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  1. jasonwilliams

    External Player Triggers

    Hello, It would be great if we could trigger the External Player based on the 3D meta-data. If a 3D option is set, it would call the External Player. Thanks, Jason
  2. I'm running 3.0.5871.0 on Windows 10 64-bit. I've not been able to get the Emby server to pick up MVC as 3D type from the file name. I've tried several different ways of naming it - even using the exact example in the wiki: "moviename-3D.mvc.mkv", with no luck. Other 3D types work fine, SBS,HTAB, etc. According to the 5870 release notes, this should be available: http://emby.media/community/index.php?/blog/1/entry-286-emby-server-305870-released/ What am I doing wrong?
  3. Please like this post if you agree. This will let the developers know that people actually want this feature. I am requesting that external players be put in use by tag. Primarily, 3D tag. What this means is that if a movie is tagged as 3D-SBS or more importantly MVC, then a third party player can be set up to play this file. With many films, they can all be in MKV containers, but there's no real way to distinguish them aside from tags. In this way, you can decide if a third party player is required to play a file based on that tag. For example, if I have a 3D movie in MVC format in an MKV container made by MakeMKV, I can then tell emby theater to play it in stereoscopic player or PowerDVD, etc. This request is being made because I personally tore my hair out all weekend trying madvr, lav, windows media player, kodi, emby theater and about six other setups trying to get things to work, and only stereoscopic player would work. Therefore I am making this request in order that those of us with large 3D libraries can have Emby Theater working with stereoscopic. Again, if you agree, please like this post. The devs judge the popularity of features by likes. Cheers!
  4. Currently there is no efficient solution, if any, to the 3D contents in MediaBrowser... Before that, I will share with you what I know so far .. The obvious question, how do I convert my Bluray 3D ISO movies to MKV container whilst keeping the full resolution 3D, and which player plays it as 3D? The difference between MK3D and the H.264 MVC 3D codec MK3D is for older types of 3D content which can be displayed a number of different ways. It is basically a normal MKV file which has an additional flag added that indicates how the 3D content is to be displayed. They call it StereoMode flag. http://www.matroska.org/technical/specs/index.html Stereo-3D video mode: 0: mono 1: side by side (left eye is first) 2: top-bottom (right eye is first) 3: top-bottom (left eye is first) 4: checkboard (right is first) 5: checkboard (left is first) 6: row interleaved (right is first) 7: row interleaved (left is first) 8: column interleaved (right is first) 9: column interleaved (left is first) 10: anaglyph (cyan/red) 11: side by side (right eye is first) 12: anaglyph (green/magenta) 13 both eyes laced in one Block (left eye is first) 14 both eyes laced in one Block (right eye is first)) Bluray MVC 3D content is not listed as one of the modes above. The reason for this is it is not needed. Bluray 3D has been standardized and is always in MVC format or it cannot be sold as "Bluray 3d". Therefore, MVC content is always in the same format and does not need an extra flag telling a player that it is 3D and how to play the content. The reason they have standardized on MVC is because it is 100% backward compatible with 2D. 3D MVC content can always be displayed in 2D without any re encode or complicated settings. This is not the case with Side by Side or other 3D content types. MakeMKV leaves 3D content in the MVC source format straight from the blu ray without any re encoding! Full quality 1080p for each eye! It just raps the video and audio data into a MKV container neatly and quickly. MakeMKV is PC or MAC software that will extract 2D or 3D BD to MKV format without any Video or Audio loss of quality, which besides using ISO's is the only way to get true 1080P 3D. Zero loss in Quality Full 1920 x 1080 image - Full HD Audio 3D MVC in MKV container is easier to stream on a network and you should be able to stream most if not all 3D files File size of the MKV will be smaller than the ISO as you only keep the Playlist, Subs and Audio tracks that you need. Subtitles are supported and you can add your own SRT if required. You can download MakeMKV from: http://www.makemkv.com You need a 3D player too (TMT, Stereoscopic, PowerDVD13 etc) as a normal video player like WMC, or VLC, or XBMC won't work. As for Media browser I appeal to administrators and developers, We want to be able to launch a 3D external player only on 3D movies. For now there is no way to differentiate between a 3D MKV's and the 2D ones. So that means either being able to launch a 3D capable player on an entire exclusive library (like a category or media collection of only 3D) - Feature does not exist or being able to set it on just certain types (like only 3D MKV or 3D ISO) - Feature exists If we take the concept a step further: Add to the menu button "Play on 3D" as shown in the attached picture 1. On Media browser server > Metadata Manager. Add the option, at any Media folder, Choose whether to be played by the external player or not, According to this pattern: (as shown in the attached picture 2.) 3D movie (default off) - The idea, view/not 3D button on the menu as shown in the first picture3D on external player – on: 3D button play the movie on external player off: play on WMC 2D on external player – on: 2D button play the movie on external player off: play on WMC pic 1: pic 2:
  5. siu99ss2

    3D file naming

    Hi, I was hoping someone could confirm if the following file names are acceptable for 3D movies before I start renaming my files (I read the wiki support but wasn't sure):- moviename (3D-HSBS).mkv moviename (3D-MVC).mkv eg Die Hard (3D-MVC).mkv Thanks
  6. n00b42

    3D Playback

    Is the playback of 3D content supported? When I try to playback a 3D HTOB file which is properly named and recognized in the web view (and can be played), what should happen?? it just plays it as if it were a normal movie (but with the HTOB video) (the menu etc is not duplicated etc, which prevents automatic 3d recognition i think) When i manually ask my TV to "assume" HTOB it does not work, as the video is misplaced (because of borders on top and bottom) Regards
  7. I am having issues playing 3D movies in 2D mode, i still get side by side when i play using the kodi 16 beta 4 on android. i have tried on android tv and samsung galaxy Note 3 and both have the same issue, i have made sure that the file is direct playing and it works on windows 10 Kodi. Kodi recognises the file as 3D content and asks if i want to play in 3D or 2D, 3D works perfectly but when choosing 2D the interface stays in 2D but the video is playing side by side. any help would be greatly appreciated. i have checked the logs and have seen no errors, it shows the SMB address it is playing from.
  8. When I try to play a .m2ts MVC Remux (FSBS) in WebClient or Android App, I get an error and ffmpeg exits with an error code. The behaviour I expected is that the Clients above just play the 2D stream part, like e.g. Media Player Classic or Windows Media Player do. I cannot say if it's the same behaviour in iOS, since I do not own such a device. Attached are Server and Transcoding Logs + the File MediaInfo Cheers guys and Happy Holidays m2ts.zip
  9. Well the title sort of says it all.. Are iso rips with iso mounting and external player loading in Emby Configurator for WMC still the best way to do it? In the past I was using MB2.6.X with this set up to play back via TMT5 for WMC. Then my HTPC failed on me and I am just now finally getting everything put back together. Any suggestions would be welcome.
  10. Hello all, I was looking for some responses from anyone with some hands on experience that can provide feedback for their 3D and 5.1 solutions/setups. I currently have an i3 Windows 8.1 machine running the Emby Server and the Client on the same machine in my living room. It works great and I love the experience. (both in WMC and the Emby Theater app) But now, I am looking to add a Benq W1070 projector and a client in another room and want it to be able to do Full 3D (not half SBS) and 5.1 audio (HD audio is probably not going to happen). I have been doing some research over in the Kodi forums (http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=221407) and trying to figure out which client and hardware is best for my needs. Is anyone here playing Full 3D content using the Emby server, if so what is your setup, which emby app do you use, etc.? The Raspberry Pi 2 with Kodi appears to be good but the HiMedia Q5 has an Optical Audio Out. I haven't started purchasing components yet and I really don't want to waste money buying the wrong thing. TL;DR - What is your Full 3D with 5.1 audio hardware solution for playback? Which Emby Client/App do you use and what is your setup and does it run smoothly?
  11. Hi, I am running Kodi 15.1 with Emby 1.1.13. I am trying to play a 3D movie in 2D/monoscopic mode but it's not working. In Kodi, the 3D icon is shown next to the movie and looking in the metadata manager, I can see Emby has correctly marked this movie as 3D. When I am on the same network and "Play from http instead of SMB" option is unchecked in plugin settings, Kodi gives me a choice between 2D/3D and everything is fine. But when I am connecting to my server over the Internet and I have checked the "Play from http instead of SMB" option or I have this option checked and I am on the same network, the movie is not being detected as 3D in Kodi and it just plays as is. My two cents is that the 3D status of the movie is being detected by Kodi from the filename (which works over smb but not http) instead of an entry in MyVideo93.db (I assume this is where the 3D icon is coming from). I should also note I am using https. Please chime in...
  12. EduardoSantos

    Roku App 3D Support

    Hi, Will Emby be able to stream 3D content (MKV) to a Roku 3 with subtitles?
  13. Glyde62

    3D MKV

    Had a try getting 3D Mkv files playing with TMT6 as external player best I can do is get TMT6 to load when I select a 3D Title but it doesn't play the file, Just sits there doing nothing,Is it possible to do what iam trying in MBC or MB Theatre?
  14. Since can already have different resolutions of the same movie in the same folder, is there anyway we can extend this to allow the 3D version and regular version in the same movie folder?
  15. DarkKniyt (John)

    Movie Collections & 3D

    I have Capt. America 1 & 2 in both HD & 3D formats. Folder structure are: \\HOMESERVER-PC\3DMovies\Captain America 1 - The First Avenger 3D (2011) HSBS\Captain America 1 - The First Avenger 3D (2011) HSBS.mkv \\HOMESERVER-PC\Movies1\Captain America I - The First Avenger (2011)\Captain America I - The First Avenger (2011) .mp4 And separate folders for Capt. America 2 & Cat. America 2 3D The issue I have is that I like to keep a view of non-3D Movies and a separate view of 3D Movies. This in itself is not a problem, the problem is Boxsets\Collections. I used the Auto Box Sets plugin and it places all 4 movies in 1 boxset. When I look at 3D Movies view I see Capt. Amer. Boxset with 4 movies in it. Same for when I look at the Movies view. Is there anyway to create separate boxsets for the 3D movies and only have them show up in 3D movies view? Same for the non-3D movies but showing up in the Movies view?
  16. bluc

    3d tagging

    Just wondering is there somehow to tag 3d files on the server so there is a 3d indicator present in emby theatre and emby for kodi? So when searching through the library you cant tell which movies are 3d? Have tried to add 3d as a tag on the server but still no indication in the frontend players. Do I need to edit filenames or the xml/nfo files?
  17. Hi, The ISO mounting feature of MBT seems to be not working properly on my end. I did google on this already and search the forums, tried every solution posted to no avail. Everytime I try to play the iso file, all I get is a no disc error from TMT or PowerDVD. How can I fix this? 2014-09-29 22:43:55.3211 Info - App: Mounting I:\ServerFolders\Videos\3D\Captain America - The First Avenger (2011)\Captain America - The First Avenger (2011).iso 2014-09-29 22:43:55.3211 Debug - App: Start 2014-09-29 22:43:55.3211 Debug - App: Status ERROR: 3 Unable to open mount file "I:\ServerFolders\Videos\3D\Captain America - The First Avenger (2011)\Captain America - The First Avenger (2011).iso". 2014-09-29 22:43:55.3211 Error - App: Complete 3 Unable to open mount file "I:\ServerFolders\Videos\3D\Captain America - The First Avenger (2011)\Captain America - The First Avenger (2011).iso". 2014-09-29 22:43:55.3211 Error - App: Error mounting iso I:\ServerFolders\Videos\3D\Captain America - The First Avenger (2011)\Captain America - The First Avenger (2011).iso Unable to start mount for I:\ServerFolders\Videos\3D\Captain America - The First Avenger (2011)\Captain America - The First Avenger (2011).iso System.IO.IOException at MediaBrowser.IsoMounter.PismoIsoManager.<Mount>d__2.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at MediaBrowser.Theater.Presentation.Playback.GenericExternalPlayer.<GetIsoMount>d__5.MoveNext() 2014-09-29 22:43:55.3211 Info - App: C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD14\PDVDLP.exe "I:\ServerFolders\Videos\3D\Captain America - The First Avenger (2011)\Captain America - The First Avenger (2011).iso" /PLAY Karl
  18. Ultroman

    HTAB 3D problems

    Hi chessdragon (and crew) Firstly, huge props and thanks for your work on the Samsung app. It is awesome! I'm having some problems when playing HTAB content on my UE48H6470SS. HSBS is working perfectly, and does not have any of the issues below. a. Even with the [htab] tag on them, MKV-files with Half-OU/HTAB content do not work out-of-the-download-box, so to speak. Not the ones I've tried, at least. They do have 'HTAB' as '3D format' in their metadata. I have to remux the files using MKVmerge, setting the 'Stereoscopy' setting under 'Format specific options' for the h.264 track, to 'top bottom (left first) (3; top_bottom_left_first)'. b. When that is done, I start the movie on my TV, and the TV says it is now playing in 3D (and that I can press my non-existing 3D-button to switch back to 2D). Weird thing is, the TV defaults to enabling '3D -> 2D' mode when I play the HTAB movie. When I manually go and disable that in 'Picture' -> '3D', the 3D works perfectly! c. If I press 'Return', and then try to resume the movie, then it doesn't detect the 3D, resulting in the two images being shown on top of each other. If I press 'Play' instead of 'Resume', the 3D is detected again, and the process described in b (above) has to be repeated. I would love to give you the information you ask for in your 'Reporting issues' post, but all I get when I populate the url with my data, is this: {"ResponseStatus":{"ErrorCode":"SecurityException","Message":"Access token is invalid or expired.","StackTrace":" at MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.Security.AuthService.ValidateSecurityToken(IServiceRequest request, String token)\r\n at MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.Security.AuthService.ValidateUser(IServiceRequest request, IAuthenticationAttributes authAttribtues)\r\n at MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.Security.AuthService.Authenticate(IServiceRequest request, IAuthenticationAttributes authAttribtues)\r\n at MediaBrowser.Controller.Net.AuthenticatedAttribute.RequestFilter(IRequest request, IResponse response, Object requestDto)\r\n at ServiceStack.ServiceStackHost.ApplyRequestFiltersSingle(IRequest req, IResponse res, Object requestDto)\r\n at ServiceStack.ServiceStackHost.ApplyRequestFilters(IRequest req, IResponse res, Object requestDto)\r\n at ServiceStack.Host.RestHandler.ProcessRequestAsync(IRequest httpReq, IResponse httpRes, String operationName)"}} I have attached Mediainfo for both the original file, and the remuxed file. I hope you can use this information for something. Remuxed Mediainfo.txt Original Mediainfo.txt
  19. Has there been given any thought as to handling 3D Content? For instance XBMC Kodi is able to zoom and stretch HSBS and HOU content to fit the desired resolution. Any thoughts or comments on this?
  20. PTrax

    3D Playing Issues

    Hi, I am having a few issues playing 3D content with the Samsung TV app. I think it's a limitation of the TV and not the App, but if someone could confirm I would be greatful. I used to use an Asus Eee BoxPC mounted on the back of my TV to run Media Browser and watch 3D files. But as the Samsung App got so good I switched to using it full time, the problem is when playing a 3D film it displays the two frames side by side. If I press the 3D button on the remote I am unable to select 3D mode 'side by side', the only mode enabled is '2D-3D'. The 2D-3D mode turns each frame into 3D so I see 2 sets of 3D pictures next to each other. If I set the 3D format for the film in metadata manager to HSBS, the film starts and looks like an interlaced single 3D picture but the TV doesn't see it as 3D so doesn't allow the glasses to switch on, and when pressing the 3D button on the remote it switches to 2 3D pictures side by side (the 3D interlaced mode is disabled). Anybody else seen this issue? A few details about my setup; Samsung App Version: v0.515c (Current latest) Samsung TV Model: UE37ES6300UXXU (UK Model) TV Firmware: 002004 (Current latest) MB Server Version: 3.0.5464.40000 When I used to watch 3D films using the Asus Eee BoxPC I didn't set a 3D format in metadata manager, so the picture would be displayed side by side. I would then press the 3D button on the remote and select 3D mode 'side by side'. This worked fine. I don't really understand why this doesn't work with the Samsung App.
  21. Luke

    3D Video Guide

  22. Hi all, new to this forum so please be gentle! Just started using MB and I think it's awesome! I'm not sure if this is more of a MakleMKV question, but here goes: I'm currently converting all my discs to mkv's and have just encountered my first 3D blu-ray which has a seperate 2D disc. I've just converted the 3D in MakeMKV and included the mpeg-4 MVC 3D video: Streaming it from MB server to MB android on a 2D TV works fine (I was expecting it to be blurry). From this, I'm presuming the MVC 3D element is a seperate entity that is called up when you want to watch 3D???? If thats the case, whats the point in a seperate 2D disc!? Basically, is there any point having a seperate 2D video? Is this 3D video missing something compared to the 2D when its just watched in 2D? Lastly, can MB recognise there is 3D content in the file and display it, like the same way it does for 1080p for example? Thanks in advance
  23. We've had a bit of a discussion in the Samsung TV App forum about 3D content and how MBS identifies it. It appears that MBS only recognises 3D content if there is a tag (HSBS, FSBS, HTAB, FTAB) in the name of the content. The main question that was raised during the discussion was, how does a 3D TV decide if content was 3D so as to auto-switch to 3D mode ? Anyone know the answer ? Thanks.
  24. Right now i am using MakeMKV to make 3D MKV using the MVC Codec, I use Steroscopic Player as the External Player. My issue is if i just check the 3D box in the External Player Setup than nothing happens, I have to check MKV Box Too, but now there is no way to differentiate between a 3D MKV's and the 2D ones. I did tag the movie appropiately and the Server does see that it is 3D all though there is no option for MVC only HSBS, SBS, and Full SBS. Is there a way that if the movie is tagged as 3D it can trigger an External Player instead of having to go by the file Extension. I do not see any issues this would cause for ISO People as i am sure they are tagging their 3D Movies as well.
  25. Syztemlord

    3D MKV's?

    Hi, I have a few 3D Blurays I've ripped to MKV, can I play these in the 3D format via XBMB3C?
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