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  1. So maybe since a couple of weeks back, maybe more. I'm having some problems with transcoding 4k videos on my Synology 918+. It used to work pretty good, with only the odd movie stuttering. The one with the biggest problems is a Apple TV coming from Internet. I'm pretty sure bandwidth is not the problem in this case, we have plenty. I've attached some logs from three different media files. It looks like it's using hardware sometimes, and sometimes not? Thing is, it used to work pretty good, but now it doesn't work at all. Almost every movie that requires transcoding stutters like crazy. I tried multiple things in the Apple TV client, different quality options, disabling subtitles, didn't seem to help. TS Emby Transcode.zip
  2. Took me a while to figure this out. Hope this helps others. I moved from Finland to Spain. Network in my new place was not what I was used to. Most of my 4K media became unwatchable. Turns out that some years back I had manually adapted my network speed settings in emby and now that network nolonger had 10Gbit connectivity my larger files did not play well. If you are suffering from similar issues check emby APP settings. (Up right corner.)
  3. Learning the new ropes with 4K content - am experienced with SD / HD content. Successfully coded 12 Monkeys using HEVC-10 (NvEnc - nice and fast) at CQ 20 into MKV container, then put into Emby server. Server finds it no problem. Emby app on LG TV consistently freezes with original passthru DTS track, but is fine with a transcoded DTS>AC3 track. OK - that's not a problem, I can just transcode audio while doing the main compression. Emby LG app correctly identifies UHD HDR content for playback - shows correct colouring (more or less). Plays fine (other than DTS glitch). Emby Theatre on Win10 plays back with the DTS fine - but it's obviously a completely different gamut. Snow scenes are very dark blue rather than pale blue hue as per separate FHD BD copy or LG playback of new UHD HDR version). Emby Theatre Win10 doesn't seem to pick up that it's HDR and handle correctly... am I missing something? Is there a way to tell Theatre Desktop to handle HDR content by tonemapping?
  4. Hello everyone, I have a small problem with the transcoding of videos. I have often had problems with videos not running smoothly or not running at all when Emby was running directly on an Acer H340. So I thought I'd try a mini PC hosting the Emby server and connected to the NAS (all via cable). Now when I start a 4K movie with Dolby Atmos directly on the TV, I see that the video is transcoded, but it doesn't run smoothly. If I start the same video on an XBox Series X, it is also transcoded, but the audio track. Is it possible to set Emby so that the audio track is not transcoded? Or how can I tell that Emby wants to transcode the Dolby Atmos track? The Xbox (and according to the data sheet and settings also the TV) should actually be able to do this. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
  5. Bobby121418

    Star Trek III 4K not playing

    Hi, I am having an issue playing the 4K version of Star Trek III on my LG smsrt TV, while the film plays ok on my Android App of Emby. On the same TV I have also tried Star Trek II and it works fine. Please find attached the logs for these. Appreciate if you could let me know what could be wrong. Thanks a bunch ffmpeg-directstream-aa6c0400-c55a-40e6-8790-f1ef028c7eef_1 (1).txt embyserver (1).txt ffmpeg-directstream-aa6c0400-c55a-40e6-8790-f1ef028c7eef_1.txt embyserver.txt
  6. Hi, (Using Emby Premiere) Im struggling to play UHD titles with PGS graphics because my Emby server appears to be struggling with transcoding. This surprises me at many levels because 1) I have an NVidia Quadro card 2) I have a Dual XEON CPU 16 core proc server with 96GB ram DEDICATED to playing 1 STREAM. Not 100 streams. 1 Stream Whenever I enable subtitles, its GAME OVER. Stuttering occurs every 15 seconds for 15 seconds. Its not even minimal stuttering. User Experience is deplorable. When I looked into the log file, I noticed a couple of seemingly important messages which leave me bewildered. I was hoping someone could help out. Message #1: Warning: Hardware-accelerated subtitle-overlay is disabled due to diagnostic option Message #2: Checking: 'NVDEC Quadro M2000 - H.265 (HEVC)'. NoMatch Bitrate (65 Mbit/s) exceeds maximum supported rate (59 Mbit/s) Decoder does not match. (Then proceeds to use software decoder) What HW and/or SW config changes are needed to get a single stream to play correctly I have enclosed the relevant log snippet for detail / context Thanks in advance. emby_log.txt
  7. Poster Overlay GUI A simple Windows Forms application that allows users to add 4K Ultra HD Banners to their movie posters. About: Firstly, I know that we have the coverart plugin but I prefer having a cleaner look with multiple options for my 4k library. I started making this app a few weeks ago with absolutely zero knowledge in coding, this entire project was built through using chatgpt to guide me into building, modifying and editing the code through lots of trial and error. I'm more than open to suggestions to improve and or add to the project (such as more banner options etc). Features: Choose from multiple overlay images (4k Ultra HD, with HDR, with DV, With HDR and IMAX and with DV and Imax) Preview the combined result Save the resulting image as a new file How to Use: Download and extract the PosterOverlay_v1.0.0.zip file from github. Run the PosterOverlay.exe file to launch the application. Click on the "Select Poster" button to choose the base image (poster). Use the dropdown box to select an overlay image. Preview the result in the main window. Click "Save Poster" to save the resulting image to your computer. Prerequisites: .NET 6.0 Runtime is required to run the application. Please download and install the appropriate version for your operating system. GitHub Link: https://github.com/pejamas/Poster-Overlay-GUI
  8. Is there a way for the 4k and standard def versions to default combine instead of defaulting to split? They are two folders but in the same library and by default they are creating as split items instead of a grouped version. On this same topic if there is a grouped version of the movies can you still have coverart tag it with 4k if there is a 4k movie in there?
  9. Hey! I've been upgraded some of my media files from 1080p to 4k and I've noticed that if I try to put on subtitles the stream just won't even start. My wife and I watch pretty much everything with subtitles on :D. When I look at the media as it's playing (from my phone) it saying that it's doing some transcoding because of the subtitles. Right now, I don't believe I have ever made any changes to the transcoding in the setup. Any thoughts? ffmpeg-transcode-1768d0b7-c57f-4885-a1df-bf90f7a628bf_1.txt
  10. I'm trying to play UHD video at its native bitrate without re-encoding. It plays fine for about 2.5 minutes, but then the Direct Play stream is interrupted. The server then tries to switch to transcoding, but doesn't have the hardware to convert these files, so the playback is poor. The drive read and network speed is sufficient to support the bitrate, but I'm not sure why the stream is being interrupted. Thanks for looking at this! Server: Windows 10 Pro with latest updates, Emby Server Client: Emby for Android on nVidia Shield All times are EDT. Log sent from Sheild at 5/10 12:58PM Eastern. 12:27PM Reboot nVidia Shield 12:28PM Enable Debug Logging and rotate log file 12:29PM Login "Adults" user 12:29PM Verify Enable debug options set on nVidia Shield 12:30PM Start Playing Godzilla and turn on Stats for Nerds Direct Play, HTTP, Bitrate 74.93 Mbps 12:32PM Network activity monitor shows streaming activity stopped Video playback continues for a bit before transcoding starts 12:33PM Transcoding playback, Direct Stream, HLS Playback starts and stops due to transcoding speed. 12:35PM Stop playback. 12:37PM Start Playing Finding Nemo Direct Play, HTTP, Bitrate 60.32 Mbps Network Activity monitor reflects 60Mbps network utilization 12:39PM Network activity monitor shows streaming activity stopped (Playback at 2:40) Video playback continues, stutters at timecode 3:30 to switch to transcoding 12:40PM Transcoding playback, Direct Stream, HLS Playback starts and stops due to transcoding speed, sometimes displays weird pixelated colors on screen. 12:43PM Stop playback. 12:44PM Start Playing Tomb Raider Direct Play, HTTP, Bitrate 20.66 Mbps Network Activity monitor reflects 18 to 25 Mbps network utilization No network dips, no playback interruptions. 12:54PM Stopped playback. Video stuttered, then Shield stopped responding. Screen displays blue screen, the same as if the Shield were off or sleeping. 12:57PM Hard restart of Shield by disconnecting power. 12:58PM Logged into "Adults" user and sent developer log. Searching through the forum, I saw a suggestion to change the Max bitrate on the device from AUTO to 1000Mbps. I tried this, and still observed the network dropoff. When playback was stopped, the Shield blue screened again. The blue screen is new, it may be due to turning on logging mode or could be due to resolution matching switching. embyserver-63787784375.txt
  11. kapkan

    Emby buffers on 4k files

    Hi all, my setup is as follows: Router: AC 1200 Emby server: Windows 10 (i5 8gb) connected to router via 5 GHz Wi-Fi Client: Emby next-gen on Vero 4k+ connected via 5 GHz Wi-Fi (connected to lg soundbar via hdmi-in which is connected to LG CX via e-arc hdmi) I have mostly stable playback, but sometimes there's the annoying buffering/stuttering for high bit rate files (> 30 Mbps with peaks reaching ~100 Mbps). When I look at the send (upload speeds) on my windows machine I see the speed drops to <20 Mbps (even 10 at times). Is this likely because of interference (there are around 2-3 APs (5 GHz) surrounding me in close by channels (40-80 MHz)? I tried wiring the server/client to the router (router ports capped at 100 Mbps), this is more stable than Wi-Fi mostly, however there's still buffering on high bitrate files (for example on Psycho 4k remux with peaks exceeding 100 Mbps). Can I be sure that Wi-Fi/router is the problem? And would switching to gigabit router (and wiring both client/server) completely solve my problem? I'm attaching a few recent logs for reference. Thanks in advance for any input! embyserver-63783503998.txt embyserver.txt ffmpeg-transcode-c5ea727b-d855-48c5-8134-28cd1f5534ba_1.txt
  12. Robnaeyaert

    4K stuttering help please

    Hi Emby team im very new to 4K and I have three movies that all stutter and skip when playing in Emby theatre. Mum not sure if it’s my PC or not. I’m running an i5 NIC5i5RYH with 4GB RAM and the specs say it can run 4K on the DisplayPort which I have plugged into my new 4K TV the videos seem to stream ok to my phone. I’m not sure of all the technical setting I need to tweak so if someone could please point me in the right direction that would be appreciated ive attached stats for nerds showing a lot of frame dropping.
  13. Bonjour, Je rencontre un problème avec les contenu en 4K dont la lecture est très saccadée avec Emby Theater seulement. La lecture avec VLC ou Kodi est parfaitement fluide. Testé avec emby theater 3.0.15 sur Ubuntu 20.04 et sur Windows 10 et avec plusieurs contenus en 4K. Je précise que la lecture est en lecture direct, donc sans transcodage. Je joins les logs du serveur. Merci pour votre aide. Cordialement, Mick PS : Version du serveur : embyserver.txt
  14. Since I upgraded my Nvidia Shield TV Pro 2019 to 8.2.3, from Emby my remux (.MKV) for Blu Rays and 4K are no longer playing sound. What’s interesting is even though no sounds are emitted, if I try to turn up the volume my soundbar doesn’t blink like normal, but if I try to turn down the volume it blinks. My DVD remux work fine. It all worked fine prior to upgrading. FYI - I can play the Blu Ray and 4K movies from my Emby app on my HTPC and iPhone just fine. I'm running Emby Server on my Synology NAS 1520+ / DSM 6.2 All streaming services; Amazon Prime, Disney+, etc. are all working as expected. Today, I reset Nvidia Shield TV Pro 2019 to factory default, configured it and installed Emby, and same results - no improvements! I've attached the server logs in hopes that it can help solve this issue. Any suggestions on how I can resolve this? TIA embyserver-63758534400.txt embyserver.txt
  15. embyserver.txt ffmpeg-transcode-058599f6-a2e7-4ca3-8dd7-ad84cecaffe8_1.txt hardware_detection-63752995865.txt
  16. Bonjour à tous, Je viens à vous car j'ai pas mal de soucis de lecture vidéo avec l'application Emby sous AndroidTV. Ces problèmes concernent quasi exclusivement des gros mkv en 4k HDR, c'est à dire que la lecture commence normalement et après 2-3 minutes l'image saccade énormément (pas toujours au même moment), coupe et bien souvent revient mais sans HDR. Et quand je me rend sur mon serveur Emby (c'est un docker sous Unraid) je m’aperçois que le transcodage s'est activé tout seul. C'est d'autant plus étrange que quand je lis ces mêmes fichiers via Kodi ou VLC il n'y a aucuns soucis à signaler, le lecture se passe normalement. Que faire ? Edit 1: Je viens de faire un test rapide avec Plex (toujours en docker sous Unraid) et comme pour Kodi, lecture impeccable ... Edit 2: Avec Jellyfin, RAS aussi ça tourne nickel.
  17. Good morning all Recently, I've noticed the Blu-Ray or 4k banner on top of the cover is not displaying. It was previously working perfectly, although recently I've noticed it not working correctly. I'm not sure when this started, as I only noticed it yesterday - but I would suggest it's within the last couple weeks. This banner is generated through the CoverArt plug in, which is still operating with default settings. I've never adjusted any of these settings for general use and it's always worked as expected. I have of course attempted changing settings in this as part of my troubleshooting, but have been unable to fix the issue. It seems very intermittent as to what titles show the banner and what do not. They are all in the same parent folder and there also appears to be no correlation with it being a problem for 1080p BluRay titles or 2160p 4K UHD titles A screenshot below shows the issue, where some titles show the banner and some do not. I have also tried installing older versions of the plug in, to see if it's a recent issue, but have been unable to fix through this means too. Rescanning the library also doesn't make a difference. Does anyone have any advice or has experienced similar issues? Emby Server is running on Win 10, and the application version is and the plug in version is (although I have tired all the versions available for install back to 4.0.99
  18. Hello, I already have a Movies library for 1080p content however, I would like to add another Movies library for UHD (4K) content. Currently, if I create another Movies library with the title, UHD Movies, each UHD movie that also has an identically titled counterpart in the original Movies library for 1080p content shares the same play status progress and subsequently, 2 thumbnail images are displayed on the homescreen under the Continue Watching heading. One which is linked to the 1080p movie, and another for the UHD movie. Is there any way to disassociate the movie libraries by creating a library content type for us called 4K Movies or UHD Movies that will contain it's own unique play state information? Or, allow us to name our own content type to create the split which we will also then select it's parent content type from the existing list. Many thanks
  19. lklemo

    4K on android TV

    hi all, i have an premiere account (don't know if without it has any limitation on max quality) i just got new sony bravia 4k android TV and installed emby client. i got to test a movie 4k mp4 and start playing it but i noticed that the server was doing transcoding and cpu was at max. i tried to play same movie on my windows client an no transcoding was required 2160p @ 120mbps i did second test by sending to play to bravia via dlna from emby on my phone (leaving the quality to auto) and it worked directly without transcoding. the tv is cable connected to the network, and emby server is runing as plugin on freenas box. anyone any idea why playing from the emby app in the tv is requiring transcoding??
  20. When I try to play my 4K HEVC movies (Remux with MakeMKV) with TrueHD 7.1 on my new Nvidia Shield TV Pro they freeze after the first couple of minutes. When I downgrade the audio to "AC3 5.1" it plays fine. How can I get this to work with TrueHD 7.1? Here is my setup: Nvidia Shield TV Pro --> Samsung 4K Smart TV (HDMI) --> Sonos Arc Sound Bar (HDMI ARC) - using highspeed HDMI cables I've attached my server logs. Please let me know if you need anything else. Thanks for your help. embyserver.txt ffmpeg-remux-b08c586a-2858-4e16-959d-76623c9fd8b5_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-9053a386-0fc0-47d5-b0c7-86e9997eca5d_1.txt
  21. Looking for recommendations on Nvidia Shield TV vs Nvidia Shield TV Pro to play 4K movies from my Emby server? Please look over my setup and let me know which device would work best. No gaming will be required - movies and internet only. I’ve seen some posts where users are experiencing buffering issues and just wanted to confirm this device would work for my setup. Let me know if you need any additional information. Thank you Here is my setup: 4K UHD Movies: ripped using MKV (no transcoding) Emby Server: Windows 10 PC - i5-2500k cpu @3.30 GHz Samsung Smart 4K UHD TV: 50-inch LCD (LED) 4K UHD TV from Samsung, with 2160p resolution, and a claimed 120-hertz refresh rate Network: devices are Ethernet/CAT5 connected (home LAN)
  22. mariokings

    4K HEVC & Remux plays intermittent

    I have Emby installed on my LG smart TV and on Windows 10 I use Chrome (Emby Web My movies are all on a NAS and all devices are in the same network. When I start the app on my TV or on Chrome and select a 4K movie, it starts playing but stops after 2 seconds. Then, 6 seconds later, the movie continues to play for about 3-5 seconds and stops again. 1080p movies play without any issue and it doesn't seem to be any internet problem. I have attached the logs of a 4K HEVC movie in case it helps finding a solution to this problem. Thanks in advance, Mário embyserver.txt ffmpeg-transcode.txt
  23. Hello, I'm running into an issue where 4k HDR content is buffering on my Nvidia Shield, its all local content so its not taking it from the internet. The only thing i notice different is that some content is "direct playing" and the one that buffers is "Direct Streaming" both types of content appear to be the same, both are MKV. i will be spending most of my day tomorrow to try and figure out what could be causing these issues, so any help would be appreciated. for reference 1080p content plays perfectly with no issues at all. i have attached a couple of logs, but to be honest they don't really mean anything to me. Hoping someone can help. Cheers ffmpeg-transcode-1b99ea71-13fc-4ab0-9354-c35cf17dd328_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-98a1e389-9be4-4657-9fb6-adc38226c6d9_1.txt ffmpeg-transcode-a17ac23c-0352-4e70-92d5-c0d573e1ed23_1.txt
  24. Hello Guys, @@SamES I recently switch from Kodi (and previously Plex) to Emby when I bought a new LG OLED65C9 smart TV. With my old Full HD TV, I used Kodi only to watch 720p or 1080p movies. Now, As you can imagine, I tried to watch 4K movies with the new TV. Here is my config : Synology NAS DS215j connected directly to my router with RJ45 Emby Server package installed in my NAS (Version Smart TV connected with RJ45 to a 100 Mb switch wich is conneted to my router via CPL. Emby client is the Emby App available in LG WebOS. I Have no problem watching 720p or 1080p movies. Everything works perfectly. But, with each 4K movies I tried to watch, I have always the same issue : I have a black screen on my TV, and my NAS is completely frozen. I can't do anything on it. Before launching playback, NAS usage is approximatively 15% Proc, and 50 - 60% RAM. When I try to play the video, NAS usage is 30% proc and 90% RAM. I am forced to turn off my NAS directly from the physical button, and then turn on again. I know this is an old NAS, with poor capabilities, but is there any way to play 4K movies with this config ? By the way, I also tried the same movies with Plex, and have pretty much the same issue (NAS frozen), even if I have some images from time to time (2 seconds playback and then several minutes of buffering). Note : the same movie is perfectly played if plugged directly in the TV from a USB Drive. I attached my Emby Server logs in case it can help. Thanks in advance for your help. embyserver.txt ffmpeg-transcode.txt ffmpeg-transcode_1.txt hardware-detection.txt
  25. Hi, is there any way to transcode 4k movies with HDR and keep the 10bit colours for HDR? my friend is using an 65c9 oled it can play 4k movies without a problem as long as the bitrate is not higher as my upload. Some movies especialle with a lot of film grain exceed my upload limit by a lot. I have a ryzen 9 3900x without a graphicscard for transcoding so that should be enough for one 10 bit transcode (i dont know exactly if ffmpeg is able to transcode 10 bit h264 or if it needs h265, then i am willing to buy a entry level quadro card if nesessary) At the moment i am using handbrake rf 20 on all 4k movies. If Transcoding doesnt work an is not expected to work in the near future i have to reencode some movies in lower quality. I am using the official Emby Docker Container on an Unraid Server. Thanks for your help.
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