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  1. Hey All, After a few weeks of work I'm happy to present a new plugin Beta, called "Live Video Translation". The plugin uses Whisper, Open Ai's translation/transcription service (https://github.com/openai/whisper), to generate translated subtitles on the fly. This allows you to watch TV with live generated subtitles. If the original source is detected as English you'll get transcribed subtitles (English to English). If the original language is any of the supported languages, you'll get English subtitles. Languages supported are: https://github.com/openai/whisper?tab=readme-ov-file#available-models-and-languages How to Install 1. Run the following Whisper docker container somewhere that emby can access it. Make sure to run this docker container using the "GPU" flag. I have not tested CPU mode, but we do need good performance here which may not be available with just a CPU and LLMs. https://github.com/ahmetoner/whisper-asr-webservice 2. Run the docker container using either the "small" or "medium" models. In my testing at 1070 was good enough to keep up with near real time translation using small or medium models. The model download took about 10 minutes the first time. 3. Place the attached dll into the plugin directory. 4. Configure your plugin like so, with the full URI to the Whisper service, and with an EMBY API key. There was one thing that can't be accomplished with just a plugin. (a rapid way to add a library and scan just that library for new files). 5. Click on "Enable" at the top, and restart emby. How it works Currently the plugin only supports LiveTV. There are free LiveTV providers on the first few results of google that can allow you to test this for free. 1. User finds a Live TV Channel in Emby and Clicks "Play" 2. Plugin detects that the user wants to watch a Live TV Channel (and only live tv for now) 3. Emby starts playing the Channel, while in the background the plugin also starts consuming the same channel using ffmpeg. (For a short period of time there are 2 separate connections consuming the same channel) 4) The plugin adds a temporary library to emby that contains a single file. That file is a link to play the translated Channel Stream. It does not scan all the files that ffmpeg is creating, just a static stream file which points to our Plugin API, which serves files for that translation session. 5). The plugin starts creating chunks of the video and translating it, and generating a valid stream that emby can play. 6) Once a buffer of a few files has been created, the Plugin stops the initial stream, and starts the newly translated stream and immediately: - Pauses it - Displays a message to the user to wait for ~20 seconds until a bigger buffer is created - Restarts playback about 20-30 seconds passes These delays are very conservative to allow for any LiveTV ingestion hiccups. I have been able to watch near real time, with just in time delivery of the subtitiles, but have noticed certain IPTV providers hiccup and don't serve video in a timely manner, so this is a way of riding out those hiccups. 7)The new TV stream uses WEBVTT subtitles, which means emby properly parses them, and you can adjust the subtitle offsets, even though they should already be pretty accurate. 8 ) When the user stops playback (only on stopping playback, not closing an app, or closing a browser window), the ffmpeg consumer is killed, the folder deleted, and the newly added library is deleted. The library may still show up if you navigate home immediately, but if you refresh the page it'll be gone. Caveats/Future Improvements - The logs for this plugin, for this Beta, are very verbose in order to help troubleshooting. - Sometimes an IPTV provider is rocky and does not serve video files in a timely manner. Which means you'll be watching the translated stream and it'll overrun the buffer. This happens infrequently in my testing. - I have two test instances a) Windows with CUDA , I had to disable hardware transcoding to get this to work, unsure why. b) Linux with CUDA, works fine with hardware trans-coding enabled. - If there is interest in this I could add live translation to TV Shows/Movies. - I don't control the translation. Sometimes AI hallucinates, but overall it is very good. Sometimes if there is no audio, it seems like the docker container returns "Thanks for watching". - Sometimes the pausing/message on screen does not work. If it's been longer than 30 seconds feel free to click play in the translated stream. Questions for the devs - Sometime the plugin consuming FFMPEG receives corrupted packets from the provider and isn't able to handle it, and it stops. - Sometimes emby's consuming FFMPEG (the ones that consumes the plugin's translated stream) consumes a corrupted packet, and just stops consuming the stream. I'm unsure which one is the problem first here. Seeking guidance from the devs on how I can modify my translation ffmpeg command to account for this. You'll see what the translation ffmpeg command is in the logs shortly after a playbackstart. The translation ffmpeg command just "consumes" the stream to output video files, translation is done separately. - Sometimes sending a command like this, just does not work. Almost as if my code skips it, but it should be called each time. var pause_request = new PlaystateRequest { Command = PlaystateCommand.PlayPause }; _sessionManager.SendPlaystateCommand(null, sessionId, pause_request, CancellationToken.None); Troubleshooting If this isn't working for you, please provide: embyserver.txt - this will have a link to your IPTV in it, and maybe a username, you can obfuscate that if you'd like. The most recent ffmpeg logs which represent the emby's ffmpeg that is trying to play the translated stream. What OS are you using, is hardware trans-coding enabled? Occasionally monitor the buffer health (look at how much video is "left" in the stream). It should be growing as you watch) If it isn't that means either the translation or consuming ffmpeg has encountered an error and I'll need to see the logs as to why. If you watch that same TV channel, with the plugin disabled, does it fail in a similar way? Please provide an ffmpeg log of that. Thanks! LiveVideoTranslation.dll
  2. I am having trouble with passthrough on Nvidia Shield Pro to my LG C3 TV.. It used to work perfectly but the last week or so only "stereo" is being sent to my receiver. There is no transcoding going on as it says under Stats for Nerds that the audio is full surround quality. I am always using the latest beta of the server and i regularly update the Android mobile app on the Shield (I dont use the Android TV version). It definitely seems to be an Emby issue because other programs are passing through without any issue (Kodi for instance).
  3. generiq

    Stats in TV mode won't scroll

    Title says it. In TV mode, I think the text is also too big. I know the whole 10ft distance thing, but it's too big. The size makes it bigger than the text window, so scrolling is essential, but it doesn't work.
  4. Apple Tv 4k 3rd Gen tvOS 17.0 (21J354) Emby Beta App Version 1.7.9 (2) When trying to change the pre or post record time settings the change is not accepted. embyserver.txt
  5. danarm

    Music seek bar issue

    Hello, tvOS 17.0 (21J354) App Version 1.7.9 (2) To advise - when playing music I'm unable to use the seek bar to forward or rewind a track on the now playing screen.
  6. Start a program from the guide directly using the play/pause button on the apple remote (instead of using the select button, viewing details and then selecting play etc) then go back to the guide. You can navigate around the programs on the guide but can't use the select button to open the program details - you can only play using the play/pause button.
  7. Will the live tv guide at some point have the additional details such as HD, Live, New, Repeat and show if a program has been set to record? The example given here is from Windows but it's also on android and Roku etc. Currently on apple tv the guide does not show them. Thanks in advance for any feedback!
  8. Hello, 1. The date on the guide is still showing January, however when you go into the dropdown to choose the day you want the guide to show - the date shown is correct. 2. There seems to be additional text on the program description when using the 'information' option from viewing live tv screen. 3. From the live Tv home screen and selecting the recordings tab there is a 'messages.unknown' text on the sort tab and when you go to sort the recordings you get a 'There was an error processing the request etc message. tvOs: 16.6 (20M73) emby: 1.7.6 (1) Also wondering if we'll be able to see other info on the program guide in future app versions? e.g. parental rating, new or repeat programs and if a recording/ series has been scheduled etc.
  9. noahkiss

    Shuffle on "Folders" tab broken

    I'm on TestFlight (current, 1.4.7(2)) and Beta Server on Synology, but it seems to work properly from the web interface. A couple days ago when pressing Shuffle on the Folders tab, I would just get the loading icon indefinitely and would have to ssh into Synology to kill the process - turning it off at the Package Center wouldn't work. I just tried again and received a message on the Apple TV saying: Line: 31340 | Message: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'routeParams.ServerId') It seems to have taken down the server this time as well, but at least I got a useful message this time!
  10. Hi, I want to ask you if you can provide me with a link so that I can download the Beta version of the server for windows, but with a zip file and a portable installation. I always prefer to use the completely portable installation, so I have the servers in my portable programs folder, and this is much easier for me when I have to format and delete all the data on my hard drives, since I always before format and delete my internal hard drives I copy the portable programs folder on the external USB hard drive or flash drive. So I don't have to spend time reinstalling all the programs from scratch when I format my internal hard drives. And I also don't waste time reconfiguring all the server configuration options from scratch. But the problem is that the download section of the server for windows, there is no portable download of the Beta version, and besides the installation file of the Beta version does not even allow to choose the location path for the installation. https://emby.media/windows-server.html For this reason I ask you for a link so that I can download the Beta version with completely portable installation, identical to the portable one of the stable version of the server. Thanks
  11. schlenzie

    no HDR switch on AppleTV

    Hi, i have read the topic here before, but unfortunately I can't find it again. Therefore I post it again. Maybe it can be moved to the right thread: Another problem is that the AppleTV Emby app does not automatically switch to HDR or Dolby Vision. The Emby app on the TV directly switches automatically. At the same time I noticed the same problem on a Telekom Magenta One (Android TV box) as well. Here is the same problem with HDR. Here, however, I can force HDR globally and then the movie is also shown in Dolby Vision. Whether this is a beta problem, I can unfortunately not say.
  12. Georg22

    Extremely Slow

    Hello a question I have a dedicated server yesterday everything worked very quickly and today very slowly until emby builds pictures. and because the film opens, it can take up to 15-20 sec. early 1-2 sec I don't know what that could be My_ Server is Intel® Core™ i9-9900K Octa-Core Coffee Lake 128 GB DDR4 RAM 2 x 1 TB NVMe SSD (Software-RAID 1) 1 Gbit/s bandwidth
  13. I have a bunch of old mp3 that had much lower volume levels at around 84 db so I have used MP3Gain to move their levels up to around 92db. When I play these songs on the PC running the emby server it seems to work. However when I play them on my Android TV, their volume levels do not appear normalized. Is there a difference between how the volume gain is applied between the PC and the Android TV?
  14. francoisp

    Artist name unreadable

    I'm currently running the Android TV beta and I find that at times, depending on the background, it's very difficult, sometime impossible, to read the artist name showing in the upper left corner. I have attached an example.
  15. Braeden

    Weird Device Name naming

    Hey y’all, I have reason to believe there is a bug in the device names for the iOS app as shown below. It only applies to iOS device names and has the (%20) where the spaces should be. Emby Server: Beta Emby for iOS: 2.0.2 non TestFlight release
  16. it is the latest beta, fresh install, not sure what to do. i intended to use my shield to convert my media to HEVC to save space using its supported hevc encoder. 14:43:13.366 embymc init function called 14:43:13.366 [hevc_mediacodecndk @ 0x29a8924d00] NdkEnc: is_rtk: 0 pix_fmt: 0 pixelFormat: 19 14:43:13.367 [hevc_mediacodecndk @ 0x29a8924d00] NdkEnc: Mime: video/hevc Size: 720x500 rc_mode: 1 rc_max_rate: 1180000 rc_buffer_size: 2360000 bit_rate: 200000 14:43:13.367 [hevc_mediacodecndk @ 0x29a8924d00] NdkEnc: Framerate: 24000 / 1001 14:43:13.367 [hevc_mediacodecndk @ 0x29a8924d00] NdkEnc: Profile: 8 Level: 512 14:43:13.367 [hevc_mediacodecndk @ 0x29a8924d00] NdkEnc: aspect: 1295 / 1296 14:43:13.367 [hevc_mediacodecndk @ 0x29a8924d00] NdkEnc: mediacodec_name: OMX.Nvidia.h265.encoder 14:43:13.388 [hevc_mediacodecndk @ 0x29a8924d00] NdkEnc: Failed to configure encoder; check parameters 14:43:13.389 Error initializing output stream 0:0 -- Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height 14:43:13.397 Conversion failed!
  17. Py7h0n

    Extremely Slow

    Hi all, I've been chasing a huge slowdown in Emby recently and I am stuck - Not normally one to ask for help! Browsing media takes 10-15 seconds to load images. Clicking play can take the same. It used to be instant! I was running the latest production version when I ran into the problem but then decided to build a new Windows server and try the Beta build to try get around the problem. It has however not helped. Emby is running on a Windows 10 VM Xeon D-1521 - 4 cores presented 8GB ram SSD OS - Tested at ~200-500MB/s Storage is running on Freenas and is fast. Tests from the Windows VM run at ~1000MB/s anytime. Emby accesses the storage over standard SMB File shares EmbyServer has no tasks running, one "Admin" user logged on and is constantly using 15-35% CPU. Nothing in the logs I can see? I have also tried to store metadata with the media to try and speed things up but it has not helped. I do have a lot of data it is looking at - Around 27Tb but this has never been an issue before? This is my last attempt to find a solution before I wipe my installation again and try to piece it together manually vs using my backup to see if that helps. Emby is one of 4 VMs on the same SSD / Hardware. Nothing else is running slow. Any suggestions or things to look at? Thanks!
  18. twistedvincent

    Shield TV Navigation Issue

    Using the latest betas for Windows and android. I have a TON of HUGE 4K HDR sports files that I skip forward thru to view highlights and such but every time I do there's a pause, sometimes up to 3 seconds before playback resumes. I hate keeping Plex around but the issue doesn't exist with it. I hope there's an answer.
  19. Steps:select library [TV or Movie content]>select Shows>select a media file. Above Play/Delete/Played/More is the media plot synopsis. Only four lines of text are visible and I don’t see a way to view the rest. I’ve tried navigating with the remote arrow keys. I know there’s more because either the last word of the fourth line is cut off, or once the media is started and stopped and so appears in Home>[library]>Continue Watching the full synopsis text shows above the media file when it’s highlighted in the Continue Watching section. Am I missing how to view the full synopsis without having to get the media into the Continue Watching queue?
  20. Hello, I want to switch from my current beta version back to stable because my server is crashing and hanging a lot and I want to check if this will stop with the stable version. I know I can not just switch back to the older stable but I read somewere that its possible to wait until the stable version catches up with the beta version, is this right? So I'm on beta now and I can wait until there's stable and replace the server. did I get this right? Thanks guys
  21. LeShaque

    New Emby for Kodi (beta) missing views

    Hello, I updated my Emby for Kodi Addon using the beta repository, as instructed in another thread here. I notice that special views for libraries set as “TV show” type have disappeared. I am talking about Next Episode, In progress shows, In progress episodes, ...etc. Is there any way to get these back? If this is a change rather than a bug, is it permanent? The ones for movie type libraries still exist.
  22. Keltere

    No HEVC (H.265) encoder VAAPi

    Like the title i can seem to get the hevc encoder to appear on the list. I use the last version of arch linux (4.19.8-arch1-1-ARCH) with the last beta of emby ( I've already installed intel-media-driver but it just won't appear
  23. justwondering

    Emby Server on Raspberry Pi crashing

    I have Emby server beta on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ with Raspbian Stretch (2018-06-27), and the server crashes constantly. I upgraded to the beta from for unrelated reasons (problems with .AppleDouble files) but I believe the crashes were happening under that release too. It's just Emby crashing. Raspbian continues fine, and I can login and restart Emby with no problems. It seems to crash when left alone for too long, or anytime I make too many changes to the library contents (adding, removing, or renaming video files). Attached are three crash logs from today. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! 2018-07-12 07.15.txt 2018-07-12 17.02.txt 2018-07-12 17.50.txt
  24. Sorry, I meant to type "categories" instead of "categ" in the topic header. But, I'm running emby server beta version on Ubuntu and I am notices some issues with loading images and going through the media categories. Like 10-20 secs for pages to load up. This is for all apps and browser. Is anyone else experiencing this?
  25. Hi! I have some collections (just music) with two different kind of objects, in this case just "Artists" and "Albums". When sync (Android) those objects one by one the sync works great, but if I try sync the collection object don't work properly. Sometimes say "failed" or another times stay in "transfering" state forever. Sync music collections is officially supported? My emby server version: beta Thx a lot!
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