers,
  11. Hi! This is simple to explain, so when I sync some music keeping the "original" bitrate the cover images show in my favorite android player, but when I need to do transconding changing the bitrate (FLAC size is the reason) the cover images don't keeping into the file sadly :'( Is possible improve this? Thanks in advance.
  12. JamieBond

    CoverArt 4.0 Kodi Display Cases?

    Is there anyway that you can get the CoverArt cases to display in Kodi? I have CoverArt displaying cases in App but i mainly use Kodi with Emby for Kodi Addon, is there anyway to get the cases to display in my Kodi library?
  13. I made a KODI remote that works on an iPad. All data displayed on the iPad is fetched trough the XBMC JSON RCP. So to get information for all movies I am using the following command: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"VideoLibrary.GetMovies","params":{"properties":["thumbnail"]},"id":2} This will give me all movies in the database of the Kodi client. One of the responses is the image path of the thumbnail. Because i let the system save the image in the folders of the movies I would expect that response would be something similar like: image://smb//server/movies/moviedir/coverwithmoviename.jpg That is also exactly what i got before using the emby server as movie manager. But now when i fetch a thumb i get: image://http%3a%2f%2f172.16.65.31%3a8096%2femby%2fItems%2f036ed9eb3863c9ddfd23a944557b2cca%2fImages%2fPrimary%2f0%3fMaxWidth%3d10000%26MaxHeight%3d10000%26Format%3doriginal%26Tag%3d59fa47e518f240a4bde9cd3fe52f6653/ This looks like the location of the emby webserver which I am finding strange because the posters are saved in the movie folder. Now this should not be a problem, but my system can not work with image strings longer then 256 characters (don't ask me why, the program environment is just stupid). I have tried to save the image path in the *.nfo and that is save correct but when i query Kodi whe the JSON command it still fetches the http server location and not the smb location. Is there something I could easily edit in some sort of xml file or make a change in the Emby settings or is this a bug?
  14. FordGT90Concept

    Show info covers channels in guide

    Note the bottom, the program info on both pictures (both are in Desktop mode)... Old Emby Theater install ("good"): New Emby Theater install ("bad"): Not only is the latter hard to read the program info, it even covers up the last channels in the list so it's hard to see the guide on them.
  15. deepwather

    CoverArt - Additional black BD2 Cover

    Hi everybody, I'm a system information scientist from switzerland and i do really like your CoverArt plugin from ebr for emby. However, I find it a little pity, that there is no possibility to add own Covers; For example, would really like if there were a black BD cover & also the abiltiy to use black Show & Seasons Cover. At this Point i did these by my own and edited thous in the cache folder in the emby installation to generate the black ones. But to do this over and over is not really a good deal. So here my question: may it's possible to add this files in the main-dll-file of coverart by the emby team? I would be glad if someone can do tihs. The modded Image-files are in the attachment cheers deepwather
  16. I've had some trouble getting to the bottom of this issue. In short, I'm new to Emby and I must say I love the whole setup. But I've been tweaking some cover art for some of my tv shows and I'm finding that while the functionality works temporarily the cover art for the tv shows I alter, they always seem to revert back to the original one. Is there a setting i'm overlooking? Thanks in advance! note: I'm on version 3.0.5781.1 using the Kodi plugin to bring the library over to my intel NUC/Openelec powered media PC.
  17. I guess this picture pretty much explains the situation I'm having. Happened for a few albums, Emby correctly identifies them, but doesn't replace the artwork for all songs.
  18. I've noticed that some of my movie folders are overlayed with movie posters while others are not. I haven't managed to figure out how those overlays work. Can anybody tell how to display movie posters on LG Smartshare TVs? In Windows Media Center all movies have posters.
  19. wonder_lander

    Metadata folder.jpg not movie cover

    I'm moving from meta browser to the inbuilt metadata but the folder.jpg which has traditionally been the DVD / BluRay cover is now showing as a scene screenshot. Is there a setting I can tweak somewhere?
  20. Damstas

    Cover images

    What should I do in this situation?
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