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Hello Ladies & Gents, I have just installed the new emby app on my iphone, the app looks Excellent by the way! The only problem is my app doesnt want to play any media through chromecast e.g......Server is running, open the app on the iphone, choose a file, it will pick up the chromecast with no problem's, but as soon as i click play...nothing happens...this is on all of my media, i have tried many times. (I have also tried with the antivirus/firewall off-still the same) Now i have already done a bit of research, and i understand this is due to the supporter key/Premium Supporter. I originally purchased a lifetime membership back when it was MediaBrowser, and i still have the key in my emails. When i paste the key into the "Help/Emby Premier" it just stays in the box without actually doing anything, so i tried the obvious and loaded emby in a different browser....and tried pasting the key again...still doesnt say "You are a lifetime supporter" basically i cant get my key to accept, yet my plugin page still loads up? What am i doing wrong, I have attached my log file and screen shot. Cheers, Luke server-63583089627.txt
So i run into an issue where any video i play through Chromecast or Dlna to this specific TV will visually stutter, Sound plays perfectly, but the video processes for a few seconds, stop then start again, jumping to sync with the audio. My only theory is that it's the TV. My first assumption was that it was the wifi, but when it plays fine on a Samsung tv, on mobile devices and another TV hooked up to Chromecast. I just don't know how to fix it.
I have read a few posts in the past about this but I still cannot find the answer to my problem. I am trying to use Chromecast with the ISO Version of media browser to stream video. All devices seem to be on the same network - not sure if this is my problem or not (Chromecast is on 192,168,2,15, IPAD is on and Emby server latest version is on I have connected the Ipad media browser directly to the local address of port 8096) My chromecast can stream YOUTUBE with no problems and the ipad can see everything in my library - when I connect to chromecast then select the video the control window pops up - chromecast start and the blue circle keeps going and going. Help!!
Bonjour, Lorsque que j'écoute des films via ma Chromecast V1 j'entends tres fort un genre "claque" qui peut etre plusieurs fois dans une minute. Il ne devrait pas avoir un profile DNLA pour chromecast ? ( Je n'avais aucun probleme avec Plex.
Well, the title says it all really. I've been using the Emby ATV app on my NP since beta days without too much incident, and I've managed to cast to it from the BBC iplayer app using multiple android devices and an ipad (amazing!) with ease. I've also used the chromecast app for screen mirroring to watch the Rugby World Cup using ITV player. So I was thinking of getting a chromecast stick for the bedroom TV, as the missus hates the NowTV box we have right now, so she can cast from her ipad. But The web client cannot find the NP as a cast target. Why would this be? I've tried to cast from android device, ipad and even my pc, nothing can find it. Its particularly galling as I think I tried to cast to the device a couple of months ago when I bought the NP and it worked, so why would it not work now? Not sure what logs if any I would need to provide for this one, please let me know. TIA
I'm having a weird problem. When I try to connect to Chromecast the button shows up, I can tap it and then my Chromecast device shows up. If I then tap my Chromecast device nothing happens. If I go into another app (I've been using Plex) and connect that with Chromecast, I can then go back and connect Emby to my Chromecast with no problem. I cleared my logs on my phone and then tried to connect once. Here are the logs from that: 19:35:20.009 [main] DEBUG App - AndroidSyncFileRepository started. syncPath: /storage/emulated/0/emby/sync 19:35:20.013 [main] DEBUG App - Calling MediaSyncAdapter.updateSyncPreferences with null 19:35:22.610 [JavaBridge] INFO App - Begin MediaBrowser.ConnectionManager constructor 19:35:22.616 [JavaBridge] INFO App - credentials initialized with: {"Servers":[{"Id":"819c3c8c50174e0e89f2911e6c8583fa","LocalAddress":"","Name":"Emby","ManualAddress":null,"DateLastLocalConnection":1443908403857,"LastConnectionMode":0,"DateLastAccessed":1443908421447,"ExchangeToken":null,"RemoteAddress":"http://EXTERNAL-IP-REMOVED:8096","ConnectServerId":"f232293bd9b509217c5f9a9932bae6c2","UserId":"4845fa04ed5f4104bf3475424c834c06","AccessToken":"b1505e8389b044bfb08644c1edca4301","WakeOnLanInfos":[{"MacAddress":"6C-62-6D-3E-DA-7A"}],"Users":[{"Id":"4845fa04ed5f4104bf3475424c834c06","IsSignedInOffline":true},{"Id":"466a277c898349f59512c0d2db8ef53e","IsSignedInOffline":false},{"Id":"f1cae19018cf41fb8a5b21dbc1d71b8b","IsSignedInOffline":false},{"Id":"944ce5739cd143c8b647312721f9cecc","IsSignedInOffline":false}]}],"ConnectAccessToken":null,"ConnectUserId":null} 19:35:22.620 [JavaBridge] INFO App - testing connection mode 0 with server Emby 19:35:22.621 [JavaBridge] INFO App - tryConnect url: 19:35:22.668 [JavaBridge] INFO App - calling onSuccessfulConnection with connection mode 0 with server Emby 19:35:22.715 [JavaBridge] INFO App - event.trigger localusersignedin 19:35:22.725 [JavaBridge] INFO App - event.trigger credentialsupdated 19:35:22.738 [JavaBridge] INFO App - ApiClient serverAddress: 19:35:22.739 [JavaBridge] INFO App - ApiClient clientName: Emby for Android 19:35:22.740 [JavaBridge] INFO App - ApiClient applicationVersion: 2.4.30 19:35:22.741 [JavaBridge] INFO App - ApiClient deviceName: XT1254 19:35:22.742 [JavaBridge] INFO App - ApiClient deviceId: e2f1fa04-0e04-a3a3-9900-051184688438 19:35:22.745 [JavaBridge] INFO App - event.trigger apiclientcreated 19:35:22.748 [JavaBridge] INFO App - returning instance from getOrAddApiClient 19:35:22.750 [JavaBridge] INFO App - Begin updateServerInfo. connectionMode: 0 19:35:22.750 [JavaBridge] INFO App - Setting server address to 19:35:22.753 [JavaBridge] INFO App - Requesting url without automatic networking: 19:35:22.761 [JavaBridge] INFO App - Entering Globalize.ensure 19:35:22.763 [JavaBridge] INFO App - Calling navigator.globalization.getLocaleName 19:35:22.777 [JavaBridge] INFO App - event.trigger connected 19:35:22.780 [JavaBridge] INFO App - Device culture is en-US 19:35:22.782 [JavaBridge] INFO App - Setting culture to en-US 19:35:23.234 [JavaBridge] INFO App - sending updated credentials to ApiClientBridge 19:35:23.244 [JavaBridge] INFO App - Received instruction to updateCredentials 19:35:23.253 [JavaBridge] INFO App - initNativeConnectionManager 19:35:23.255 [JavaBridge] INFO App - ApiClientBridge.init 19:35:23.529 [JavaBridge] INFO App - event.trigger headercreated 19:35:23.545 [JavaBridge] INFO App - Requesting 19:35:23.570 [JavaBridge] INFO App - event.trigger pageshowready 19:35:23.600 [JavaBridge] INFO App - Active player: {"name":"My Device","id":"e2f1fa04-0e04-a3a3-9900-051184688438","playerName":"Html5 Player","playableMediaTypes":["Audio","Video"],"isLocalPlayer":true,"supportedCommands":["GoHome","GoToSettings","VolumeUp","VolumeDown","Mute","Unmute","ToggleMute","SetVolume","SetAudioStreamIndex","SetSubtitleStreamIndex","DisplayContent","GoToSearch","DisplayMessage","SetRepeatMode"]} 19:35:23.844 [JavaBridge] INFO App - binding fullscreen to MediaController 19:35:23.847 [JavaBridge] INFO App - binding remotecontrols to MediaController 19:35:23.902 [JavaBridge] INFO App - web socket connection opened 19:35:23.948 [JavaBridge] INFO App - selected tab is null, checking query string 19:35:23.954 [JavaBridge] INFO App - selected tab will be 0 19:35:24.027 [JavaBridge] INFO App - event.trigger websocketopen 19:35:24.050 [JavaBridge] INFO App - isPurchased: 19:35:24.132 [main] INFO App - Sending url to webView: window.IapManager.updateProduct("", false) 19:35:24.154 [JavaBridge] INFO App - event.trigger productupdated 19:35:24.556 [JavaBridge] INFO App - Requesting 19:35:24.655 [JavaBridge] INFO App - Requesting 19:35:24.672 [JavaBridge] INFO App - Requesting 19:35:24.681 [JavaBridge] INFO App - Requesting 19:35:24.690 [JavaBridge] INFO App - Requesting 19:35:29.135 [JavaBridge] INFO App - Requesting 19:35:30.517 [JavaBridge] INFO App - Will attempt to connect to Chromecast 19:35:30.527 [JavaBridge] INFO App - Binding device ready handler 19:35:30.529 [JavaBridge] INFO App - Calling device.connect 19:35:30.541 [JavaBridge] INFO App - device.ready fired 19:35:30.544 [JavaBridge] INFO App - creating webAppSession 19:35:30.545 [JavaBridge] INFO App - calling joinWebApp 19:35:30.557 [JavaBridge] INFO App - joinWebApp error: {"message":"Exception calling joinWebApp: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.connectsdk.service.capability.WebAppLauncher.joinWebApp(java.lang.String, com.connectsdk.service.sessions.WebAppSession$LaunchListener)' on a null object reference","detail":"com.connectsdk.cordova.JSCommandDispatcher$DispatcherException: Exception calling joinWebApp: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.connectsdk.service.capability.WebAppLauncher.joinWebApp(java.lang.String, com.connectsdk.service.sessions.WebAppSession$LaunchListener)' on a null object reference"} 19:35:30.558 [JavaBridge] INFO App - calling joinWebApp 19:35:30.565 [JavaBridge] INFO App - joinWebApp error: {"message":"Exception calling joinWebApp: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.connectsdk.service.capability.WebAppLauncher.joinWebApp(java.lang.String, com.connectsdk.service.sessions.WebAppSession$LaunchListener)' on a null object reference","detail":"com.connectsdk.cordova.JSCommandDispatcher$DispatcherException: Exception calling joinWebApp: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.connectsdk.service.capability.WebAppLauncher.joinWebApp(java.lang.String, com.connectsdk.service.sessions.WebAppSession$LaunchListener)' on a null object reference"} 19:35:30.566 [JavaBridge] INFO App - calling launchWebApp 19:35:30.567 [JavaBridge] INFO App - calling launchWebApp 19:35:30.572 [JavaBridge] INFO App - launchWebApp error:{"message":"Exception calling launchWebApp: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.connectsdk.service.capability.WebAppLauncher.launchWebApp(java.lang.String, com.connectsdk.service.sessions.WebAppSession$LaunchListener)' on a null object reference","detail":"com.connectsdk.cordova.JSCommandDispatcher$DispatcherException: Exception calling launchWebApp: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.connectsdk.service.capability.WebAppLauncher.launchWebApp(java.lang.String, com.connectsdk.service.sessions.WebAppSession$LaunchListener)' on a null object reference"} 19:35:53.946 [JavaBridge] INFO App - keyCode
Hallo zusammen, seit einiger Zeit nutze ich Emby, auf einem PC als Server, mit Windows 10, Gbit Lan, viele TB an Filmen, TV Serien, Musik und Musikvideos dieser PC hat keinen eigenen Monitor und ist auch nicht der Schnellste (DuoCore mit 1.8 ghz). Ich habe einen weiteren PC mit Win 10 als Client, mit dem ich die Datenbanken pflege, auf diesem läuft auch Kodi. Weiter nutze ich in einem Heimkino einen Raspberry pi 2, mit OSMC und dem Emby Plugin, in meinem Wohn- und Schlafzimmer hängt jeweils ein Chromecast am TV. Die Chromecasts habe ich mir extra wegen Emby gekauft, und dachte anfangs, dass alles gut laufen würde. Leider erwies sich das als Trugschluss. Bei mkv Dateien 1080p ruckelt die Wiedergabe, bzw bricht sehr oft ab, und ich weiß nicht, ob es mein Fehler ist. Ich denke mal, dass mein Server einfach zu schwach ist, einen 1080p Film zu transkodieren und über das Netzwerk an den Chromecast zu schicken, ich frage mich aber, ob der Chromecast nicht stark genug ist einen solchen Film selbst abzuspielen, ohne das er transkodiert wird. wenn ja habe ich noch keine Möglichkeit entdeckt, dies zu tun. Gibt es eine spezielle Chromecast App, die ich auf das Gerät selbst laden kann, oder muss ich die Android App nutzen, kann ich dort das Transkodieren ausschalten? Mein Handy hat beim Abspielen von FullHD Material so gut wie nie Aussetzer oder Ruckler. Musik habe ich auch auf dem Server, ebenso Musikvideos. Während Emby die Interpreten Datenbank für Musik gut von selbst befüllt, muss ich dass bei den Musikvideos fast komplett von Hand machen. Sind überhaupt zwei Datenbanken notwendig ? U2 bleibt doch U2, egal ob als Song, als Konzert oder Clip. An meinen Raspberry pi habe ich eine Festplatte mit Musik angeschlossen, die ich ums verrecken nicht mit dem Emby Server verbinden kann. Sobald ich versuche in der Medienbibliothek diese Festplatte einzubinden bin ich wieder im Login Bildschirm. Von meinem Desktop PC kann ich jede Festplatte in Emby einbinden. Oftmals fehlen einzelne Fotos der Schauspieler bei Filmen und Serien, gibt es eine Möglichkeit diese nachladen zu lassen, ohne dies einzeln von Hand zu tun? Überhaupt ist die Datenbank oft ziemlich träge, das kann allerdings an der Masse meiner Filme und Serien liegen, vielleicht hat aber auch jemand einen Tipp für mich. Den Server aufzurüsten, mit einer SSD z.B. ist zwar geplant, aber zur Zeit habe ich genug andere Ausgaben und so muss das bis zum nächsten Jahr warten. Was mir bei Emby noch fehlt ist zum Beispiel, wenn ich die Seite eines Films aufrufe, dann sehe ich das Cover, ein Hintergrundbild, eine Inhaltsangabe, die Darsteller u.s.w, sogar Vorschläge, was ich mir noch angucken könnte, aber keinen Hinweis zu einem eventuell vorhandenen Soundtrack. So etwas fände ich total gut, das Cover eines OST Album, vielleicht mit der Möglichkeit, die Musik mit einem Klick sofort abzuspielen. Was mich noch freuen würde wäre, meine DVDs und BluRay's in die Sammlung zu integrieren, auch CD's und sogar Schallplatten, halt Sachen, die ich nicht auf Festplatte habe, würde sich noch jemand darüber freuen? Eine Frage hätte ich noch, wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe (mit meinem mangelhaften englisch) habe ich die Möglichkeit, Emby auch offline zu nutzen. Heißt das, ich habe dann meine Datenbanken zB. auf meinem Handy oder dem Desktop, ohne dass der Server eingeschaltet ist, und wenn ja, wie kriege ich das hin? Jedenfalls wünsche ich allen einen guten Start in die Woche Peter
Hi, Please can I request that you implement a feature that can pause and play via the TV remote and chromecast. I know some apps like YouTube allows you to pause and play the video via your physical remote for the HDMI television. Thanks
Chromecast not showing in web client and broken in IOS
Chris Jones posted a topic in General/Windows
I recieved my chromecast yesterday and have it working with Netflix, seems like a great device. I then tried to cast to it from Media Browser web ui but it does not appear in the list (other devices such as Sonos show up). Is there a specific version that the functionality is in? I'm currently running 3.0.5347.22095. I also bought the IOS app for iPad and the chromecast does appear in the list, when clicking on it the screen changes and says that it is ready but when pressing play on a movie or tv show the waiting/progress icon appears and it never gets any further than that. Am i running the right versions? or is there some diagnostics i can grab? (as a side note, it would be nice if we could hide devices, as for example i don't really want to see or use my sonos devices with media browser). Thanks -
Hi theres, thanks for Emby im enjoy it so much since i can watch my videos with subs, im not a native english speaker (jus read the way i writte ) and i always use subs, it will be so nice if you can add this feature (at least increase font size). I know you are bussy so thanks for reading me
After updating from Media Browser to Emby, Live TV playback on chromecast no longer works. When clicking the play button (from either the browser or the android app), nothing happens. Note: Chromcast playback of every other media item work fine and Live TV works fine on both web and android clients. I'm currently using the tvheadend plugin but have also tested this with the embytv plugin. Both plugins do not allow playing on the chromecast. Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this?
- 12 replies
- chromecast
- live tv
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There seems to be an issue when switching from Chromecast to Local Render in the Android app. It does not disconnect from Chromecast. I have noticed that, unlike other Chromecast enabled apps, Emby for Android does not have the "Disconnect" option for Chromecast. When switching renderers, it still leaves the picture up on the Chromecast. My feature request is to, please, add a "Disconnect" to the Chromecast menu. Thank you, Richard
- 1 reply
- chromecast
- android
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Does anyone have a recommendation on what profile to use in MCEBuddy to ensure Chromecast playback without Emby have to transcode the file? I am looking for a profile to use for both Blu-ray conversions and DVR mpeg2 files.
For the record, these have been reproduced with android client 2.3.13. I think it's time to start up a new thread about these issues. Changing languages in the played stream is proving to be challenging. Issues so far: Chaging or turning off subtitles doesn't work in Android client (or the chromecast receiver, but we already covered that elsewhere) Changing audio language doesn't work with chromecast (but luckily works with Android client itself) Volume buttons don't appear to have any effect on the android player Also, it would be nice if: The built in player defaulted to landscape mode, since most media is in landscape format The pause control was available in the collapsed notification area card (currently it has no controls in the collapsed card) So yeah, thats a few things for now.
- 9 replies
- 2
- volume
- chromecast
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I have read the various Android App and Chromecast-related threads on here but can't find this particular issue. Like others, I am still having problems getting the App to link to my Chroemcast - it will, randomly, but I haven't found any common reason for success or failure. (Netflix connects to Chromecsat every time). Where I have a different issue, is that when it will Cast, it will never play any VIDEO_TS Movies. If the file format is MKV or MP4, it plays without problem. When I try to play the VIDEO_TS Movies, the Play button in the App gets its blue halo, but then freezes and that's all that happens. If I Sync the VIDEO_TS Movie to my Mobile (Samsung Galaxy S4) and try to play it, the same thing happens. Is this an issue with the Server, or the Android App, or with my S4? (the same thing happens on my Samsung Galaxy Tablet as well). Android App: latest version from Google Play Emby Server: 3.0.5641.4 Chromecast: latest Firmware The Movies in question play as expected in Emby Theater. If it's just a 'wait for it - it's in Development' situation, that's fine, I just don't want to spend any more time on it if it's something I can't fix.
- 3 replies
- Chromecast
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Hi, I am running Emby Server version 3.0.5621.4. It casts to Chromecast nicefully controling pause skip and almost all aspects of the session. Problem is with subtitles. 1) Subtitle stream selection When playing MKVs with both embedded subtitles and external srt files server chooses the external srt file and does not allow changing to the embedded one. 2) Special chars Though special chars (e.g.: á, é, õ and ç) on ansi srt files are rendered ok on web client, Roku and Android clients, chromecast does not render subtitles containing these chars. If srt file is converted to UTF-8 chromecast render all subtitles. I can grab any log file and attach it to this post, just tell me what would be of use.
Cannot pause or change volume when casting to Chromecast
EduardoSantos posted a topic in General/Windows
Hi, I am really new to Chromecast but I think I configured it all well. It plays nicely music and youtube videos. Problem is that when using Emby I cannot pause or change volume. Skiping to other track is ok but not inside the track. Is it a commom problem? Thanks in advance. -
Question about Chromecast. I just installed the server on my Windows machine last night to test out the features. So far all non-chromecast related features are working. Streaming to Android Devices, Web Client, etc. I can get Chromecast playback to start but with a MKV DVD rip of a movie the playback starts to studder massively. Sometimes the audio will keep playing with the video just freezing on a screen and catching up for peroids of time. I can tell from the server dashboard that it's not an encoding problem as it seems that the encoding process is way ahead of it's current point in the movie. My initial thought was that it was a chromecast connection issue. But I've been able to play 1080p video though Plex and Youtube on this Chromecast without any issues. Could someone offer some additional ideas to debug this or perhaps a setting I don't know?
Title pretty much says it all. If I start watching a new show on the chromecast as far as other devices are concerned it has never been watched. Doesn't seem to matter whether i turn the TV off or stop it from android Server can see it playing, and trakt can see the progress. Server version (windows) 3.0.5597.1 latest android. Thanks
So, I have previously used XBMC for a year and have been using Plex for a few months. This week I installed Emby. Server is running on Ubuntu 15.04 64 bit. Android app connects and can browse media and send to Chromecast without difficulty. Unfortunately search facility in android app doesn't seem to work at all. I get no response, no results, no progress bar or error notice whether I click on enter or on the magnifier icon. Clearly something is happening though because sometimes a previous search from several occasions ago will show up briefly when i try to do a new search and artists I have searched for get added to the live mix list. Search via web browser is almost instantaneous with results. What gives?
Hi, I haven't looked into this for a bit but have just read that chromecast will pass through e-ac3 5.1 audio. Is this supported/transcoded by Emby?
Hi what clients are posible that access to an external server and connect and watch it on tv With cromecast it can be posible? Thankyou
- 4 replies
- external server
- external library
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I'm a n00b at Media Browser, so maybe I'm just missing a setting or something, but is it possible to send photos from the (Ubuntu) server, via the Android app, to a Chromecast? Same as I can do with video files. If it can cast photos them I'm sold and will become a life member as I'm fed up with Plex not finding some of my media. Thanks!
Hey Guys! I am having a difficulty in choosing a media streamer... My friend recommended 3 ones, Roku 3, Apple TV and Google Chromecast. I want to enjoy more videos(including the local videos) on my HDTV with the new coming streamer. Which one is the best? Thanks a lot for your help!!!
- 5 replies
- media streamer
- roku
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First off I am just an end user and don't know what is involved, but I don't understand why Chromecast is not supported for windows 8.1 or windows phone. There are several apps that cast to chromecast. Just don't understand why the ability is absent for Media Browser or Plex for that matter. Thanks